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/lit/ - Literature

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17683378 No.17683378 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw vocabulary gains from reading 19th century lit

>> No.17683396
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>mfw I absorbed too many archaic and passé words people can barely understand me and call me a pretentious faggot
What level of /lit/ is this?

>> No.17683397

Yes, it's quite good.

19th century /lit/ and Plato and Aristotle give the true intelligence gains.

>> No.17683401
File: 15 KB, 300x300, dear diary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna use these new words in everyday conversation but I don't want people to think I'm a pseud faggot. Woe is me

>> No.17683568

If you use them in a natural way, you can just give a three word explanation quickly after it without giving them time to respond. Do it in a sympathetic way, so you're explaining it to them if they don't know what it means, and if they already do then they'll say so. Just don't do it too much because then you will become a pseud faggot.

>> No.17683669

> His presence is for the nonce ignored, and as they disport in their error he wrings his wits to hit upon a means of speaking with them, so to initiate the business of conversion.
try late 17thC

>> No.17683688
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>mfw incorporating snurt into my vocabulary

>> No.17683780

if you are british and have a professorial aura about you, you can do it. the later is the important part. but its hard to cultivate and make it seem natural.

>> No.17684056

Its midwit level. Patrician status is when you can be vulgar with the plebs while being able to easily trounce some upshot manager type with a BA as needed

>> No.17684147
File: 208 KB, 1600x1166, depositphotos_228624048-stock-photo-slavic-man-beautiful-national-painted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Learn Russian
>Go to Russia, or online forums of therebefore mentioned language
>Speak proto-slavic pre 17th century lingua (u learn it automatically by learning Russki yazik)
>Try to be as ironic as possible in every single statement/expression u make while using it > always come up as a soulful Gandalf that has clever wholesome wisdom in every letter of his speech

>> No.17684168

what books are the best examples of their respective century? what books give the very best gains?

>> No.17684169

ew, that’s probably even worse if done poorly, that could easily come off as poof slumbing then larping as an underdog hero

>> No.17684170


>> No.17684219


what the fuck?

>> No.17684238
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>be me
>learning Latin
>reading Vergil's ecologues
>come across the word frondosus
>see that it came into English as frondose
>making gains in both Latin and English eo tempore

>> No.17684241

Post some examples or else you're lying

Last word I learned was unwonted

>> No.17684248


>> No.17684256
File: 1.03 MB, 1024x1318, 1024px-George_Gascoigne.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This mf has never read George Gascoigne
smdh famiglia

>> No.17684259


>> No.17685472

Heh, "nonce".

>> No.17685488
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>tfw too autistic to be laconic

Why must I ramble at people about ww1 or music theory or clothing materials and functions until their eyes gloss over?

>> No.17685502

He faced his interlocutor with a visage of dread upon his continence, and he spoke no more.

>> No.17685577


>> No.17685587


>> No.17686095


>> No.17686112

Read Burton's Arabian Nights translation. He uses a lot of archaic language and he was from the 19th century

>> No.17686212

>>>mfw I absorbed too many archaic and passé words people can barely understand me and call me a pretentious faggot
me too

>> No.17686227
File: 323 KB, 995x713, PngItem_3728050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I learned the word "Niggardly" while reading Faust, how about you frens?

>> No.17686446

interregnum from Moby Dick

>> No.17686483
File: 25 KB, 326x326, 1608347140274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm bilingual but I've been reading so many English books I forget vocabulary from my native language or mix it up with English so I speak like a retard.

>> No.17687100

>watched two anons ask about and look up the mean of "mirth" after i used it on /asp/ once

>> No.17687117

Vulgarity and obscenity are not patrician behaviors. Unnecessary cussing isn't funny.

>> No.17687153

I have to consciously limit my vocabulary when using Tinder.

>> No.17687166

Comfit - a candy consisting of a nut coated in sugar.
Casement - a window set on a hinge so that it opens like a door.
Gird - encircle a person with a belt or band.
Paramour - a lover, especially the illicit partner of a married person.
Coulter - a vertical cutting blade fixed in front of a plowshare.
Haft - the handle of a knife
Jape - a practical joke.
Blear - make dim
Argufy - Argue, typically about something trivial.
Medlar - a small bushy tree of the rose family.

>> No.17687182
File: 44 KB, 657x527, ape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw this post while browsing the second page and I simply could not be a fucking niggard about congratulating you on reading Faust. Congratulations fren.

>> No.17687196


>> No.17687380


>> No.17687509

This is a bastard. I want to learn a new language but I also want to continue leveling up my English, and I’m not sure there’s space in my brain for both

>> No.17688712

Too bad it's of no modern use.

>> No.17688896

Well, at least your neurotypical enough to notice their eyes gloss over kek. Could be worse, but if it was you wouldn't know.

>> No.17688921

A few years ago I started semi-consciously ruining my English grammar in many constructions, eg. dropping articles and certain relative pronouns, reversing adjective/noun order. By semi-conscious I mean that I would write the phrase without thinking, then notice it was incorrect grammar in English, but not correct it because I preferred the way it sounded.

>> No.17688959

Learning French has helped a lot for me. A lot of common words in French make you appear pretentious when used in English.

>> No.17690053

was it hard to learn

>> No.17691426


>> No.17691536

Gay penis

>> No.17692166


>> No.17692292

Mfw you can only use it in writing.

>> No.17692427

it does become a problem when you find yourself using words in ways they haven't been commonly used since the victorian era

>> No.17692799

Watch Drive.

>> No.17692818

This but I never get to practice new words so I forget them. Like once a month I have to look up shit like adieu cause I'm smart enough not to say goodbye like someone that cannot grasp that talking like it's the 18th century is ridiculous tone-wise

>> No.17693021
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wait a second...

>> No.17693565

this, midwit level is still where you learn all the words and the etymologies they come from, this 'learn a new word every day' attitude. patrician is when you can adapt your vocabulary, make up and quickly learn new neologisms, slang and jargon depending on the context without appearing pretentious. patrician level requires you to be able to adapt depending on circumstances, so it cant be reached by any autismos unable to read the room

>> No.17695039

You guys are just describing code switching

>> No.17695093
File: 98 KB, 858x1280, 1609720175213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see a word i don't know
>skip it and move on

>> No.17695110
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>doesn't check footnotes

>> No.17695142
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>see word I don't know
>infer its meaning from context
>use the word myself one day
>someone tells me i"m using it incorrectly
>smirk at their their prescriptivist naivety and explain that this is a new use of the word which a philistine might not be aware of
>onlookers marvel at my linguistic efflorescence
>calls are made, dictionaries changed, progress marches on

>> No.17695369
File: 58 KB, 396x312, trolled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you

>> No.17695403

yeh, although id argue its being able to code switch without actually having to 'switch' anything in the way you speak, its talking the same you always talk and thinking the same way you always think but just using slightly different words and roots, if that makes sense.
Ive often heard people feel alienated from one/both of the systems if they have to code switch a lot, which seems to me like you havent actually made that system your own.

>> No.17695604

confetti this dick in your mouth
gird your loins
para amore paramore
ann cutter
jape an, okay this one is not so obvious
bleaken the fucking window
fact, factoid

>> No.17695735

Vulgarity has it's place. For example, when describing your mother's vagina I would be compelled to refer to it as her 'gash' and so on

>> No.17695941

Delete this

>> No.17695965


>> No.17696209

tfw mastering English more than my native language by only reading books in English

>> No.17696342


>> No.17696451

roof window