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File: 373 KB, 1200x1855, The Kite Runner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17699963 No.17699963 [Reply] [Original]

This books feels like the story is carved into the history of mankind, like it's a retelling of an ancient story. It is however, as far as I am aware, wholly unique, and although it's not biographical it's clearly inspired by events in the author's own life. It was, at the very least, the most memorable book written that year, as well as widely read and wildly successful.

So how come I never see this book, or its author, being discussed on /lit/? I'm puzzled as to how something like, say, A Confederacy of Dunces is mentioned at least semi-regularly while this isn't mentioned at all, ever. You would expect the story to resonate the self-loathing young man demographic that seems to make up the gross of the board. Amir is a horrible person and knows it, yet he has to learn to live with himself. He is as undeserving of the good things that happen to him as he is to the tragedies that befall him.

So what did you think of this book /lit/?

>> No.17699992

i don't remember much about it but there is some gay sex right?

>> No.17699997

/lit/ doesn't like it because the villain is a pedo white nazi living amongst arabs and that the author is liberal. personally i think it's a good story, even if it has cliches.

>> No.17700010

Yeah the protagonist's Hazara friend gets molested if I remember right

>> No.17700022


There's a rape scene, yes. The boy on the cover (Amir) is looking into an alley where his best friend is being raped by the town bullies - which is strange to us but standard practice in Afghanistan - and he does nothing to help him.

>> No.17700071

This why you take notes lol

>> No.17700206

>Main character growing up in Afghanistan
>Local bully rapes the main character's best friend
>The rapist grows up to become a Taliban leader
>He employs the Muslim practice of "dancing boys" to rape little kids
>Cartoonishly evil
>This awful villain is... somehow... a white guy
>The evil Taliban commander rapist from fucking AFGHANISTAN is a blond-haired, blue-eyed white guy.
In case you were wondering why kikes astroturfed this book so hard.

>> No.17700222

This is the first book that opened me up to “real” lit. Read it twice in eighth grade back to back

>> No.17700238

I thought the Taliban were anti-bacha bhazi

>> No.17700247

The Taliban produced massive amounts of heroin and beheaded people. I don’t think they give a shit honestly.

>> No.17700285


Oh boy an illiterate American what a surprise


>> No.17700298
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>The Bacha Bazi practice remains one of the issues much talked about (in news article and documentaries). However, it has not been dealt with effectively enough to root it out from the society. Bacha Bazi exists as a sexual companionship between powerful men and their conscripts (young boys). Nonetheless, it has matured more inexhaustibly since 2001. The issue has been largely ignored by international partners, in a bid to keep their local allies (Militias) intact to fight the Taliban.

In other words American allies are pederasts whom America doesn't want to jeopardize the alliance with

>The Bacha Bazi practice remained outlawed under the Taliban rule, and death remained the punishment for the culprits. Initially, the Taliban movement started to fight local commanders involved in Bacha Bazi, highway robbery and so on. The Times newspaper highlighted in the article “Kandahar Comes out of the Closet” in 2002, one of the original escalations for the Taliban’s rise to power in the early 1990s was their unacceptability of Bacha Bazi practice.

>Since the Taliban regime toppled in 2001 with the US intervention, the Bacha Bazi phenomenon revived in certain parts of Afghanistan. However the practice has not only been limited to strong men or warlords, but it has also penetrated the Afghan Police Forces. The US Special Inspector General for Afghanistan in a recent report sharply criticized the Afghan Government for remaining complicit for not preventing the recruitment and sexual exploitation of children by the Afghan National Army.

>Recently, a short video circulated on social media displaying Police Chief of Ghormach district of Faryab province of Afghanistan kissing a teenage boy. It highlights the depth of Bacha Bazi’s shameful practice in Afghanistan. A former Marine recalled feeling sickened the day he entered a room on a base and saw three or four men lying on the floor with children between them. “I’m not a hundred percent sure what was happening under the sheet, but I have a pretty good idea of what was going on,” he said. In a New York Times article Lance Cpl. Gregory Buckley Jr, told his father before he was killed on his base that “At night we can hear them (young boys) screaming, but we’re not allowed to do anything about it.” When complained to his superior, he was told, “to look the other way because it’s their culture.”


>> No.17700302

What does this have to do with some mega whitoid living in the middlle of rural Afghanistan

>> No.17700304
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Whiter than you Jamal

>> No.17700309
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>In July 2000, Taliban leader Mohammed Omar, in an effort to eradicate heroin production in Afghanistan, declared that growing poppies was un-Islamic, resulting in one of the world's most successful anti-drug campaigns.[78][79] The Taliban enforced a ban on poppy farming via threats, forced eradication, and public punishment of transgressors. The result was a 99% reduction in the area of opium poppy farming in Taliban-controlled areas, roughly three-quarters of the world's supply of heroin at the time.[78][79] The ban was effective only briefly due to the deposition of the Taliban in 2002.

>> No.17700311

>Germany and Afghanistan got along
>This magically means that tribal afghans were totally blond-haired aryans
Afghans look more white than bedouins, but they're not white europeans. And selecting a villain to be an especially white-looking Afghan in a novel at least loosely critical of American adventurism in the Middle East is not PURE COINCIDENCE.
They are, that's how they became popular.

>> No.17700313


He was half-german and idolized the nazis because their ideology was a perfect excuse to be an asshole, same as the taliban.

>> No.17700322
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>Americans telling others who is and isn't white
Oh lawdy

>> No.17700329

>loosely critical of American adventurism in the Middle East

Lmao did you even read the book? Are you being serious right now?

>> No.17700332

Doesn't it seem a bit kitsch to have a literal boy-raping taliban nazi BULLY be the villain?

>> No.17700340


Kek you went from it's a Jewish conspiracy to it's a bit kitsch. Talk about moving the goalposts.

>> No.17700353

No, I haven't read it, I don't give a shit about the book and have other things on my plate. But based on how obsessed everyone was with it post-Iraq it must be critical of American adventurism, I'm sure.

>> No.17700354

Seems perfectly in line with Western sensibilities to shoehorn Nazis into even the most unlikely situations since Nazis represent evil in the post Nuremberg religious system that has replaced Christianity in the West.

>> No.17700365
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I agree with you. The taliban are scholars and gentlemen!

>> No.17700367
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The author was invited to the White House by George W. Bush, and he accepted was graciously hosted there

>> No.17700369

>in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, Afghanistan
>happened to inherit all stereotypical German features
Just admit that the the kike publishers shoehorned a white German villain into the book

>> No.17700371

>Doesn't it seem a bit kitsch to have a literal boy-raping gunslinging albino GIANT be the villain?

>> No.17700375
File: 801 KB, 1722x1722, all_around_infidel_OD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The west is sodom and gomorrah on steroids so obviously resisting their efforts to impose their nonsense is commendable

>> No.17700377
File: 196 KB, 1280x853, free hotdogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, I see, so the fetishization is just because he's a muslim author and white women want to give him extra attention. Maybe the book is decent then, although fuck neocons.

>> No.17700380

Afghanistan is too abstrac for Americans, they can't be expected to comprehend all the different tribes ans differing social norms. So when it's all Durka Durkas, good and bad, it doesn't work for them. Now the evil blonde German beast, that's a cultural marker familar to all Americans.

>> No.17700381


The entire storyline in Afghanistan takes place before American intervention.
If anything America serves as a liberating force for Amir after he moves there, allowing him to forget who he was in Afghanistan and what he saw there. Also the Russians and Taliban are such monsters that the Americans are the preferable alternative, which is not at all an uncommon opinion in Afghanistan.

The fact that you comment on a book you haven't read just because you assume that it's an extension of a political movement you're obsessed with is laughable. Read, nigga.

>> No.17700382

lol that 1v1 fight against his childhood bully tho, book sucked

>> No.17700385

Read it in high school, allI remember is the kid getting raped.

it was butt rape

>> No.17700386

I’m sure the completely sane and ideologically solid terrorist group will set us straight. And all their members beheading people in the woods, ah, so noble. As if they wouldn’t be building skyscraper harems if they were Saudi royalty. They just want to dominate, and ironically, you got filtered by pop-lit I’m not being able to realize this simple truth.

>> No.17700391

The fetishization is because Jews shilled him to maximum force as his work is propaganda for American interventionism but dressed up for leftie consumption

>> No.17700392

I'm not that guy

>> No.17700397

in not being able*

>> No.17700399
File: 182 KB, 1406x531, nanoratto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's an extension of a political movement you're obsessed with
m90, half the people on /lit/ don't read the books they talk about. I am at least above average for admitting I've never read this fucking book. idgaf about afghanistan or afghan books, I just remember there were like two years when every fucking boomer was reading this or A Thousand Splendid Suns like they were getting fucking paid to, and these are the same boomers who now never shut up about American Adventurism.

>> No.17700405

Funny thing is the teacher that had me read it was a Jew of Russian descent

>> No.17700406

Keep doing mental gymnastics to apologize for jews forcing a comically out-of-place white villain into a story about desert people.

>> No.17700407

just leave the thread retard

>> No.17700409

Hmm, let's see, Saudi nobility asked the west, both British and American, to come in, they are the epitome of a collaborator regime, whereas the Taliban are an insurgency against a collaborator regime.

The truth is, there are corrupt elements in the Taliban, and there are good elements, and Muhammad Omar was definitely a good element, he refused an all expense paid Hajj offered him by the House of Saud because he considered it decadent to do that while there was famine in his country

>> No.17700416

Russian of jewish descent you mean

>> No.17700429

>Hmm, let's see, Saudi nobility asked the west, both British and American, to come in, they are the epitome of a collaborator regime, whereas the Taliban are an insurgency against a collaborator regime.

Hmm, let’s see, the Taliban are poor people. The Saudi’s are rich. Hmm, let’s see, the Taliban aren’t a bunch of noble warriors but a bunch of people who want to dominate others just the same as the Saudi’s. Hmm let’s see. Shut the fuck up and leave the thread you embarrassing faggot

>> No.17700431

She also made us watch The Pianist. I would draw my S as little lightning runes in my assignments and make references to solutions that were final. Man, I was a real edgelord.

>> No.17700437

Nah, the Taliban are willing to die for their beliefs, Saud absolutely isn't. These are fundamentally different kinds of people. The ones like Saud are those backed by America in Afghanistan

>> No.17700449

Thousand splendid suns is so much more restrained and well written imo

>> No.17700451

Bin Laden was from a multi millionaire family and could have spend his life pissing on Slavic women on yachting trips. Instead he spent it in dirty caves being hunted by glowniggers. The man was a moral authority as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.17700455

What belief is that? Their belief in beheading people and ruling over them? You support that. Hmm... that’s interesting. Do you wish men would dominate and rule over you and people you know? They must be intelligent those taliban. And good people too. They’re most definitely not assholes with russian guns who shoot up behind the scenes

>> No.17700461

I wish to please Allah. And to say no one deserves to be beheaded suggests a rejection of justice

>> No.17700463

He was a psychopath whose burning in hell right now. Hate to burst your bubble

>> No.17700472

There are no good guys in this fight. Neither the Taliaben nor the Saddies.

>> No.17700473

I think we should behead you first. How’s that sound?

>> No.17700477
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>completely sane and ideologically solid
sounds like the taliban to me broski!

>> No.17700483

Cause he ordered the death of innocents? Like every US president in history.

>> No.17700485

I think you already behead a lot of us with remote control

>> No.17700490
File: 116 KB, 521x723, Chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17700496

>no you can't heckin target infrastructure in a heckin war

>> No.17700498

Do you think they’re not burning too?

I think I’ve never beheaded a person in my life. Not sure who “we” are. But you’ve done some very bad stuff in your life and perhaps, in the name of justice, we should begin the beheadings with you?

>> No.17700527
File: 206 KB, 1257x645, west-vs-allah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you must know who you mean by "we" or you wouldn't ask where they should start. And they started years ago

>> No.17700537

Okay I’m gonna go read a book

>> No.17700540

A thousand splendid suns his other book
Has a blonde girl as the main character and the villain is brown
Did he switch publishers or something

>> No.17700561

Daily reminder that the qu'ran is a Bible fanfic with roughly half the word count of Gone Girl.

>> No.17700562

Shut up khakzai

>> No.17700598

Afghans being gay.
who cares

>> No.17700606
File: 58 KB, 755x755, 15003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>standard practice in Afghanistan

>> No.17700633

The New Testament is already a fan fic