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/lit/ - Literature

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17695840 No.17695840 [Reply] [Original]

Every time when I mention literature to my friend. Every time he says that literature is the most useless thing in the world. Is he right or wrong? How would you answer this?

>> No.17695868

Well, it's the same as playing a game or watching tv, it's a hobby and a way to relax or be entertained. If those things are useless, sure, but they are fun.

>> No.17695958

Id also say that tv and movies are great for watching like awesome scenes unfold but books are much better at getting into the mind of a protagonist as you're reading along with them and whatnot

>> No.17695972

stop mentioning it to your friend. Don't talk about reading with people who don't read.

>> No.17696018

Ask him what he thinks is useful then call him a retard for thinking so.
Bonus points if you actually explain to him why it's useless.
Some old man I was talking to said "how will reading all those books help you get a job?" So I asked him why getting a job must be the end goal of all action. Then I talked about how wage slavery does not help the community like it used to and how it only helps the 1% get richer. Then he started crying because he spent his life working and not enjoying the fruits of his labor while some executive jew did. Everyone clapped

>> No.17696063

You should respond by quitting your friendship.

But seriously, as >>17695972 has said. I'm through with being angry with these things. I used to be, but now I’m just fine with the diversity in the world and maybe sometimes just a little sad for people who can't appreciate beauty that I enjoy. Their loss. That’s it.

>> No.17696131

kill him

>> No.17696371


>> No.17696383

le sauce to the pic my friend

>> No.17696543
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Traps, but also sauce

>> No.17696564
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Please tell me you’re joking

>> No.17696593

Not the one on the right, nooooo!!!

>> No.17696601
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Pic related. I could be wrong, but their clothes, makeup, accessories are set up in a way to obfuscate male features. Could just be a coincidence.

>> No.17696968

why do you advise not to talk about what a person is interested in. are you suggesting to be a hypocrite?

>> No.17697013

You need books to stimulate your intellect

He needs Viagra to stimulate his base Animal coom addicted cock

You tell me

>> No.17697071

Thats not hypocritical dummy, do you really not know what that means?
I advise not to talk about literature and philosophy with people who don't already have an appreciation for it. You would know why if you had the ability to do so.

>> No.17697284

Are you sure? you demand that a person, despite the fact that he may not be interested in it, must adapt to the other. I think that's what hypocrites do. I will talk about what interests me. And if people refuse to listen to it, then this is their problem. Because in this case they lose more than I do.

>> No.17697366

Doing something you enjoy is not useless. Life is short.

>> No.17697402

Useless would be just proving a dopamine rush
Reading also gives knowledge
Anything that doesn't add to your spank bank of ideas is useless

>> No.17697413

Yes, I'm sure. I don't know why you are confused. Not talking about things I like with people who don't respect them isn't hypocritical.
>being a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings
It doesn't go against my beliefs or feeling to not talk with people. Are you still confused, stupid?

>> No.17697574
File: 91 KB, 600x600, F83E9145-41A3-4402-8481-4E86A91D531A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Russian music duo that go by the name Mэйби c Дopoй. Unsurprisingly the tranime aesthetic is popular in that hell hole

>> No.17697636

First of all, learn to read, after all, we are in /lit. In not talking about something, I also do not see hypocrisy. But in talking about what you are not interested in. I see. You are pretending to be interested. So that the other person does not get bored. This is hypocrisy. And this is your essence, hypocrites. You do this because you have to. Because otherwise, nobody will need you or want see you. But I am a man of honest fate. And I'm talking about what is interesting to me. And maybe I will never find someone who will share my interest with me. But I'm not a hypocrite, and you are.

>> No.17697686

>You are pretending to be interested.
no, I'm not. How are you correlating NOT talking about what I'm interested in with stupid people, with pretending to be interesting in something else?
You're just making stuff up and not even reading what im writing. Is English your second language? Are you over 18? You have a poor grasp of the english langauge you fucking dumb ass faggot.

>> No.17697747

Reading broadens your mind, it's not the same as mind numbing tv and video games.

>> No.17697996

So you don't talk to stupid people about things that interest you? Does that mean you usually listen to stupid people? Or if you don't listen to stupid people, then you talk about their stupid topics with these stupid people. What kind of hypocritic you are then...

>> No.17698008

The world itself is useless - not everything needs to be useful you know...

>> No.17698299

its worse

>> No.17698403

>literature is useless
The whole of the 20th century was shaped due to a single book

>> No.17698420

He is right. You should spend your time only reading nonfiction. Reading is the same as watching Netflix but takes up more time that you could be learning something useful.

>> No.17698432

Anything this dude CONSOOMS is literally based on a literal context. The naissance of human thought is found in literature , the whole mythology of humanity is based on books written by dead people , any "ingenious" approaches to it either in film or in games are just a distilled version of a much wider context provided in a book.

>> No.17698469

Could be a worldly practical Chad that isn’t simultaneously a Reddit fedora atheist technocracy stan, but that isn’t likely. Also this

>> No.17698531

yes, books have had an impact. what about usefulness?

>> No.17698537

jezebel post; didn't read fucking kill yourself

>> No.17698558

You're not a fucking machine, so usefulness is irrelevant, but yes, if you insist in thinking of yourself as a beast of burden, or robot, literature is useless. Otherwise, it's more like literature is an end, not a means.

>> No.17698565

>all art is quite useless
But your friend is a brainlet who isn't talking about art for art's sake.

>> No.17698589

Wdym usefullness ?
Literally everything that is human is linked to a line of thought that had been expressed before in a written line by some dude. You literally have no meaning without words , millions of years of human evolution is concentrated in books that describe concepts linked to humanity so that they become prebaked and signifying for other humans to use in their discourse on this planet. You maybe not grasping my idea of it but its true.

>> No.17698615

If we were to live in a world where no knowledge is written for others to look into and add their mental content to the collective , we would be still hanging from trees and communicating in sign languages or primal screams

>> No.17698627

Read fahrenheit 451 , a dystopian novel about the government actually burning all books so brainlets like your friend can feel good about their mindless lives .

>> No.17698636

I think we should melt down the eifell tower for copper wiring becuase its not useful

>> No.17698852

I can’t believe you actually typed this.

>> No.17699025

Maybe genre fiction but real literature has value in expanding the mind and soul.

>> No.17699035

Bullshit. Literature is more than mere entertainment.

>> No.17699051


>> No.17699116

You mother are hell hole, bruh

>> No.17699188

ESL schizo