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17681542 No.17681542 [Reply] [Original]

What books would you want your psychiatrist to have read?

>> No.17681610

The Schopenhauer cure, because every psychiatrist/therapist should have read it I feel like

>> No.17681619

Ricoeur's book on psychoanalysis
Masson's critiques of Freudian psychoanalysis
Various critiques and histories of the Freudian movement after Freud
Gestalt psychology
A lot of Piaget
Some Jung
Some Adler
A bit of Selye, and other similar psychologists who had "moments" of being prominent, so that he can understand how his own field sees such figures come and go, and no one theory or system is going to solve everything

I would want him to be deeply philosophically invested in the mind and appreciative of how complex it is and how little we understand it, with his own ideas and theories always developing, but never in the sense of imposing his latest pet theory on his patients like lab rats (like the Freudian and Lacanian movements did). I would also want him to have that knack that some people have for nitty-gritty empirical psychology, for reading empirical and clinical practice-oriented books about psychological trauma and so forth, books not written by big names or philosophers but by people who care about healing others and manage to heal others without necessarily being visionary autists with fancy theories of the mind.

Would also want him to be almost religiously suspicious of medication-based treatments, except for the most severe cases of mental illness. This would go hand in hand with his deep and sensitive appreciation of the complexities and mysteries of the human mind, because blasting the mind with chemicals implies a simplistic chemical-material metaphysics of the mind, a dangerous credulity about what his textbooks taught him, and a dangerous relationship to patients, in which he can shrug his shoulders and prescribe them pill cocktails until something "sticks."

>> No.17681672

the bible

>> No.17681683
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absolutely and completely based. There was a point in my life where I wanted to be a psychiatrist, but once I started getting into the philosophy of psychiatry; talking to actual psychiatrists; and volunteering on a mental health ward, I recognized how bunk the whole field is. Psychiatrist specifically, not therapy/social work/etc. this resonated with me the most:

>Would also want him to be almost religiously suspicious of medication-based treatments, except for the most severe cases of mental illness. This would go hand in hand with his deep and sensitive appreciation of the complexities and mysteries of the human mind, because blasting the mind with chemicals implies a simplistic chemical-material metaphysics of the mind, a dangerous credulity about what his textbooks taught him, and a dangerous relationship to patients, in which he can shrug his shoulders and prescribe them pill cocktails until something "sticks."

We really still know so little about the brain, and the relationship between brain and mind/self. Shit, they have THEORIES as to how Wellbutrin works, but they can't say for certain what its modes of causation are on the brain. It all comes down to showing statistical significance. Fuckin a', I feel for the people that are on these drugs for 20, 30, 40 years. Let see how they turn out then. Too bad there is no data yet. Psychiatry is philosophically bankrupt, and I'd kill to sit down and have a beer with (You) anon. thanks for reading my blog. go read some RD Laing too, he's good. and Ghaemi's 'On Depression'.

>> No.17681783

psychiatry is a bizarre cult yeah. They have no idea of the actual role of serotonin in depression yet millions are prescribed ssris every year despite multiple studies showing them to be no more effective than a placebo

>> No.17682040 [DELETED] 
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My headshinker should definitely have read the one I wrote, so that he can try and figure out what caused me to do it.

>> No.17683642


>> No.17683976
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>> No.17684053


>> No.17684383

Psychiatry is pseudoscience babble, study a real STEM field or stick to humanities

>> No.17684408

Oy vey, how dare you disrespect the totally legitimate science of psychology!

>> No.17684416

I remember my school forced me to see a psychologist when I was 16 because I had "behavioral problems." Translation: I was 16, and didn't want to be in a government run indoctrination center with no windows for 10 hours a day, thus I must be crazy.
I went to the first meeting and walked out after 10 minutes. Probably the smartest decision of my life. Pseudoscience kike bullshit. One of the many symptoms of clown world.

>> No.17684422

im a little sceved out by this fact. ive already thought it, but i am barely able to function without adderal, but at the same time i completely loose my train of thought when i am on it. it allows me to concentrate on shit, but my coherent thought process seems muddled. but when i am not on it i just cant get myself to do anything important and i just go whats the point? its fucking skeevy how the mind is so maliable.

>> No.17684423

Meds. Now.