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17691916 No.17691916 [Reply] [Original]

A positivist atheist asexual MIT physics professor and Dr Who fan was teaching a class on Bertrand Russel, known autist

"Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship our formulation of science as the only means of truth, and any other thing is superstition!"

At this moment, a brave, intelligent, pro-tean continental philosopher, who has written over 1500 essays on the ontology of power and fully supported cardinality in all ways of knowing stood up and held a rock.

"What IS this rock?"

The arrogant professor smirked quite puritanically and smugly replied "A mixture of quartz and other minerals you low IQ jock"

"Fool, for you have taken the identity of this object as a mere composition of it's parts, but you failed to define an essence. If everything were just irreducable atoms... then you yourself would be indistinguishable from a rock"

The professor was visibly shaken and dropped his chalk and a copy of A Brief History of Time. He stormed out of the room crying those asthma induced crocodile tears. The same tears scientists cry for the "scientifically illiterate" (who today live much worse lives thanks to instrumental techne obscuring the collapse of social techne) while they jealously try to claw profound epistemological models from true thinkers. There is no doubt that at this point our professor, Sheldor Leonard, wished he had pulled himself up by his bootstraps and become more than a mere paper milling grant monkey. He wished that he could defend himself in writing, but he himself had petitioned against "useless" rhetorical courses!

The students applauded and all entangled with the nature of Being that day and accepted the multiplexy of their animating structures. An eagle named "Will to Power" flew in into the room and looked deeply into the void. The original formulation of the categorical imperative was read several times, and Nietzsche himself showed up and called science gay.

The professor lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He died after being purged by his 'fellow travelers' on trumped up socio-political charges due to failing to perceive the teleological implications of their shifting rhetoric beforehand.


>> No.17692018
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Mfw I can’t even tell who’s side you’re on.

>> No.17692513

Women cannot be asexual.
Women love sex and love to desire sex. This is why most all books are about sex and targeted to women.

Men love sex but they do not love much, nor dislike much the desire for sex. In fact the desire for sex is more like an hindrance and a thing to eject, precisely by wanking and ejaculation that is the pinnacle of fucking a slag.
Men still despise not loving sex, since it removes the most effective mechanism of valuation that they have (a man feels valued by a woman once she picks him up out of the competition, telling him he won and rewarding him with the right to fuck her), which leads them to the usual mockery of being shagless didlos remaining on the shelf of the sex market controleld by women, being baby dicks and being asexual.
Men despise asexuality in men since it shows them to be far less dominant than the story they plays in their heads

Women despise asexuality in men, since the few asexual men (very few are handsome) no longer acknowledge women for sex nor for companionship. Some asexual men claim to still want a gf just to cuddle, but that's already a baby-level sex and we are still in the situation of validation (and the gf still wants sex anyway sooner or later) and once they have sex with a girl that they love they see sex is not so bad.

Women despise asexuality in women, precisely because women live on sex while their hate of their body for menstruating leads them to take pills which kills their desire for sex (but indeed kills their menstruation). They hate their life since through their own body, they acknowledge in their intimacy that they cannot win on both accounts: either have a comfy life or have an erotic life. Women want the erotic life.

In fact sex is so crucial to a woman, that if a woman is fucked senseless EVERY WEEK, her natural hysteria starts to poor out and the neurosis kicks in. Sex is literally ad drug to a woman.

>> No.17692530

I am an asexual woman, so your argument has been rendered invalid. Are you going to tell me that I don't exist?

>> No.17692752

>and Nietzsche himself showed up and called science gay

>> No.17692842

Prove you do exist

>> No.17693085

Show tits etc you know the drill

>> No.17693184

>The original formulation of the categorical imperative was read several times.
I don't understand this part. How does categorical imperative reconcile with Nietzsche's understanding of morality?

>> No.17693622

This is pretty funny but pls abandon continental philosophy, it's not too late for you yet

>> No.17693658

>Nietzsche himself showed up and called science gay
So that's what The Gay Science is about

>> No.17693661

the division between continental and analytical is meaningless. The only meaningful category these days is "post-analytical"