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17709011 No.17709011 [Reply] [Original]

Any good anti-communist/marxist/socialist books?

A chart is nice too!

>> No.17709022

Fools, Frauds and Firebrands by Roger Scruton.
Socialism by von Mises

>> No.17709054

Thank you very much kind anon.

>> No.17709085

reading marxist texts and propaganda has really been helpful

>> No.17709097
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The Unique and Its Property

>> No.17709108

Guess it depends on what perspective the author is coming from, what >>17709022
said is good from a classical liberal POV

>> No.17709181

Any particular propaganda??

Noted. Thanks!

Naturally, I suppose I am just looking for anything in general. The horrors of the exterminations carried out in the names of these ideologies doesn't interest me as much as their methods of seizing control and a critique of the views.

>> No.17709182

When I checked the catalog my eyes were immediately drawn to that image for some reason. I'm going to save it, it will come handy when I'm making a thread that I suspect could die with no replies

>> No.17709244

Well it's a nice image, I hope it serves you well anon.

>> No.17709261

Capital, Marx already BTFO Marxism before anyone else even had the thought.

>> No.17709274
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I plan on reading pic related at some point. It's a modern summary and goes deep into Marxist literature and different strains of thought, and supposedly exposes them to a good degree.

>> No.17709301

nothing in particular but seeing any argumentation or shift of history that is is philiomarxist has been very helpful

>> No.17709416

That's intriguing. I'll try to snag it on the cheap.

That's a damn big book buddy. Hope you find it a good read.

>> No.17709421
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t. Marxist

>> No.17709428

No. None.

>> No.17709458

That's a serious book. Kolakowski was the head of a philosophy department in Poland in the 1950s, moved to the U.K. and became a conservative. It was actually recommended to me by a Croatian communist who served in the Yugoslav army. It's the best critique our foes have come up, and Kolakowski not a dum dum

>> No.17709459

Can't comment on the Mises book but the Scruton book is garbage.

>> No.17709540

Unlike the rest of our foes amirite

>> No.17709566

Marxism is not the same thing as communism. Marx barely wrote about communism. Only his manifesto addresses it directly and it's his worst work. You can be Marxist, or rather Marxian, without being a communist, see the European New Right.

>> No.17709595

Irrational janny deleted my thread asking for anti-semitic works of literature the other day.

>> No.17711057

You could take most of those books, and then hurl them across the room at high speed into a garbage bin. Kolakowski knew what he was talking about.

>> No.17711073


>> No.17711201
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>> No.17711432

Just ask them how to explain the crusades
Remind them it in fact wasn't mainly inheritance less sons going on crusade

>> No.17711539

Are they just poorly thought out or have the communists just think-tanked a response for all of his arguments?

>> No.17711552
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>> No.17711565

The Children of Arbat, I guess. Though it's more about Stalin's regime than the depth of socialist ideology.

>> No.17711629

>You can be Marxist, or rather Marxian, without being a communist, see the European New Right.
Elaborate, sounds interesting

>> No.17711827

Fuck off retard

>> No.17711983

Marx is probably the most influential political theorist in world history next to maybe... Confucius. Or John Locke. I mean in terms of influence and effect on the world. Even if you're not a Marxist or are opposed to everything the political movement he is associated with (communism) stands for, you've been influenced by him, even if you don't know it. Modern history as it's told is influenced by Marx. Sociology comes from Marx. The way art history is done now is massively shaped by Marx. The term "capitalism" itself was coined by socialists. The idea of the individual vs. collective -- that doesn't exist without Marx.

All I'm saying is, if you want to critique Marxism, you should take it seriously. Kolakowski thought it was a disaster, but he took it seriously. He wasn't a brainlet, is all.

That's all I'm saying.

>> No.17712008

Fair enough. Thanks for the response anon. I just know how these types of things work where someone comes up with a critique, sometimes years later there's a response to the initial point and then the other side claims that the original point is outdated and useless since they formulated a counter point.

>> No.17712413

He's an edgy satanist that wanted to tear down the world because he was unhappy. Don't give him to much credit just because a bunch of unhapoy trustfund kids latched on to him. You could say that Crowley was one of the most influencial people on modern society as well but that doesn't make him not a faggot.

>> No.17712553
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>> No.17712726

The Road To Serfdom

>> No.17712729

>t. brainlet who takes pseudery seriously