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/lit/ - Literature

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17682939 No.17682939 [Reply] [Original]

Bros... it came

>> No.17682945
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Cover looks great once again

>> No.17682950
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>thick heavy globs

>> No.17682953
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>> No.17683181

How did you buy yours? When I click on the link to buy in print on the website it says that it's not there.

>> No.17683603

Try searching for &amp magazine on the mag cloud website. I'm not sure desu

>> No.17683965

I saw a lot of hate for the DFW essay a couple of weeks ago but I just read it and though it had a couple of typos I enjoyed reading it and thought the author did a good job

>> No.17684223

Based commieblocks

>> No.17684556

what's this amateur hour shit on the back?

>> No.17685018

Very nice! Any more pics?

>> No.17685462
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editor check email pls

>> No.17686044

What back

>> No.17686767

probably cum

>> No.17686993

Can someone post all of the current /lit/ publications?
I know of the quarterly (lately not /lit/) and this

>> No.17687012

There was a master thread a couple weeks ago, somebody could probably link you to it on warosu

>> No.17687022



>> No.17687036

I did. They have all the issues up to 003, but not 004. Did the editor take it down?

>> No.17687420

I don't see it on magcloud anymore either. That's very strange, I wonder what happened

>> No.17687479

Same here. I knew I shouldn’t have waited.

Cheers OP on getting your copy.

>> No.17688400

Yeah I'm really disappointed that I can't get it because I actually wrote one of the pieces. I have the previous issues in print, but I'd really like to have this one because now I can say I'm actually in it.

>> No.17688543

I'm sure it's just a glitch and that it will be back up soon. What did you write?

>> No.17688569

imagine unironically submitting your work to a publication that won't pay you

>> No.17689164

Ok I'm imagining it, now what

>> No.17689171

doesn't it feel profoundly cucked?

>> No.17689189

No more cucked than allowing strangers pay you to read (fuck) your work (wife)

>> No.17689194

yeah, it's letting strangers suck and fuck your writing for free

>> No.17689316

The commodification of the arts is a cancer

>> No.17689510

>imagine having a mutual interest in a goal with strangers across the internet

>> No.17690447

Couldn't be me

>> No.17690513

that is pretty cringe

>> No.17691040

Also having a lot of issues buying my physical copy which is a shame cause I contributed and really wanted one. Ever since it launched I haven't seen the ability to buy it in print.

>> No.17691076

Mauve blood was amazing. The vast majority of it went over my head but it was so musical and demanded to be read out loud
Demons had a few illegible words due to the color of the background unfortunately

>> No.17691723

Hmm yes indeed

>> No.17692139

>imagine writing for other writers, rather than for money

>> No.17693465


>> No.17694229

Cool design. Is the content like Coronameron? Post more of the interior please.

>> No.17694308

It's free to read online/download

>> No.17694324

It has been fixed somehow. I just ordered my copy. Thank you whoever did whatever

>> No.17695874


>> No.17697456

I was the editor of the coronameron, I happen to be editting this as well. I would say the content is more "mature" in this if you will: still a fair few shitposts, but less self-referential and parody content.
Also post Steal these Stories, Classifieds, and Neologist submissions ITT. Send normal subs to lamp.lit.magazine@gmail.com

>> No.17698871

I really liked the Prophet on top of Denny's

>> No.17699380

Looking for lice. Can be on a hat, dog, your head, any kind will do. Therapist wants me to start keeping a pet. I've been bald my whole life and am tired of missing out on the experience.

>> No.17699771
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Looking good boys. Always a pleasure.

>> No.17699775

does this contain the F. Gardner interview?

>> No.17699780

That’s next issue, April 005.

>> No.17699785

I’ll also be writing up a review of Call of the Arcade. Pritty stoaked.

>> No.17699812

will definitely keep an eye out

>> No.17700033

Wtf is that real?

>> No.17700055

What has been the best edition? None of my work is in this PoMo-ish field so I won't bother submitting it, the Gardner interview sounds very based.

>> No.17700086

wow checked.
also i strongly recommend submitting regardless because the magazine is meant to reflect /lit/ with no thematic pigeonholes.
i'd say the best received issue yet is probably 003, however in my opinion they have gotten better with each issue so i'd say 004. following that trend i expect them to continue to get better.

>> No.17700610

4 was the most consistent imo but the ones id say are definitely worth a read are from 1 and 3 (justice system, the good the bad). the repertoire is more random and chaotic than post modern.

>> No.17700946
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anybody got skills with Blender?

>> No.17701148

Its a story about a dystopian future where people are enslaved and forcibly put in into positions of political power (president, mayor, congressman...) Everyday they have to make important decisions concerning society, suffer through unending paperwork, solve stressful dillemas and rule over their enslavers while the enslavers themselves enjoy a life of careless freedom, apathy towards political matters and in the end, spiritual awakening.

>> No.17701922

[Classified—For sale]
Service: We provide novel economic consultations, where we do absolutely nothing. 90 per cent of our customers have observed a net increase in their capital as a result, in line with the workings of finance itself. Reduced prices for recent startups. Contact neetonomics.biz.

>> No.17701927

(I posted this once or twice before in &amp threads asking for classifieds. If you don't want let me know, 'cause else I'd like to give it another shot as you can see.)

>> No.17701966

The thought of people coming together to achieve a common goal makes me physically ill.

>> No.17702227

Just a random anon, but I would read that
Enjoy being a slave to your masters then