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/lit/ - Literature

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17682283 No.17682283 [Reply] [Original]

do you have a /lit/ gf?
if so, how did you meet her?
how does one get a /lit/ gf?

>> No.17682300

I haven't spoken to a female who isn't my mother in over 6 years

>> No.17682312

by starting HRT and becoming the /lit/ gf yourself

>> No.17682313

I haven't spoken to a female who isn't >>17682300's mother in 26 years

>> No.17682320


>> No.17682325

It's an old wive's tale

>> No.17682328


>> No.17682331

met her at uni
i don't know, these things just happen. i don't think too much about it.

>> No.17682335


>> No.17682338

I've met a lot of lit women but "they just don't get it"

>> No.17682362

What ethnicity is that woman? Her accent is Swedish but she's obviously not Swedish.

>> No.17682452

At least you still have your mother.

>> No.17682471

I love my mommy. No other woman can compare to her.

>> No.17682505

Her appearance would suggest Khazar blood features prominently....but i'm just a dumb goy who could be way off the mark.

>> No.17682506

I used to.
I met her in a bar in Paris at around 2 am (it was about to close). Must have been 5, 6 years ago.
It was the third time I went to that bar, every time I would met someone new. Once a superhot blond German girl that I kissed right after she told me she was lesbian. Later she asked me to walk her home but I was so drunk it took me about one hour and a half to find the way. (Iirc I had offered to buy her a bottle of wine, but since my card was declined, she had to pay it all. I ended up drinking most of the bottle).

She wasn't the /lit/ gf though. Another time a man who just got out from prison, a cute bartender, and a gay man who hit on me for about 45 min before I even realized he was gay. Very embarrassing.

And then on the third time, while I was bored and about to leave, two girls went and started talking to the guy next to me. Well one did, loudly and with somewhat chirping sounds. The other was standing quietly in the corner, and since I used to be quiet myself and know they often wait for someone to talk to them, I just asked her who she was.
Turns out she had a PhD in art history, was over 34, and had been a self-employed artist for 5 years (meaning she had shitty job and spending all her free time and money on personal projects). Super interesting girl, we talked a lot, especially about Heraclitus, Tarot cards and epistemology, then I walked her home, she invited me for tea "only tea, no subtext", and we kept talking until noon. Have never felt more exhilarated than when I walked out, except perhaps once. That night was a fucking meteor in my life.
We texted for a few days and later that week, as she was feeling alone and a bit depressed, she invited me to come over (it was already past midnight). This time there was some subtext.

>> No.17682522

I feel the same way. I hope someday I'll meet a really wonderful woman who can be as good of a mother to our children as my mom was to me but I worry such a woman would be very hard to find.

>> No.17682534

What happened next?

>> No.17682572

We dated for a few months, had a lot of very interesting conv, I got introduced to sex, and I learned how to read the tarot. Was really mind-opening, but also quite sad, since she insisted we couldn't be in a long-term relationship, on account of our age difference and (most importantly) my inexperience and our difference in life goals.
I was still a barely-out-of-virginity college student in need for exploration, she was searching for her future husband and father of her children. In the end the mismatch was too big.
We reconnected and dated again about a year and a half later, then broke up again, for the same reasons.
If I had been 7 or 8 years older, who knows, she would perhaps be my wife by now. As it stands I haven't talked to her in over four years (which means we must have met at least seven years ago...fuck).

>> No.17682584

fnsh t stry

>> No.17682587

I had two actually, one right-wing nazi one and one left-wing crit theory major one

Even though I am basically a crypto-nazi the latter was way more fun to be around. former was hotter though

>> No.17682637

how did you meet them?

>> No.17682649

Why wouldn't you marry her?

>> No.17682655

Sorry things didn't work out, anon. I hope you both meet the right person when you're ready.

>> No.17682695

I've accepted that I'll most likely be alone my entire life.
Intimacy doesn't work out for everybody.

>> No.17682710

Exactly thats the secret. My lit girl was someone I met at college just doing my thing.
The secret is to make yourself an attractive person (work out, dress well, speak normal, etc.) and then just live your life

>> No.17682723

I was very young, inexperienced and insecure. In order to convince her to marry me I would have needed to be a kind of man I was not ready to be. Ironically it'd probably more fit for the job now. But we've drifted apart in the past five years. I still think about contacting her regularly though. Not sure what I'd say to her if I did.

Thank anon, I hope your relationships work out too, whatever they are.

>> No.17682737

how did you keep up with a phd in art history in conversation being an out-of-college virgin?

>> No.17682796

She had wide range of interest outside of art proper (literature, politics, philosophy, religion). I had an habit of reading all kind of stuff since childhood. I was also a math major, which allowed me to bring a different perspective on knowledge and beauty, which she liked as she's naturally curious. And since I like to discuss topics I don't know much about, I developed a knack for asking relevant questions to people who know more than I do.
When it came to art I was always like a little student to her, but for most other topics I had at least one or two things to bring to the conversation. I guess having similar interests but different focus within those interests is the best combination for intellectual exchange in a relationship.

In retrospect I think I benefited much from being the only one among her close friends who really cared about literature and intellectual matters in general. Some of her best friends would tell her they preferred to read celeb biographies rather than 19th century realist novels, which made her positively seethe. Before she met me she had nobody who took those things seriously (she comes from a working class background, so do most her friends). I think she felt very much alone in that respect.

>> No.17682836

Since she's a phd, she has a long history in academia, how did she not pick up friends/acquaintances along the way?

>> No.17682849

are you good looking?

>> No.17682880

Is being an out-of-college virgin even that rare these days? It seems like a lot of guys in their early and mid 20s are virgins. I don't know about how common it is among girls though.

>> No.17682885

Not me though i have lots of sex im even doing it right now

>> No.17682890

at the moment of typing this?

>> No.17682896

yes she is a very extremely hot girl and im having a lot of sex with her really passionately. its really good and she has cummed only once so far but i will probably make her cum 3 or 4 more times before the night is over.

>> No.17682904

>are you good looking?
*seething virgin blaming looks for his utter lack of manhood* baka

>> No.17682921

fucking post a pic or two we're virgins willing to coom and cry

>> No.17682926

>he actually believes him

>> No.17682935

Not so long, a phd is only 3-6 years, which makes you at best a baby by academic standards. There are not many open positions in art history, so like most phd in her field she had to find a day job after defending a thesis. Several years of struggling in a dismal private sector had made her a bit jaded and probably distanced her from her academic friends. By the time I met her she was somewhat bitter about the whole thing, although she also had some good memories of her time in academia.
Iirc except for two older guys (more or less her thesis advisors, which she was a bit guarded with) all her friends were middling artists/entertainers or poorfag wagies from her poorfag city. And it turns out (not really a surprise) that most people in arts/fashion/spectacle tend to be especially gullible, sensitive to trends and indifferent to serious study. And more often than not they're upper class and sheltered.
So, wagefags with little concern for aesthetics on the one hand, snobbish, overpraised ADHAH upper-class kids on the other. I'm caricaturing, but you can see why a hard-working, serious, studious poorfag like her felt alone. Add how easy it is to lose contact with college friends past you 20s, and you get a special kind of spiritual isolation.

>> No.17682937

If I posted pictures that would be porn and I'm against pornography and pro-having lots of really epic sex. Sorry. I hope you find true love someday anon but I can't relate to your virginity because I'm not a virgin and never will be.

>> No.17682946

I'm cute I guess. She thought I was good-looking but the real selling point was being able to mention baudelaire in front of me without being asked why she'd not rather read about steve jobs.

>> No.17682956 [DELETED] 

in what content did she use baudelaire? And how did you respond?

>> No.17682965

Imagine sniffing her in all the right places, and all the wrong places too!

>> No.17682966

in what context did she use baudelaire? And how did you respond?

>> No.17683033
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I had an internet "gf" who wrote a romance novel. She had extreme OCD and identified as asexual, so it the tawdry affair of an unsatisfied trucker's wife turns into a Indiana Jones-esque archaeology adventure in some jungle half way through. She studied archaeology in college.

>> No.17683091

Many contexts, we both love baudelaire. One thing I remember clearly is when she said "baudelaire was the best art critic". Hard to disagree when you read his essays. I think we were talking about the difference between art critics and artists and how artists almost always have to be critics of sort, while the opposite is not true. Baudelaire is an interesting example since he was himself an artist (a poet) but some of his best criticism concerns arts he didn't practice (painting and music). She would often lament the absence of any modern artistic movement that would regularly bring together practitioner of different arts. Compared to even the early 20th century it all seems like a superposition of niches, with some tentative isolated "polymaths" here and there.

I didn't have that much interesting to answer, but I could recite some of his poems, which was nice. I also liked to harp about the role of vision in his work and how it related him to Poe, but I'm not sure I ever did it really eloquently. Still she humored me.

We're now getting at a level of detail insufficient to dox me or her, but largely enough for several of my friends to recognize me just by reading this thread. Fortunately they don't browse 4chan, but I won't lie, I'm feeling a bit uncomfortable. This still feels more personal than I thought, even now. Hope you at least enjoyed the stories.

>> No.17683116

So this was all in French, which you doubtlessly speak?

>> No.17683133

Yes, since it is our native language.

>> No.17683139
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>asking 4chan if they have an [x] gf

>> No.17683176

Thank you for sharing, anon. Don't share anymore. What you guys had sounds like it was special.

>> No.17683202

We don't need pornographic photos you dull manlet, a toe/nail or a black picture would be enough to make the whole board coom you uninventive surrogate virgin.

>> No.17683220

You're right. I feel a bit bad about revealing such personal stuff, but then again, if there is one place on the internet that can appreciate it, it's you guys. I guess I just miss her particularly right now. Thanks for paying attention.

>> No.17683264

Why don't you dash off a paragraph-long short story in French in lieu of a photographic proof of testimony?

>> No.17683296

Thanks for sharing. You write well by the way

>> No.17683323

I have no idea what my woman reads but she reads an hour of YA before bed every night.

My mom is a librarian with a master's in English and I guarantee she's more well read than anyone on this board in terms of novels and poetry, but unfortunately she's gotten old and lazy and only reads Oprah's book club tier garbage nowadays.

>> No.17683325

>We talked a lot, especially about Heraclitus, Tarot cards and epistemology
Asian guy who recently immigrated to the west here. Is it common for those who're in touch with books to have knowledge in these? Because honestly I've been reading books since I was young and don't even know what they are. Do I need to be brought up in the culture to know about these?

>> No.17683333

He said that they met in Paris retard.

>> No.17683344

Thanks anon. Your praise is encouraging. I hope you find the motivation to write today, if you do write.

I don't really care to prove anything. My posts itt have been more like the drunk outpouring of a recently dumped guy who couldn't contain his sadness and started rambling about his dead relationship among strangers. In my case the relationship has been over for 4 years but the impulse was the same, and the result is likewise somewhat embarrassing.
I should close 4chan now, but if by some miracle I manage to write anything close to a decent story in the next 24 hours, I'll post it on /lit/ for you to see. Don't hold your breath though, I suck at writing actual stories.

>> No.17683382

Sorry about your breakup. A cliched remark, but you seem genuinely like a great guy and I think it's her loss more than yours.

>> No.17683393

Don't worry we're both weirdos, especially her. Heraclitus is a common reference for people into philosophy. I guess a rough East asian equivalent would be to have read the Zhuangzi? Although Heraclitus is probably more niche in the West in comparison.

> Do I need to be brought up in the culture to know about these?
Probably, but you can easily find a translation of Heraclitus work's on the internet and read them in one afternoon. It's only a few dozen fragments.

>> No.17683395

Most westerners are aware of Tarot cards but won't recognize the other two unless they're interested in philosophy. Tarot cards are basically magic cards people use to tell fortunes and shit. It's really stupid but for some reason a lot of young women are into it. Heraclitus is a presocratic greek philosopher and epistemology is the study of knowledge. I highly recommend leaving the west. I'm sure you're a nice person but we really do not need more immigrants reducing our portion of the population.

>> No.17683403

You're going to make me blush anon. But seriously, she was not happy about it either, she just had a very strong sense of 'what has to be done'. Now that I'm almost 30 I'm starting to understand a bit more.
This is really my last post itt, if I post again here you're free to insult me and tell me I'm never going to be a woman or whatever.

>> No.17683421

paris is ethnically diverse, you arrogant baboon

>> No.17683436

Oh no. You're not trans, are you? I hope you're not for the sake of your own happiness. Being in academia, I've seen so many sweet people get sucked into that cult and its consequences. It's so sad.

>> No.17683446

For now, yeah. I doubt it will stay that way.

>> No.17683458

I don't think reversed colonialism is stopping anytime soon, in fact I'd say it's a fashionable growing opinion

>> No.17683461

Your post took an ugly turn as it went on

>> No.17683472

Don't worry, it's just that YWNBW seems to be the insult du jour on /lit/. And now that you have successfully baited me into answering again, I deserve whatever insult you seem fit. But I won't be baited anymore I swear (I hope).

>> No.17683475

This but not on myself, I would love to have an intellectual trap gf

>> No.17683477

*deem fit
This doesn't count as an answer.

>> No.17683521

Ahh now I understand why you're suddenly reminiscing the incident. Give her a call anon. Maybe it is the nature's calling, maybe she's in a situation where she's thinking of you too. Don't know if you believe in that stuff, but I do.

>> No.17683540

Women shouldn't read
Couldn't get my wife to read a book even if I wanted.

>> No.17683567

I don't see what's so ugly about it.

>> No.17683592

highly recommending a guest of your country to leave isn't very nice.

>> No.17683605

go back to r_ddit tranny

>> No.17683625

He's just a LARPer, not to mention a cretine.

>> No.17683696

I could have had one. Meet her through my housemate's friends. Took too long to decide if I liked her enough romantically and she had ready moved on.

>> No.17683753

It's what's best for everyone. Diversity doesn't work. I can respect the individual and the culture they come from without believing they should be in my country or any country that is not their own. If a bunch of Swedes and Russians started flooding into Japan, it wouldn't be Japan anymore. It would also lead to ethnic conflict. The same goes for any nation.

>> No.17683775

Too late, a sufficient number have entered France to permanently Balkanize her without there being the need for anymore. However, the fault lies with France herself for having wished to be a great empire. The colonial gallus is coming home to roost in Gaul.

>> No.17683808

They can leave. They probably will leave. I hope it will be done peacefully but honestly, I'm not so optimistic about that. Look at how they got the French to leave Algeria. It was no velvet divorce. Change does not require the majority of the population to be on your side. A very dedicated nationalist movement has emerged in Europe and it is growing. I don't know what the future holds for America and Canada and maybe even the UK but I'm quite confident that Europe will have very few non-Europeans within its borders 50 years from now.

>> No.17683854

>Change does not require the majority of the population to be on your side.
No it doesn't. Which explains why the army played a large part in metropolitan France taking more Algerians home than they thought they were.

>> No.17684090

God you are obtuse.

>> No.17684293

And you are unnecessary.

>> No.17684301

They can't believe because they were born in France, a secular state. If they can kick them out, they can kick you out just as well.

>> No.17684327

there's nothing special about lit
you join groups for your hobby, meet women, date them, and then ditch the stupid group
if there are no women in group, try different group

>> No.17684333

Her surname is blakely, so english mixed with Mena i guess.

>> No.17685278

i have a serbian /lit/ bf, we made a book club together <3

recently read valis and portrait of dorian gray.

by the time we finish reading war and peace i hope he can muster up the courage for me to take his virginity <3 <3 <3

>> No.17685287
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I'm so fucking lonely.

>> No.17685288

Stop using "lit" as an adjective, it makes you sound like a nigger.

>> No.17685295
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>feel lonely
>go out and be around people
>feel more lonely

>> No.17685308

I can't even bring myself to be around people that aren't family. Not that I'm socially retarded (to be fair I'm a little bit), but I just can't stand other people. Maybe I'm just an insufferable cunt, but I don't know.

>> No.17685319

Yeah if everyone irritates you, you're probably the irritating one. If everywhere you go smells like someone shit themselves, it's probably you. I'm the same. I realized I'm an unlikeable person pretty early and I spend most of my time out of the way of people. It works for them and me just fine.

>> No.17685324

>If everywhere you go smells like someone shit themselves
what sort of goblin are you

>> No.17685336

The thing is that I have different personalities around different groups of people. I don't know if that is normal or if I have some fucked-up brain wiring. I also do engage in conversation with these people ( not in an irritating, nagging way) and I'm always just thinking: "fuck you, fuck you, you are so fucking dumb, I want to strangle you."

>> No.17685339

I have a /lit/ gf and I'm a uni dropout neet pseud. She's doing a PhD in philosophy and doesn't even humor my midwit takes. I don't deserve her.

>> No.17685342

>"fuck you, fuck you, you are so fucking dumb, I want to strangle you."
They're probably thinking the same thing anon. Most people are pathetically insecure little faggots.

>> No.17685357

The people I hang out with are all giga-normalfags that have no interests besides parties and getting laid. I don't really expect these people to have any sentient thoughts, but maybe that's just me.

>> No.17685361

In my hometown it's pretty much impossible so I gave up on the idea ages ago

>> No.17685402
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I've never had a gf because I'm too shy to ask anyone to be my gf and I tend to resist anyone's advances out of low self esteem for my own worth. I feel like anyone can get a better looking or socially cooler bf than me. I really wish someone just loved me first so I could at least learn to love myself in the first place.

>> No.17685449

Don't care. Prefer she doesn't read, honestly. Not sure what the deal is with freaks on this site who's ideal gf has to be into everything they're into, and enjoy it exactly the way they do.

As long as they're affable, kind, patient, open-minded, I do not care what their hobbies are.

>> No.17685470

Our friends introduced us to each other during a dinner party 5 years ago. We will get married this July! Wish us luck, /lit/.

>> No.17685477

>As long as they're affable, kind, patient, open-minded, I do not care what their hobbies are.

Oh how I wholeheartedfully agree with this statement.

>> No.17686852

Yeah, they kick whoever they want out. That's how this works. Many will leave on their own though.

>> No.17686856

I want a woman who is intelligent but she doesn't have to have all of the same interests as me. I think it would be nice if she was very into painting or mathematics because that way our interests would compliment each other and we'd be absolute juggernauts when it comes to helping the kids with homework.

>> No.17686876

Wish you a happy marriage!

>> No.17686893

That's awesome. It sounds like you've made it, anon! I wish you two the best of luck and many healthy children.

>> No.17687140

Im not sure she as lit but she did have an degree in comparative literature and studied like 5 languages. So she knew her stuff, but the years of uni took their toll and she had lost almost all excitement about the subject. I remember her telling that after 2 years of university french she had no interest in reading any more french literature for the rest of her life, and for the 3 years we were together she didn't.

But she should have been the perfect lit gf. She was hot but kinda frumpy, and was from a very well off Jewish family who's grandparents claimed to have known Trotsky from when he was in America. The only hint of her education, and the only intellectual thing we had in common, was that she was really into poetry and even asked me to teach her a little Russian and Italian stuff.

She's now in Australia married to a guy who buys her horses.

>> No.17687161

>very well off
>brag about knowing Trotsky
I just don't get the rich people who are like this.

>> No.17687189

based onanist

>> No.17687198

why did you split up

>> No.17687217

You have to love yourself first.

>> No.17687271
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I don't know how to do that. I keep thinking I love myself because I don't actively hate myself? But whenever I can do things to 'treat' myself, anything, I instinctively feel I don't 'deserve' it and that someone else deserves it more or stuff like that.

>> No.17687314

Cum ames non sapias aut cum sapias non ames.

>> No.17687329

It was me. Just general boredom and resentment, I wasn't that attracted to her anymore, and was sleeping around too much.

One day she just asked me and i thought: 'fuck it! what's the point in lying , lets see where this goes.' She actually dragged me to couples counseling and even when it was clear things were over asked me to take her a planed trip to Italy.

During the actual trip i thought we could maybe make it work. I kissed her and meant it. Even the sex was better except sometimes afterwords she'd cry and tell me how much i hurt her. But yo know, there was a reason things went bad in the first place . We got back and i realized i was just wasting her youth and we broke up.

He's happy now, i think, so don't feel too bad.

>> No.17687351

Why didnt you break up with her before sticking your dick in everything that moves?

>> No.17687358

cuz i could

>> No.17687381

Girl here, but I had a /lit bf. One of the most interesting people I had ever met and I still can't seem to find conversation anywhere the way I had with him.

>> No.17687401

How did you two meet?

>> No.17687405

oOf alpha male here.
fucking retard

>> No.17687416

and what did you talk about?

>> No.17687417

Met her in uni, we broke up, both regretted it, then three years later got back together. She is drop dead gorgeous and leading a zoom seminar on soviet utopian thought in another room as I type this comment

>> No.17687513


what kind of answer were you expecting? I slept around because i was sexually bored and frustrated with her.
And yeah, you cheat because it's easy .

>> No.17687540

I'm happy for you, anon. That sounds really nice.

>> No.17687605

Girls are stinky

>> No.17687657

No. All of the women I know read either young adult genre fiction or self help books.

>> No.17687664

>leading a zoom seminar on soviet utopian thought

>> No.17687695

I met someone absolutely astounding but idk if I want to write about her here. For all I know she probably browses /lit/

>> No.17687707

Holy shit you cuck. You actually want another man's sloppy seconds lmao

>> No.17687737

I'm not him but do you think any woman who isn't a virgin is another man's sloppy seconds? If so, do you plan on getting married at all? Most women don't stay virgins until they're maried anymore. It may not be ideal but that's the current reality that we live in. In many respects, they're victims of a society that led them astray. It's still possible for them to be good wives and mothers. In times like these, I don't think most men can afford to hold out until they meet a perfect trad virgin. What we can do is try to work toward building a society for our grandchildren where they don't have to worry about the degeneracy of the modern age. That requires us to get married and have children though.

>> No.17687756

Christ you are a fag. I can see why have to ask these questions on lit.

>> No.17687789

That doesn't answer my questions at all. Don't you see that for most men in our era a virgin wife is simply not an available option? What are those guys supposed to do? What are those women supposed to do? I get that it's not ideal but it's still possible for these people to have happy marriages and it's necessary for them to have such marriages in order for the race to perpetuate itself.

>> No.17687802

Women form pair bonding capabilities using oxytocin that is released during sex. If she has sex with someone else and breaks off the relationship, that is seen as highly unnatural in the physiological sense. If she continues this trend, she is unable to pair bond with any males due to her abuse of her body's chemistry.

Men on the other hand pair bond with serotonin and other second messengers that require time. Thus men pair bond by spending more time with their mates. A Male can also impair his bonding ability but not with sex, moreso with multiple failed relationships over decades of time.

So yes, you picking up another man's leftover is essentially getting with a female that gave her most precious asset to give a man, youth and fertility, so that you can be awarded with dregs when her worth as a women is at a decline rather than a prime.

>> No.17687819

I could tell from the very first sentence that incel science is in cue in the following lines.

>> No.17687820

you will die alone or with some exceptionally boring.

>> No.17687825

I don't want Christmas cakes. There is a reason asians see females over 25 as leftover women while the west praises marrying decrepit 40 year old busted beef roasts

>> No.17687827

Everyone is boring pretty much, being mentally ill doesn't make you not boring, it just makes you boring and crazy

>> No.17687829

I would rather have a cute shitposter gf

>> No.17687837

I'm currently in 2nd year medical school. What's your retort rather than muh incel?

>> No.17687845

I'm aware of that. That's why I think we should strive to return to a more virtuous society. I'm just saying that today most women are not saving themselves until marriage and therefore most men are going to end up marrying women who have had at least 1 or 2 premarital sexual partners. It's not ideal but a quality relationship is still possible and plus, what else are we supposed to do? Unless you're in high school or early college, it's unlikely that you will find a virgin.

>> No.17687860

Why do you say that? How would you suggest I avoid that?

I don't know what Chrismas cakes is supposed to mean and I don't think we should praise people for marrying at 40. People should get married young and the best people should have many children.

>> No.17687889

>being mentally ill doesn't make you not boring

IDK man I dated a schizo girl in highscool, who was actually a bit lit herself if you care for Aleister Crowley and the like, and she was anything but boring. Every day was a riot

>> No.17687893

>anime website
>not knowing Christmas cakes
A Christmas cake loses value after December 25, Asia describes women the same way losing value over the age of 25 which in the biological sense, makes sense

>> No.17687896

She just brought me a treat to bed, we met at a international conference for poets in Europe. She mostly gave up writing though, she thinks it's pseudo. I still write poetry.

>> No.17687914

We return to a virtuous society by pushing shame. Men accepting women that got trained on leads to women thinking this is okay. I got lucky by finding a virgin to marry and I hope you all have the same fortune

>> No.17687953

Thanks. I don't watch anime so I wasn't familiar with the term. Anyways, that does make sense but a lot of women lose their virginity before they're even 20. It is best to marry a woman who is still youthful and can have children. All I'm saying is that the idea that any woman who has had previous sexual partners is used up and lacks any wife/mother potential disqualifies very, very large numbers of young women and adopting this attitude will result in many men and women alike remaining single because they're holding out for someone perfect. This isn't good for society and it's not good for these people as individuals either. Someone who has lots of casual sex is obviously not a going to be good wife material but some who has had a couple committed relationships that involved sex prior to meeting you can still be a good wife and mother. That's all I'm saying. And if you disagree, I don't see what the alternative is besides mass loneliness. There are a few girls out there who are like the ideal tradwife gf but not many.

>> No.17687958

>She mostly gave up writing though, she thinks it's pseudo

>> No.17687964

I'm happy for you and your wife, anon. I hope you have lots of healthy children and a wonderful life together. Like most guys here, I would like to have that same fortune too. I'm just a little more pessimistic.

>> No.17687978

What kind of poetry did she like and why was she boring in bed?

>> No.17688101


>> No.17688109

on what?

>> No.17688146

We both really liked Eliot and Auden. I have a good memory for these things and can quote pretty much all of major Eliot and quite a lot of late Auden. Im used to girls being annoyed by this, me just breaking into a poem like im Harold Bloom or something, but she would stop and listen and ask me to repeat stuff she liked. I also taught her a not insignificant amount of Italian, mostly through Montale and Leopardi . The former, in particular, spoke to her, since she was a bit moody even on good days.

I have a feeling i first hooked her with a poem, MacNeice's meeting point which I recited as we held hands -- basically very poetry nerds dream. I got her into some of the obscure

her uni had emphasis on female poets – fucking modern education, what is even the point? you cant get a job and hey dont even teach you shit – so she had never even herd of Richard Wilbur or Anthony Hecht or William Empson. She Knew about Smart’s cat poem but not his Song of David, or anything by Cowper except the castaway. I even made her read d'annunzio, which she did though I dont think he liked him. .

>> No.17688216
File: 47 KB, 385x1174, Meeting Point.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and the sex was dull because a good fuck is like a fight, both people have to be into it. She was scared each time i initiated anything, every night I felt like i was raping her. And I had to to bargain each time to do anything more exiting then missionary position. She liked cuddling, but afterwords i'd literally have to rip the clothes off of her.

I asked her multiple times if she was raped or if something horrible had happened but she said no and just encouraged me to continue as before.

Also here's the poem she liked.

>> No.17688258

I have a PhD in Neuroscience, I TA'd the neuro courses for med students and I know just how very little neuroscience you're taught (and how you retain even less). Your explanation is simplistic and dumb, neuroscience of sex differences is actually a very interesting field that you should look into (and read academics not watch redpiller youtube videos).

>> No.17688288

I had a qt poet /lit/ gf, but we broke up. She was really nice, cant get into the details because she might browse this shithole.

>> No.17688298

king. wizard

>> No.17688319

You're a PhD alright, you're Prepping tHe bull's Dick

>> No.17688323

Why did you hurt her during sex wft

>> No.17688340

Yes, she's an artist. Reads Dostoy, Nabokov, Goethe - I'm getting her into philosophy and we've read some Fanon, Foucault, and Nietzsche over the last year or so.

Met her on tinder funnily enough, she mentioned art and books in her bio and we started talking. Had a coffee date, then a bookstore date, been together since. Just had two year anniversary.

>> No.17688347

Nietzsche is based but Fanon and Foucault? Not a fan.

>> No.17688472

yes and you will also be socially quizzed on the other seminal Western core concepts: George Berkeley, Dolly Parton, Johann Albrecht Bengel, and (PBUH) Jeff Bezos—among others, of course.

>> No.17688719

The alternative is women start reforming or they will end up dying alone. Men don't mind because we are by nature solitary and we have hobbies to keep ourselves scarse but women are more social creatures where alienation is horrific more than calming. I'd rather men stay away from getting shafted by the state in no fault divorces and living constantly alone than being broken down by females and left penniless and priceless and emasculated.

>> No.17688749

PhD in neuro means jack shit until I see your research papers. There are way too many PhD holders that obtained it with long years of mediocrity (although I agree md's are the same)

>> No.17688752

Men do mind. People complain about tfw no gf constantly and kill themeselves or go on rampages because on their loneliness. Men may be able to handle a solitary life better than women but that doesn't mean we handle it well. What about women who have already had previous sexual relationships? They can choose to get married, have children, and be a good wife (which is what I'm recommending) but they can't undo what they've already done.

>> No.17688757

The complete opposite of this is true. Women would rather be single than with someone they see as a loser. Men will settle for just about anything because they need a woman to feel complete.

>> No.17688763

>every night I felt like i was raping her
That's every /lit/ fags dream wtf

>> No.17688767

Lmao no. Why do you think so many women marry losers they don't respect? Its be ayse they are now hitting their 30s and 40s and no jugh value man want them

>> No.17688770

Men and women both need each other. Mending current gender relations is a big challenge though. The system has fucked us but men especially.

>> No.17688790

Damn man, I hope this prevarication you're employing isn't on purpose. Human beings don't change at the flip of a switch. You cant turn someone broken into a wholesome creature at the drop of a hat. A college degenerate won't turn into a loving housewife no matter how hard she lies. I hope for your sake you don't get duped.

>> No.17688820

I don't mean a college degenerate. I'm just saying that a woman does not have to be a virgin to make a good wife. If she has had a couple serious relationships before you that involved sex, she isn't "used goods" and can still be a good wife and mother. Someone who partied and had casual sex with many different men is a very different story. Do not date people who were formerly promiscuous but if you make virginity a requirement for your wife, you will be dealing with a pretty small population of women.

>> No.17688822

>look how nootroll I am
>hehe I don't take sides, therefore I am more superior than all of you
>I just say generalizations no one disagrees with
I hate you with every fiber of my being

>> No.17688833

that's just you buddy

>> No.17688835

she thinks most people who write are pseuds and only can go on because they have rich parents to support them. I always encourage her to write, and sometimes she still does, but she mostly gave up on it.

>> No.17688838

I'm on a side. I just don't see men and women as being enemies. Both are victims of the samy system and we should be united in a struggle against it. The enemy is globohomo, not women.

>> No.17688840

This is a pathological reaction to someone pointing out an obvious truth

>> No.17688841

Well that's a given. The problem is how do you know she's not lying about her body count? Woman deflate their numbers in astronomical proportions and the divorce rate is at 55%, 80% of which are initiated by females. What sane man would jump off a plane with a parachute that only opens up roughly half the time? That is essentially marriage

>> No.17688853
File: 894 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20210303-124350_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dangerously based

>> No.17688865

I guess you just have to find someone you trust. If the alternative is staying single, not having children, and letting our race die out, I pick risky marriage. Maybe mine won't end well but at least the next generation or the one after might be better. Eventually, we will return to a more traditional culture.

>> No.17688870

I ain't jumping off a plane with a 50% success parachute

>> No.17688881

your suicide rate just went up by orders of magnitude

>> No.17688889

Your life is up to you. If you're not willing to take that risk, I understand. Eventually, I hope I can find someone I love and trust enough to marry and have a family with. Maybe I'm naive but I think a happy marriage is still possible, even in a society as sick as the one we find ourselves in today.

>> No.17688918

Damn your sense of passive but polite encouragement. Fine I'll also start looking for a wife but at my income range most females I meet are Au diggers

>> No.17688946
File: 69 KB, 640x322, reality vs guess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think women sleep around as much as most of you guys think. Most women don't leave their house and would prefer to bingewatch netflix than go to a club. These numbers are bad but remember they are lifetime numbers so the average for the women you guys are looking for (age18-25) are likely lower.

>> No.17688947

Got any pics of your mom?

>> No.17688958

Good luck, anon! Is there a way you could conceal or downplay your income?

>> No.17688982

I don't know how I can lie when someone I meet asks "what do you do?"

>> No.17688987

If a woman is into books or philosophy then someone is wrong with her sexually.

>> No.17688988

Your pic was derived from a survey. That's unreliable at best and downright deceptive at worst

>> No.17688991

how are people getting 20 bodies?

>> No.17688996
File: 148 KB, 800x648, who lies more.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How else are we supposed to gather information on this?

>> No.17689003

Yeah, lying is a bad idea. I imagine being in your position does make you a bit paranoid about the possibility of someone just being interested in your money. I wish I had some useful advice for you but I don't know what to do about that.

>> No.17689038

Thanks anon, I'll figure something out. You're a good guy, never change.

>> No.17689074

how can a feeling man of the 21st century possibly have a spark of love for himself?

>> No.17689105

Work out. Go read the /fit/ sticky. I know that it's very intimidating to go to the gym when you're a weak, inexperienced guy but it's not as bad as it sounds and if you keep at it, it has the potential to drastically improve your life. Remember that diet is important too. I would also recommend learning a musical instrument if you can afford it. It provides you with an outlet for creativity, makes you more interesting to most people, and gives you a way to watch yourself gradually progress. This should help you to become more confident and gradually begin to see value in yourself. It will also make you more attractive to women.

>> No.17689141

we met at a coffee shop on our college campus. there's one big shared table everyone sits at so he sat in front of me. he asked me if I could plug in his computer at the plug by my feet and then we started a conversation from there about exams and studying and how tedious it could be. went on a few dates and loved it and then we dated for seven years.
we talked about philosophy a lot and its application in the real world. we talked to each other about the books we were reading and read them to each other at night and we talked about existence and the meaning of things and just-- thought provoking conversations. he was so patient and taught me a lot )he was older than me and far better in school)

>> No.17689144

Assuming a sexual debut of 18, that would be less than one new gf a year by the time the man is surveyed.

>> No.17689147

That sounds very nice. Why did you break up?

>> No.17689159


>> No.17689193

Hm. Well we did long distance for some time after he moved to Paris. Eventually it just got too hard for him and he felt the relationship was holding him back from experiences. I knew what that meant so I said if that's what's best for him then I'd respect it. And that was the end of it. It still hurts thinking about it, and it's been two years since that night.

>> No.17689205

That sucks. I hope you two both find someone who is a better match.

>> No.17689229

tits or gtfo

>> No.17689240

What do you do that you make so much money?

>> No.17689330


fucking based

>> No.17689448

What's your income range? I probably make more than you and this hasn't been an issue for me for the most part. I actually have more trouble connecting with /lit/ types because they don't really understand my professional ambitions even if we share some intellectual overlap.

>> No.17689466

What do you do? I am tired of being a poorfag.

>> No.17689893

I am 24 years old and I've never had a girlfriend of even kissed a girl.

>> No.17689932

my gf is really smart and philosophically minded but she has trouble reading because of problems with her vision so i read books and explain and discuss them with her its really nice

>> No.17689955

some girls have a thing for virgins you should try that angle

>> No.17689972

I don't just want to lose my virginity though. I want a relationship and a family. If she just wants me for my virginity, that's weird.

>> No.17689974

Same. I had lots of girlfriends in elementary school but for some reason I become a sperg in high school and I never did anything after that. I don't know what happened. I did copious amounts of LSD and spoked lots of weed in my senior years maybe that had something to do with it.

>> No.17689987

baby steps u gotta have some sex and relationships to figure out what you want and how to be around people unless you want to be in a shitty marriage

>> No.17689994

>We both really liked Eliot and Auden
Lmao, faggot

>> No.17690089

I don't want a /lit/ gf, I just want some /lit/ friends. Somehow things fizzle out every time I try. My tastes are fairly expansive so there's no shortage of interest or knowledge in the conversation, just no spark between me and the people I'm talking to. It tends to feel like I'm carrying the conversation and that gets boring fast.

Aside form university settings, how do the rest of you make lasting friendships with fellow readers?

>> No.17690100

libraries and bookstores i guess but u can't do that until the pandemics over so idk

>> No.17690101

I don't want a /lit/ gf. I want a nice dumb girl with good boobas. Dumb girls are the best.

>> No.17690102

we met at a coffee shop on our college campus there's one big shared table everyone sits at so he sat in front of my and he asked me

>> No.17690108

Shannon is my milf gf. Nathan says so. He married us.

>> No.17690140

Shannon is my psychology gf. Nathan says so, Ask him.

>> No.17690146

Why should I have sex and relationships first? I guess it's possible that I'm wrong but I feel like I already know what I want. I'd rather just date one person ever. I realize that it's unlikely that my first gf will also be my wife but I like the thought of that a lot.

>> No.17690147
File: 16 KB, 201x301, 400px-Marcus_Aurelius_Louvre_MR561_n01-201x301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. I don't want a gf who shares every single one of my interests because I'll never find one.
Besides, what if she's /lit/ but it's counter to yours? Compared to a postmodern hedonist, I'll take the non-/lit/ gf, thanks.

>> No.17690161

we met at a coffee shop on our college campus there's one big shared table everyone sits at so he sat in front of my and he asked me he asked me if i could plug in his computer at the plug by my feet and then we start a conversation from there about exam and study and how tedious it could go on few dates and love it then he dated for seven-year

>> No.17690174

>Yes I do anon, we met at a coffee shop on our college campus there's one big shared table everyone sits at so he sat in front of my and he asked me he asked me if i could plug in his computer at the plug by my feet and then we start a conversation from there about exam and study and how tedious it could go on few dates and love it then he dated for seven-year

>> No.17690176

we talked about philosophy a lot and its application in the real world. we talked to each other about the books we were reading and read them to each other at night and we talked about existence and the meaning of things and just-- thought-provoking conversations. he was so patient and taught me a lot )he was older than me and far better in school)

>> No.17690179

Dumb girls are the worst. They're boring and stupid and will produce dumb children. Why would you want a dumb girl?

>> No.17690263

Can you specify what kind of things he said that impressed you?

>> No.17690273

They're transparent and easy to control.

>> No.17690287

>Can you specify what kind of things he said that impressed you?

>> No.17690329

>In order to convince her to marry me I would have needed to be a kind of man I was not ready to be
seriously what does this shit even mean.
Watch less girl films and be less of a faggot

>> No.17690515

I think he's saying he wasn't mature enough or didn't have his life together yet. Maybe he didn't have a job or wasn't ready to settle down at that time.

>> No.17690536


>> No.17690629

>allowing the woman you own to read

>> No.17690955

wow this thread sent me into a (rather shallow) depression
bros will i ever get my dick wet

>> No.17690995

This thread has ruined my day too. I'm in my mid-20s and I'm a khv. I couldn't figure out where to meet girls before covid and now it has become even more difficult, which is compacted by my refusal to use dating apps. What the fuck are we supposed to do? I'm so fucking lonely. It doesn't matter how much I work out or how much money I make if I don't even come into contact with women.

>> No.17691012

Get off 4chan. That might help.

>> No.17691021

And go where, dumbass? Why do none of you people ever have actually constructive advice to give us?

>> No.17691077

Where do you live bro? If in socal I can hook you up

>> No.17691102

I don't live in the southwest and I wouldn't trust someone on 4chan enough to give out personal info but if you're genuine, I do appreciate the offer. I'd like to find someone where I currently am but it's hard.

>> No.17691121

Nothing ventured nothing gained. We couldve been good friends bro

>> No.17691126
File: 592 KB, 936x1386, impossible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you guys imagine? Damn...no way...I couldn't do it.

>> No.17691237

this is occidental high culture in the year of our lord 2002
maybe bin ladin was right in some sense about the degeneration of the west

>> No.17691261
File: 8 KB, 213x257, 1316382369225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a 23 year old virgin who has never even held hands with a girl
Getting any gf let alone a /lit/ one is an impossibility for me

>> No.17691269


>> No.17691307

no sex for 40 whole DAYS? it's not possible. i refuse to believe it

>> No.17691314

Based. You'll get there king

>> No.17691330
File: 16 KB, 320x181, 6F4345F9-A27D-40F2-BB9D-304037B75588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S-s-stop. Arrr

>> No.17691339
File: 62 KB, 530x300, 08822C3D-80E4-4FBB-9E59-F7E521EBC97C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17691347
File: 62 KB, 530x300, D6514FDD-7DC2-4F6B-A2D3-47A755B73529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Test II

>> No.17691411

why do you hang out with normalfags?

>> No.17691444

Contact her, see what her life ended up being. Worst case scenario, you end up being nostalgic with her about the old times. I'm in a similar situation my friend, and really you only stand to win in this scenario or have nothing happen.

>> No.17691545

I haven't spoken to any female in 5 years.

>> No.17691548


>> No.17691628


>> No.17691629

Resident physician here at a top radiology program. Young anon, please be prepared to understand that physicians occupy a very specific subset of the unthinking majority of society (see covid fiasco for a prime example in modernity) and that you in your years of education as a medical student will never acquire a depth of knowledge with respect to anything that approaches the PhD level in neuroscience; but in the general case that won't deter you from speaking confidently about things which you only superficially understand, whether you realize you only superficially understand or not. This begs the interesting question of whether the hubris characteristic of physicians is a consequence of ignorance resulting from a shitty medical educational paradigm which teaches us to speak confidently about that which we are superficially taught, or of the natural draw of arrogant personalities to the practice of medicine. Make no mistake, physicians are much less rigorously educated than many of our STEM brethren; I understand this having been through engineering school. Do not let all of the board exams, certifications, and other credentials you accumulate along the way lead you to believe that you are in fact knowledgeable; these are pretense, a facade. Stay humble, and strive to be the rare, perspicacious physician that is in need today.

>> No.17691639

Poopy goopy scoopy

>> No.17691713

Me too.

But I refused to have sex once, so I technically cannot be called an incel anymore.

>> No.17691785


>> No.17691961
File: 1.22 MB, 256x169, girl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Date a girl who doesn’t read because the girl who reads knows the importance of plot. She can trace out the demarcations of a prologue and the sharp ridges of a climax. She feels them in her skin. The girl who reads will be patient with an intermission and expedite a denouement. But of all things, the girl who reads knows most the ineluctable significance of an end. She is comfortable with them. She has bid farewell to a thousand heroes with only a twinge of sadness.


>> No.17691981

Admirable words, thanks.

>> No.17692007

Yes, and like my books, she is fiction

>> No.17692055

Yeah. She probably reads more than me, considering she studies. I write more.
I vaguely knew her for about a year before we got together. She approached me at a pub, and insisted that we drank together more often. On about the third time we did, I took her home and fucked her.

We fucked for a while without being a proper couple. Then, one night I was out with her and she sort of just turned to me and said something like, "You know, everyone says we'd be really cute together." I said something like, "Oh yeah, who's everyone?" and she said, "Well me, for one."

We've been together for about half a year since then. She brings me books to read every now and then, and I read them even if I'm not interested.