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17699957 No.17699957 [Reply] [Original]

>meet cute girl
>end up dating
>she becomes my girlfriend
>one day I post-coitally murmur in her ear that she is my property
>she says that she is her own person and can do as she pleases
>i tell her that she doesn't understand and that there is only me, that I am unique and that she, among other things, is my property
>she tells me that I'm a male chauvinist pig
>i tell her such concepts are merely spooks
>she looks at me like I'm crazy and gets up to leave and mockingly tells me to have some other girl as property
>i say that everything belongs to me already, I've merely to attain power over it
>she asks me who the hell i think i am
>i say that I'm the creative nothing which cannot be named
>she says I'm an asshole
>i say no attributes can properly describe the creative nothing which is the unique one
>she asks me where i get all this from
>i tell her that i have stated my case on nothing
>she leaves
Books for this feel?

>> No.17700001

>trying to reason with a women

>> No.17700081


>> No.17700787


>> No.17700789

Never gets old. Cute Apu too. Have a bump

>> No.17700800

olol did mods autosage this? I don't know whether it's better they don't read or they're unspooked by any notion of on topic.

>> No.17700872

This post will prove if it’s saged or not

>> No.17701159


>> No.17701354
File: 46 KB, 800x534, stirner1&only.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
