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17723473 No.17723473 [Reply] [Original]

I feel like I will never find a book as powerful as this one.

Hard mode : No Bible

>> No.17723538

You have multiple options, Paradise lost is the obvious one, Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz is extremely beautiful but I doubt it’ll produce the same feeling in you. Seraphita by Balzac can induce a very high sublime mental state. Spenser and Sidney both shoot pretty high, if not the faery queene, check out just Spenser’s four Hymnes, especially the third and fourth. Some of the latter poems of Petrarch reach a similar ethereal level, I’m particularly fond of 359 Quando il soave mio fido conforto.

Though it’ll be difficult, the epic poetry of Blake has a high pay off, if you want to go older, you could revisit Ovid. I would also recommend the Golden ass though it’s a very different texture transcendence pervades it.

Similarly, Goethe’s green serpent and beautiful lily is phenomenal, besides you already know of Faust. there are also copy cats, iqbal for example has a long poem which is very similar, then also there are older poems which Dante himself based his work on such as Visio Tnugdali, and though this isn’t often discussed here there is a sublime component of Chaucer, check out his The House of Fame. Again very different but high quality is his Troilus and Criseyde.

But honestly OP, you completed one of the world’s greatest art works, people compare Dante to Shakespeare, goethe or anyone else you can imagine simply for the merit of this one work. Works reaching his caliber of transcendent ethereality AND beauty of verse AND that king? Certainly not something easy even for the world’s masters.

>> No.17723558

Whoops sorry multitasking.

> ethereality AND beauty of verse AND that king?

Should be ethereality AND beauty of verse AND that Long?

>> No.17723564

i started piers plowman recently and it's good. there are many unknown christian epics, there are some lists and even a chart in the lit archive

one i look forward to reading is der messias by klopstock

>> No.17723574

Very helpful post anon, thank you very much.
I completely forgot about Paradise Lost despite it being in my "to read" list, I will definitly start there. Again, thank you for you recommandations.

>> No.17723617
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>> No.17723658

Dream of gerontius is also Fantastic and Solomon and Saturn is almost never discussed. Psychomachia is also pretty nice. Honestly there’s a ton of really good stuff on here. Perhaps my eyes are failing me but I don’t see another book worth being on here. The Divine weeks translated by Joshua Sylvester was a major influence on Milton.

>> No.17724566

Paradise Lost, Faust, Zauberberg and Dr Faustus by Thomas Mann.

>> No.17724640

Very neat recommendations there.

>> No.17724678

Der Ring des Nibelungen.

>Brunnhilde tells Siegmund of his impending death

>> No.17724720

Lovely chart anon, thanks for posting.

>> No.17724748

Shakespeare definitely fits well with Dante. They're like the two-poet axis of Christendom. One of the silent centuries of the medieval, of the inner life of Christianity, and the other -- though no less valuable -- of the practical and outer of all existence.