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17686346 No.17686346 [Reply] [Original]

I started reading Infinite Jest in 2006 because they were selling the 10th anniversary reprint for $10. It was also the tail end of Arrested Development being on the air, and for some reason, I formed some link between the two in my head, e.g. I was picturing Michael Cera as Jim Troeltsch while reading IJ.

The two have nothing to do with each other (besides maybe being "postmodern" comedies), and I don't think that AD ever referenced IJ like other TV shows have, but I still think of one when I think of the other. What unrelated fictional works do you automatically associate with certain books?

>> No.17686630

i always think of dfw when i listen to elliott smiths music they seem connected in many ways
i associate gogols dead souls with black american spirits

>> No.17686708

I loved IJ but hate the humor in AD. Strange.

>> No.17687738

I found them both funny but in different ways. The humor in IJ is more absurd and fucked up whereas AD is more traditional "clever" sitcom humor, or goofy puns.

I forgot that I also had a bunch of weird personal connections to IJ. Like I was applying to colleges when I started it (it opens with Hal talking to a college admissions board), and I applied to a school in Quebec so had to go there to visit it (Quebec being a big part of the plot). And then I ended up attending BU which is where Orin goes to school (on a football scholarship, which was funny because BU no longer had a football team by the time I was there). And then to top it all off, DFW killed himself while I was like midway through the book.

>> No.17687783

Oh, that’s neat and that fascinating level of mildly interesting. What an interesting series of coincidences.

>> No.17689042

I tend to associate books with whatever other situations I was experiencing at the time I was reading them.

For example:
I associate Frankenstein and The Good Earth with my high school days.

I associate both Robinson Crusoe and Swiss Family Robinson with the time when I was young and would run around the woods all day with my friends building tree forts and pretending we were escaping from savages or other enemies.

I associate The Castle with the time when I took a ski vacation to Quebec and had a heart attack.

>> No.17690246

Is this book even good?

>> No.17690258

No but yes and but so like

>> No.17690261

they're very much connected in my mind as depressed Xers who died by strange suicides

>> No.17690340

I just associate it with Thomas Pynchon and for a while thought he was the author. The reasons are more obvious, though.