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/lit/ - Literature

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17705167 No.17705167 [Reply] [Original]

>decide to get my dad Dennett's 'From Bacteria to Bach and Back' to try and broaden his horizons
>I explain that it's an accessible explanation of materialistic models of consciousness
>his only response is "well anon I'm much obliged" and reaches from his recliner to set it aside on the coffee table
>I know what that "much obliged" means
>he said "much obliged" when mom got him those golf clubs that have sat untouched in the garage ever since
>tell him he really should read it since there's a lot of modern science that he doesn't know about and might change his worldview if he did
>he hefts From Bacteria to Bach in one hand and his huge leather bound NKJV bible that is always at his side in the other, contemplatively weighing them
>he says "the word of man seems a might light compared to the word of god"
>I ask if he seriously thinks the physical weight of a book is a legitimate way of determining the truth of its contents
>he says "weeeell now anon I didn't say that. I'm just sayin the good book seems more a book than this here science man's"
>there's a lump in my throat from rage as I explain that makes absolutely zero sense
>he says "weeell anon I reckon it ain't the word of god that must seek to make sense to man, but man who must seek to make sense of the word of god"
>I ask him what about pocket bibles, those are lighter than chemistry textbooks so does that mean they aren't as true?
>he chuckles and says I'm acting like a woman who's got her husband coming through the door and her lover still only half-dressed
>realize it's no use arguing with redneck wisdoms so I just leave
>dad shouts "I'm much obliged for the book" as I go

>> No.17705183

Chad dad

>> No.17705186

Your dad sounds based.

>> No.17705203

Dennett is wrong anyway so good choice from your dad.

>> No.17705205

>he says "the word of man seems a might light compared to the word of god"
>he says "weeell anon I reckon it ain't the word of god that must seek to make sense to man, but man who must seek to make sense of the word of god"

Your dad is a very based man. Be good to him and love him and make him proud, anon.

>> No.17705232
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Ask him if his NKJV bible has, 2 Samuel 22:6

>> No.17705235

This is a little off topic, but in the debate between Dennet and William Lane Craig, Dennet made a joke that WLC's arguments were strong and persuasive, if this were the medieval era... and everyone laughed. But then he did that cringy thing where he repeated the joke a few more times, and it was like stop being greedy...

>> No.17705239

Is there any human being more retarded than Daniel "Leader of the Brights™ (subscribe to my Patreon)" Dennett?

>> No.17705245

wait nm that was WLC vs Peter Atkins
forget I said anything

>> No.17705260

Peter Atkins is pretty consistently disrespectful from what I've seen. Atheists should generally distance themselves from him in my opinion.

>> No.17705263
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>the word of man seems a might light compared to the word of god

idk anon i have to go with based with this one

>> No.17705270

OP’s Dad

>> No.17705289

your dad just wasn't trying to embarrass you, anon. Stop bugging him now, he gave you one chance

>> No.17705307

>>I ask if he seriously thinks the physical weight of a book is a legitimate way of determining the truth of its contents

>> No.17705309

My heart goes out to you anon. Religious family members are impossible

>> No.17705324
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Here’s my NKJV. Please stop spreading misinformation. No one here reads so they’ll believe you

>> No.17705325
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extremely based

>> No.17705334

Imagine being this awesome of a dad and your son turns out to be some 17 year old loser who's never had a girl or a job and who just plays video games and looks at tranny porn all day on 4chan, then he brings you a book from le atheist memes he's into

>> No.17705900

>weeell anon I reckon it ain't the word of god that must seek to make sense to man, but man who must seek to make sense of the word of god
this one line completely beats the fuck out of atheism and you don't even realize it

>> No.17705939

Sounds like you could learn a lot from your dad.

>> No.17705965

>he hefts From Bacteria to Bach in one hand and his huge leather bound NKJV bible that is always at his side in the other, contemplatively weighing them
>he says "the word of man seems a might light compared to the word of god"
That was a fine performance from him.
A word of advice: your father is old and his eyes, if he's wise, are already set to the horizon. There's no point from him to challenge the views he constructed and harbored through most of his life, if he doesn't already have a natural inquisitiveness towards the world. There would be little to gain but angst. So let he have the word of God, let he ponder about eternal life and memories of his youth. Don't bother him with upsetting knowledge.

>> No.17705984

If you’re 14 years old, sure.

>> No.17705986
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Everyone in this thread seems to admire your father except for you anon. Tell me anon, have you ever attempted to look at the world in the same as your father? Have you ever inquired with him, or asked of your father in order to explore the literary and philosophical interests he holds? If you have made no such effort you must ask yourself why you then expect him to unwaveringly do the same for you?
Your father is a good man, anon; don't sell him so short.

>> No.17705994

Just learned that this Dennett is one of those r/atheism hacks.
In that case, I side with your father in telling you to fuck off.

>> No.17705998

Books are generally a terrible gift, with the time obligation they command — if you couldn’t couch it better in it fleshing out some aspect of his religious worldview, ought’ve selected something that would have — or framed it as wanting his particular thoughts on it; in fact, the latter is exactly what you should do as part of an apology for sperging on it.

>> No.17706014

I know this feel well. My mother for example refuses to understand or read the entirety of A Confederacy of Dunces despite my having praised it at length to her, and explained that in reading it she will better understand my own psyche. Every couple of months I will ask her what she is reading and she will mention that she tried reading "that Ignatius book" again but couldn't get into it. How much indifference must there be in her feelings towards me not to take the time to read a relatively short novel which will help her gain a better understanding of her own son? It is really offensive to me. She tells me that the plot doesn't seem realistic and I tell her that isn't the point. Fortunately I have recommended a handful of novels which she enjoyed, namely those about the struggles of a working class family, and I am now trying to pressure her into reading My Struggle by Knausgaard but again she tells me that she can't get into it because there is no way he remembers all those details from his life. I tell her that isn't the point, and yet she refuses to simply read the thing and appreciate the descriptive writing, psychological insight, and so on.

>> No.17706027

Why do KJV onlyists literally make shit up

>> No.17706032

This didn't happen, but it made me laugh anyways.

>> No.17706037

your dad is an utter chad

>> No.17706040

>realize it's no use arguing with redneck wisdoms
very wise anon

>> No.17706046

based, fuck dennet

>> No.17706051


>> No.17706060
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>decide to get my dad Dennett's 'From Bacteria to Bach and Back'

>> No.17706061

I don't mean to be insulting, but I genuinely think most KJV onlyists have a below average intelligence. I think less intelligent people are drawn to that form of Christianity for some reason. Maybe it's the conspiracy theory-esque arguments

>> No.17706068

you're a faggot

>> No.17706081
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>> No.17706105

You were right the first time though.

>> No.17706111
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>you WILL read the cringy fat atheist, father

>> No.17706128

Your mom must be some kind of über stacy or are femoid really this fucked?

>> No.17706129
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KJV autists have no right to speak of scriptural authenticity when they completely fabricated 1 John 5:7-8

>> No.17706144
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>> No.17706148

Awesome dad. Great him from us!

>> No.17706158

your dad would be based if he was reading the douay-rheims version

>> No.17706178

Why are there two different orthographic symboles for "r". What's the difference between the r in three and the r in agree? Are you also implying that it should be Son instead of Word or vice versa? Not being combative; I'm genuinely interested.

>> No.17706197

anyone else think OPs Dad is a really bad plagiarism of Anse Bundren? These quotes are literally pulled straight from As I Lay Dying.

>> No.17706199

What book are you buying your poor dad next, a guide to watching paint dry?

>> No.17706222
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>> No.17706249

Couldn't tell you about the "r"s but the issue with that translation is that the mention of Father, Word and Holy Spirit are a complete fabrication. Most translations look like the following:
>5:7 For there are three that testify, 5:8 the Spirit and the water and the blood, and these three are in agreement.
The original Greek text of 1 John 5:7 reads like:
>τὸ πνεῦμα καὶ τὸ ὕδωρ καὶ τὸ αἷμα
Which agrees with the other non-KJV translations.

>> No.17706259

Well, at least your dad doesn't make condescending posts about you over the internet implying you're an idiot. Maybe you should be more like him?

>> No.17706265

materialism and christcuckery are both cringe but your dad sounds cool while you sound like a faggot

>> No.17706268

Minor correction: the Greek text is 5:8, this is 5:7:
>ὅτι τρεῖς εἰσιν οἱ μαρτυροῦντες,

>> No.17706276
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very nice

>> No.17706280

Being faithful to "science" more important than family bounds. Now tell me your attitude isn't religious.

>> No.17706390

/lit/ only pretends to read, you should know this

>> No.17706672

This. You need a big ego to give someone a book. It's like giving someone homework.

>> No.17706854

thought it sounded familiar, nice detective work anon

>> No.17706866

What does the hebrew text say?
I'm not a KJV onlyist
You're right thanks for teaching me in a manner that is respectable.
I'm not a KJV onlyist

>> No.17706924

Someday you will be as cool as your dad anon. Have faith.

>> No.17706926

Well done OP, everyone bought it. Gold star for you. I'm gonna put it on the good noodle board.

>> No.17706950

>What does the hebrew text say?
I don't know but I'm not sure that it matters given that the Greek New Testament is the original text

>> No.17707496

Well and other Faulkner novels or characters. There's a little bit of V.K. Ratliffe in there as well as Vernon Tull, possibly a Snopes or two. It's just dialogue pulled straight from Faulkner. The one about man and the word of God I'm fairly sure is 100% something Anse says. The science man sounds like it came from the Snopes trilogy.

>> No.17709202

