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File: 82 KB, 450x680, Capital_in_the_Twenty-First_Century_(front_cover).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17722954 No.17722954[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some contemporary left-wing/Marxist economic books? Where does one start to better understand these concepts and schools of thought?

Pic related, the only one I currently own.

>> No.17722968

How basic do you want it to be

>> No.17722977

Is that book just a meme, or is it at least good as pop economics?

>> No.17722988

The more basic the better I guess

>> No.17723011

I found Talking to my daughter about the economy by Yanis Varoufakis to be a short and nice read. Not an optimal recommendation based on your question tho

>> No.17723015

Piketty is a neoclassical economist. Here's something actually edgy:


>> No.17723086

>Marxist economics
So do you just not know how to read subtitles or...?

>> No.17723125


>> No.17723183

I wouldn't call Capital in the 21st century a left-wing book. Piketty is a social democrat at best.

Honestly, original theory texts are by far the best to read - Marx, Lenin, Luxemburg etc. - because the theory itself is still just as true today. If you want to relate it to the 21st century, maybe David Graeber, and also read Tribune, Jacobin and watch Breadtube.

>> No.17723200
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>> No.17723234
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>> No.17723315


>> No.17723412

There is no Marxist economics and you should be wary of anyone that calls themselves a Marxian economist

Regarding Marx read:
Value, Price, and Profit
Capital 1, 2, and 3 (yes you need to read all of them. 1 is not self-contained.)

Further reading:
Michael Heinrich's Introduction (note: not an introduction)
Heinrich's 3-4(?) volume biography of Marx that he is still writing (vol 1 is out)
Love and Capital (another biography)
Isaak Illich Rubin's Essays on Marx's Theory of Value
Time, Labor, and Social Domination by Postone
Value by Diane Elson
Law and Marxism by Pashukanis
What Was the USSR? Towards a Theory of the Deformation of Value Under State Capitalism by Aufheben
Reading Marx Politically by Cleaver
Marx's Inferno by William Clare Roberts
Moneybags Must Be So Lucky: On the Literary Structure of Capital by Robert Paul Wolff
In the Long Run We Are All Dead: Keynesianism, Political Economy, and Revolution by Geoff Mann
Crack Capitalism by John Holloway
Change the World Without Taking Power: The Meaning of Revolution Today by John Holloway
There's No Such Thing as "The Economy": Essays on Capitalist Value by Samuel A. Chambers
Money and Totality by Moseley
The Constitution of Capital: Essays on Volume 1 of Marx's Capital by Bellofiore
Critiquing Capitalism Today: New Ways to Read Marx by Frederick Harry Pitts

Now economics is something you should still read up on and it is a weak area for many self proclaimed Marxists. Check out:
Microeconomic Theory by Andreu Mas-Colell
Microeconomic Foundations I: Choice and Competitive Markets by David M. Kreps
History of Modern Non-Marxian Economics: From Marginalist Revolution Through the Keynesian Revolution to Comtemporary Monetarist Counter-revolution by Antal Matyas
Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities: Prelude to a Critique of Economic Theory by Piero Sraffa
Microeconomics: Behavior, Institutions, and Evolution by Samuel Bowles
Studies in Resource Allocation Processes by Kenneth J. Arrow

>> No.17723968


>> No.17724270

>and also read Tribune, Jacobin and watch Breadtube.
don't do this lol

>> No.17724293

Please explain why it's edgy. The blurb sucks

>> No.17724311

Micheal Hudson is good.

>> No.17724374



>> No.17724393
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Here you go.

>> No.17724683

>read Jacobin


>> No.17724695

>watch Breadtube.
Jesus Christ, they're the biggest gaggle of midwit ninnies I've ever come across

>> No.17724716

Piketty has admitted to not even having read Capital. Try Harvey.

>> No.17724722
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jacobin is legit good

>> No.17725534

meme; he recanted most of it in an article later on

>> No.17725575

In all seriousness, if you're looking for solid Marxian economics, read Baran, Sweezy, the Patnaiks, Amin, Wallerstein, Rodney, and plenty of others who all made valuable contributions to the field. I'm particularly partial to the Patnaiks and Amin, but that's mostly because critiques of neo-imperialism are so sorely needed in the our so-called "End of History". A good place to start with Marxian economics would be reading through the online archives of Monthly Review, which is pretty much the only Marxist scholarly journal with a serious focus on economics. Happy reading!

>> No.17725601

Jacobin can actually be ok. But I would recommend the Financial Times and for God's sake stay away from Breadtube. It's a shame he died but at least Michael Brooks' work is still on youtube, he was a good introduction to a lot of leftist thought and isn't so cringeworthy you want to die after watching.

>> No.17725621

>reading a neocon pseud who's a punchline in any actual economics classroom
Jesus Christ /pol/, if you're gonna be edgy, at least go all in and post Evola or Serrano instead of this boomer "whites are the real racists" Friedmanite shill.

>> No.17725664
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grow up

>> No.17725821

Is this what Xi Jinping is doing? Differential accumulation?

>> No.17725826

Michael Brooks
Leo Panitch

How long until David Harvey is gone bros?

>> No.17725834

Lol I get MR on in print each month. Fucking rules

>> No.17726597


>> No.17726626

An actual good list

>> No.17726648

there are only VERY few "breadtubers" worth watching. Most of them are just progressive hipsters, the "slay siss" types who are just as bad as the reactionary right I'd claim. Avoid them at all costs. Watch Hakim instead, or cuck philosophy.

>> No.17726660

>There is no Marxist economics and you should be wary of anyone that calls themselves a Marxian economist
Why? Is that an oxymoron or what's the issue? I thought economists were just people who theorize about the economy, past or present.

>> No.17726833
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>"black people are poor because they don't produce"
>"how can they produce more? uuuuuuuh well they need to produce more. basic"

House nigger's first name is literally Thomas. Fucking Uncle Tom.

>> No.17726953

breadtube is good for some types of content but holy shit I've yet to find a single breadtuber with a good grasp of economics