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File: 67 KB, 512x628, H._P._Lovecraft,_June_1934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17715827 No.17715827 [Reply] [Original]

Some TV autist told me to post this here so fuck it why not.

Why do we pretend HP Lovecraft is scary. I understand how during his time the idea that humanity wasn't the center of the universe was terrifying, but nowadays that's just a given.

I've read over half of his writing and it all boils down to some spergy academic type losing his mind because he cannot comprehend the idea something could come from space that's more powerful than 1915s man.

He writes about indescribable unexplainable horrors we cannot comprehend, but spends bare minimum four paragraphs overdescribing the exact shape, texture, size, color, movement, smell, and energy of this supposedly incomprehensible creature.

Seriously why is culture still fellating a pulp magazine shut in for writing about fish men, giant penguins, and blobs with tentacles?

>> No.17715841

Lovecraft becomes comedy the more you read him. He definitely was a product of his time.

>> No.17715896

.t Plotfag

>> No.17715914

I mean I enjoy atmosphere but when the work is supposed to be scary and it's not what's left for me to enjoy?

>> No.17715920

Cats with cool names

>> No.17715932

>I've read over half of his writing and it all boils down to some spergy academic type losing his mind because he cannot comprehend the idea something could come from space that's more powerful than 1915s man.
this is a key concept that is lost on a lot of modern readers of Lovecraft -- white supremacy is a core feature of the horror in his works. As you said, the protagonist is often a white intellectual living in an early 20th-century setting where westerners/whites (especially Anglo-Saxons) rule the entire world. This intellectual holds the inherent belief that since the west rules the world, he, as a western man, has the entire world figured out -- only to discover that there are horrors that can never be answered.

>> No.17715945
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What was his cats name again?

>> No.17715970
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Lovecraft at his time, as you have accessed, was addressing many of the scientific discoveries and postulations of his time that were groundbreaking and mind blowing at the time. The Color from Outer Space for example was written inspired by the concept of Ultraviolet light, which is not visible to the human eye. Lovecraft was able to take new and interesting scientific concepts like evolution, genetics, astronomy breakthroughs, and apply them to horror stories that in themselves would already have been enough to make people of his time consider him some kind of horror genius, but he also added his own nihilistic, pessimistic views to it, which added the mystique that it has to this day.

I think many people overrate how important the racial aspect of Lovecraft's works is to their important. It sure is a present aspect, and one that is pertinent and important to analyza when analyzing his works in their essence, but ultimately what attracts the common individual to Lovecraft is the perfect balance between the mystic and the pseudo-scientific. The marriage of speculative fiction and philosophical, existential horror. Concepts such as Eldritch god-like forces, reality warping monsters like Cthullu that can not even be combated physically and mind destroying experiences extend themselves beyond simple speculative fiction and into a realm that opens possibilities of "suffering" that go beyond what is often expected from horror.

The thing with Lovecraft is that he isn't very scary, or even a very good horror writer, but he is entertaining in concept, and generates many endlessly interesting topics in horror that can be explored tad nauseam without exhausting their potential in the shallow perception of the mainstream, specially because they are so numerous and exotic. The "unknowable", the "uncaring universe", "madness inducing revelation", the "inhuman human", "science beyond understanding" are still going to be masturbated for at least another century.

>> No.17715989

t. never read lovecraft

>> No.17715992

Ignore how HORRIBLY written this post is, I haven't slept in two days

>> No.17716004


>> No.17716006


>> No.17716013


>> No.17716019


>> No.17716023


>> No.17716025 [DELETED] 


>> No.17716027


>> No.17716033


>> No.17716041


>> No.17716045


>> No.17716051
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The masterpiece... Is concluded....

We did it reddit!

>> No.17716063


>> No.17716074


>> No.17716083


>> No.17716162

>Seriously why is culture still fellating a pulp magazine shut in for writing about fish men, giant penguins, and blobs with tentacles?
Because he wrote about fish men, giant penguins and blobs with tentacles. The aesthetic of his work is what runs rampant in nerd culture. It is lurid pulp, fun to emulate.

>> No.17716219

Millennials and zoomers have become indoctrinated into the cult of materialistic nihilism. To a sane, rational person the idea of this being subjected to this is rightfully frightening.

>> No.17716226

the tl;dr is that lovecraft was the typical paranoid anglo faggot. if you like any of lovecraft's work you're a spiritual anglo.

>> No.17716298


>> No.17716365

Rent free, mutt.

>> No.17716387

I feel that you cannot fully appreciate Lovecraft unless you are at least somewhat concerned about your people dying out. As someone who is one of the few people left who has similar beliefs as old timey racists (nordicism but especially Anglo-Saxon supremacy), I really enjoy his stories and feel a special kinship with him. We had the world and we let it go. For what? Greed. A lot of people blame Jews and sure, there have been plenty of Jews involved with our decline but none of this would have been possible if it wasn't for greedy rich Anglos choosing money over our own people. Now we are a dying race. It's hard to make people care about Whites as a whole, much less Anglo-Saxons. Maybe we will live on in rural areas and someday make a comeback. Old stock Americans in upstate New York and real Englishmen in the rural part of their country could cling on to our identity and eventually grow our numbers to thrive again. How likely is that though?

>> No.17716424

Why would you read over half of his writings if you don't like him?

>> No.17716439

I'm not an Anglo-Saxon supremacist because I'm not a supremacist of any kind but I am someone who cares about the survival of the nordic race and our specific branch of it. I'm glad somebody else still feels this way. I was worried I might be autistic.

>> No.17716444

personally i just find his stuff to be more atmospheric than straight up scary. I enjoy being able to pick up a short little story and immerse myself in that sort of spooky but curious or awe inspiring, existential mood. pretending its high literature is obviously foolish but it is quite enjoyable for what it is in my opinion

>> No.17716449

What happened to our people is a tragedy. I woke up to the reality of the world almost ten years ago, and I still don't know what to do, or how to help.

>> No.17716452
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>he reads Lovecraft for the plot

>> No.17716475
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because race-mixing & alien invaders are indeed scary

>> No.17716480

That quote isn't real.

>> No.17716482


>> No.17716493

At the very least, we can try to find a good woman and have lots of children. That in itself is no easy task because of our dwindling numbers coupled with the quality of modern women but it is possible, especially if you're someone who has his life together, is fit, has a good job, etc. Real change will require large scale political action but I don't think that's possible yet.

>> No.17716504

"As someone who is racist"

>> No.17716506

Actually I think the world is just as scared now as it was back then of vague unknowable, invisible monsters that turn your perception of reality on it's head. The idea that the world is falling apart is extremely profitable and scary.
Only today those monster stories are perpetrated in public media.
>Fascists have taken over the US government and are rising in america
>an supervirus has escaped and you must shut out the world to stay safe
>Russian spies have infiltrated the highest office of the US
>Q anon
>Men everywhere are rapists, rape is happening everywhere just under the surface and there's nothing you can do to stop it. Eventually one WILL come for you
>police forces are dominated by white supremacists and committing an open secret campaign of genocide on black americans
How many people have you seen legitimately terrified of these things?
The idea of being privy or finding out the secret that is unraveling the world is in Lovecraft's work but adapted to a different time.

>> No.17716507

>Seriously why is culture still fellating a pulp magazine shut in for writing about fish men, giant penguins, and blobs with tentacles?
Because he is brilliant. One of my favorite things about him is the philosophical naturalism underlying his fiction. The "Monsters" are creatures from parallel universes, which means that his horror writings cross into science fiction at times. He was the first horror writer to offer a potent alternative to supernaturalism about monsters.
Another great thing about him how he presents his creatures with alien physiology, replacing traditional vampires/werewolves with more surreal designs.
He is also known for the bleak atmosphere of hopelessness that permeates his world, the theme of cosmic indifference is perfectly depicted.
Most of the good horror nowadays is either Jhorror or Lovecraftian in its influence. Creating the best Western branch of horror fiction is no small achievement.
>He writes about indescribable unexplainable horrors we cannot comprehend, but spends bare minimum four paragraphs overdescribing the exact shape, texture, size, color, movement, smell, and energy of this supposedly incomprehensible creature.
The usual jab at Lovecraft used to be that he says too little, apparently now he overdescribes things.

>> No.17716528

Yes, but I wanted to specify what kind of racist I am. I'm not someone who thinks all White people are equally superior nor am I someone who hates people of other races. I'm an old timey racist like Madison Grant or Lothrop Stoddard.

>> No.17716534

He wrote about a lot more than aliens. Dream worlds, albino ape gods, time travel, reincarnation, parallel lives, reanimation, and other random shit. There are common themes, but people exaggerate the whole "going crazy at the thought of humanity's insignifance" motif in his works. A lot of his stories derive their horror from identity and family and place rather than anything cosmic.

>> No.17716540

>noooo you cant just acknowledge he existence of unique peoples among the human race! reddit, the government, holywood, jp morgan, and the FBI said you aren't allowed to do that!

why do people in the current year still think this is some sort of insult or shameful thing

>> No.17716553

it's not supposed to be scary, anon...

>> No.17716583

Then what is it supposed to be? Just weird?

>> No.17716607

racist mostly

>> No.17716821

Can you guys share your Lovecraft memes please? I would like to see some. : )

>> No.17716910

This is a direct consequence of the scramble for viewers in the failing legacy media, but simultaneously in the low-profit online media. Rage and fear are clickbait. Left-wing media (the majority by far) push the fascist takeover memes, and the right-wing media push Qanon and related nonsense. They're all businesses working for viewership (and social engineering in the case of the globalist left), and not one of them can be trusted to simply speak truth to you.

>> No.17716959

holy based, no wonder millennials love it then.

>> No.17716984

>right-wing media push Qano
not disagreeing with your post at all, but i only say an uptick in Q when CNN started reporting it.

but the. again, that might just be me sitting aroubd with people who watch CNN. dont exactly congregate in classical rightist circles, unless LIT counts. but I havent seen to much of Guenon in the media, so idk if im a good judge of the stuff.

>> No.17717071

Right-wing mainstream media goes out of its way to avoid talking about anything to the right of mainstream conservatism. They don't want to talk about nonsensical conspiracy theories like Qanon and certainly not anything that is actually sersious like third position or radical traditionalism.

>> No.17717082

Who is doing what is irrelevant to the context I just chose topical examples.
Other examples could be
>we are anonymoose guy fawkes mask meme
>scary darknet 4chan hackers
>Rising tides world ending eco-preaching

>> No.17717098

>Who is doing what is irrelevant to the context I just chose topical examples.
oh no, i totally understand that, thats why I prefaced with
> not disagreeing with your post at all
> They don't want to talk about nonsensical conspiracy theories like Qanon and certainly not anything that is actually sersious like third position or radical traditionalism.
i expected as such, i was just being hyperbolic about the fact that I am not really exposed to right wing stuff outside of the obscure stuff here.

>> No.17717156

I like the music of Erich Zahn. It’s a bit more trippy. The ”monsters” and ”Cosmos” in his stories act as a surrogate for more primal fears of the unknown.

He has some decent traditional Gothic horror stories as well inspired by Poe and others. Check them out. The main attraction with Lovecraft in my opinion is that he’s a weirdo. It’s Usually interesting to read fiction by weirdos.

>> No.17717314

Another lovecraft thread by someone who hasn't read lovecraft.

Don't ever change, lit

>> No.17717468
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lmao dis nigga lookin like mark zuckerberg. i dont read shit written by lizard ppl

>> No.17717640

no one thinks he's scary its just that his stories are weird and popular in tv shows and movies

>> No.17717845


>> No.17718114


>> No.17718147

its not scary. I doubt it ever was. It's really just fun stories that transport you to a different, slightly creepy, time and place. enjoyable

>> No.17718252

Please get a fucking life. Do some drugs or something.

>> No.17718258
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>> No.17718363
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>Why do we

>that’s just a given
The nihilist materialist reductionism paradigm is as new in historical time as it is transparently false, and the mere presence of other sentiences by itself should unnerve you (even animals).

>Why is culture
Spielberg bought the rights to some trash to adapt with one of the Stranger Things show runners. The half-cast Babylonian creole Weinstein’s recent takes on this placing Whitey as the ineffable Eldritch terror is a way to symbolically assuage anxiety (fear of judgment, an afterlife, historical/familial/personal posterity) at the aforementioned paradigm perhaps not being the sine qua non it’s marketed as, of being evil, in fact — you are ‘pretending to find HPL scary’ because this is a lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram cleansing your aura of metaphysics and inconvenient historical contingencies.

>> No.17718378

Imagine being this much of a fucking libtard

>> No.17718387

>the work is supposed to be scary
You got memed big.

>> No.17718421

wow bro you completely refuted me. I was already a teenager once, I dont need to live like that forever to cope with my inability to grow as a human

>> No.17719541

I don't know why people bother with him, Edgar Allan Poe was far better in every aspect of horror and scifi writing.

>> No.17719556

>and I still don't know what to do
Killing yourself is a good one

>> No.17720455

I wish there were people with our values who still made movies. I have trouble watching any American films that are from the past 50 years, especially the past 25.

>> No.17720479

If white people are superior, why are they dying out?

>> No.17720540
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The main reason is individualism. The people around the North Sea are the most individualistic on the planet. We are more likely to sell out our own people or adopt suicidal universalistic worldviews. Our tendency toward individualism, industrialization, and greed are destroying us. In a way, many of our traits that helped us to accomplish everything we have are now being used against us. Look at the technology we've created. Look at what it has done to us. The current state of Whites is sad and pathetic. We aren't superior. Personally, I don't even like thinking of different groups in terms of overall superiority or inferiority in the first place but it's clear today that Whites are not the top dogs. However, this dystopia could act as a bottleneck that results in the most ethnocentric, traditionalist Whites outbreeding and replacing the rest. Once we've shed our individualism, we could make a comeback. But will it be too late by then? I don't know. The best we can do is just try to live a good life and have at least 4 children.

>> No.17720562

So theyre not superior, but actually dying out due to natural selection?

>> No.17720595

Basically, yeah. We are going down the same path that the Romans did. This all happened to them too. A period of incredible expansion and technological advancement followed by low birth rates, mass immigration, and cultural decline. There are some key differences in how Romans and Westerners view the world but the similarities are eerie. It's possible for things to turn around or for us to at least survive in some form but the current trajectory of our civilization is very depressing.

>> No.17721120
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Imagine what the world would be like had Cecile Rhodes' dream of an alliance between America, Britain, and Germany come true. The world wars would have been avoided or at the very least you would not have seen fellow Germanics at each other's throats. Europe might still rule over most of the world, guiding all humans toward a more eugenic and prosperous future. There would be no mass nonwhite immigration. The white race and particularly northern Europeans would not be in danger of extinction. Our people would be flourishing and our virtuous, just rule over the planet would go unchallenged. Many of the ethnic conflicts and genocides that broke out after decolonization could have been avoided. The entire cold war could have been avoided. We'd be exploring space instead of worrying about diversity and degeneracy. Maybe cooperation between two explicitly pro-white government in Britain and America could have even resulted in the repatriation of the American blacks back to Africa, where they could help their cousins overseas rise to a higher state of civilization and be granted far greater autonomy than they had (and continue to have) in the United States. We would probably still have to deal with ecological issues but overpopulation would likely be less of a problem due to widespread acceptance of eugenics and a government that cares about its people is far more likely to care about its soil. We could have had a paradise. For of all sad words of tongue or pen, The saddest are these: "It might have been!"

>> No.17721234
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The British should not have attacked the Boers. The Americans should not have let themselves be dominated by the rich. The Germans should not have invaded Belgium or later Poland. They definitely should not have declared war on the United States. The British should have accepted the German peace offer. The Americans should have closed their doors to mass immigration earlier. The Americans should not have allowed Germany to be treated so harshly after the wars. All three brothers made mistakes. Britain lost its empire and has been reduced to being America's little helper. They have gone from being the largest empire in history to allowing their children to be raped by the people they once conquered because they're afraid of looking racist. Prussia was abolished and Germany is now a self-hating economic power. America is a dying empire that is replacing its founding stock with foreigners who aren't even from Europe. These are dark days. But we still number in the tens if not hundreds of millions. There are more than enough of us than we need to survive. There is hope. Have children, my fellow Anglos and Teutons. Be fruitful and multiply. More must be done than merely outbreeding those who wish to do us harm but increasing our numbers is the most basic necessity there is.

>> No.17721272


>> No.17721475

he´s middle brow alongside with Tolkien

>> No.17721514

Is it opposite day already?

>> No.17721515

the Anglo-Saxon was in its decline when promoted aburd ideas like utilitiarianism and the abolish of slavery (altought i don´t promote slavery myself) and the uplifiting of minorities which was a power move of the American establishment in order to get them by their good graces to counterbalance the Soviet Union

>> No.17721608
File: 41 KB, 616x478, 1545055856431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>created psychological horror, detective genre and early sci-fi
>wrote one of the finest poems in English language
>got a special permission to marry his 13 yo cousin
>died in his forties
>because he couldn't live with the loss of his loli wife and destroyed himself
>“Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.”

>wrote magazine smut which inspired VHS rental horrors
>married a divorced jewess well past her prime
>who left him soon after because he couldn't fuck
>died in his forties
>because he was afraid of doctors
>"Aaaah I saw a vagina today and it looked like octopus save me Niggerman!"

>> No.17721833

I know about the Cold War motivating the government to allow the civil rights movement to take place and I agree that our obsession with utilitarianism as well as liberalism is a sign of sickness. I don’t see anything wrong with opposing slavery though. Regardless of the race of the slaves, I think it’s atrocious. We never should have engaged in slavery in the first place. If it wasn’t for the presence of blacks in the US, maybe we never would have had to worry about the Soviet Union telling the third world we are mean to their cousins on this side of the pond. Participating in the transatlantic slave trade was by far the worst mistake we ever made.

>> No.17722526

I think Lovecraft would probably dislike facebook and Mark Zuckerberg.

>> No.17722731

You are using the ambiguity of 'superior' in a way that requires more clarification. It's true that in a purely Darwinian sense, Somalis in Minnesota for example have a superior fitness to increase their numbers in comparison to the pathologically altruistic natives of Anglo/German stock. On the other hand, the natives create a superior society if we consider low crime, high trust, and technological advancement to be good things. Calling it "natural selection" is misnomer when human constructs like politics and religion come in to play; it's only true in the barest sense that one group has been made less fit than another due to external pressure.

>> No.17722772

>anything wrong with opposing slavery though

as i said, it isn´t my personal belief, Thomas Carlyle wrote about it


>> No.17722858

Well he did publish them in a magazine called Weird Tales.

>> No.17723677

The atmosphere is the best part

>> No.17724001

No the cool ocean monster shit is the best part dumbass

>> No.17724198

>Seriously why is culture still fellating a pulp magazine shut in for writing about fish men, giant penguins, and blobs with tentacles?
Because the people who have shaped modern horror were all fans of Lovecraft and his influence shines through on their work. I doubt most of the 19 years who like horror have actually ever read him, they just throw his name around as a buzzword. Personally I do enjoy Lovecraft quite a bit, although I don't find his stories very scary. The structure of his stories also tends to be very samey, as you mentioned. My favorite ones are the more science fiction oriented ones like Mountains of Madness and Shadow Out of Time. They're just interesting concepts and I like stories about people exploring long dead civilizations and learning about them.

>> No.17724215
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read this if you want scary

>> No.17724298

I would prefer the ruthlessness of Stalin or Mao over the diversity and degeneracy of modern capitalism. But of course, there is another option I would prefer over both.

>> No.17724369

Couldn't be more accurate. Why do people always talk about Lovecraft, but seemingly never about Poe?

>> No.17724399

Poe was writing about vultures, in the present day nobody´s afraid of that meanwhile LOFCRAFT makes his monsters unintelligible monsters from outer space, there´s something more esoteric about that, fear of the unknown

>> No.17724417

which is?

>> No.17724421

this desu if i starved to death at least i'd know half the people i hated were starving with me and could die at peace
i'm not joking, i mean that in absolute sincerity

>> No.17724427

>I'd rather starve in a gulag than let gays get married

Ok? Edgy?

>> No.17724440

yeah, wouldn't you?

>> No.17724444

The third position. Nationalism with a strong state that cares for the people.

I just mean that I'd prefer them to destroy our bodies than destroy our souls. I hadn't considered that many of the people I hate might be taken down with me. I'm not so sure that would happen. Most of the people responsible for the awful things that happened in the USSR and China were never punished, just as the people responsible for globohomo will likely go unpunished.

>> No.17724457


i guess you're inferior to fruit flys, since they have way more offspring and population number than whatever your race is.

>> No.17724477

I don't have a problem with gays, actually. A lot of other fashy people give me shit for it but I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with homosexuality. I'm moreso talking about mass immigration, the normalization of weird and harmful fetishes, feminism, etc. Communism is much easier to recover from than what we are currently experiencing. Just look at how Russia and China have risen as nationalist states who are proud of their history and people over the past coupel of decades. Russia is 80% Russian and China is 90% Han Chinese. Liberalism will die eventually but our newfound ethnic diversity is going to make it far more difficult to have a pleasant society again.

>> No.17724818

I don’t really find his work scary but I still like it a lot.

Those sections of disjointed description, that’s where he’s at his best. Those passages strike me the same way some esoteric writing does, where it feels like it’s grasping something outside reality and in its disjointedness gives you something like a glimpse.

The only Lovecraft story which made actually feel something approaching fear was probably The Rats in the Walls. Other than that, it’s his stories like The Music of Erich Zann where he lets us see the real OutSide

>> No.17725570

Yeah, I don't find it scary at all but I still enjoy it. I don't find any horror lit scary though.

>> No.17726608


>> No.17726951

its amazing to me to see edgy counter-culture become mainstream and call old culture edgy

>> No.17727010
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>> No.17727151

I personally like the "From Beyond" the most, I've read it numerous times.
Interesting concept of there being something around us in our everyday life we know nothing about but is seemingly just button switch away to be experienced.
Idea of that "key" being already in us but not realised/plaqued out/forgotten etc.
For a such a short story it dishes out what it needs very well imo and also leaving it on a cliffhanger as the servants bodies were never found.