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/lit/ - Literature

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17687408 No.17687408 [Reply] [Original]

Write what’s on your mind

>> No.17687421
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You're on my mind

>> No.17687440
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There are about 300 posters per day here, and this is their geographical distribution.

>> No.17687485

Does anyone know any good books about ideology? Im writing a university essay about ideology and i need boooks

>> No.17687498

Mein Kampf

>> No.17687535

i dont want books about a specific ideology I want books about ideologies in general. maybe mein kampf talks about ideology in general too but I dont think Im allowed to refer to hitler

>> No.17687841

fyra svennar?! heh tjena grabbar

>> No.17687857

The sublime object of ideology by zizek is great. It’s a rough read, but worth it. Here’s a video summary before you jump in, if you like.

>> No.17687866

>I wrote this originally in BR portuguese hours ago

It was not possible to assign a single significance to her among the countless figures that ran through his mind in a whirlwind of old memories, familiar as the fragile and old pages of a yellowed book. Who was, among so many figures, among political leaders of expansionist empires, philosophers and novelists, criminals and terrorists, demons, gods, angels, pagans, Christians in general. What was that woman, who wielded such overwhelming power over his spirit? She was evil, iniquity, sneaky, ultimate, crawling in the grass, hiding in the murky water at the river's edge without even her eyes poking out, looking down from a tree in the dark of the night, her feathers the same color black of the leaves of the trees in the pitch of a night in the middle of the woods, where the light did not know how to reach. She was a carnal, cruel, inexplicable desire, a cheerful bohemian hidden behind a perfect face for a sober and melancholy painting of some medievalist capable of mastering the shadows to perfection. Sadistic and cruel, in a way so dangerously charismatic that relishing it sent constant messages through every crevice in the mind that it was necessary to obey instincts and run away as soon as possible. Inviting in the way that the waters of the hot springs are, at the time of day when the unsuspecting jump and die boiled, unaware that they will be part of the two dozen dead who are lost there every year.
She was the Devil, he thought. The Devil. But it didn't make sense. Because she wasn’t that inviting to other people, she wasn’t that charismatic to others. She was somewhat unfriendly and unattractive by the standards that surrounded her, elsewhere, in another culture, she would perhaps be much more successful. But for him, she was perfection, what he had asked God for in the smallest detail, and it was exactly what he had received. She was too perfect. Mean, individualistic, incapable of moral masturbations, of forced empathies for the sufferings of others, of devotion to ideologies. Human purity, he thought of her. His own Satan. Meticulously built to lure him into his own Hell. As there is a perfect paradise for each person and a hell too, what is most desired from eternal pleasures, and what is most feared in sufferings. She was all his wishes in one place. To lure him into the worst Hell he could ever experience. And so far, our hero wanted to walk this path, and find out for himself how close he could get to Hell, and if he could turn and run, as soon as the doors open, as soon as the dogs start chasing him .

>> No.17687872


>> No.17687891

todays diary entry
Feeling. Am i even capable of expressing it?
I dont feel so and even if try to express them, it comes out in insincere way. The irritability is the easiest to show because it's very similar to my inner state of dissatisfaction and desire to be perfect. I'd like to say that perhaps it's the anger but is it really? The only genuine expression ended me punching the wall so hard that i broke my hand in two places. Sadness? More like melancholy like an attempt to slow down my body and try listening to inner states. Sometimes it's necessary to drink alcohol to forget about my situation even for a brief period of time. Speaking of positive feelings, it seems like enthusiasm shows itself as briefly as the ray of sunlight because it's either trampled or i'm unable to cultivate it. Happiness and tranquility are such rare guest that i usually forget that it even exists in the first place. I'm not even talking about my ruminations about whenever i should feel happy but rather feeling such without forcing the appearance of it. It's very hard for me with all this expression of feelings and even understanding the inner states of me. I feel like staring at object which i cant describe or understand. Even now i'm reading "Feeling Good" with the intention to help myself with personality constipation. I'd like to let go of the past, concentrate on current moment, feel the self-worth and attain confidence of myself and even more to get rid of plaguing doubts, take a responsibility for my life in a way that i'm the only one who's creating my life and dont be afraid to risk (it doesnt mean that i'm a fundamentally bad person and my life is decided forever if it doesnt work).

>> No.17687905

I am having trouble finding a full-time job :(
I am stuck in part-time, but I badly want a full-time job once I graduate in a few months

>> No.17687951

That meme on /lit/ about the pig begging his brother for his love and his oats really shook me.
At first I just laughed at the absurd scenario.
But in fact, it is great literature.
I used to think that such a pure love couldn't exist, that it was only the manifestation of despair.
Perhaps it really does exist.
I don't know, I keep thinking about this absurd story, it echoes in my head.
If it did exist, then there is no amount of oats that the pig should desire, he already possesses the most precious gift known to men and beasts alike.

>> No.17687981
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About to read 90, enitre fucking 90 books on Paleoconservative theory and Traditionalist lit in order to produce the singular most potent philosophical-political novel of the last 100 years. You couldn't stretch and crack enough for one of these.

>> No.17688163

I’m beyond dissatisfied with life, my own and just life at large.

>> No.17688205

L33T 1337

>> No.17688290
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I received a text out of the blue from an old classmate who I was once madly in love with and it brought on an onslaught of nostalgia and along with it, the realization of how much I missed the boat. I should've told her how it was two years ago, even if I fumbled it, at least I would've been able to say I had tried.

>> No.17688312

He hated himself for what he had become: a hikikomori who would only leave his "den" at dark, and even then lurk within the shadows of the greater shadow of the night. His favorite haunt, a block from his basement flat, was a vending machine that provided an excellent vantage point to an all night laundromat: consisting mostly of large windows, it was a perfectly illuminated 'lunch' box, and he had developed a hunger, a devilish one, for some of the olfactory treasures within that box. Like a hawk he spied from the shadows till the coast was clear, the building empty; his eyes bulged like a voyeur's as he sought to gather the status of his prey: the box of lost & found full of used panties: satiny, virginal white, small with cartoon prints, large-legged, etc. He swallowed, felt his heart race, as his palms became moist, lifted his hood, crossed the street and entered the joint. A television was on, a smell of lint and soap pervaded the air. Suddenly the churning washing machines reminded him of computer monitors (and in effect this latter way is how his "addiction" had started). A large beetle or cockroach buzzed impotently on the floor like an organic toy. He walked briskly to the lost & found basket and took all the undergarments he could identify whilst hiding behind a pillar, thereby hoping to evade the line of sight of the security camera's lens. After filling his backpack with all the lost panties and bras he could find he began to feel slightly more relaxed and scanned the place again, his thirst for such artifacts was such that he couldn't help seek out a second lost & found box. Suddenly he heard the entry door swing open and as he turned his eyes directly crossed the line of sight of a milfish woman, both stood suspended, almost as if hypnotized by each other's stare, time itself seemed to have become strange, both strangers having entered a sort of strange universe of telepathic comprehension that was finally broken by the woman's disgusted exclamation: "That's so gross, you filthy pervert; you should be ashamed--I'm calling the cops!" He rushed past her into the night, both his feet and mind racing: What the fuck, how did she instantly know? Did she read my mind through my eyes alone, what the ever freaking fuck?!...A week past and he returned to the addictive nocturnal routine. Dantean hell was a laundromat with a hamper full of shit to which he endlessly returned.

>> No.17688333

What are your hobbies?

>> No.17688334

one day you're gonna get it right, fueled in part by the pain you're feeling now. it won't be in vain.

>> No.17688351

I wish I could care about something aside from any of my relatives dying. I still read, study, work, eat well and lift because maybe there's still something and going back to fix your shitty lifestyle seems like a pain.

>> No.17688353

unironically shitposting. used to be vidya too but less and less. I like chess a lot but it fills my head with tetris-effect imagery that actually gets pretty fucking annoying. not even like I'm discovering ideas, just a forced imagery of very simple combinations.
a little bit but I read too much for uni desu

>> No.17688360

is that you CJ? youre on /lit/?

>> No.17688382

no matter what i do and how old i get, i'll be a loser for the rest of eternity

>> No.17688396

reading books, cooking, video games and photography (very rarely). im not that interesting.

>> No.17688403

Have you tried riichi mahjong?

>> No.17688424

Order multiple books to understand each ideology. I suggest Mein Kampf even though you're saying that they're saying- "Hitler bad booo" without actually reading what he wrote. Dor An-prim read 3 books by Ted Kaczynski. His manifesto, anti-tech revolution, and technological slavery. For fascism I guess Mosely does a good job with his 100 questions asked and answered.

>> No.17688454

I think anon was asking more about the underlying psychological, theoretical, philosophical underpinnings of the idea of ideology itself as a concept, as oppose to particular concrete examples of ideology, though I'd assume the materialist take of examining each ideology itself instead of generalizing about ones that are possible may turn out to be a more precise paper.

>> No.17688478

My brother really loves science and explaining stuff to me, but I'm so fucking adhd I can't focus for very long, and I feel sad about it. I don't think he has anyone to talk to about it.
I'm just so fucking bad at math. He likes all the hard quantum shit, and that's all just too big for me to wrap my head around. At some point it just devolves into numbers. If I can't visualize what I'm being told, then it just doesn't stick.

>> No.17688509

Internet of Things is so fucking gay

>> No.17688517

>is x y?
>why does x y?
>why is x so y?
>imagine being so x that you y.

what a fucking decade we're in for. nobody can posit an argument without begging the premise like a fucking pedant. and its not even a new occurrence

>> No.17688611

Is there anything noble about serving in the military today? It’s the only job I’ve ever been attracted to and now I’m unsure.

>> No.17688661

Those aren't even close to my initials.

O God I hope so.

Checked. Reading obviously, I do a lot of woodworking/bushcraft projects. Occasionally like to catch the Rangers game. Skiing, drumming, hackeysack, typical outdoorsy garbage.

Love exists anon, never give up.

I'm in the same boat. My younger sister is much smarter than I'll ever be in terms of math and science. I wish I could relate to her, but I have close to zero comprehension.

>> No.17688732

hmmm my professor adviced me on that book as well as althusser. i suppose i'll have to use it. but it kinda bothers me that I havent found any non-marxist theorists about ideology

>> No.17688756

>I wish I could relate to her, but I have close to zero comprehension.
I do save all the neat little trivia things I find to tell him about them - we don't live close, so we only get to talk, and we both enjoy just chatting about those things- I just wish I could give him the attention he deserves. I know what it's like to have no one that'll listen to you talk about what you enjoy, and it sucks.

Do you have a good relationship with your sister?

>> No.17688801

That’s because it started with Marx.

>> No.17688890

I hate that I have to play the social media game to be considered an entity in this stupid world. My quality as a person should not be judged by whether I have good pictures of me standing in front of the Eiffel tower on Instasham. There's something wrong about reducing everything to the visual dimension. I don't even mean lookism, I mean "coolism." This terrible need to seem cool rather than be interesting.

>> No.17688980

Dude did you seriously just post about a social, political, or economic issue? That’s seriously cringe dude, this is a good vibes only zone.

>> No.17688985
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ah yea

>> No.17688986

Yeah at work during an ice-breaker we went around naming our favorite vacation spot and everyone rushed to spout off their exotic place they studied abroad at in college. Disgusting

>> No.17688994

>social, political, or economic issue
these are cringe, boring, unaesthetic, and plebeian

>> No.17688999

what the hell is going on with GPU prices? cryptojews are really going on full blast now.

>> No.17689000

I think you're looking at it a little wrong. Social media just made becoming an entity easier. Being "an entity" was never really a thing before, so it shouldn't be something to be bitter about.
What I think about it, is that we are living in the beginning of an age. None of use really know how to deal with the internet yet. It's only been a mainstream thing for 30 years- So we have people who learned about it as adults, as teens, and kids who grew up with it, but the long-term affects of that, aren't something we can really understand, yet.
There are people desperate for validation, terrified in a world that's suddenly so much bigger than it used to be, but I think most people just see it as a void to scream into, or just consider what they post to exist in a little bubble where only they and their friends live, and
sometimes strangers can pass by.

I think this reduction of social media to "a clout game" or whatever, to be too simplistic. From what I see, it's more like an entirely new ecosystem that has suddenly appeared, constantly metamorphizing. Maybe it'll settle, like lava hardening into a shelf, or maybe that's just how it is.

But in any case, your existence as a person and your entity in digital form doesn't need to be anything more than communication. Wanting to be an entity at all isn't really the fault of the mode of becoming one.

I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong, but that's what I think.

>> No.17689012
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first relationship just ended, she said she likes me but is still in love with her ex and needs to take some time to process that

anyone have any sad songs/books to reccomend? I havn't cried in a while

>> No.17689029
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An absolute fucking no one such as myself, with no formal training in philosophy or political theory, or any degree or diploma in any area other than a high school diploma, is going to venture further into the unknown and write grand works of political theory, philosophy and economy, armed only with retarded understanding of the works that I read and a higher than average intelligence.

I don't care about being approved by the respected institutions and being allowed to call myself a philosopher, political theorist or economist because of degrees and pieces of paper on the wall. I'm a WRITER and writer only I am, and I'm going to write about whatever the fuck I want. Now if you excuse me, I have minds to destroy and entire political systems to ruin eternally.

>> No.17689043

I’ve realized that I have an impulse to eat, especially junk food, when I’m bored, tired, stressed, anxious, or depressed and that’s the single biggest reason I’ve always struggled with my weight.

>> No.17689052

I'm nearing my 30's and I started learning to draw about a month and a half ago, really taking the fundamental studies seriously and being very dedicated and meticulous.
After a whole day of practicing and doodling something suddenly clicked in my head and I started seeing strokes moving in 3D space, I started truly understanding shapes as things with volume without relying on guiders. I have never experienced anything so rewarding in my life before and I started crying.

>> No.17689061

i am soooo glad i never got hooked on shitty food like that. i definitely have an addictive personality, so it's not cuz i'm so virtuous or something, i have other copes.

>> No.17689063

>poland and czechia together
>slovakia falls under eastern europe

>> No.17689066
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>Dude did you seriously just post about a social, political, or economic issue? That’s seriously cringe dude, this is a good vibes only zone.

>> No.17689075

I'm really, sincerely happy for you anon.

>> No.17689085


Harrow and the Harvest by Gillian Welch is a great sad folk album

>> No.17689104

i wish i had that

>> No.17689117

ty anon

>> No.17689140

It makes being a *falsified* entity easier. Social media is a masquerade, a veil. And it rewards only those with a knack for superficial charm or obvious visual assets. I realize I sound like an ugly loser, but really, I've never been one to photograph everything I do or to livestream every aspect of my life. There is no social media for capturing ideas or for being brutally honest with yourself.

Apps like instragram--it's the true culprit but also to an extent Tiktok and twitter--don't strike me as tools to take advantage of so much as unpleasant obligations that I must submit to or else I will get filtered as suspiciously out of touch.

Someone said , great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. 4chan discusses the first (kidding), Twitter discusses the second, and instagram the third. Most social media is in the third category.

>> No.17689142

Had a long talk with mom today. We been having them everyday. It was about my current neet situation and future. I just cant move out and get a job because intrapersonal relationships between me and other people are too scary and stressful for me hence if i'd do this, it would be only for other people and not for me. I spent 5 years in uni and 5 years neeting so its impossible to believe that something can lead to deeper insight. It doesnt matter if you try or you dont - nothing happens either way for me.

>> No.17689150

based and ironpilled

>> No.17689151
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Went for a run today. As a female jogger passed by me, I turned around for a peek...why do I like legs? Why do I like calves? Why do I like ankles? Fuck, why do I like feet?
Why, good sirs, am I a degenerate? Don't answer that.

>> No.17689152

I’m going to write a light novel called “Help! I’m addicted to Light Novels!”

>> No.17689157

>Why, good sirs, am I a degenerate?
you arent

>> No.17689161

How many men can a woman feasibly have sex with? 500? 1000? At what point does her vagina not work?

>> No.17689168

legs calves ankles feet are all always covered up and only displayed to another if the person feels comfortable with them enough to disrobe and casualize.

>> No.17689169 [DELETED] 

if you're drawing from life that's not really what you want to do tho, you need to do the opposite actually which is to say flatten the 3d space in front of you so you can translate it to the 2d space on the page, if you start thinking about the depth or volume or stuff, you're going to start drawing your idea of what is there, not what's actually there. this is from drawing classes in college while doing an art degree, on the other hand, i've done comic art workshops with dudes who've been published by marvel, and when you're drawing from your imagination, you have to think about how the thing you want to draw really looks in 3d space, or else you end up drawing a symbol of it instead of what it really is. anyway drawing is rad af and i congratulate op on any creative breakthroughs

>> No.17689183 [DELETED] 

you think your wife's vagina is going to stop working if you have sex with her 500 times? even if you only have sex twice a week, that's not gonna be a long lasting marriage, lmao they need to bring back sex ed these kids are retarded

>> No.17689203

I have come to a realisation that women aren't real.

>> No.17689209

Listen to Tea For the Tillerman when you're feeling down, bro.
Listen to Teaser and the Firecat when you're ready to pick yourself back up, king.

>> No.17689214

He has the gift

>> No.17689244

write your local university, youll get a degree in humanities

>> No.17689276

ty brother, i will listen to them

>> No.17689302

Stay tuned for my light novel that I'm writing: I Can't Believe Anon is Addicted to Light Novels!

>> No.17689347

My birthday is coming up soon and I am in disbelief. It feels like the past year never happened and I fell through a slipstream in time. I'm not ready to be a year older. None of my problems were fixed this past year, and if anything they got worse. And not even because of my negligence but because my world narrowed due to the pandemic to the extent of my skull. Because of a trick of the memory time appears to pass faster if you live a very routine life. I fear an endless existential circle that just gets narrower and narrower as my possibilities shrink down to an extensionless point.

>> No.17689371

stop whining bitch

>> No.17689384
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I hate ugliness so damn much.

>> No.17689387

Hey fuck you pal

>> No.17689391

been a productive day. I've gotten on a schedule to dig myself out the hole and it's going ok. finished a paper, read an article. wrote a letter to a potential employer, cleaned some. tired as hell now to be honest senpai, tired but optimistic.

>> No.17689440

progress is a poison

>> No.17689468

Gill's Rendering in Pen and Ink. It's basically a dictionary of 3d spaces.

>> No.17689488

Agreeing to work on the staff at my alma mater is the worst decision I ever made.

>> No.17689489


>> No.17689492

wheres that

>> No.17689539

Make a guess.

>> No.17689553

The problem with you people is that you are deeply opposed to "progressives" and leftism in general, but you are fundamentally brainwashed by them and argue through their arguments. You just take it as fact that ugly, basically functional and brutalist, featureless pieces of shit constitute as "progress" because so you have been told.

Progress is by definition "the movement towards a refined, improved, or otherwise desired state." A very vague and subjective definition that can be used to point out that the current state of affairs is unsatisfying and undesirable, and thus not really progressive.

Wikipedia further explains Progress as: In the context of progressivism, it refers to the proposition that advancements in technology, science, and social organization have resulted, and by extension will continue to result, in an improved human condition

Science and technology by themselves are apolitical, but have been co-opted by leftists through the power of plutocrats and other ideological controllers of the cultural understanding of things. There is nothing that impedes the right from taking over control over the expectations we have of and the assumptions we make from the discoveries of science and tech, only that you've been conditioned down to the marrow of your bones to think that "learning le science makes you left-wing".


>> No.17689561

Your post is a prime example of social economics - I declare that mine is not. Discussion over.

>> No.17689587
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I am going to write a homoerotic novella about a Chinese man and a Japanese man escaping the brutality of World War II to run off and have mutual cummies all day every day for the rest of their lives.

>> No.17689598

can be anywhere. for the memes i'd go for the balkans

>> No.17689622

Russia or former communist country, maybe even some Islamic country

>> No.17689641

Am I the only one that’s read felt a personal connection to historical people from a completely different culture?

>> No.17689653

If everytime someone looks at me they are so filled with despair that they go home and commit suicide (totally unbeknownst to me), am I doing something wrong by walking around in public?

>> No.17689714

You're only doing good. Cull the herd.

>> No.17689793

Yup. This is Egypt. Military-built houses, as is everything else in this shit hole of a country.

>> No.17690047

“Anons Wrote A Light Novel and It Turned Into a Romantic Comedy”

>> No.17690061

fake data, only gookmoot and the NSA have that kind of data on /lit/ posters

>> No.17690091

I wish I could fall asleep and not wake up

>> No.17690096

No >>>/jp/ is full of you

>> No.17690159

I'm infatuated by this chick in my research project and I want to see her every single day. She has a boyfriend

>> No.17690196

We’re not talking about fictional anime characters here.

>> No.17690200

>The problem with you people is that you are deeply opposed to "progressives" and leftism in general,
I am a leftist.
>but you are fundamentally brainwashed by them and argue through their arguments. You just take it as fact that ugly, basically functional and brutalist, featureless pieces of shit constitute as "progress" because so you have been told.
Ah yes, the 'le brainwashed' argument.
No, you are speaking nonsense. I do not regard this style of architecture as "progressive" because the "progressives" told me to, I refer to it as progressive because it has become the de facto architecture style for public works and city planning in the west but only within in the past four decades.

>Progress is by definition "the movement towards a refined, improved, or otherwise desired state." A very vague and subjective definition that can be used to point out that the current state of affairs is unsatisfying and undesirable, and thus not really progressive.
Yes, but in this context "progressive" refers to wear things are at now + where they are currently headed as opposed to what has been and what things were.

>Wikipedia further explains Progress as: In the context of progressivism, it refers to the proposition that advancements in technology, science, and social organization have resulted, and by extension will continue to result, in an improved human condition
Do you seriously believe that living in soulless, brutal buildings accompanied by inescapable neon signs bombarding you with messages of 'buy this, consume that,' and then leaving to work in an equally soulless and brutal building at an unfulfilling job where escape manifests itself in the cheap, fast, and easy thrill of social media, television and the like has "improved the human condition?" Because this where "progress" has led you.

>Science and technology by themselves are apolitical,
This is not true.
>but have been co-opted by leftists through the power of plutocrats and other ideological controllers of the cultural understanding of things.
Leftists are not, nor ever have been, in favor of plutocracy. To call the a plutocrat a "leftist" demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of the simplest parts of political theory. An argument could be made against the overzealously censoring tendencies of some groups of modern leftists, but this is irrelevant.

You are misidentifying your enemy. The leftists are not those responsible for the construction and push of these negative effects of 'progress' influenced by cheap productivity. The capitalist class are responsible. They are the ones who benefit from all of the issues we have singled out.

>> No.17690293

There is no wonder anymore. Everything is dead. The world lost its charme. Nothing ever gets better. Only chaos could salvage us. Bring us Corona but 100 times deadlier and more infectious and we might start to see the world clearly again.

>> No.17690313

>Otakus are fictional anime characters
Everyone, even otakus, wishes for that but it is sadly not the case.

>> No.17690324

? I think you misunderstand me. I’m saying the otakus at /jp/ feel an affinity for fictional anime and manga characters, not real people.

>> No.17690335

I’m moving far away. I don’t really want to tell me family. I especially don’t want to tell my dad. I know my mom will be supportive but my dad will just ask a million times if I’m sure and make little comments, and plant seeds to sow doubt in my mind. If it’s not he thinks I should do or if it deviates from the norm, he thinks it’s a mistake. I’m not someone who can live like that. He’s never actually encouraged me to do anything in my life. For 10 years, he didn’t actually do anything. He literally wasn’t even around.

>> No.17690346

Ignore him. He's just a triggered faggot attacking a strawman

>> No.17690350

My parents divorced when I was 13. He took off after that and I literally didn’t see him again until my college graduation at 23 years old. Where was the advice then? I’m probably better off knowing what I know now. It would’ve been nothing but discouragement anyway. Why is he constantly down my neck with everything these days. I’ll be 30 in a few years.

>> No.17690354

Sounds like you're describing a classic case,. with possible paternal asperger's characteristics.

>> No.17690371

Didn't do what I was supposed to do today. And I'm still not doing it as I type this. Instead it seems that I would prefer that it haunt me and cast a shadow over everything I do that is not it, slowly chipping away at my morale, at my self-respect, while I fight doing it with all my strength and formidable inertia.

“Procrastination is attitude's natural assassin. There's nothing so fatiguing as an uncompleted task” -William James.

>> No.17690393

>We reflect how few people really read Shakespeare, and in this connection think of Nietzsche, whose strange character we sum up by saying that he possessed no real intelligence, but could be magnetized.
- Cosima diary entry 06/24/82

What type of genius do you call this?

>> No.17690413

Which real historical people of the culture you don't have access to did you know in person?

>> No.17690466

I've been sleeping so poorly out of nowhere. The other night I only got 2 hours sleep but even when I'm able to sleep it's the most unsatisfying, unrestful sleep there is. I don't know how to describe it but when I sleep it feels like I'm being drugged rather than actually sleeping. I go to the gym every day to try and tire myself out as much as possible but I still wake up feeling fucked.

>> No.17690480

I actually sympathize with those otakus and especially the hikki NEETs quite a lot. I understand the feeling of wanting to retreat fully from an increasingly institutionalizing, systematizing, increasingly complex, and frankly, unappealing world and to to immerse instead in a world of video games or anime or whatever. Some people would have you believe they find the real world unappealing because they’ve played to many video games or something. I think they have it backwards.

>> No.17690500

I'm dirt poor, like scraping by paycheck to paycheck. No savings. But last summer I put my $1.2k stimulus check on a very cheap cryptocurrency that was worth less than 1c and bought 130k of them.. Now they're worth 50c/ea. I have more money than I ever imagined in my life. It's very strange and I don't have any friends/family to share this with. So I'll tell /lit/.

>> No.17690534

Good for you anon

>> No.17690705

Cheers to that. It's hard to complain about the whole free money fictive capital crypto craze. Pretty much everyone I know who puts down for it turns a profit. Somebody has to be losing out on this right? Where the hell does the money come from?

>> No.17690726

not him but does there really have to be a definitive "loser"? anyone who's put money into the stock market in the past 12 years has made a profit. the difference is crypto is much lower volume, so the prices move faster, and thus theres more opportunity for fast profit. the flipside is there is also more risk. 80% of crypto is scam garbage that will go to 0 in the next crash. 20% is legit, and of that 20%, 10% is probably future changing technology that will make anyone who is currently holding absolutely filthy rich. the "losers" are the ones who get duped, or sell the golden ponys too early.

>> No.17690729

don't forget to pay capital gains taxes on it when you cash out. not paying taxes on a big gain like that and then getting in trouble later is exactly the kind of thing a dirt poor person who came into some money would do.

>> No.17690753

stocks represent ownership in companies that actually create value. i don't have to sell my apple stock get gains from it, i get dividends every quarter as they distribute their excess cash to shareholders. the only way to realize your gains in crypto is to cash out, which is to say, sell to someone else. i'm not anti-crypto but crypto is more like commodities like gold than stocks.

>> No.17690763

this was true in 2017, but not anymore. look into Defi. your holdings can provide liquidity to pools and earn you APR. you can essentially become a personal bank, giving out guaranteed crypto loans and being rewarded with interest. you don't need to sell anymore to earn profit.

>> No.17690783

What crypto was it? Got any tips? I have money that I don't spend lying around and I'm debating learning finance to make the most out of it, given that it will depreciate if I leave it in the bank, anyways.

>> No.17690799


>> No.17690818

>becoming an unregulated bank

what could go wrong?

>> No.17690830

>/jp/ is still around
Also, the moderation killed any creative energies that place once had. It's all thinly veiled /e/ dumps now.

>> No.17690837

Well, your dad, by your description, sounds somewhat autistic.

>> No.17690862

You take that back, faggot. My dad is a gentleman.

>> No.17690926

In the Christian sense, it normal to have absolute faith in the works, sacrifice, and ressurection of Christ and almost constantly feeling as though your worthiness to have said faith is in question? What would you even call this, spiritual imposter syndrome? I am scared shitless of being just another 'trad' LARPer and not even realizing it.
I realize I should bring This up to a priest but I have been losing sleep over it.

>> No.17690963

I think >>17688980 is joking, but that's a real mentality especially with "irony" poisoned zoomers, internet users, and "normals" -- one and the same, really. The internet is the place where sincerity dies. It's impossible to be sincere on a platform where one can't risk harm for their beliefs. The internet is ultimate alienator of the user from his words, a grave for any expression that permeates depth of feeling. You lose the battle the moment you begin to type.

>> No.17691030

Yay, I have toiled long in the field. With pickmattock, shovel, axe, handaxe, and chainsaw do I pull stumps from the ground, and rejoice in the feel of my labor.
This past Sunday I did set upon a mighty remnant tree, gouging dirt and clay to cut at the roots and, in turn, saw the thing down to small stature. The sun was already beset by night when it came time to saw, and with a curse I realized my task was no pine or poplar, but a bedamned oak. Hardwoods are wilful and only bow to mans tools after much gnashing of teeth.
Come next Sunday my fellows and I shall return to that same spot, this time with a large drill and a can of diesel to assault it with flame.
Because oaktrees are a fucking bitch.

>> No.17691071

>I am scared shitless of being just another 'trad' LARPer and not even realizing it.
Anything genuine or valid would necessarily be mocked in today’s day and age. You need to just not care. If you have some impression where the corruptive horde will concede to you that your version is not a LARP or something, you’re not really acknowledging the state of the world or these people. Enemies of God will never validate your walking with Him.

>> No.17691104

To be clear, I mean am bad at self reflection and fear being one without knowing it. However, and I apologize if you got this and I am just being redundant, that is wonderful insight, thank you.

>> No.17691107

I'm you.

>> No.17691115

Im so sorry.

>> No.17691120

did u ever see this? some weird feminist indie film, pretty comfy if u can stand the sparse dialogue

>> No.17691124

You should snuggle; it can't be any gayer than you've been with yourselves before.

>> No.17691129

You are not I.

>> No.17691134

The best you can do is find some principles and stick to them no matter what, no compromise (they obviously have to be meaningful principles that relate to your beliefs). That is the real test of whether you're LARPing or not.

>> No.17691151

watch greener grass, an uncomfy weird feminist indie film, which is pretty based if you like buñuel.

>> No.17691161

This is close to what Ive been clinging to, prayer aside, during all this, yes. The notion to keep going with the faith I feel unworthy of until I am rejected by it, as silly as that sounds, is keeping me from being even more of a neurotic, autistic wreck. Genuinelz thank you.

>> No.17691164
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hell yeah, i got up to take a piss and closed all three of my apple watch rings.

>> No.17691174
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i got a job recently and i hate it. i hate working. i cannot see working full time as being part of a life worth living. i don't want anything but to escape from this life, to find some part of the world with electricity and an internet connection where nobody will fucking bother me and i can live in peace. i'm finding it harder and harder to imagine a future for me that isn't a miserable slog or towards a lonely and abrupt ending
i have to ask then, if there is any other "mode of being" distinct from that of the NEET or the wage-slave. i was a NEET, and the sense of powerlessness and acute dependence on others was soul-crushing. but now i have a job, and the sheer amount of life it depends from you is even worse. what the fuck am i supposed to do? i'm damned if i do, and damned if i don't. how am i supposed to exist in a world like this?
please advise, it's not like i could ever talk a real person about this

>> No.17691192

Welcome to the system, anon. Besides the paradigm you described your other options are to become self employed or live self sufficiently. The system will try to stop you from achieving either one.

>> No.17691212
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I'm having the same problem. I came home the other day and almost stuck a kitchen knife in my gut just to feel something intense and put an end to my pointless life. The only thing that stopped me is my own self-regulation faculty, the faculty of future thinking, which convinced me to consider the issue rationally for a longer period of time, which it's been doing for years now ever since I got stuck in the deadend vicious circle of modern life of a bottom of the barrel wageslave. No friends, no family, no girlfriends, just dehumanising 8-hour shifts where I come home to a dark, generic apartment with my bed, computer, etc., all waiting for me just as I left them. The only "hope" I have is that rational faculty of my mind telling me to continue contemplating the issue of suicide rather than do it immediately.

>> No.17691231

there has to be an alternative, a way out of this other than the obvious. i refuse to believe life has to be this awful. i swear to god i will live naked in the woods before i accept this

>> No.17691239

Ah the Serpent eating his own tail. Both a symbol of rebirth et perpetuo and of Yaldaboath coiling around the physical world.
I know this will sound generic, anon, but start going to the gym. The seratonin and endorphins released post workout will help. And, if you can, study a trade or something which involves hands on work. I was in a similar spot and feel much, much less like dying now.

>> No.17691250

Getting lucky with the stockmarket, turning to a life of crime or becoming a mercenary in Africa or something seem like the only other options besides. OR becoming a monk/priest.

>> No.17691262

>NEET or the wage-slave
Put all your wages into crypto brah

>> No.17691278

Begin by stealing panties, your criminal life should pick up from there.

>> No.17691297

how many hours do you work? what are your expenses/wages?

>> No.17691325

I've already tried that. I still exercise, just not in those hamster wheels. I'm sick to death of being penned in like an animal with all the other animals. We've collectively lost any chance of dignity we had. Every higher possibility is stripped away, what is the point in even subsisting? I'm so, so tired of it all. The constant repetition, the mediocrity everywhere, the stale, parasitic advertisements wriggling and worming into my brain, the baseless social expectations which are all formed through artificial cultural constructions to maximize economic output. I simply do not believe I am a human being, let alone a man. All of the jobs which might have taken me, at least a little bit, out of this situation are high-demand and go to a few lucky people, so I'm stuck working in a factory with machines like some sort of ant.

>> No.17691333


>> No.17691348

Ah, my apologies then. We are in the same boat, then, and I will pray that you too, indeed we all who must wageslave, will find our way out sometime soon.

>> No.17691361

Sounds like you're absent a girlfriend or two.

>> No.17691384

>urr durr just have sex bro
i unironically, in the most absolute sincerity, hope that the worst things you can imagine happen to you. i really mean that.

>> No.17691399

I'm too ugly and boring for that. All I do is work, exercise and read my philosophy books, which aren't good for conversation.

>> No.17691415

Can’t kill a nobody
Cause we have nobody
And with no body
There is no buddy

>> No.17691491
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mirrors must terrify you then

>> No.17691509

That's not the kinda attitude that's gonna get you a conscious girl, anon.

>> No.17691573

i don't want a fucking woman, i want to be free from slavery. some pathetic woman-worshipper enslaved to his libido doesn't even have the right to speak to me

>> No.17691746

I'm glad the gook footfag is finally gone.

I've been writing a Web extention that scans OP images, puts them through a neural network to detect if they're a female and if so hide the thread.

I've given a lot of girls the benefit of the doubt but at the end of the day they're all whores.

>> No.17691812

>I've been writing a Web extention that scans OP images, puts them through a neural network to detect if they're a female and if so hide the thread.
holy shit, do you have this online somewhere?

>> No.17691830


lmao my sides

>> No.17691848
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>I've given a lot of girls the benefit of the doubt but at the end of the day they're all whores.


>> No.17692039


>> No.17692059

It's amazing how you can physically tell when someone is dead inside. Man or woman, when they've become so burnt out on sex, on drugs, on porn, on so many other things... you can tell. You can tell just by looking at them. Conversely, you can always tell when someone still has light and brightness and happiness inside them, just by looking at them.

>> No.17692105

I find it a little disconcerting that I could eat 99c ramen for every meal for the rest of my life and not have a problem with it.

>> No.17692114

Is this the new "learn to code”?

>> No.17692247

>And, if you can, study a trade or something which involves hands on work

Did you switch to a trade? If so, what?

>> No.17692257

I really would have thought we'd be in the top 3. I don't trust those stats

>> No.17692266

Oh wait I guess we're anglosphere. That's so non-specific though..

>> No.17692275

Anglos are all the same

>> No.17692277

Studied compsci and worked a couple of years as de facto combo Pizzahut Taco Bell IT/cybersecurity. Work was soul crushing. Now I work as a forestry assistant, which pays ok in my state but gets me innawoods, while I study welding. I am very happy with my choice to leave the tech career behind

>> No.17692286

Im suspicious about all this cryptocurrency craze. It just seems to good to be true basically just get free money.

>> No.17692297

Quite on point, theoretically millions could have become millionaires by buying the equivalent of digital pokemon trading cards.

>> No.17692330

Pulling the way back now. I am on my roof with Gwyn in summer. We sit and wave at the
Neighbors. When the bugs come out we head inside and hold one another under the conditioning vents. It is Virginia. Now I can see the spider. All angles and hooks. She talks to me about her plans for us. I am listening and trying to ignore her fur covered exoskeleton, like so many sensitive antennae. Flashed up against the carpet the heaviest of Revelation washes over me - a lifetime of holding bras in department stores. If the semester goes well, she says, she will start as a secretary, I will start as an afterthought. The seven-headed beast is here, with me, rising out of the sea. The shifting roof, the throbbing vents with its green tea air, and the careening books on shelves after the quake, all caged all crucifixion. Ice doesn’t feel this good. The words choke, mouth a-fill with moulding mushrooms. Here we are, and I am holding my spider against the end times. She whispers, prophesying our futures, so withholding like. It is everywhere, even in the sunset. Rippling cold fronts taking their time, slowly stealing the power over the atmosphere away from me. I am face to face with the great expanse from the other side, all torn up with sickly-sweet guilt. The bookshelves are crumbling now, the carpet rising like wandering waves in sound to make her smile and me coil. I pull up gently and ask her to return my sweater before she returns to school.

>> No.17692338

forgot to add, could someone please tell me if the metaphor is too heavy handed? Thanks in advance.

>> No.17692382

I wonder if ever being in love truly changes the way you read romance stuff in general. Does it make you understand more than virgin reading the very same paragraph.

>> No.17692398

After having my first relationship ever crash and burn dramaticaly after 2 months because love drives you insane if you havent braced yourself, I can now say every pre 1980s country song on the matter is relatable.

>> No.17692419

Not finished yet. Maybe this will inspire someone more skilled than me to make it quicker though.

>> No.17692425

I no longer wish to be alive.

>> No.17692429

Im a 28 year old virgin so thats why im asking in the first place. When reading romantic stuff my brain attempts to understand it in the way i can relate like they to comprehend the animal you've never seen before

>> No.17692437

I read 28 research articles and watched 8 documentaries over the last week to do a report that was 15 minutes long.
Over this week and next week I'm reading 6 books (average page count 300) in order to really understand Yalom's ideas.
After, I'll be reading only ~10 research articles a week and ~4 textbook chapters a week for my classes.
I fully expect my brain to be fried by the end of this semester. Grad school kind of sucks. Guess I'll have time to read for pleasure in 2 years.

>> No.17692445

Thats a gnod way to put it, yeah. There is little to get unless youve been in love before. Its an incredibly powerful drug, for good or ill.

>> No.17692482

>Not the best looking guy, average overall
>Make up for it by being charismatic and funny
>Can make most people laugh, make friends easily even if they are from wildly different walks of life
>Have never failed a job interview in person, rarely ever been rejected by a women
>Thanks to coof and online dating no one gives me the time of day for anything because I can't use voice, body language, comedy or any of this shit I am good at to tip the odds in my favour
The modern world is arse.

>> No.17692503

How to be charismatic?

>> No.17692507

This is going to be very cringy, but here we go.
I can't stop playing Europa Univeralis IV, even when I have a ton of urgent things that I need to do. It's a twofold thing I guess. In real life, I am not doing too well. I'm probably going to get grades much lower than I wanted, I can't find a job, my relationship with my loved ones is growing tenser again, after I worked so hard to mend things. Everything is fraying apart. But in EUIV, I am a god. I am the ruler of vast empires. In some games I am the man who led the colonization of the Americas, and in some I am the hero who saved the peoples of Asia, Africa, and the Americas from being conquered. I matter, I am powerful. I am able to build a successful country. I am able to prevent the wrongs of the past from ever happening. In that game I am everything I am not in real life. In real life I am an ineffective, weak, hopeless person, in EUIV I am everything I ever wanted to be. And I know that EUIV is probably leading to me not reaching my full potential irl, in my mind I know that it's a waste of time. But in my heart I know that in real life, I am powerless, and when I play that game, for a few hours, I am the most powerful person in the world.

>> No.17692558


>Europa Univeralis IV
nvm, big cringe.

>> No.17692581
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I posted some yesterday, and decided to unleash more from the vault. Must've wrote this 3-4 years ago. Please note these are the ramblings of a 17 year old, so probably nothing you haven't heard before. I'm gonna post cringe on religion in a minute.

Things that piss me right the fuck off. P.C. outrage culture - the fact that if I say something correct that is deemed "offensive" or "racist" or whatever word you want to use that the people around me will be outraged even if I'm not personally offending them. People are programmed to take offense to things, and I bet they couldn't even give me an accurate reason why.

A willful ignorance, or a desire to not stray into topics deemed too "deep" or "serious". Obviously there are times and places for such discussion, but people avoid these topics like the plague. Would rather discuss sports, movies, or people of interest than the political machinations of their country.

What also pisses me right off is the myriad of stupid B.S. touted constantly by the left. Goes to show that if you scream it loud enough, it doesn't matter if it's true or not. With the sheer amount of lies that they believe, it's a wonder how there are so many of these people.

It's like a mass hysteria on a global scale. The pink tax, wage gap, patriarchy, "racist system", cultural appropriation, white privilege, EQUALITY, what a fucking joke. There all are, yet they hold sway over the media, the schools, and the public discourse. Normal people aren't this fucking insane but for the reason of fitting in, the are complacent in it. Or perhaps most of the millennials are brainwashed, ignorant sheep that lack the ability to critically think. Fat "acceptance" is another ridiculous offshoot of the equality idea, equality of gender, equality of race, it's all fucking liberal poppycock.

>> No.17692588

Just say whatever is on your mind but say it in a kind of jovial way even if what you're saying is quite serious. What the autists on this board often get wrong is 'saying what they feel' but in a far too aggressive and forceful manner. People are in awe of people who aren't afraid to say what they're thinking, but you also have to be enjoyable to be around. A friend of mine is this big fat Falstaffian fuck who can't go two sentences without saying something wildly offensive or inappropriate, but he's a minor celebrity in this city because he's unapologetic and always says it with a smile.

>> No.17692593

Damn, that seems beyond my ability. I just seem to care way too much what others think about me. Too self-conscious.

>> No.17692608
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Why the FUCK is this book fun to read one moment, then extremely annoying the next.

>> No.17692611

This honestly quite inspiring ngl
Also nice double dubs

>> No.17692621

>tfw you're writing a comedic fantasy but nobody finds your jokes funny except you

>> No.17692625

It's something that can change over time if you work at it. I've always admired charismatic people and overtime I have worked on being less self conscious and saying what I feel and let me tell, it works. But it takes time.
But also if you don't want you don't have to, it takes all types anon.

>> No.17692632

I have a sniffly nose which technically means I'm meant to stay at home and isolate but my city hasn't had a single covid case in 50 days and I know its definitely just from the sudden change in weather. Obviously I would feel like an asshole if it actually was covid but it's almost certainly certainly not.

>> No.17692637
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The ideal model of religion. So to get an understanding of what would be considered the ideal religion for me, I think first I should list what I find valuable about religion or what I consider to be the ultimate purpose of it. As I lack evidence of any supernatural entities I would prefer to operate on the basis of a lack of the supernatural in any form. The ultimate goal is not to achieve merit for the next life, but to better the current one. Specifically, the self.

Through the betterment of the self, the mind and the body, the individual and the world become a better place for it to achieve a state of mind of peace and acceptance of the meaninglessness of life but understanding that that only makes life all the more precious. Perhaps something similar to eastern religions without any of the added mysticism. Why do religions all seem to contain the supernatural? Perhaps it is because we attribute that which we cannot understand, to something beyond us.

Perhaps it is there for the lesser minded, to explain simply for those who could not grasp the ideas core to the religion otherwise. To elevate one's mind, to find peace on this Earth, this life. Akin to Buddhism, I agree that suffering is a result of consumption and desire. It is the ever growing void, that by feeding it only grows larger and more problematic. One must starve off the void, to turn away, he who desires very little is truly the rich and happy.

Now we come upon the issue of what is "betterment of the mind and the self". Many would consider another'sbetterment to be a step backwards or meaningless. If the ultimate goal is to achieve a state of mind that allows the individual to reconcile the apparent lack of any objective meaning in the world, to react to the world in a calm and purposeful manner. Ultimately to become happy without harming the world. The individual must improve the state of the world, everyone must or the world itself stagnates or becomes worse.


>> No.17692639

whats on your mind

>> No.17692640

Thank you, nice dubs yourself. Welding is apparently a, relatively speaking, very easy field to become self employed in as well. The only downside is it can fuck up your eyes and lungs if youre not careful.
Skilled labor is a /lit/ job area to be frank, especialy if it means working in nature.

>> No.17692644


>> No.17692669

I think that me asking you this question makes me interested in becoming one. I do remember couple of times when i was able to say what i thought in charismatic way but i havent been able to turn into constant mode. When i think about it, im afraid of dealing with possible negative consequences like saying unfunny joke or making a move in bad timing and all this inner judge says that i shouldnt attempt at doing something similar ever again.

>> No.17692678

Discord leaves me emotionally blue balled. I talk to people late at night and I get all emotional amd I want to hug someone but like. Theres no one around its dumb.its a kinda embarrassing thing to feel

>> No.17692718
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Original guy responding, not the EUIV king.

>Actually pay attention to what people say and act interested
>Develop in jokes to use
>Laugh at others jokes
>Tell jokes if you're actually funny, if you're not settle for just being pleasant
>Don't act stressed or stress others
>Shares stories that make you seem human, but not pathetic
>Reflect body language but don't make it obvious
>Open, positive body language
>Don't try and one up people or 'WeLl AcTCHuAllY' them
>Banter with people that like it, don't initiate banter
>Act relatable. Talk a little rougher/crass with working class guys, talk like a favourite grandson when talking to old people
>Don't try to show up bosses and authority figures if you want them to like you

>> No.17692723

Relatable, except for me its pure dread and uncertainty.

>> No.17692776

Oh dont worry I feel that too

>> No.17692785

I can somewhat do this but i still feel like im faking it and others can see through me.

>> No.17692787

you don't. there are charismatic people and non-charismatic people. if everyone could do it then it wouldn't have any value. one way or another, your personality got squeezed to make room for other concerns. better luck in the next life.

>> No.17692795

Dont listen to this guy.
This is good but also basic autism making strategy, I think

>> No.17692800

I'm 23 yo and just woke up after a night of two wet dreams. Think I'm doing something wrong in my life.

>> No.17692809

What were they of, anon?

>> No.17692816

Fake it til you make it, unironically.

It's a skill, you can improve if you actually practice. Granted, everyone has a different base level for it.

>> No.17692857

you don't wanna know. read with caution:
1. in the dream, I was actually just flirting with a hot lady who's son was my student. I guess I'm really into milfs, cause we just flirted and I came and there was so much of it it woke me up instantly and I had to change clothes
2. threesome with two hot blondes about my age. Also very fast coom

>> No.17692872
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I have a cold
your hearts must go on anons

>> No.17692890

If it makes you feel any better, Im around the same age and had a wet dream last night of getting a bj in a bootleg version of the Twin Peaks Black Lodge.

>> No.17692895


>> No.17692899

Master the art of lucid dreaming and you'll be able to do this all the time at command. The only downside is if you fuck up you'll get sleep paralysis.

t. cooms in dreams

>> No.17692913

My first wet dream was also the first time I had sleep paralysis, so I just ended up fucking the sleep paralysis demon.

>> No.17692914

I actually prefer not having to wash my whole wardrobe after a night. Think finding a gf might help.

>> No.17692916

what did it look like?

>> No.17692933

Kinda hot

>> No.17692952

Not if you're in the US

>> No.17692957


Adding onto this - pay attention to the charismatic people you know and make a note of what it is they do specifically that makes you feel good when you're with them. You don't want to copy them whole cloth because it'll come across as inauthentic, but by being more alert you might pick up on one or two small things that you can carry over into your own interactions. Don't think of it as 'how to be charismatic', or 'what do I do to make people like me' - think of it more like 'what can I do to make the people I interact with have a good time when they're with me'. That's the trick with charismatic people: people like them because they like themselves when they're with them. Otherwise you're just a self centred asshole. You have to start by decentering yourself.

>> No.17692974

Petite and evidently feminine in shape despite being a shade otherwise. Had two big, glowing white eyes that would flash to red sometimes. She felt suprisingly warm and gentle, too. Even laid at my side afterwards wrapped around me until I woke up.
10/10 would do again.

>> No.17692992

nice, sounds like I should get that dream too

>> No.17692994

>Some people would have you believe they find the real world unappealing because they’ve played to many video games or something. I think they have it backwards.
It's both, really. A self-perpetuating, vicious cycle brought on by the initial retreat from whatever obligation the respective hikki knew to be crucial yet was never punished for avoiding. It turns out that some of those systems and institutions were necessary for our healthy development, no matter how uncomfortable they were in the moment. For my part, I'm trying at leaving my indolent, insular cocoon and finding the beauty that exists even in the normie's world. More than anything, my issue is the people around me; my family, old "friends" and people toward whom I self-select because of my upbringing. It feels like the prototypical image of the dead men's hands grasping at the ankles of the living, trying to drag them down to Hell. My only hope is that knowing all this can help me escape them.

>> No.17693006

I something going to come out from the "incel" generation? Usually having a huge number of young men be dissatisfied with society and not having their needs met (like fiding a sutible mate) ends in disaster. Or are leisures now too advanced and they can be kept sedated?

>> No.17693011

Day 8 of no porn. You don't realise how much of a hold it has over you until you try to quit. It never seemed like a problem until I challenged myself to do without it for 3 weeks. It's fine for large parts, but then you get times where you can't concentrate on anything. So fidgety and restless, nothing can distract you from the urge, it's overwhelmingly tempting just to indulge so you can focus on something.

>> No.17693014

Arguably school shootings are one outcome, I would expect them to get worse over time. Its honestly eerie how long it's been since a high profile mass shooting. Maybe because of covid?

>> No.17693016

It came at the second most, if not most, stressful time in my life so far (first relationship ending very badly, very quickly. Absolutely horrible memories, still trying to recover even after 5 months), ro I figure it was a kindve pressure release. An otherwise shitty and torturous mind can, apparently, be nice sometimes.
I hope you get the shadewife dream equivalent as well, anon.

>> No.17693020

>Some people would have you believe they find the real world unappealing because they’ve played to many video games or something. I think they have it backwards.
This isn't something new though. I think Schopenhauer said something like it's probably better for young people not to read too many books about adventures and exciting stuff because that would make them very disappointed of the real world.

>> No.17693025

They've brought in this new hard ass manager at work who I'm afraid is going to immediately realise I spend 90% of my time doing nothing and secretly working on a novel. Oh well maybe this will be the kick in the ass I need to quit and find a new job. I don't know what else to do though..

>> No.17693029

Masturbate without using porn? I've used porn for years and it's still possible.

>> No.17693035

The '10/10 would do again' didn't suggest this. That puts the dream to a different perspective and sounds more stressful then I imagined sleep paralysis being.

>> No.17693044

>There is little to get unless youve been in love before
thanks... i thought so too...

>> No.17693045

People on here often say porn is the problem, but honestly I don't think porn does too much harm and it's beating it that makes your sexuality turn into an urge to rub it rather than find a partner to connect with.

>> No.17693048

I was meant it as a joke more than anything, though I found it less frightening than I imagine sleep paralysis is usualy for obvious reasons, but why do you feel that makes it more stressful?

>> No.17693058

Oh, my bad. I thought you were comparing the experience of this dream to the most stressful time of your life. Had to read it once more. Ok, sounds good again :)

>> No.17693061

Whores cost a lot more than jerking off. If you're a NEET you don't have the option of a gf.

>> No.17693065

Aah, no worries. To be clear I think the dream was a reaction to that period in my life , yeah.

>> No.17693204

ok and why mind porn then? what's that bad about it if you are so resigned anyway?

>> No.17693229

I can't, really. I'm not in contact with anyone that I can fantasize about. The cupboard is bare. I think I need the novelty, anyway, even the stuff I save I literally never look at again.

>> No.17693240

Go outside and ogle at women. Take photos of them even.

>> No.17693275

Kek brother do you not have any memory at all? Jack off to the thought of some movie star

>> No.17693277
File: 1.43 MB, 424x236, jk.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes, one needs to be reminded what kind of place 4c is.

>> No.17693286

>mfw suffer from total aphantasia


>> No.17693287

Most women are fine with you randomly photographing them if you dress nicely and pretend to be a professional photographer.

>> No.17693337

I'm curious as to why someone with aphantasia would even aspire to be a writer. What do you get out of it?

>> No.17693468

i still dont know if i have it or not.

>> No.17693492

but how can you imagine a world in which you could imagine a world?

>> No.17693505

stop using discord

>> No.17693525

I am in the US but I don’t know what makes you think it would be any different elsewhere.

>> No.17693613

>4chan discusses the first (kidding)
why are you kidding? that's entirely correct. there is more honest discussion of ideas here than other platforms because of the format - anonymity, lack of accountability, lack of an imposed filter or rating system - all the elements that bring out the worst in people also enable honest discourse like nothing else.

>> No.17693652

for an alternate perspective, here's a quote anon posted a couple of days ago:
"Procrastination is the soul rebelling against entrapment"

>> No.17693701

Im thinking about making career switch (to wielding) but that leaves me feeling of uneasiness as that would feel like a massive stepdown to me considering that i have bachelor in physics.

>> No.17693800

copius maximus

>> No.17693880

I really like a girl in my class but she never showed any interest for me and I never showed her anything either. Sometimes I think that all these emotions should go to hell and that I should concentrate on myself but idk whether its right or isnt

>> No.17693909

I really hate girls who give mixed signals, one moment they're laughing at all of your jokes and sending you blush/heart emojis, and in the next moment they are passive aggressive and "leave me alone"-ish.
why can't you just read girls like you can read books?

>> No.17693936

I had a physics prof who was a car mechanic but left it to study physics instead.

>> No.17693968

but that's an improvement

>> No.17693976

It’s not a step down. That’s bourgeois conditioning convincing you otherwise. The welder has a connection to work and the world that a physicist necessarily cannot have.

>> No.17693978

stopped reading

>> No.17693980

Get filtered then. I don’t care.

>> No.17694022

have you ever thought of making a move instead of "'exchanging signals' and spinning your wheels forever like a fag

>> No.17694077

I still have no idea what to do with my life. I can’t continue doing this professional office job thing but I just have no clue what else I can do. The military is the only thing I’ve ever felt interested in and it just seems like such a ignoble joke compared to what it used to be.

>> No.17694106

>The welder has a connection to work and the world that a physicist necessarily cannot have.
What do you mean?

>> No.17694241

In simplest terms, the welder’s work is real. He uses real materials, real methods, even real intuition, thought. The physicist can achieve things but he is is still a slave, if not to an actual slave to a debt or his employer then a slave to his intellect.

>> No.17694268

I kinda love how congress has around the clock military protection since Jan 6th. It's a perfect objectification of the fact that nobody wants them and they are only maintaining power by fiat .

>> No.17694305

When this whole techno-industrial dystopian striver world finally runs out of gas, literally and figuratively, will we finally see a new era which allows for heroism like that of antiquity or the Middle Ages. It seems an Alexander, or a Caesar, necessarily can’t exist in this epoch, no matter what the Spenglerians argue. The heroic spirit, I think, has nowhere to go now. So will there be a return when it comes to its end?

>> No.17694341

Why do I push out people who genuinely like me. I recently rejected a girl that I liked because of trivial reasons. I want to ask her to come back but the trivial reasons will persist. Also, how to deal with alienation?

>> No.17694353
File: 407 KB, 571x881, hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thinking about what order i should read things in because i want to read certain books for a college project but i need other ones for context first and i don't wanna burn myself out either
this, zizek has some great work on ideology
reading (i hope this is a given), photography, guitar, and foraging
>projectile vomits
nice, take care with it anon
be confident and sharp, i.e. don't sperg

>> No.17694489
File: 320 KB, 1862x866, About the role of women.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related was my post on a past thread

>> No.17694529

Oh, i see your point. That leaves me with one question - shouldnt you change career having in mind the likelyhood of automation?

>> No.17694691

I think people who try to participate in either power or freedom via economy or technology end up becoming slaves, deprived of both. The goal should be a principle of autarky.

>> No.17694700

What do you forage for?

>> No.17694721

I'm from an abrahamitic tradition, and I am happy to be, but i'm a scandi and my country has left all religion behind. this means that my personal morals and those of my society clash. I'm wondering to what extent standing up for what I believe in is worth it. It strikes me that one relevant angle would be a kind of martyrdom, and just standing up consistently for what I believe and accepting any and all consequences. Maybe the proper mode of worship for me is not being a pussy. But in order to do that right I would do well to spend a lot of time researching the depths of theology and religious law, in order to really, really know what positions I need to stand up for and how. And it's not very likely that that is going to happen. If I don't do that then I risk fighting for something other than what the sources can defend, and that would not be good. My intended strategy for a long time has been to have my morality for my family and basically letting society do whatever it wants as long as it leaves me alone. But I can't help but think that I am supposed to be taking some form of a stand for God-awareness, against the flesh. I am conflicted.

>> No.17695111

I could use some advice here. I’m feeling totally lost and sometimes I feel like this place is the only place with voices that can resonate.

>> No.17695121

The US is an imperialist nation

>> No.17695159
File: 1.99 MB, 4032x3024, PXL_20201022_172439060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just mushrooms, still a novice but i picked up a nice hedgehog (pic related) last autumn and plan to do a lot this summer

>> No.17695174

And you’re saying that there’s a moral imperative not to participate?

>> No.17695227

going to kill brown people because you are bored is not a good reason

>> No.17695237

you mean an Imperial nation, the ''''metre'''' is incredibly fake and gay. Nobody knows what a metre is, your foot is not a metre long, it's absurd.

>> No.17695252

I think you’ve been misinformed. No one in the US military is being deployed to combat, let alone to “kill brown people” right now and I never said anything about my motivation being bored. This isn’t helpful.

>> No.17695267

you're gonna join the US military in order to not go to war?

>> No.17695291

There’s no war. It’s not an option so I’m not sure what you’re talking about.

>> No.17695322

just go full bowl cut, it's the only salvation in this world

>> No.17695375

anon when you enter the military you sign your life over. do you really trust that the neocon nation will not burn down Iran in the next however long that contract is for? Given their track-record? And if you don't want to go to war, what are you doing joining the military? You want boyscouts with guns?

>> No.17695494

Do you think my refraining can stop it? If there’s a war, I want to participate because I see value in that even if it’s an ignoble cause and I see value in military membership for what it is, basically. I don’t feel any particular affinity or pride for my country if I’m being honest but I suppose I feel myself to feel a desire to be more like the Condottiere than any sort of patriot trying to morally rationalize my way through service.

>> No.17695526

so killing brown people out of boredom

>> No.17695564

what the hell did powell just say that made the nasdaq drop 2%

>> No.17695583

Lol thanks

>> No.17695633


>> No.17695685

No. Look, if you don’t have anything helpful to say, then please don’t respond.

>> No.17695707

what you don't seem to realize is that a decision to join the military is not like other decisions. I would not grill you if you said you are considering becoming a zookeeper. It is absolutely fucking shocking to me tha tthere can be a culture in the US where it is a perfectly viable strategy to go to Iraq and kill innocents in order to pay for college. A completely normal thing to do. Do you even begin to fathom the depravity in that? It is not a decision like other decisions.

>> No.17695744

I do understand that. I don’t know why you want to insist I’m retard or something as if I haven’t taken this seriously. I literally didn’t say anything about killing brown people, paying for college, or boredom. This is all shit you’re projecting onto me so again, please, if you have no serious advice to other beyond just insisting nonsense then let’s not continue.

>> No.17695764

The financial security is one of the only real pros that anyone would consider. Idk if its projecting to assume that would play a part in why you're considering the military. Especially if you're bored, a little social mobility would do you some good

>> No.17696042

there should have been more love in my family

>> No.17696111

How people can read about characters like Alexander the Great or Julius Caesar and just go back to their office wage slavery job without having the severe impulse to kill themselves is beyond me.

>> No.17696133

I think the gnostics on this are just cerebral narcs.

>> No.17696147

The financial security is a pro, I guess. It’s not a primary draw. I just don’t really have any interest in doing anything else.

>> No.17696164

i haven't had time to finish reading The Story of the Eye and is so good that already i'm searching for more books with the same way Bataille writes

>> No.17696170

My eyesight is not good. I plan on getting eye surgery to fix it, but how can I make sure my children have good eyesight?

>> No.17696171

Learning languages. currently taking a Korean class and am learning French in my own time. Enjoy playing around with datasets, especially related to sports. Would love to learn how to play the piano, but can't afford the piano yet. Obviously reading.

>> No.17696208

unironically I think playing outdoors helps. forcing your eyes/brain to adapt to more dynamic situations than being indoors. no idea if that would make a difference but it's an idea

>> No.17696216

I don’t know about that. I grew up in the country and spent a lot of time outdoors and playing sports. I mean, I spent time on the computer be playing games like other Millenials but still.

>> No.17696245

now everyone is meant to be such person.

>> No.17696260

How is it even possible to live heroically and with dignity today? Unless you’re born in the mountains of the Hindu Kush or the Mongolian steppe or some other third world conditions, you are basically forced to participate in a world where your life doesn’t really matter, you’re abandoned to the machine, and to any extent you partake in glory it’s via the systems you serve. There necessarily cannot be an Alexander the Great in the modern West. It’s not possible for a Westerner with a heroic spirit to live in dignity, let alone glory. What then are we supposed to do? Wallow in misery at our sad little world where “hey at least you can enslave yourself to a corporation so you can buy all the funko pops you want and gorge yourself in donuts until you die”? How are we even supposed to see our lives through like this?

>> No.17696263

you literally can't
most of eyesight problems are caused by genetics
the best thing you can do to prevent the worsening is making them avoid screens when they're young, and forcing their eyes into the "rest" position, that is when the eye muscles aren't being used. And they're used whenever you're looking at something that is near you. Myopic people have unironically trained their eyes to see the closest things in perfect details, that's also why our eye shape is fucked up compared to 'normal' people

>> No.17696265

The large majority of people aren’t meant to be such people but it’s undeniable that some people hunger for something more and they’re deprived of it.

>> No.17696269

live on a farm

>> No.17696290

Become a captain of industry. The only hope of a titanic journey is to become a Zuckerberg or a Bezos, enriching and feeding the very system you're railing against.

>> No.17696298

these are still slaves

>> No.17696317

Odessey and Oracle - The Zombies should give you some nice bittersweet tears.

>> No.17696326

what resources have you been using?

>> No.17696358

i suppose one way to have a heroic life would be to actually fight slavery or for freeing individuals from slavery

>> No.17696402


>> No.17696423

Her is dick in russian

>> No.17696452

Good thing im not Russian

>> No.17696499

Can you explain how that’s a solution? I think I’m missing something.

They are still slaves to their system and to the degree they’re not, I think many people will just basically find that sort of life against the nature and sense of dignity.

>> No.17696508

But they are slaves to a system not a person per se. I also don’t see what makes that a worthy goal in and of itself. There’s a viewpoint which suggests that slavery is basically just something that happens. It’s not really something which controls whether we live a world where heroism is possible or not. Who and what you’re slaves to is the question.

>> No.17696518

no I mean like slave-slaves. like the people being bought and sold in libya, or child trafficking

>> No.17696523

>There necessarily cannot be an Alexander the Great in the modern West.
Are you complaining you weren't born to a royal dynasty known for aggressive expansion under hegemony which profited from the rampant corruption of all its immediate coevals? Do you really think that the Kush are comparable? Will you please stop sucking dicks to the embarrassment of your ancestors?

>> No.17696570

>my possibilities shrink down to an extensionless point.
in what way?

>> No.17696630

That would be well and good but it’s still just a sort of moral victory, isn’t it? Such things still existed in a time where heroism existed.

>> No.17696641

bought a pretty based piar of wireless earbuds, now I am enjoying them

>> No.17696647

I mean in my head I imagine a life of outwitting romanian gangsters until they fatally outwit you.

>> No.17696977

Almost all the welding that CAN be automated currently is. Most of welding isn't industrial, like say in a factory, but is structural, I.E. in construction, or pipe and tube welding, which is working as a pipefitter or attache to a boilermaker. These are very constrained working environments that vary immensely from job to job, and thus aren't really machine accessible.
There is also the field of automated or programmed welding, which is also usually ran by welders who trained for it rather than, say, a technician. Unlike trucking it's one of those fields that would only go away with full on androids.
I'm a prot from the American South (the banjo and funny flag one) and your struggle is very relatable to me. There's something that drives me up a wall about the vast majority of Baptist/Methodist/Pentecostal, etc, churches that keeps me from attending, so I feel very spiritually isolated myself. And I feel as though trying for Catholicism or Orthodoxy would be disingenuous and I already have enough imposter syndrome on being a LARPer to begin with. To be short, though, your struggle is exactly one of mine. If you don't intend on becoming a monk to escape this very unspiritual society, then I guess the best you could go with would be to 100% bring this to a priest that isn't pozzed, if there are any left in Scandinavia that is. My answer was diving into where I felt drawn research wise and to try and stand for as many of the Christian virtues as I can with the aim of crafting a faith of quiet resolve.
Good luck, anon

>> No.17697026

you can live with dignity

>> No.17697383

/ic/ sticky
Do not skip any steps.

>> No.17697620

I suppose that’s true. Although it’s actually not easy to just become a farmer. You need money. If you’re in the US, you need a lot of it.