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17701796 No.17701796 [Reply] [Original]

Books by terrorists or about terrorism or terrorists. Post 'em or excerpts. I'll start off with a classic and post more

Osama bin Laden's letter to America from the book "Messages to the World"

>The first thing that we are calling you to is Islam.

>We call you to be a people of manners, principles, honour, and purity; to reject the immoral acts of fornication, homosexuality, intoxicants, gambling, and trading with interest.

>You are the nation that permits Usury, which has been forbidden by all the religions. Yet you build your economy and investments on Usury. As a result of this, in all its different forms and guises, the Jews have taken control of your economy, through which they have then taken control of your media, and now control all aspects of your life making you their servants and achieving their aims at your expense

>You are a nation that permits acts of immorality, and you consider them to be pillars of personal freedom.

>You are a nation that permits gambling in its all forms. The companies practice this as well, resulting in the investments becoming active and the criminals becoming rich.

>You are a nation that exploits women like consumer products or advertising tools calling upon customers to purchase them. You use women to serve passengers, visitors, and strangers to increase your profit margins. You then rant that you support the liberation of women.

>You have destroyed nature with your industrial waste and gases more than any other nation in history. Despite this, you refuse to sign the Kyoto agreement so that you can secure the profit of your greedy companies and industries.

>> No.17701827
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"The Exposition of the Disbelief of One Who Assists the Americans", published on an ISIS site

>America indeed is the head of Kufr, atheism and the central base of corruption and moral decay – it is the land of shame, crime, vile filth, and evil. The Shaytān has indeed nested upon it and placed his shrine in it.

Statistically, it is the most populous in whore houses, homosexuality, lesbianism, nude bars, pregnancies out of wedlock, children born out of wedlock, incest, crimes of character, television stations of moral depravation, consumption of alcohol, clubs of frivolous activities, gambling, dancing, and various forms of corruption. Here, I shall mention a small amount of the statistics that point to what I have said, while you should be aware of the fact that these statistics are old.

>It contains more than twenty million (20,000,000) sexual deviants.

>Approximately one third (1/3) of all children born there are conceived out of wedlock (children of fornication).

>More than fifteen million (15,000,000) babies have been killed there due to legalized abortion.

>The city San Francisco is considered the capitol of homosexuality and they (homosexuals) represent one fourth of the voters in the city. • There are more than one hundred million alcoholics there (100,000,000).

>The alcohol producing companies there produce of alcohol what reaches the value of twenty-four billon dollars ($24,000,000,00)

People of Lut refers to Soddom and Gomorrah


>> No.17701838
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From "Join the Caravan" (not to be confused with the biography about him by the same name), basically the Manifesto of Wahhabi jihadism

>We have already seen lofty examples of new blossoms, which Allah has steered until they ripened in the kiln of the battlefield, and became matured by its heat. We found most of these people to be from among those of modest upbringing, good-heart, and healthy character. We have seen that much education, with the accompanying suppression of deeds brings about a cold heart, slackened determination and a greed for life, which argues, unfeelingly and feebly against evidence by way of barren disputation.

>The popular Jihad movement with its long path of effort, great sacrifice and serious losses, purifies souls so that they tower above the lower material world. Important matters rise above petty disputes about money, short-term desires and inferior provisions. Malice disappears and souls are sharpened; and the caravan moves on up from the foot of the mountain to the lofty summit, far away from the stench of clay and the struggles of the low ground. Along the path of Jihad, the leadership is categorized. Abilities become manifest from the offerings and sacrifices, and men come forth with bravery and service.

>Do not think glory to be a wine-skin and songstress, for glory can come only through war and severe fighting. When important matters are the only concern, souls are uplifted above minor issues, and important things occupy people’s hearts and hopes. When you embark on an honorable venture, be not content with aiming below the stars. For the taste of death in a paltry matter is like the taste of death in a significant matter. The cowards will see cowardice as reason, and that is the treachery of the depraved disposition.

>The nature of societies is precisely that of water. In stagnant water, water moss and decayed matter float on the surface, whereas flowing water will not carry scum on its surface. Similarly, the leadership of a stagnant society cannot fulfil its responsibility because leadership emerges only through movement, sacrifice, service and offering.

>The Ummah, which performs Jihad, pays a high price, and so it harvests ripe fruits. It is not easy to lose something that was won through sweat and blood. Those who sit at the helm of leadership of people by the power of the first announcement of a military revolution accomplished behind the scenes in one of the offices of mediation can easily lose everything. Whoever seized a land without fighting, it is easy for him to give it up.


>> No.17701844
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From a lecture by Anwar al-Awlaki

>Brothers and sisters, there is a global culture that is being forced down the throats of everyone on the face of the earth. This global culture is protected and promoted. Thomas Friedman--he is a famous writer in the U.S., he writes for the New York Times--he says, "The hidden hand of the market cannot survive without a hidden fist. McDonald's will never flourish without McDonnell Douglas." The designer of the F-15's. In other words, we're not really dealing with a global culture that is benign or compassionate. This is a culture that gives you no choice. You either accept McDonald's, otherwise McDonnell Douglas will send the F-15's above your head. It's a very intolerant culture that cannot coexist with anything else, it uproots every other culture on the face of the earth, it just cuts the roots of it. And you have here a quote by Alexander Solzhenitsyn, he's a famous Russian historian-writer, he says, "To destroy a people you must first sever their roots." So it's really a destruction of the people of the earth, because every other culture is being demolished. So this is not a global culture that will coexist with others, it will replace others. And the only ideology that is standing up to this global culture is Islam.

>> No.17701851
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From The Al Qaeda Reader

>Do you have a message for the American people?

Osama bin Laden
>I say to them that they have put themselves at the mercy of a disloyal government, and this is most evident in Clinton's administration. We believe that this administration represents Israel inside America. Take the sensitive ministries such as the Ministry of Exterior and the Ministry of Defense and the CIA, you will find that the Jews have the upper hand in them. They make use of America to further their plans for the world, especially the Islamic world. American presence in the Gulf provides support to the Jews and protects their rear. And while millions of Americans are homeless and destitute and live in abject poverty, their government is busy occupying our land and building new settlements and helping Israel build new settlements in the point of departure for our Prophet's midnight journey to the seven heavens. America throws her own sons in the land of the two Holy Mosques for the sake of protecting Jewish interests.

>The American government is leading the country towards hell. We say to the Americans as people and to American mothers, if they cherish their lives and if they cherish their sons, they must elect an American patriotic government that caters to their interests not the interests of the Jews. If the present injustice continues with the wave of national consciousness, it will inevitably move the battle to American soil, just as Ramzi Yousef and others have done. This is my message to the American people. I urge them to find a serious administration that acts in their interest and does not attack people and violate their honor and pilfer their wealth.

>> No.17701856

>1 poster

Hey it's the shitskin schizo again

>> No.17701863
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>Basically, what we call a “technologically advanced society” is principally a society which has surrendered to the capitalist economic infrastructure and, more substantially, the neoliberal weltanschauung or paradigmatic superstructure; it reasserts the fact that technology is indeed a form of liturgy and rituality, and its religion might be considered to be (neo)liberalism and (ultra)capitalism, which is served by the perennial advances in technological subtleties of a given society, even if the said society’s body, and more so its soul, are sacrificed on the altar of the said linear progress.


>> No.17701874
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>parliaments are dominated by secular, communist, atheist, blasphemous, indecent, sinful, and disbelieving people who announce their hostility toward the Dīn, and do not hide their disavowal of the Sharʿīah of Islām.

>The perpetrators of the one of the greatest sins, those who commit the sin of the people of Lūṭ [Lot, i.e. the people of Soddom and Gomorrah], want a law that serves them, their brothers and their likes. The insolent adulterers suggest regimes that preserve their immorality and insolent debauchery. The usurers offer legislations that multiply their fortunes and protect their practices.

>> No.17701884
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A few titles from the ISIS reading list for current affairs. Features all sorts of writers from Noam Chomsky to Ron Paul

David R. Loy, “The Religion of the Market”

>One of the most influencing religions today is one that most may not commonly refer to as a religion. Economics and its object of worship “the Market”, David Loy argues in this brief paper for the Journal of the American Religion Academy, is more akin to religion than it is a science. The paper can easily be found online.

Henry Kissinger, "World Order"

>Kissinger and Chomsky are complete opposites (with Chomsky rightfully calling Kissinger a war criminal). Nevertheless, this book is informative and offers historical insight to how the Westphalian order came about and the problems of keeping it or any international order.

Ha-Joon Chang, "Bad Samaritans – The Myth of Free Trade and the Secret History of Capitalism"

>One of the top critiques of the open market globalization that almost engulfs the entire planet. A well researched book which deals with the false doctrine of free trade and liberal capitalism that rich nations force on poor and ‘developing’ countries, and how the rich nations today did not become rich through the policies they submit the poorer nations to. I recommend reading the first two books mentioned above to gain a better understanding and appreciation of this book in question.

"John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, The Israeli Lobby"

>The co-authors take a dive into just how much influence the Israeli (Jewish) lobby has on foreign policy in Washington. And it is a lot. And backed up by hard evidence.


>> No.17701894
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>Musa wasn't always musa. Italian on his dad's side, Anglo-Aussie on his mum's, Musa was christened Robert. Musa became fascinated with religion at his Catholic primary school. His family wasn't observant, so he was out on his own on this spiritual journey. In 2000, he visited the Vatican with his school.

>"I mean, looking at the Sistine Chapel, seeing this old man with a beard, and they're telling me that's the God they worship? I'm like, 'The Ten Commandments says you shouldn't make images of God.' I realised when we'd pray back in primary school, we'd say, 'Holy Mary, mother of God', and I was sort of like, 'Hold on a moment. Mother of God? God doesn't have a mother.' And I was like, 'Damn ... this is pretty weird.' I realised that the Catholic Church were absolute nut-jobs." At the age of 17, he converted to Islam.

>Musa seems to know everyone in Footscray. He moseys down the street with his hand in his pocket, shooting "Salaam alaikums" and small talk to the perfume salesman in the mall and the old men in a Sudanese restaurant. He's like the Fonz. We chew on Sudanese meat dishes in the restaurant. He's ranting about a woman, a left-wing activist from his uni days.

>Musa had enrolled at Victoria University in an arts course, majoring in media and history, and on Orientation Day he found she had set up a stall next to his Islamic Society table. "She came over and dropped this pile of flyers for an event they were having, something pro-Palestine," he recalls. "So I said to her, 'Please take them off. I don't want them here.'"

>This is the first time I've seen fire in his eyes. This is a different Musa to the one at the house. "She was giving me this confused look, like, 'Why not? I mean, it's for Palestine.' I said, 'Look, you're not a Muslim, you don't agree with Islam. As for us, that's what we want for Palestine. We want Sharia, we want Islamic law. You don't want that, so let's admit we don't want the same thing.' She started to get a little bit offended. She's like, 'Oh, but, you know, we have to work together,' and I'm like, 'No, we don't have to work together.'"


>["...]The vast majority of Muslims are clear on 95 per cent of matters. You have to pray five times a day - nobody is saying it's six or four - we all agree. The punishment for adultery for a married person is that they are killed. It's clear; nobody debates this."

>I find this difficult to believe. "Surely people, like Muslims in Australia, would ... if I went to Nazeem at Triple J and said, 'Do you think adulterers should be stoned?' he'd go, 'No', wouldn't he?"

>"They don't have to be stoned," Musa says. "You could also cut their head off."

>> No.17701905
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>Clearly you are calling for democracy--a heretic modern religion. You kill people, permit alcohol, adultery, and corruption, all in the name of democracy. Your media works hard to polish the image of this modern religion, which it describes as just, balanced, and predicated on the freedom of the individual and the dignity of the citizen.

>The dawa we have broken down for you and explained, that your laws call 'offensive speech', is our moral law and our duty.

>Fighting is our ethos; we are honest, and the cowards know it. None of our leaders has died in his bed--nor hiding in the bushes in the battlefield.

>Thanks to Allah, we are a people of dawa, one sounded by prophets who came before us. Those that carry on this call have dignity and honour. I promise you we would rather die than watch our honour be violated.

>> No.17701916
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>“Human Rights” is as much an ideology and religion as Islam and Christianity.

Documentary in English on global finance
International finance (Islamic documentary in English)

>> No.17702426
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>Roughly 7 years ago the noble knight, the humble slave of Allah, Shaykh Abu ‘Abdillah, Usamah ibn Ladin, dismounted his steed after long years in defending and giving aid to the kalimah of tawhid and returned to the All-Knower, the Most-Merciful


>> No.17703200

WTF I'm a muslim now. Death to America!

>> No.17703217

Islam has been zionified all the same

>> No.17703312

Can we read these though? I don’t want to start for these manifestos and get butt fucked by the fbi

>> No.17703338

Yep, always the same guy pushing islam propaganda
Correct, islam is just doing judaism's work but thinking you're doing the opposite

>> No.17704271

I don't think reading them would get you prosecuted

>> No.17704333

Perpetual political strife and moralizing is how khawarij ignore dealing with their own nafs.

>> No.17704623 [DELETED] 

>fighting makes people khawarij
>running away from it is what makes you enlightened

>> No.17704671

Cumskins who follow Cuckstianity are unironically more Semitic in spirit than even Bedouin goatfuckers or child-molesting rabbis. Slit your throats, you duplicitous Jew worshiping cunts. I hate all Abrahamism, but think Western Christians are unironically the worse in believing Abrahamism is reconcilable with their pre-Christian heritage.

>> No.17704676


>> No.17704710

>if ignore 5:54, 9:73 and 4:75 and make disawowel of anyone who doesn't leave off jihad, I am truly battling my nafs

Verily to fight takes overcoming the nafs and this was always the case when there was little or no material personal gain promised to it. Never, no never have those who refused to when it has become a fard been superior for the Qur'an says those who fight are superior to those who don't by many degrees

>> No.17704731

wtf I'm muslim now

>> No.17704765

ISIS posters here are so fucking weird.
The Caliphate collapsed and the people imprisoned or scattered.

>O Allah if this State is a State of the Khawarij then break its back, kill its leaders, forgo its banner and guide its soldiers to the truth

>> No.17704783

so osama wanted to have a world without lending? is he retarded?

>> No.17704816

>according to my calculations, following 5:54, 9:73 and 4:75 makes you khawarij and leaving jihad makes spiritual even though the Prophet, صلى الله عليه وسلم, said anyone who dies without making jihad or intent dies on a branch of nifaq

Some things every Muslim must know

Hadiths which are graded Sahih by a great scholar of Hadith cannot be dismissed because they're problematic or something, you have to show why they're rejected based on the findings of other scholars of Hadiths (and not the findings of some liberal or journalists

Someone who calls themselves a Muslim but commits acts of open apostasy such as joining forces with the kuffar in their invasion of Muslim lands, or ruling by manmade laws in preference to Shari'ah, is treated as a apostate for purposes of jihad, not a Muslim.

Jihad and khilafah are collective obligations. Meaning that if there is a shortage of people establishing them, everyone not trying falls under sin.

Slavery is halal and can never be made haram because Allah has said do not make haram what Allah has made halal. Saying slavery is haram is kufr.

Using bombs on non military targets in jihad is considered analogous by scholars to using fire, catapults, and night raids on settlements (all of which is halal)

Execution of prisoners if they are adult men is and has always been halal unless you gave them a covenant in exchange for surrender

There are only three classical opinions about niqab. One, it is extremely preferable, this is the opinion of Abu Hanifa and Shafi'i. Two, it is mandatory for women when they are attractive like between puberty and menopause, this is the opinion of Malik. Three, it's mandatory past period, this is Imam Ahmad's opinion.

Dying for the sake of a jihad operation is not considered suicide but a form of martyrdom and Ibn Taymiyyah, Rahimahullah, issued a fatwa explaining this

Scholars were work for the state are and have always been considered the least dependable, whereas those who go to prison or are killed are the most

>> No.17704826

A world without for profit lending, which causes housing prices to drastically inflate and speculation and numerous other problems to be done on credit

>> No.17705073
File: 345 KB, 720x672, Qutb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Qutb added that:

>‘America has forgotten one thing: one thing has no value here – the spirit (روح). Here, a PhD student submits a thesis on the best method for washing the dishes.This is more important than a thesis on the Bible, if not more important than the Bible itself....America is good as a workshop for the world . . .but, certainly, it will be a disaster for humanity if the world became America.’

>Qutb emphasized that America has a fascinating civilization, but that ‘absolute pleasure that is free from any form of restriction or customs’ tends to forget to balance material and spiritual needs. The balance that distinguishes humanity from other beings, as Qutb noted, could not be achieved because the Americans were ‘exhausted’. Speaking generally, Americans did not ‘have a balance as regards either their own assets, or their Greek and Roman intellectual heritage.’

On jazz
>The American is primitive in his artistic tastes, whether in his judgment of art or his own artistic works. Jazz music is his music of choice. It is this music that the savage bushmen created to satisfy their primitive desires, and their desire for noise on the one hand, and the abundance of animal noises on the other. The American’s enjoyment of jazz does not fully begin until he couples it with singing like crude screaming. And the louder the noise of the voices and instruments, until it rings in the ears to an unbearable degree, the greater the appreciation of the listeners. The voices of appreciation are raised, and palms are raised in continuous clapping that could deafen ears.

>> No.17705152
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>"It is considered legitimate for a girl to be married at the age of nine," the manifesto says. "Most pure girls will be married by sixteen or seventeen, while they are still young and active."

>The translated version of the document—which including the analysis is 41 pages long—extols the virtues of motherhood and promulgates the idea that the best place for a woman is in the house, living a life of "sedentariness" and fulfilling her "divine duty of motherhood." It portrays Western civilization as a godless, materialistic society that has caused women to depart from their God-given roles as wives and mothers.

>It doesn’t put women on "equal" footing with men because the two sexes have distinctly different roles under Islam: "Women gain nothing from the idea of their equality with men apart from thorns," the manifesto states. "Under 'equality' they have to work and rest on the same days as men even though they have ‘monthly complications’ and pregnancies and so on, in spite of the nature of her life and responsibilities to their husband, sons and religion."

>It also envisions an education system in which girls complete their formal schooling by age 15.

>"Because of this, a woman studies these worthless worldly sciences in the farthest mountains and the deepest valleys," the manifesto continues. "She travels, intent upon learning Western lifestyle and sitting in the midst of another culture, to study the brain cells of crows, grains of sand and the arteries of fish!" It would be more appropriate, the document says, for Muslim women to study fiqh: Islamic jurisprudence and understanding of the Shariah. "Hence, there is with no need for her to flit here and there to get degrees and so on, just so she can try to prove that her intelligence is greater than a man’s."

>Ultimately, "It is always preferable for a woman to remain hidden and veiled, to maintain society from behind this veil," the document states. "This, which is always the most difficult role, is akin to that of a director, the most important person in a media production, who is behind the scenes organising."

>> No.17705228

Based Jihadists. Ive supported ISIS for quite some time now (2016 I think) (no FBI, im not gonna join them, but I intellectually support their right to a state and most of what they say). I wish I could find an english book by jihadists, but i cant. So for now I am stuck with printing off manifestos.

>> No.17705339

Dawla had English material. Here is an English language documentary

peopleoftawhid.org features English books and original translations into English

>> No.17705959

I'm not Christian, you cretin.

>> No.17706056

good thread

>> No.17706532

Then why do you call me a cretin? I actually agreed with your criticism of Islam and Judaism. I'm arguing Christianity isn't any better, that's it.

>> No.17706906

there's no such thing as a terrorist, they are fighting for their side that is all

American revolutionaries were "terrorists" in their day.

>> No.17707302

One fought for freedom

>> No.17707344

and here you are a tranny nigger cock worshipping gay pedo twink without forgetting a cuck

>> No.17707755

based fellow jihadist supporter

>> No.17707835

us christians have so much to learn from the muslims, it's astounding how far we've fallen

>> No.17708026
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>> No.17708064

Any reason you have such hate in your heart? Curious to see your reasoning. Are you atheist and or homosexual btw? (Yes jerking off to teenage thai traps is gay)

>> No.17708079

Islam has their share of heretics, liberals and him is don't worry. What they certainly have more than us is organized rape gangs and abusive husband's who beat their wives as part of their duty to Muhammad.

>> No.17708105

but isn't it obvious that, on the whole, they're doing better than we are? like, at least they still can beat their wives. i'm absolutely convinced at this point that part of a healthy and sustainable society is dressing women like trash bags unironically

>> No.17708125

If a wife deserves it then whatever but I live in a 3rd world country with many Muslims and I see them beat their wives over trifles and meaningless shit. Also most of them are just as clueless about their religion as lukewarm Christians in the west. The grass def isn't greener

>> No.17708137

>I see them beat their wives
Based liar detected. No man with the gheerah to discipline his wife brings her out in public to beat her

>> No.17708168

They show me videos, pictures, and relatives/witnesses corroborate their situations, part of my work here.

>> No.17708187

>no true scottsman would...

>> No.17708191

Mao II by Don DeLillo

>> No.17708202

do you tell them that being based is not a crime?

>> No.17708503

Isis is most likely subverted by cia/mossad and non-Islamic special interests, I wouldn't trust anything they publish, claim or do.

>> No.17708516
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>> No.17708517

I hate all Abrahamism because of historical enmity and rivalry. I am not atheist or homosexual.

>> No.17708526

>About terrorism
Any political book from the right perspective.

>> No.17708530

With what goal in mind?

If only it were true. Afrin and Aleppo YPG/J weren't armed by US

>> No.17708543

ISIS is really the only serious paramilitary that has no state partners or allies, very unique. This is why everyone is accusing them

This is sort of like confusion the Stalinists of Spain with the anarchists. Most rebels are not ISIS but nationalist because the CIA goes after non nationalist rebels

>> No.17709031
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>This is why everyone is accusing them
They get accused because there's historical precedent for such operations. They get accused because there's ample evidence that israel & cia directly arm them, give them intel or medical treatment while ISIS seemingly does their dirty work on one level. Pragmatically they function to sow discord in the middle east and topple regimes unfavorable to the West's economic and geo-political interests. Their operation is short-sighted because they release propaganda videos and claim responsibility of senseless terrorist acts that simply make them appear evil, acting out unjustifiable revenge fantasies by targeting innocent civilians, they don't even claim it as collateral damage or militarily necessary. No one would need to false-flag ISIS because they do such a good job incriminating themselves lol.

There definitely are true believers among them but it's another case of the West using simple-minded folk until they no longer serve a useful function. basically even if they secured a country for hardline muslims they'd be unable to deal economically or politically with any other country on earth and would be easy targets for future "regime changes" themselves, any country would have instant justification for going against ISIS because they do such a horrible PR job representing themselves and their interests and don't even try to mask or justify their terrorism. It's at such a comical level that the most reasonable assumptions is to believe they've been subverted and are short-term tools with no real long-term future stability possible.

>> No.17709051

Oh shit, was Osama a paratrooper?

>> No.17709067

>representing themselves and their interests and don't even try to mask or justify their terrorism.

They argue a lot in their publications, scholar videos and articles.

>> No.17709073

Did a Fed start this thread?

Jannies why do you let this stay up?

>> No.17709081

shoo shoo mudman pedo

>> No.17709091

Neither of those men is Usama Ibn Laden

There is zero evidence CIA or Mossad assisted them in any way. There is evidence they assisted Syrian rebels but not ISIS

The regime in Iraq was established by America because Saddam was unfavorable, they grew out if reaction against this regime. The fact that they oppose Assad is of course no more surprise than Muslims opposing the other Russian puppet government set up over Afghanistan (which America also opposed). Truth is NATO and Russia and China want to carve up the Muslim world, but at the end of the day these are precisely the five nations on the UN permanent security council, thus they are rivals but ultimately all want to maintain the UN world order. Thus far Muslim insurgents in order to fight one have taken their rival as a partner in one case or another, but ISIS has broken that trend and announced a war against the five nation security council. This is completely unheard of, they are essentially not just trying to establish an anti modern state, they are rejecting the modern world order.

You should see this propaganda video and tell me what you think

International finance

Ultimately their only material that makes media is the short scraps of beheading, the meat and potatoes of what they produce would never be discussed by media or shown

>> No.17709172

>They argue a lot in their publications
Their arguments are just guilt by association extended infinitely to anyone and any country who isn't on their side.

>> No.17709211

You obviously haven't read what they publish as a lot of it has already been posted itt

>> No.17709216

They moved against chain-takfir

>> No.17709220

can't justify shooting up innocent kids in schools or hotels, or beheading random christians, it's just guilt by association and total war everyone is a soldier, anyone who pays taxes to the west is a target, blablabla heard it before

>> No.17709254

They don't target anyone below puberty (although using explosives they do kill them incidentally).

They behead Christians because Christians support persecution of Muslims and this is almost ubiquitous, either by Sisi or Assad or Israel

Why does the west insist on a corporate model of government for the whole planet while simultaneously demanding the shareholders not accept any responsibility for their representatives? This is just as corrupt as private corporations

>> No.17709264

And islamic militias like ISIS are fighting for freedom from the creeping domination of western culture...

>> No.17709270

Freedom to enslave.

>> No.17709272

Freedom is freedom

>> No.17709299

>freedom to behead, shoot, and burn anyone they dont like because they have the wrong passport or religion or pay taxes to the wrong gov
psycho-schizo pilled

>> No.17709321

A state must be able to organize their society in whichever way they wish, being forced into being a vassal state is the greatest evil that can be inflicted upon a people

>> No.17709335

Truly more evil than genocide and mass enslavement of women and girls for rape

I guess the Yezidis don't get to organize their society in any way they wish.

>> No.17709356

Ultimately better than how westerners treated bothersome inhabitants when they colonized an area. And ultimately for a higher reason too which is theological

>> No.17709369

Everyones afraid of corporatisation, only monkey IQ subhumans take that idea and commit violence on non-combatants

>> No.17709379

You are wrong, non combatants who facilitate war effort are and have ALWAYS been targets, a non combatant who gives material aid to ISIS is absolutely green lighted to kill by the west.

>> No.17710040

Unabomber's book

>> No.17710084

ISIS supporter here. ISIS has every right to form their own state and conduct their business however they wish. Don't like it? Dont go there. I dont give material aid, but I do pray for them to be able to fully secure the proper land, and set up a caliphate like government. From a Christ follower to my Muslim brothers in arms, Allah will prevail!

>> No.17710135

>ISIS supporter here
Does this post violates United States law?

>> No.17710140

No since supporter here is clearly intended to mean sympathizer and that isn't illegal

>> No.17710213

Any law that would exist would be in clear violation of the United States Bill of Rights, and therefore would be invalid. That said, there is no law federally that states that I cannot ideologically sympathize and vocally support (not materially) ISIS. This all hinges on the assumption that I am an American, which for the record, I am.

>> No.17710220

Israel has a right to exist

>> No.17710245

Isn't U.S in war against isis? Supporting him isnt like supporting nazi regime in 1942?

>> No.17710291

Yes however treason according to the U.S. constitution requires giving material support

>> No.17710295

and seeing as how I do not give material support to ISIS, only spiritual and ideological, I am clear of any wrongdoing.

>> No.17710301

I think you mean the Syrian Peninsula/Palestine.

>> No.17710326

Nope I mean Israel. Can't you read? Now seethe arab, am Yisrael chai!

>> No.17710343

The life of a jew worth its weight in gold. Long life to Israel.

>> No.17710353

Allah is a mouse

>> No.17710417

Lots of Jews in this thread. Also, am not an Arab. GOd of the OT is Satan.

>> No.17710452

Jews are better than Arabs

>> No.17710498

>muh Kyoto agreement
>muh atomic bombs on innocent Japan
What a simp. If Obama bin Laden wasn't 6'5 no one would have cared about him.

>> No.17710507

Bin Laden seems like your average hisposter. Shame we never got to see the haplotism+islam combo.

>> No.17710902

Al Afgani was a freemason and probably cia stooge, jews gave isis medical support and intel

>> No.17710939


>> No.17711331

my diary desu