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17717731 No.17717731 [Reply] [Original]

>communism BAD
>liberalism BAD
>democracy BAD
>secularism BAD
>humanism BAD
>women's education BAD

Explain again why /lit/ shilled this book so hard a while back?

>> No.17717741

I'm trans btw

>> No.17717745

>communism BAD
>liberalism BAD
>democracy BAD
>secularism BAD
>humanism BAD
>women's education BAD

>> No.17717746

I'm suprised any taliban members can write

>> No.17717750

Taliban literally means "students"

>> No.17717767

Students of what? Not much of their philosophy makes sense

>> No.17717784

Religious students in their case, they were formed by their teachers

>> No.17717866

More like school shooters

>> No.17717875

The creeping spectre of communism in the middle east caused a lot of resentment among those whom America had recruited to fight the Soviet Army and the USSR's proxies.

>> No.17717925

You're thinking of the Pakistan Taliban

>> No.17717939


>> No.17718472

those all sound pretty based

>> No.17718542

All of that is true though.

>> No.17718551

another bait thread by a glowie getting you to support terrorists

>> No.17719172

>Explain again why /lit/ shilled this book so hard a while back?
Two spergs on a discord server isn't "/lit/".

>> No.17719174
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>> No.17719941

I didn't read it but it seems like abdul salam is correct

>> No.17720115

Why does this keep happening? I get that there's a lot of crossover between far right malcontents and Salafi Jihadists, but why would they want to create more potential domestic terrorists? And why is this Jihadi terrorism preferable to white nationalist terrorism?

>> No.17720119

>>communism BAD
>>liberalism BAD
>>democracy BAD
>>secularism BAD
>>humanism BAD
>>women's education BAD
All of those things are bad though.
Dumb tranny

>> No.17720140

It’s probably not a glowie it’s just that a few people converted to Islam and embrace the most extreme version of right now.

>> No.17720142

women's education is based though, mothers need to be educated to educate their children

>> No.17720161

Do you respect Sam Harris as a scholar then, for you to post this quote? Begone, pseud, and take your cum-filled hooved companions with you.

>> No.17720172

Because those are all true?

>> No.17720200
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>>communism BAD
>>liberalism BAD
>>democracy BAD
>>secularism BAD
>>humanism BAD
>>women's education BAD

>> No.17720211

I'm not convinced that you, OP, have read this book.

>> No.17720214

this board is a LARP board, Xtian along with Muslim larpers.

>> No.17720234

>why would they want to create more potential domestic terrorists?
Because the US government is run by war criminals who killed Gadhafi's child, then turned around and said he was a great model leader, then turned around AGAIN and supported rebels who blew his brains out in the streets of his own country.
The fact that their war crimes are against brown people doesn't matter. The same government that tells you The Kenosha Kid is a terrorist for defending himself is carpet bombing hospitals full of women and children and laughing it off as a mistake. Everyone is a victim of this imperialist hypocrisy.

>> No.17720235

Islam is like r9k, it's right on a lot of issues but the solutions it suggests make for an even worse society

>> No.17720256
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Nailed it. Read Qutb's "The America I have seen." His criticisms of America overlap 1-to-1 with the criticisms people here make. Islamist's solutions aren't good, but their criticisms are all correct.

>> No.17720317

>His criticisms of America overlap 1-to-1 with the criticisms people here make.
So schizobabble from lost boomers?
Peak veracity.

>> No.17720359

Just seething that wouldn't have arisen if muslims accomplished something for themselves. A bit like how poltards yammer on about Jews all the time.

>> No.17720648
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>communism BAD
>liberalism BAD
>democracy BAD
>secularism BAD
>humanism BAD
>women's education BAD

>> No.17720821
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>communism bad
Yes but not for the reasons you think it is
>liberalism bad
More so neo-liberalism
>democracy bad
Yes but again, not for the reasons you think
>secularism bad
No, religion bad
>humanism bad
I mean...maybe? I like romanticism but not humans
>women's education
Women anything is bad
It doesn't have to be bad if they actually gave a shit about something

>> No.17720864

America is rotten from its very foundation.

>> No.17720891

does anyone on here respect sam harris?

>> No.17720990

You forgot >jews BAD

>> No.17721000

>(((Sam Harris)))

>> No.17721011
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If a fed they didn't forget

>> No.17721927

Students of Dar Ul Uloom, deoband

>> No.17721969

the taliban should open a gofundme, I feel like that would be efficient

>> No.17721987

did you read OP? it makes based sense

>> No.17722576

>>communism BAD
>>liberalism BAD
>>democracy BAD
>>secularism BAD
>>humanism BAD
>>women's education BAD

Ain’t that the truth?

>> No.17722602

>Students of what? Not much of their philosophy makes sense
Look how biased you are. Education suppose to make you widen your perspective and outlook in life, not the opposite

>> No.17722611

Russia doesn't care for them at all. They will happily rule by force.

America wants to convert them.

Pretty simple, faggot.

>> No.17722804

Russians fear Muslims.

>> No.17723563

>communism BAD
>liberalism BAD
>democracy BAD
>secularism BAD
>humanism BAD
>women's education BAD

>> No.17723702

So what arguments does he give? Are you going to discuss the book or just complain?