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17680781 No.17680781[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17680789

damn talk about cashing in on leftovers. Next year: 12 ways to poach an egg

>> No.17680798
File: 36 KB, 793x273, kfjoaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17680806


>> No.17680855

I will rate his rules

>1. Do not carelessly denigrate social institutions or creative achievement
+1 from me, unless it's a shitpost and you're not being serious
>2. Imagine who you could be, and then aim single-mindedly at that
No that's pretty gay and 'who you could be' doesn't mean anything
>Do not hide unwanted things in the fog
??????Is there a cold front coming in
>Notice that opportunity lurks where responsibility has been abdicated
I don't know what this even means but it sounds like he's saying you should do a military coup which i'd have to call based +1
>Do not do what you hate
>abandon ideology
>work as hard as you possibly can on at least one thing and see what happens
+0.5, putting in consistent effort on whatever is important, but he has phrased it too autistically
>try to make one room in your home as beautiful as possible
why not +1
>If old memories still upset you, write them down carefully and completely
This seems masochistic and pointless
>Plan and work diligently to maintain the romance in your relationship
more autism
>do not allow yourself to become resentful, deceitful, or arrogant
+1 but everyone fails at this. good to try anyway
>be grateful in spite of your suffering
sure +1


>> No.17680866

there's literally nothing wrong with this pal

>> No.17680889

the peterson cult is annoying, but the anti-peterson cult is orders of magnitude more annoying

>> No.17680899
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Imagine what kind of atheists need this in his life.

Mass literacy was a mistake

>> No.17680909

>abandon ideology
That’s rich coming from the cultural Marxist crusader.

>> No.17680917

mindless peterson hate is becoming tiresome desu

>> No.17680931

Imagine reading this and saying to yourself
>Yes daddy. Give me direction, surrogate father. I am a lost soul and need your wisdom.

>> No.17680935

t. Jordan Peterson

>> No.17680942

Was this ghost-written by Mike Rowe?

>> No.17680966

I dont see anything wrong with this.

>> No.17680968

Sounds pretty sound, desu.

>> No.17680979

very original thought bro.

>> No.17680989

"Do not do what you hate."

>> No.17680991

Jordan Peterson is one of the most evil people from this era, trying to preach individualism to right wing people to channel their energy away from organizing, while knowing that leftists inherently do not do this. real devil. Glad the tranny's are taking him down.

>> No.17681010

This is all solid stuff. despite his many flaws, he's done more good in the world than someone like zizek

>> No.17681023

what mental gymnastics would be required to find fault with any of this? peterson haters are pathetic desu, somehow even worse than peterson worshipers

>> No.17681025
File: 436 KB, 1396x1667, Emil-cioran-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>abandon ideology

>> No.17681035

Even if there is "nothing wrong" with these points, would anyone actually benefit from being told this?
>work on yourself and improve
"oh yeah i hadn't thought of that"
who is this person?

>> No.17681051

Cioran is swimming in bits of incoherent ideology

>> No.17681061

>Cioran is swimming in bits of incoherent ideology
okay. name three of them

>> No.17681066
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Penis so clean it's SWEATing!

>> No.17681085

>Why can't we stay closed up inside ourselves? Why do we chase
after expression and form, trying to deliver ourselves of our precious contents or "meanings," desperately attempting to organize what is after all a rebellious and chaotic process? Wouldn't it
be more creative simply to surrender to our inner fluidity without
any intention of objectifying it, intimately and voluptuously
soaking in our own inner turmoil and struggle? Then we would
feel with much richer intensity the whole inner growth of spiritual experience. All kinds of insights would blend and flourish in
a fertile effervescence. A sensation of actuality and spiritual content would be born, like the rise of a wave or a musical phrase. To
be full of one's self, not in the sense of pride, but of enrichment, to
be tormented by a sense of inner infinity, means to live so intensely that you feel you are about to die of life

look at this paean to a romantic meme state, pure ideology

>> No.17681097

I will also rate his rules

>1. Do not carelessly denigrate social institutions or creative achievement
+1 from me, it's easy to shit on people and creativity isn't too easy
>2. Imagine who you could be, and then aim single-mindedly at that
0.25 it's a good idea but what should I be? That's the hardest question
>Do not hide unwanted things in the fog
+0.5 It's good to face up to shit, but sometimes it's simply not practical
>Notice that opportunity lurks where responsibility has been abdicated
+1 if a girl you know isn't getting the dick, replace her bf's dick with yours. You are the lobster king!
>Do not do what you hate
0.1 agreed. It's not practical. Especially if you love JBP and believe that IQ is main thing that determines a person's options. Try telling that to a wage slave in KFC while the struggle to degrease the fryer
>abandon ideology
0.2 impossible, unless he's talking about the hardcore trannies that he hates.
>work as hard as you possibly can on at least one thing and see what happens
Sure, why not. It's better to be able to do something well than nothing at all +1
>try to make one room in your home as beautiful as possible
why not +1
>If old memories still upset you, write them down carefully and completely
I actually tried this. It helped a bit, but my thoughts are totally chaotic. I think some people could get something out of this +0.75
>Plan and work diligently to maintain the romance in your relationship
I had a gf once. I love her and cared for her and she fucked me off for some alpha male from her work. I then lost lots of weight and the muscles that I'd been hiding under layers of fat after consistently working out for more than a decade helped me meet new women. I've become something of a misogynist Elliot Roger type, even though I can consistently get laid. Peterson has only ever had one wife/gf according to my knowledge so I don't consider him jaded and full of hate enough to really be able to write on the topic. But hey, maybe if he would have come out with this a few years ago we'd still be together... +0.2
>do not allow yourself to become resentful, deceitful, or arrogant
+1 but everyone fails at this. good to try anyway
>be grateful in spite of your suffering
sure +1


>> No.17681108

Explain how it’s impossible to abandon ideology

>> No.17681122

uhhh everyone needs to be told that
and the fact that liberal boomers didn't tell their kids that is why everyone is now infantilized and useless

>> No.17681126

le pyrrho faec

>> No.17681136

you are breaking rule number one yourself, you can't even follow his rules that you agree with.

>> No.17681137

>stop being a wagie
>be grateful that you're a wagie lol
the absolute state of conservashits

>> No.17681138


>> No.17681140

I feel like the fact that they are reading the book means they are aware of the concept of self improvement, reading it is a way for them to try and do that

>> No.17681144

>self help

>> No.17681151

My post was clearly a shitpost though. but you are correct I break all my own rules constantly, I am wretched mess of hypocrisy and poorly constrained impulse

>> No.17681169

is Taoism ideology?

>> No.17681174

I have not read any of his books but seems like he lives rent free in a lot of peoples heads. What has he said or written that causes this butthurt? Is there a summary of his books?

>> No.17681185

Not that guy but he went through it all, rule by rule, so it wasn't that careless.

>> No.17681189
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this ironically unironicalizedly

>> No.17681193

the amount of internet and wikipedia- "educated" retards seriously trying to pass off as more cultured than a uni professor and clinical psychologist is fairly ridiculous
most of the time, it simply stems from a need to distinguish oneself as more "intellectual" from the people who regularly follow JBP as the latter finally found a guide and motivation to be interested in authors such as Dosto, Nietzsche, Camus, Kierkegaard, Pascal, Tolstoy, Jung, Freud whose work may have relevance in solving today's problems
there is absolutely nothing wrong with that

>> No.17681196

I don't know what Taoism is. I read part of the Tao te ching or whatever it's called, but all I could make out was a vague reference to something mystic and unknowable, which you of course can't really say anything about either as it is itself nor in relation to your life. The existence of this mystic essence, if that was what was being said(again I can't tell), is ideology though.

>> No.17681198
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I don't see the problem with this, your guys massive butthurt over JP has looked very lame for a long while now. Give it a rest.

>> No.17681207

And yet he doesn't follow any of these rules, what an hypocrite

>> No.17681214

he couldn't become this popular if not for single motherhood so /lit/ how do we fix this problem

>> No.17681215

>dosto was part of radical circles in his youth so his writings about the dangers of being absorbed by radical ideology mean nothing

>> No.17681224

False analogy

>> No.17681236

a lot of these aren't bad, some are great. yes it's pop psych, but who cares.

>rule 12
gratefulness is something i've come to be more mindful of in my daily life and i must say it's done me a lot of good. charls carrol said, in one of his schizo ramblings that, "gratitude is the highest vibration you can have", and i'm inclined to agree. i can't emphasize enough how much this helps me on a day to day basis, to be consciously grateful for things -- even something as simple as nice weather.

>> No.17681245

What a boomer

>> No.17681251

>I live in america
Good enough reason to kill yourself.

>> No.17681255

how so? you're essentially arguing that a piece of advice, no matter how good it is, needs to come from a person who without exception abides by said advice for it to have any value
the value lies in the advice itself, not to the person it is "attached" to

>> No.17681259
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You would have to be a giga-newfag to believe this

>> No.17681266

But I never said that, I just called him an hypocrite

>> No.17681305

fair enough, I thought you were implying that whatever he writes has no value as a consequence

>> No.17681416

i need to expand my definition of ideology. I would like to escape it

>> No.17681435

It's the truth youngun

>> No.17681443
File: 1.42 MB, 600x337, 1484416431060.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this post so fucking funny

>> No.17681480

peterson will say something, his hyper-fans will make it out to be the deepest thing since the mariana trench, and the people who seethe over him living in their brain rent-free will take what he said, man an extreme straw man out of it, argue against it, then laugh smugly.

>> No.17681485

burger propaganda is fucking scary.

>> No.17681518

>the people who seethe over him living in their brain rent-free will take what he said, man an extreme straw man out of it, argue against it, then laugh smugly.
replace "him" with any 20th century french philosopher and you've got the exact same process for peterson and his fags

>> No.17681561

this is true. Especially with the autists on this site who seem to enjoy juggling around these weirdos in their brain all day and giggling like a faggot.
Not saying I do anything different though.

>> No.17681599

Whenever I post about how much money I donated to Peterson's Patreon /lit/ makes fun of me. Why does he have so many antis?

>> No.17681617

Beyond Protestantism

>> No.17681635

can't wait to read it, looking good for me

>> No.17681642

I donated $5 USD per month for 3 months...exchange rate made it more like $25 bucks lol

i cringe when i think about it's the only thing ive ever paypigged

>> No.17681649

Wow, common sense! Cool!
>just look at the vicious hierarchy-entrenching instructions that this sick brain-addled nazi is unloading on his authority-craving flock!!!
Can someone tell me what’s funny about this list? Or is it just a classic overreaction from “those people”

>> No.17681675

not only do i have to wash my balls and dick i have to put little ornaments on them too?

>> No.17681991

>Do not carelessly denigrate social institutions or creative achievement
The inclusion of “carelessly” is a cop out and leaves this rule without teeth. Should one do ANYTHING carelessly? It also makes no sense for careful denigration to be acceptable. Less proliferation of unfair criticism would be a nete positive for everyone.
>Imagine who you could be and then aim single mindedly at that
Seems arbitrary and self serving. I suppose telling people to commit to a fantasy life outcome will at least help them steer their ship in some direction rather than wander aimlessly. Personally, I find arguing for people to min/max their life in pursuit of becoming a “somebody” grotesque.
>Do not hide unwanted things in the fog
Sound spoopy and ominous, I’ll +1 it for flavor
>Notice that opportunity lurks where responsibility has been abdicated
This one sounds like it came from a Zig Zigler book. Seems vague enough to be given useful context in the book, but it seems to allude to exploitation of dysfunction for personal gain. Though opportunity in own lives could be lurking (again spoopy and ominous) in where we’ve abdicated responsibility in our own lives.
>Do no do what you hate
If you can help it?
>Abandon Ideology
I’ll assume he means don’t be an alt-frog or antifag etc, so fine.
>Work as hard as you can on one thing and see what happens
Fine. Accomplishing anything or note takes a lot of work.
>Try to make one room in your home as beautiful as possible.
Doesn’t go far enough
>Maintain the romance in your relationship
Related to 8. Beauty and romance are among the those things that make life worth living. Anything that promotes more of it in all ways for everyone is what I’d like to see.
>Do not allow yourself to become resentful, deceitful, or arrogant
Feel like we’re reaching to pad out these rules a bit
>Be grateful in spite of your suffering
Just be grateful - it’s the law. God forbid we ever burn a calorie to give someone in suffering a reason to be grateful in spite of it.

>> No.17682012

good advice thanks for posting