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17692108 No.17692108 [Reply] [Original]

Literature about gender theory?

>> No.17692126

The end of gender by Soh
It's an actually balanced account too

>> No.17692151


All fields

>> No.17692219

Gender Trouble is the obvious go-to

>> No.17692329

Nobody denies that humans can have birth defects. 0.018% of the human population, about 1.4 million, is intersex. Seems like they're all on Twitter, too.

>> No.17692333

Have you read any? Talk about that as a starting point.

>> No.17692346

Hello, OP. You were asked a pertinent question. Are you typing? Is it an effort post coming?

>> No.17692362

No, that's "non binary", which is just tomboys who want tranny cred with zero commitment.

>> No.17692379

That's physical birth defect, what about those not adhering to gender roles? In other words, girls that love playing football, boys with nurturing instinct, etc.
These days it seems a lot are approaching it from wrong angle, focusing on changing the body, calling it a birth defect even when it's not, rather than embracing the fact rigidly defined gender roles are outdated in the world we live in.

>> No.17692388

David Reimer kind of proves that theory wrong. Further, gender roles seem stronger in more progressive countries, when economic matters are a secondary concern, so people pick jobs they genuinely enjoy which, surprising nobody who bothered to do some research, are very different between male and female. It's called the Gender Equality Paradox.

>> No.17692399

I thought the scum manifesto was pretty neat

>> No.17692402

go be a nanny elsewhere, lol.

>> No.17692404

The theory of gender roles were invented in the 50s. Of course they don't reflect today's male and female preferences. It's nonsense.

>> No.17693254

I second this. researched and factor pilled

>> No.17693272

>outdated in the world we live in.
it seriously could not be any more obvious that nothing is "outdated" and the world we live in is the problem here

>> No.17693280

Are you saying being a committed tranny is somehow more worthy of praise?

>> No.17693295

Based and gnosispilled

>> No.17693299

You are like a duck wishing its has fin and gills. Sure duck can life in water but it will never be a fish.
>A.k.a you will never be a woman

>> No.17693317

realistically that does biological sex even matter to people at this point? marriage is declining, relationships are declining, capitalism has made the same functions for men and women, our gender relations are obliterated and our roles are obsolete, etc. it should’ve been expected years ago that people would eventually reject the idea of gender no matter how disastrous this experiment will be

>> No.17693364

People who engage with this, thinking it's an interesting topic or something to at least consider, are unironically not fit for responsibility.
Being a man involves having a set of mental tools that's made available to you when considering the fact that this world is a hostile place and nothing wants you to flourish. No one will take care of you, no one will defend you, anyone who teams up with you will do so for strategic reasons.
Gender discourse is at worst a total waste of energy, at best it's a kind of signaling game among administrative elites with no other real gains attached to it

Being a man is only a feeling, the feeling of a mad dog running wild in your chest and belly, biting everything and wanting everything. People without dogs will be consumed by the dogs of others

>> No.17693385

>are outdated in the world we live in.
never an argument.

>> No.17693452

Any biology book. After you get the basics, get into genetics.

>> No.17693586

btw, the only critical response this will ever get (not here necessarily) is stuff like
>dogs?? lol what are you talking about, we are humans! you sound angry, the world isn't that bad, we're all different and gender is just another piece of the beautiful puzzle of identity

the problem with this kind of reply is that has mistaken language and reason for a safe space. Reason will only sway the reasonable (the ones without dogs). Your ability to identify someone as low status (because they don't entertain your gender games) is just that, a feat on the same level as seeing that someone is homeless based on the fact that their clothes are dirty, you're not talking about what men have done and what men will do.

Gender discourse is a game for the neutered managerial classes. Eunuchs throwing the penis around, pretending to be perplexed by it, what does it even do? Why did we ever have a patriarchy to begin with? It's just a piece of meat, how could this little thing make people violent? Part of it is sadness for not having a powerful man lording over them, another part is feelings of resentment for the impotent men who thrive in these milieus

>> No.17693646

I mean is there any actual fundamental difference between men and woman besides the morfological ones?

>> No.17693657


>> No.17693690

John Money. He was the father of it all. Good stuff to read if you have an open mind, check it out.

>> No.17693707

Women are all retarded whores who destroy civilizations

>> No.17693716

It's the opposite actually
>oh you found it better to dive into water to hunt for meals? You must be a fish... no, no, don't say you are just fine with being a duck, you are in water, therefore you are a fish.

>> No.17693763

There is no such thing as a person who produces both eggs and sperm

>> No.17693818

yes trannies and feminists are reactionaries who fetishise a gender mythos to different ends. there are a few gendered things (mainly things that men can't do), little in the way of gender roles, and no clear line of gender one can point to just confused memes and stereotypes. the only solid things are directly from biology and institutional things created recently by ideologues e.g. feminists and trannies.

>> No.17693827

no he's saying it's retarded shit used for social profit or to be quirky and they don't even pretend otherwise (by putting in effort)

>> No.17693885

Is that guenon

>> No.17694440

It stands as evident these "people" are purpose engineered biopolitical clientele for multinational corporations NGOs and the democratic party. They dont breed dont think or question authority.

>> No.17694497

Rather than liberated unique individuals they are miserable, sheepish mentally ill people being used by corporate social engineering agendas, having surrendered all freedom to think for themselves to corporate instances mass media and progressive managerial bureaucracies the only freedom they have left is that to manipulate their own bodies through technology. Their concepts of 'gender identity' which they substitute for a personality are obviously cliches derived from anime and pornography.

>> No.17694499

>girls that love playing football
>boys with nurturing instinct
and then they grow up

>> No.17694522

I swear those people think gender difference magically stop at the brain

>> No.17694534

anon, adult women play football, they have their own league.
Men getting jobs taking care of children in daycare centers is still a bit weird, but parents have positive reaction to it after initial shock wears off. There was an article in my country a bout a month ago, a guy was a professional soldier, but realized taking care of kids is more his calling.

>> No.17694550

Reminder when trannies say their politically correct victimhood identity is validated by "science" this is what they mean by "science". I mean if these people are going to call you a 'fascist' for daring to read old books holding opinions unapproved by corporate media or not wanting kids to be molested then can fascism be all that bad?

>> No.17694577
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I am god, and god has tits and a cock.
deal with it.

>> No.17694622

doing something for the money and doing it for fun is different. what adult woman would go down to the park to play footie with her mates? and i mean play football and not use it as a shallow reason to socialize.

>> No.17694684

Most men these days don't really go down to the park to play footie with their mates either.
Pretty much all women that play football professionally play it out of pure love for the game, females playing "male" sports don't earn nowhere near as much as men due to lack of sponsors, and often they have to pay out of their pocket. Female hockey team in my country had to take naked pictures for a calendar to be able to pay their trip to international competition, despite being world champions several years in a row.

>> No.17695038
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As a privileged white man who wants to overcome his prejudics against the queer commmunity what are some books that will help me appreciate the diverse and vibrant culture of these politically correct victimhood units, i mean these most noble and progressive of creatures.

>> No.17695388

it's annoying that this quesiton will not be completely settled in my lifetime. what I can say is that we have gender norms, and the idea is that they are either from nature or nurture. The feminist idea is that they are from nurture, and can therefore be changed. If, however, it were to be the case that they are from nature, then trying to alter them is tantamount to violence. And the feminists do not know which it is.

>> No.17695485

Gender roles are a social construct but trannies are born the wrong gender. Feminism itself has been subverted to the point where its main concerns are allowing crossdressing male rapists in womens bathrooms and womens sports and normalizing prostitution. The reasonable common sense beliefs of 5 years ago are now far right sedition if we are to believe the lunatic cultural marxists who run the media. No dialog is possible with these people the country can only be taken back through radical and uncompromising action

>> No.17695512

>Gender roles are a social construct
do you think it is purely a social construct that men are providers and protectors? I'm a muslim, and the only gender-role that is really spelled out clear as day in the Quran is that men provide. But that is a difference that carries a lot of connotations.

>> No.17695520

>and the only gender-role that is really spelled out clear as day in the Quran is that men provide
and God knows best. there are parts that can be read to imply more, but afaik this is the only thing that is in plain language

>> No.17695524

Its obviously a corporate social engineering effort to grind humanity down into interexchangable atomized units.

>> No.17695536

We stopped caring about gender roles like 15 years ago when everyone made the "girls can like trucks too" arguments and everyone agreed. Trannies brought the pro arguments for gender roles back because they acknowledged a non biological distinction between genders and made it their identity.

>> No.17695539

I mean those anyone else compulsively hate lgbtsjwtfnpc cattle? Wouldnt it feel great to round them up and blow up their faggy pink haired skulls with a highly cinematic usmc desert eagle? Wouldnt the very air we breathe feel much cleaner?

>> No.17695599

The tranny's conception of gender is derived entirely from anime and pornography. They are not like women at all but like an incel's idea of a woman.

>> No.17695632

These. It's literally just a game to keep the masses distracted, it's not worth engaging in any capacity.

>> No.17695639

And yet here you are

>> No.17695642

no asshole there is a line... somewhere between letting women work and drive and letting them cut off their child's dick. The tranny argument is a turd in the pool. Brains are not male or female in the ways that conservatives insist they are. Maybe your brain is because it is also a conservative brain but a conservative female brain is probably more masculine than a liberal male brain

And your outright intolerance of them prevents anyone from learning to live with each other in peace. You are being a faggot so we should round you up to

>> No.17695651

>Feminism itself has been subverted to the point where its main concerns are allowing crossdressing male rapists in womens bathrooms and womens sports and normalizing prostitution.
Nah, it's all about female privilege, which comes into conflict with the trans cause because trannies want the same privileges as women. Hence why TERFs are a thing, by associating trannies with feminism the movement is getting undermined because no one, in the bottom of their hearts, takes trannies seriously or anything associated with them.

>> No.17695665

Nah mate, I'm just here to lurk for the laughs.

>> No.17695723

>Nah, it's all about female privilege
I gave this a fair amount of thought a couple of years ago and came to this conclusion. it is a loose-knit pro-women interest-organisation, and since the non women are the men that means that as a man I can't have anything to do with it.

>> No.17695787

Here's where trannies come in: trannies are a threat to feminism because they represent a loophole where the rights of women can be extended to men. If tranny acceptance goes mainstream and we lived in a society where any man could be considered a woman if they say that they identify a women, along with female privileges being extended to them, then it would nullify all the feminists efforts to secure privilege over men. Hence why TERFs are a thing.
It's honestly such a clusterfuck seeing how these two groups are eating each other alive while the corporate support structure is confused on which one to back more.
Such a grotesque spectacle.

>> No.17695815

These people are fanatical cultural marxists experience has shown they want anything but to be left alome, they want us broke dead our children raped and brainwashed and they think its all pretty funny.

>> No.17695826

Omfg the subtitle of the article picture. Didn't know aeon has gone to shit that much

>> No.17695900

Based trannies are deep cover incels who made the ultimate sacrifice in order to infiltrate and subvert the feminist movement.

>> No.17695917

She's also a cunt with her frequent digressions about how women should be able to do whatever they want while men need to adhere to traditional gender roles. She's your typical hypocritical feminist.

>> No.17696240

dude go out and speak to human beings. females are obviously female and males are obviously male. i say this as a female (with XX chromosomes.) We are different. Fundamentally unalterably different. men and women don't even think the same way. of course, NPCs don't think at all so perhaps they wouldnt know, since they just consoom prepackaged opinions to shit back out on twatter.

all this bullshit does is, ultimately, erase women and encourage male coom addicts to shove their autogynophilia fetish in everyone's faces.

>> No.17696929
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A sane person on lit?
Have this

>> No.17696960

Tons. Because to believe this nonsense you have to spend a lifetime prancing around the library and avoiding reality.

>> No.17697319

>sucking my titted God's cock
I can't complain

>> No.17698411

>Gender discourse is at worst a total waste of energy
It is precisely because of what you stated that drives people toward gender discourse, not despite your statements. For you, assuming you are a heterosexual male or something similar, it is a waste of energy. However, people who feel disadvantaged because of gender roles will see that it's in their best strategic interest to have gender discussions, whether this realization is conscious or not.

You are thinking too small, thinking that everyone's strategy for survival is the same as yours, and this has given the view that others are not as interested in self-protection as you are.

Yes, hormones have a massive effect on the brain and behavior.

>> No.17698456
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Why don't you just get a book about critical thinking? Modern gender theory is incoherent and illogical.

Gender, as it is articulated by modern gender theory, does not exist. It is so subjective that it is without meaning.

There are only males and females.
There are some males who really, really want to be females, and there are some females who really, really want to be males, but there are only males and females.

>> No.17698475

I mean trannies' strategy for survival is apparently to be as insufferable as humanly possible

>> No.17698512

gender = sex period.

>> No.17698559

I hate when people use watercolors this way, like its nice to do it detailed in some parts, but you gotta let it flow sometimes

>> No.17698574

>people who feel disadvantaged because of gender roles
those feelings are typically caused by brainwashing and do not constitute legitimate inner experience, just thought i'd let you know

>> No.17698885

This fact alone refutes trannies you aren’t meant to be the opposite sex because all brains have a lot of overlap. This means that saying you’re trapped in the wrong body is retarded and you should focus on doing something to better the world instead of decide which gender stereotype you want to live by.

>> No.17698953

Irreversible damage by Abigail Shrier

>> No.17698981

Based. As married dude who has done his fair share of dating I can confirm that males are very different from females.

>> No.17699205
File: 16 KB, 257x389, asta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ásta, Categories We Live By
>Hacking, Social Construction of What
>Gender and Race, Haslanger
>Justice, Gender and the Family, Okin

>> No.17699224


>> No.17699260

To be honest, the article isn't wrong. I hate women, and I've written a hundred page scientific treatment of what I call pinkbrainism. My theory is women's brains are different from men's brains because the neurons in women's brains are pink and the neurons in men's brains are blue. I prove this with countless examples of women wearing the color pink. Why would they wear pink unless the neurons in their brains were pink? It's logic, and if you don't understand that, it's probably because you're a pinkbrain and logic is a bluebrain process. I really hate women, though, honestly, and I really hate the color pink, especially the pink color of the pinkbrain's pink pussies.

>> No.17699553

>Men getting jobs taking care of children in daycare centers is still a bit weird, but parents have positive reaction to it after initial shock wears off
fuck off

>> No.17699696

In a slick video released on Facebook with over one million views so far, a hyper-feminized/sexualized 8 year old boy (who some have compared to a drag version of JonBenét Ramsey) is featured partying in a hypersexual adult LGBT environment and telling kids watching that if their parents or friends do not support their desire to be drag (or trans), they need to get new parents and friends. Professional quality video and editing made this call to young children to the queer lifestyle all the more appealing. As “Lactatia” speaks to his peers, while an all too happy host leers, bold text leaps out at the viewer saying “YOU NEED NEW PARENTS! YOU NEED NEW FRIENDS!” You too can be a drag queen or transgender superstar and perhaps head out on the town to party with the wild LGBT boys and “Lactatia.” If your parents won’t get on board, they can simply be replaced with a new “glitter family.”


>> No.17699937
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>*destroys you once again*
Heh... nothing personnel

>> No.17699956
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