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17707645 No.17707645 [Reply] [Original]

Philosophy is a waste of reading time. Reading thousands and thousands of pages on whether not “Dog” means “Dog” or whether ethics are objective or just kinda objective.

>> No.17707650

How does one non-philosophically decide what is and isn't a waste of time?

>> No.17707658

Intuitively. There is no use in reading thousands and thousands of pages about it.

>> No.17707659

nice philosophy, what book did you read it from faggot?

>> No.17707665

i like wasting

>> No.17707668

There are many types of philosophy, many types of philosophers, and not all of them are good.
All philosophy is not created equal, in terms of its value, meaningfulness and overall benefit for the individual.

>> No.17707674

I've read most of it. 99.9% of it useless.

>> No.17707689

I feel intuitively it’s more of a waste of time trying to raise awareness about what a waste of time reading philosophy is.

>> No.17707693

How does one non-philosophically give primacy to intuition?

>> No.17707697

Such a sentiment is useless if you do not elaborate or give a reason to think thats true.

>> No.17707703

What does this have to do with reading thousands of pages?

>> No.17707713

How about you tell me what parts of philosophy are worth reading thousands of pages for?

>> No.17707739

thus OP exposes himself

>> No.17707757

>INTUITIVELY realized philosophy was a waste of time!
>has read MOST of philosophy! ( let's say one million books)
I need to get out of here. sometimes I forget this site is full of underages

>> No.17707759


>> No.17707764

That's not what I said retard you need to learn to read. I was saying that most people intuitively come to the same exact conclusions without ever reading philosophy. Everything that I've read people already know.

>> No.17707810

The thing is, asking whether "dog" means dog or not, goes all the way back to language itself. And all these ludicrous smaller examples like Plato's "form of a cup", they all go way back to first principles of life. Questions which have a value by their very asking, because they bring the facts of life to you.

That is the importance of high philosophy.

>> No.17707820

We already know all of this though. We don't need to read thousands of pages on it.

>> No.17707842

philosophy is love of wisdom, literally
if you don't love wisdom, you don't need to read it
if you do love wisdom, you do need to read it
simple as

>> No.17707844

>That's not what I said retard you need to learn to read.
How does one non-philosophically decide what is and isn't a waste of time?
All philosophy is not created equal, in terms of its value, meaningfulness and overall benefit for the individual.
> I've read most of it. 99.9% of it useless.

nigga you are probably 12. go do your homework

>> No.17707889

You most certainly do not. The eternal truths one learns from Plato, you would never arrive at really without reading him, or some derivative of him.

It's the same as saying "well I already know all the questions posed in Hamlet so I have no need of reading it", and even if you did know all the "questions" literally, you would have no understanding of their real weight and as a result would not know them.

>> No.17707890

You are either baiting or you aren't understanding my points. Reread and then post again.

>> No.17707922

Name some

>> No.17707957

How does one non-philosophically decide what is and isn't a waste of time?
>Intuitively. There is no use in reading thousands and thousands of pages about it.
There are many types of philosophy, many types of philosophers, and not all of them are good.
All philosophy is not created equal, in terms of its value, meaningfulness and overall benefit for the individual.
>I've read most of it. 99.9% of it useless.

go do your homework for fucks sake kid!

>> No.17707966

now a lot of guys here think they've heckin owned OP!!!!
but the thing is, this sentiment is pretty common, and going 'um ackshully ur philosphizing rn!!!" doesn't actually make someone opposed to a large portion of academic philosophy suddenly value it.

So while reading philosophy is only a waste of time to the beholder, most of you in this thread have wasted your time trying to be pedantic, and coming off as retarded.

>> No.17707994

I'm not responding until you actually restate my points as I wrote them.

>> No.17708106

Anonymous 03/06/21(Sat)02:25:11 No.17707645▶>>17707659 >>17707668 >>17707689 >>17707810

Philosophy is a waste of reading time. Reading thousands and thousands of pages on whether not “Dog” means “Dog” or whether ethics are objective or just kinda objective.

Anonymous 03/06/21(Sat)02:26:13 No.17707650▶>>17707658

How does one non-philosophically decide what is and isn't a waste of time?

Anonymous 03/06/21(Sat)02:27:27 No.17707658▶>>17707693

Intuitively. There is no use in reading thousands and thousands of pages about it.

Anonymous 03/06/21(Sat)02:27:27 No.17707659▶

>>17707645 (OP)
nice philosophy, what book did you read it from faggot?

Anonymous 03/06/21(Sat)02:28:16 No.17707665▶

i like wasting

Anonymous 03/06/21(Sat)02:28:33 No.17707668▶>>17707674

>>17707645 (OP)
There are many types of philosophy, many types of philosophers, and not all of them are good.
All philosophy is not created equal, in terms of its value, meaningfulness and overall benefit for the individual.

Anonymous 03/06/21(Sat)02:29:27 No.17707674▶>>17707697

I've read most of it. 99.9% of it useless.

Anonymous 03/06/21(Sat)02:31:14 No.17707689▶

>>17707645 (OP)
I feel intuitively it’s more of a waste of time trying to raise awareness about what a waste of time reading philosophy is.

Anonymous 03/06/21(Sat)02:31:29 No.17707693▶>>17707703

How does one non-philosophically give primacy to intuition?

Anonymous 03/06/21(Sat)02:32:09 No.17707697▶>>17707713

Such a sentiment is useless if you do not elaborate or give a reason to think thats true.


>> No.17708237
File: 122 KB, 1000x750, sad rain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A way of expressing what you mean without bothering people might be, "Is philosophy just explaining intuitive truths in an intelligent and complicated way?". And then for the image upload a picture of Car Schmitt's face next to his "friends and enemies" meme quote. Maybe mention Lucretius or Hume for pseud points.

>> No.17708361
File: 95 KB, 708x800, 1560551851652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nigga you are probably 12. go do your homework

>> No.17708377

Philosophy is the counter-weight to every imaginable endeavor. If philosophy is waste of time, so is everything else.

>> No.17708417

No there is actually use in learning things like economics, history, math etc.

>> No.17708426

Well at least you convinced yourself. That's one person.

>> No.17708427

Reading "history of philosophy" books is the real waste of time.

>> No.17708474

That's a philosophical position you are throwing out there like it's a fact

>> No.17708631

Do you value having a clearer understanding of concepts, even if it is useless? If not, then of course philosophy is useless.

>> No.17708863

...according to your philosophy.

>> No.17708889

u kno wat else is a waist of time ur moms gaping vagina at 69 years old

>> No.17709161 [DELETED] 



>> No.17709577

The entire linguistic turn has been a disaster for philosophy.

>> No.17709680

People who think anything they enjoy is a waste of time, are slaves who automatically want to serve a master

>> No.17709697

I bet OP is your typical arrogant glinty eyed mud.

>> No.17709707

What the average man thinks does not matter because they do not have the power to make me do anything.

I only have to fear the government and some criminal elements.

>> No.17709711


>> No.17709720

That's in itself a philosophical position. Everything is philosophy because everything is conjecture and philosophy is just conjecture with an academic aesthetic. The essence is synonymous.

>> No.17709729

You think like a nigger and type like a tool. What sort of man let's himself become a niggertool?

>> No.17709732

reading novels is a waste of time, reading philosophy is productive

>> No.17709934

Reading histories of philosophy is indeed worthless. Just read the primary works.

>> No.17709950

My intuition tells me this thread is a waste of time, since it appears to be a pointless argument starter.

>> No.17709993

They don’t.