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/lit/ - Literature

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17690253 No.17690253 [Reply] [Original]

>Books with X theme?
>What am I in for?
>What was his/her problem?
>Books like X?
>Do I need to read X to understand Y?
>other questions I can't think of right now

This is an experiment, /lit/ is complaining lately.
I think this could help the board quality overall.
Direct all questions that in your opinion don't deserve their own thread to here.
Keep this thread open if you like to help fellow anons out with their questions.
Turning this in a general avoids newfags asking those same questions over and over again.
Also, other repetitive posts that don't really need their own thread can be directed here.

Feel free to discuss your thoughts about this becoming a general and maybe improve the template, and save it on our wiki so we could easily copy paste.

>> No.17690407
File: 97 KB, 803x996, Nb_pinacoteca_stieler_friedrich_wilhelm_joseph_von_schelling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where do i start with this guy?

>> No.17690535

Please respond

>> No.17690674

I recommend System of Transcendental Idealism, Freiheitschrift, then Weltalter last. He's a very concise writer so it shouldn't be too overwhelming.

I hate these type of questions because they're pointless and easy to google. You should decide for yourself if you're interested in something!

As for translations, it really depends on what (you) want from it. Generally I recommend Edith Grossman's translation for accessibility and transparency, hard to go wrong with that one and it's critically acclaimed. What you sacrifice in character you obtain in readability and ease of consumption. Now, if you don't mind a more dated approach that does a much better job capturing the colors of the original work- I'd recommend John Ormsby's translation. You won't have footnotes for all the references so that might be annoying if you just want to get through the story. Personally I like the latter but it's not for everyone.

>> No.17690693
File: 32 KB, 826x700, 1593800793189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every book I want to read seems to have been published 100 times by 100 different publishing companies. How to choose which edition to read? Does it matter much?

>> No.17690701

I love you Schelling Anon

>> No.17690708

Are you reading a translation?

>> No.17690718

Some are translations others are simply new editions

>> No.17690727

ty anon

>> No.17691068

To what pornstar should I nut to today?

>> No.17691073

Not really but if it’s been translated many times already, chances are the older the translation the better.

>> No.17691183

Thanks anon

>> No.17691202

Can you go back to your containment board for simps?

>> No.17691750

Is Wuthering Heights a difficult read for an ESL? I'm talking mostly about vocabulary.

>> No.17691798

Adding to this, how difficult would be for an esl to read
>a confederacy of dunces
>infinite jest
>the waves
I'm also mostly interested in vocabulary

>> No.17691840

Also, what about The Recognitions and Ulysses

>> No.17691863

Asked what classics to start with (Plato, iliad, Aristotle, etc) and was told to read the "modern classics".

Anyone care to explain? I grabbed some Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky books for the hell of it.

>> No.17691887

what are your areas of interest? those are all good choices but if you narrow down your goals you'll get better results.

>> No.17692635
File: 220 KB, 1025x779, d0sldif75f501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i apologize for being a brainlet, but what really is the essential difference between schelling's system of transcendental idealism and fichte's science of knowledge? it just seems that he is fleshing out the system a bit more. the sep article suggests that the evolution of his work is matter -> organic nature -> consciousness -> self-consciousness
to quote:
>In the System of Transcendental Idealism Schelling goes back to Fichtean terminology, though he will soon abandon most of it. He endeavours to explain the emergence of the thinking subject from nature in terms of an ‘absolute I’ coming retrospectively to know itself in a ‘history of self-consciousness’ that forms the material of the system. The System recounts the history of which the transcendental subject is the result. A version of the model Schelling establishes will be adopted by Hegel in the Phenomenology of Mind. Schelling presents the process in terms of the initially undivided I splitting itself in order to articulate itself in the syntheses, the ‘products’, which constitute the world of knowable nature. The founding stages of this process, which bring the world of material nature into being, are ‘unconscious’. These stages then lead to organic nature, and thence to consciousness and self-consciousness.
is this article just baiting me?

>> No.17692684

What's the best book for a complete history of Japan?

>> No.17692722

>having the ability to choose different translations
its an abstract kind of feel to live in small country and have only one translation per book and never having this question at all.

>> No.17692883

I like to pirate ebooks, but reading on my phone hurts my eyes. I'm planning to buy an ebook reader soon. Which one do you think is better: Likebook Mars or Boox Poke 3?

>> No.17692928

My question:

Didn't there used to be a scifi and fantasy thread? Or is it still here am I'm just missing it.

>> No.17692954

Use the catalog next time


>> No.17693732

What books, if any, should I read that explains this Vtuber phenomenon?

>> No.17693916


Can't access it

>> No.17694507

Its just anime and streaming merger.

>> No.17694614

libgen.rs works for me

>> No.17695637

No, there has to be more than that.

>> No.17695658

/sci/nigger general

>> No.17695676

A little bit difficult I would say.

>> No.17696912

It’s here to stay.

>> No.17696939

where van i get myself a copy of "The Eternal Jew"

>> No.17697012

>infinite jest
The vocabulary in this book is often difficult for a native speaker which ironically might not make it too bad for an ESL since you'd have to be picking up the dictionary anyway. That said I still think it'd be too hard, but I don't know what level you're at.

>> No.17697177

For some reason I've just now remembered this one poem I had to study for my GCSE's years ago, but I can't remember it's title or who wrote it. All I remember is it's about the poet going out on a lake and seeing a mountain and feeling changed and that, and that it was a part of a huge collection of poetry, like several books long. For some reason I keep thinking it's either Browning or Blake, but I don't think it is either of them, I've been trying to find it for about 20 minutes and I've got nothing. Does anyone know what poem I'm on about?

>> No.17697268

comfiest history books?

>> No.17697359

No, not really but whatever

>> No.17697604

You don’t.

>> No.17697658

Have hardly read any literature, mostly sci-fi and fantasy so not sure where to start. Appreciate your input.

>> No.17697857

I've found it lads, just had a fuckin epiphany and realised it was a part of The Prelude. Turns out it was Wordsworth all along.

>> No.17697900

How much do the aesthetics of prose fiction matter?
The vast majority of fiction I've read was by relatively utilitarian writers. Asimov, Zahn, Clancy. When I write, the quality is solid and persuasive, but not particularly elegant, and I see a lot of criticism here that highlights prose not being stylistic enough. Quality of the prose, rather than just what the writing depicts, seems to also be a feature of what makes something /lit/.
Is it something to improve in my style?

>> No.17697904

any writing competitions that i could send my work to? Curious to see how I do.

>> No.17698099

Google it.

>> No.17698883

Freud and/or any of his disciples.

>> No.17698915

I think if we reform the idea of the medium is the message to not only the physical medium, but of the medium, the method in which the information is communicated, then yes prose matters quite a bit in how you are able to manipulate the reader. Are you trying to catch the reader up? Are you trying to make things difficult for them? Are you trying to impress them? Are you trying to make them see words as art and feel something grander than themselves? Are you trying to make the narrator unreliable? Are you trying to make the reader nod off and lose track of whats going on?

The style and prose one uses can most definitely have an impact and if you want to use it as an active tool, you have to be conscious and work at it.

>> No.17698920


Both had a certain turn of phrase that is not to be underestimated, anon

>When I write, the quality is solid and persuasive, but not particularly elegant
> I see a lot of criticism here that highlights prose not being stylistic enough
Sounds like you may be overestimating your writing, which is pretty normal for newbie writers. God knows I look back on my earlier work with a good helping of cringe

>> No.17699089

Lads, not sure if this is a /hist/ request but can anyone recommend some books on Eastern European history? Emphasis on USSR, collapse time period.

>> No.17699124

Anything in particular? The question is kinda vague.

>> No.17699289

Does anyone know any fantasy novels with great prose?

>> No.17699403

A song of ice and fire.

>> No.17699419

Why are women authors so terrible? What is it about the way they write?

>> No.17699427

Share an example?

Also, I feel that those writers mentioned simply lack detail (an elegance) because of it. There is a certain simplicity to their stories because the story itself is the big "wow factor".

>> No.17699454


They're not inherently, it's the affirmative action paradox, if they need as many female-written classics as male-written, they just elevate whatever they can get their hands on, even if it makes women look worse in the long run.

>> No.17699460

WTF I posted this here >>17691434

>> No.17699466

Buy whatever suits your financial needs.

>> No.17699474

Wrong link >>17697863

>> No.17699486

A History of Japan by George Sansom.

Stop attention seeking, christ.

>> No.17699495

>attention seeking
I'm confused. Does this thread clone posts from /wg/? One of the responses is the same too.

>> No.17699509

Anon, just ask a question or answer one of the questions.

>is this article just baiting me?
No, its not.

>> No.17699514

>Anon, just ask a question
Does this thread clone posts from /wg/?

>> No.17699519

Stop attention-seeking.

>> No.17699679

What the fuck? How is wanting to know why my posts teleported attention seeking?

>> No.17699760


Not really sure what I'm looking for. Maybe a general overview would be good for me. Do you have a specific topic you're into that you'd recommend?

>> No.17699782

Migt be a coincidence or a janitor moving posts. This happens sometimes on chans. Just be glad the post is still here and not in the trash bin.

They aren't terrible. Many women authors take up male pen names in order to be taken seriously. This is because people like you think all women are terrible writers. This pen name habit only makes it harder to find good "female" authors leading to the problem mentioned by the other poster in this post:

Probably best to ask about this in /his/. I suspet that you may even want to try /bant/ to see if any Russians have good books which can be translated for you. I think the perspective of a Russian during the communist collapse will be very different from that of an American.

>> No.17699787

>Migt be a coincidence or a janitor moving posts. This happens sometimes on chans. Just be glad the post is still here and not in the trash bin.
Huh. Thanks for the real answer.

>> No.17699790

Why did /SpGT/ die? I'm missing it lately

>> No.17699794

It was just /sffg/ with extra steps.

>> No.17699805

Huh what? I'm talking about the Spanish General Thread. We talked about Cervantes, poetry and translation a lot

>> No.17699807

You can always restart it if you want to. Make sure to keep the thread active with content and nice related images for best results.

>> No.17699813

Sorry, my mistake, thought you were referring to something else.

>Spanish General Thread. We talked about Cervantes, poetry and translation a lot
Why don't you just create it?

>> No.17700290
File: 47 KB, 604x680, cubone's face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which is best: new stories in a shared universe or a new setting with each sequel but the same characters? I know major franchisees tend to do both these days. Which do you feel is superior in the end?

Some examples of what I mean...
>Shared universe, stories focus on different characters
Marvel, DC

>New setting, but keeps a main character each time
Pokemon (anime & games), Friday the Thirteenth

>> No.17700324

Best, as always, is subjective. What are your writing goals? What are your current weaknesses? When you look at these two options, which seems more difficult to you? Which could you write more about? What do you actually want to do, anon?

>> No.17700442 [DELETED] 
File: 505 KB, 1024x768, porygon malware.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are your writing goals?
Create something engaging for users to read with room to grow. I have been doing ghostwriting for 15 years now and want to actually have a base of readers of my own.

>What are your current weaknesses?
Characterization. I can be a little less defined than I'd like when starting up a new character. With time and exercise I fall into line and these characters can get very well-developed, but, again, this takes me time.

>When you look at these two options, which seems more difficult to you?
Both have their problems.

My weak characterization skills may make making a new protagonist with each book harder than making a new setting would be. A weak character can ruin a story and turn off readers. Also people tend to get really attached to characters and may not like if a fan favorite does not feature in the next book. This said, the option to be able to switch characters is attractive and could prevent fatigue on my end if I can't come up with good ideas for a character's growth.

New settings with the same character can lead to a "sequel-itis" feeling if I am not careful to have enough new events or character growth. Same setting also means needing a lot of notes in case you forget something happening elsewhere that may impact the plot of your current book. On the up side, as the character remains in each book it gives lots of time for me to build and expand on a character.

>Which could you write more about?
Honestly, I'm more worried about gaining and keeping readers than anything else. I can and have written both types of story.

>What do you actually want to do, anon?
I have several solid story ideas with two major options for main characters. I am uncertain if these stories should be in the same universe. One protagonist has less sequel potential than the other. I don't want to lose readers just because the first story has ended and I do not wish to make a sequel to it. However, I do want to tell both stories. A little editing could make them easily co-exist in the same world. I hope you can see my dilemma.

>> No.17700467

kk, ill trust you...

>> No.17700474
File: 99 KB, 900x900, ah and pikachu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are your writing goals?
Create something engaging for users to read with room to grow. I have been doing ghostwriting for 15 years now and want to actually have a base of readers of my own.

>What are your current weaknesses?
Characterization. I can be a little less defined than I'd like when starting up a new character. With time and exercise I fall into line and these characters can get very well-developed, but, again, this takes me time.

>When you look at these two options, which seems more difficult to you?
Both have their problems.

My weak characterization skills may make making a new protagonist with each book harder than making a new setting would be. A weak character can ruin a story and turn off readers. Also people tend to get really attached to characters and may not like if a fan favorite does not feature in the next book. This said, the option to be able to switch characters is attractive and could prevent fatigue on my end if I can't come up with good ideas for a character's growth.

New settings with the same character can lead to a "sequel-itis" feeling if I am not careful to have enough new events or character growth. New setting also means needing less setting notes lest you forget something happening elsewhere in the world that may impact the plot of your current book. Also as the character remains in each book it gives lots of time for me to build and expand on a character. If i dislike a character I'm stuck with them, though! Also the world may end up outshining the main character (ex: Ash from Pokemon). as readers tire of the character.

>Which could you write more about?
Honestly, I'm more worried about gaining and keeping readers than anything else. I can and have written both types of story.

>What do you actually want to do, anon?
I have several solid story ideas with two major options for main characters. I am uncertain if these stories should be in the same universe. One protagonist has less sequel potential than the other. I don't want to lose readers just because the first story has ended and I do not wish to make a sequel to it. However, I do want to tell both stories. A little editing could make them easily co-exist in the same world. I hope you can see my dilemma.

>> No.17700577

I wouldn't recommend reading Schelling without reading some secondary sources first. It sucks to say that but his thought is too specific to its different periods and the different projects and approaches he was getting at in each one. I highly recommend Frederick Beiser. Reading or listening to Isaiah Berlin's lectures on the romantic period might be a good primer if you're completely new to the period. There's a more recent book by Blanning's Romantic Revolution is also okay as a beginner intro.

Schelling himself is hard to recommend to people. He's brilliant, but everything he does is highly specific to some context. It's very hard to understand his work in the 1790s and early 1800s without a decent understanding of Kant, Herder, Fichte. His post-Fichtean stuff (which most people historically have not paid much attention to) is more tempting to read in a vacuum but still difficult.

It's a very Schellingean thing to say, but: to understand him you need to understand him morphologically, not as a propounder of systems that can be plucked out of living history (his and his milieu's) and reflected on.

Grossman definitely. She is the easiest to read for the vast majority of readers. Skip Bloom's stupid introduction.

>what really is the essential difference between schelling's system of transcendental idealism and fichte's science of knowledge?
Fichte aimed at deriving the world of experience from original subjectivity, which posits an "external" world of experience for itself, but this left his external world with all its contingent phenomena (including history) as a kind of meaningless abstraction. Fichte just does not seem to have been concerned with history or natural history. Compare the massive scope of Herder's Ideen with Fichte's admittedly arid subjectivism and you will see what Schelling felt was missing in Fichte. So Schelling was never really the obedient pupil of Fichte. He always wanted a grand reconciliation of nature's (and human history's) contingency with the "internal" life of spirit. He saw the Fichtean project, properly modified, as a way of expressing the Absolute's self-expression. Schelling was always willing to cede more reality, more permanence and prominence, to nature than Fichte was.

Cheese and the Worms maybe?

Good work

Nothing useful but this looks like a useful syllabus at least

>> No.17700611

I can appreciate the problem, but it seems like you already know the answer, and it’s the one that’s harder for you. The good news is that one continuous world will continue to provide content to your readers that stick around. The other great news is you can practice characterization and interweaving stories as you set up hints to the next story in the same world. Good luck pokeanon.

>> No.17700649

Is it really possible to practice stoicism irl?

>> No.17700747
File: 815 KB, 1280x720, banette puppets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the reply. The feedback is appreciated. Even when I "know" the answer sometimes it really pays to hear what others think. Sometimes I don't know the answer as well as I thought. It's hard to know when it's just you.

Good luck to you, too!

>> No.17701259

This has nothing to do with writing.

>> No.17701732

Yes, but it’s difficult.

>> No.17701862

Since, virtue is the most important thing in stoicism. On what basis do you what is moral or immoral?

>> No.17702453

Shared universe with different characters.