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/lit/ - Literature

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17680425 No.17680425 [Reply] [Original]

If I'm average IQ what can I, defacto, read and comprehend? Give me some examples.

>> No.17680432

the greeks

>> No.17680433

Most things desu. Might just take you longer to learn than it would for someone above average.

>> No.17680455

>muh IQ
you are underage

>> No.17680495
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>you are underage
Incorrect, however, I am a 25 yo kissless, hugless, handless virgin with no university education, no gf (obviously), no friends, no experience, and no skills being supported by my physician father. I have never done much of anything, have no motivation, and have no interests. I am sad constantly that I do not have the same intelligence as my father.

>> No.17680559

Why the fuck is everyone on this board like this? I don't mean like you need to have all things going for you, but why tf when someone profiled himself its always the same? Am I just talking to 1 nigga or is everyone here a clone of each other? Wtf

>> No.17680580

A multi faced frog hijacked this board long ago.

>> No.17680601

Only true anons are able to shitpost about lit or philosophy. This board is a pleb filter.

>> No.17680604
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Maybe /lit/ attracts a specific type of person moreso than other boards? Could be why you see so many clones of us here.

>> No.17680699

Just read and lift bro.

>> No.17680701

Its amazing how you cannot see that the first part of your statement is entirely because of your second part.
You haven't done anything you claim? That is a lie. It's impossible to not "do anything". You have been doing plenty of things. Like watching TV, watching YouTube and browsing the internet. In fact you have probably done that a whole lot. You have in 25 years done easy and mindless things, most of them made for entertainment. So what do you mean, you haven't done anything? You have been entertained for 25 years. You have been sitting on your ass, in front of a screen and mindlessly stared at it because you liked the moving pictures and sounds it made. You have done this so much, that it has chewed into your ability to do anything else. You have no hobbies, no interests and no achievements because you have entertained yourself with mindless media the last 25 years of your life. When you watch TV or browse the internet, you're not "doing nothing". Your brain is getting hypnotized by video and audio, and it's so enticing that you reconfigure your body as to better follow along. Imagine yourself sitting in front of your computer, and see it from a 3rd person perspective. There you sit, staring into the computer screen, your body slumped in the chair. Is it exciting? Do you even remember half the stuff you have looked at, during this browsing session? How long have you been sitting there, completely still and in your room alone?
Anon when you consume media, you're not drifting off to another place, your mind doesn't get transported to another dimension. You're in your room, looking at a monitor that broadcasts images and sounds stimulating enough to cloud your consciousness. It's altering you, and you're letting it alter you. And you let it, you even accommodate yourself as to be able to sit comfortably in front of it.
It has nothing to do with intelligence, youre simply spending most of your time getting entertained. Mindless entertainment, that you most likely won't remember tomorrow. Try and reconsider how you spend your time anon, because "doing nothing" is impossible. You will always be doing something, some things are just harder and more satisfying than others. Your life isn't at a stand still when you watch TV, time flows along just the same. Only you're not aware of it, as you're busy being entertained.

>> No.17680704

>these are the people that were calling people 'normies' or 'NPC' years ago

>> No.17680735

No, those of us who generated the culture of a few years ago are looking at it now wondering how and why groups like the Temple of Set infected this website with such subtlety and convinced so many that it's always been this way.

>> No.17680740

Brave New World

the message isn't dumb but it communicates it in a readable and comprehensive way.

>> No.17680758

Brave New World
Fahrenheit 451
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Catcher in the Rye
The Grapes of Wrath
East of Eden
The Sun Also Rises
A Farewell to Arms
For Whom the Bell Tolls
The Great Gatsby
The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings
The Chronicles of Narnia
A Wizard of Earthsea
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
Harry Potter
A Song of Ice and Fire
The Stand

>> No.17680782

Not OP, but holy fuck anon thanks, this is some really good advice

>> No.17680784
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How do I change my life so I don't have to go on the computer anymore bros..? I just don't know what to replace this with. It's this big void and without it, I.. I just wouldn't know what to do.

I mean, I could read and lift but my brain is accustomed to doing mindlessly browsing the Internet and playing vidya. I'm not gonna be able to do other things which require more of a concentration.

Bros.. this is sad, truly.

>> No.17680797

Wendy’s menu

>> No.17680804

The fact that your can string together a content paragraph like this puts you in +1 SD range already. You should go get your IQ tested. Once you realize that it is high, go to therapy to fix whatever is actually the issue.

>> No.17680823

endurance sports like trail running and cycling take up a lot of time and make you feel good

>> No.17680897

I am the long poster.
I am gonna tell you what you really need, right fucking now.
Have you read my post in its entirety? My solution will only work if you have.
You should turn off your computer, put on some normal clothes fit for the weather outside and just walk. If you think sitting in front of a computer is doing nothing, then try taking a walk with no sensory stimuli except whatever it is you see as you walk. Let your mind wander all it wants, ponder everything you want to ponder and experience life without entertainment.
Thinking of quitting the internet to start some other high concentration hobby is the wrong way to think about it. Simply just focus on quitting, and anything else you do will be enough. No media like TV or YouTube, and no internet for 1 hour to 2 hours. Do it. No second thoughts as what now, just do it.
When you have done that, you will automatically do something. Do you really think you would be a powered off robot, sitting in a dark room alone for 2 hours straight? No, your mind will quickly try and find new sources of entertainment / activity to keep you busy. Go on a walk and think your life over? Do the dishes and vacuum? Take your phone and call your parents? See the thing is not to get obsessed with what you're going to replace all the things with, because it will happen by itself. You will automatically do something, and that something will be great no matter what as you're off the screen. Maybe you would like to read, maybe you would like to go for a run, go shopping somewhere for new clothes or talk to friends. You will be doing something, and it won't be getting entertained by moving pictures and recorded audio.
Stop thinking as if you are capable of "doing nothing", since you are always doing something. You are always in this world, in your body and accommodating your body towards what is in your consciousness. You haven't had time yet to develop hobbies, as you have been getting entertained constantly the last 25 years, so you had no need for hobbies. No need for interests or achievements. Those things will be filled in slowly when you turn off the screen, and you have to do something else. Even the most mundane of things will help you, like cleaning your house or taking a walk. In fact that's often discussed as being "good habits" and something encouraged to do daily. You might even be bored even to go to the library and browse there, just wandering through the bookshelves and reading the titles and studying thr covers. You have a lot of time to kill now without any entertainment going on, so might as well have a book handy for when the pictures and sounds arent around.

>> No.17680904

Except Diogenes of Sinope. He is 200 IQ only.

>> No.17680907

Ask your father to change the wifi password and not tell you what it is for 60 days. The boredom will overcome you, and you will find yourself lifting weights for fun, cooking for fun, going outside

>> No.17680923
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We have like 2 other threads up right now about "what should I read if I don't have a big IQ?" Like fuck off with your pity party. I got tested at a psychiatrist multiple times in my life and my IQ was quite up there but I also have ADHD so it hardly helps. I literally almost starve to death because I can't spur myself to get food; I've sabotaged my life in its most critical moments and even relaxing with a book or TV show is difficult because I can't hold my concentration. I'm putting in effort to improve but it is painful to be so neurologically inept at basic functions. It's complete arrogance to assume there's something wrong with being average. Why do you assume you'd be any different smarter? You could still just be as lazy and friendless? What I'm trying to get at is at least you don't have an unfixable learning disability so enjoy what you can do. After I finish university I'm going to (assuming nothing convenient falls into my lap) flee my life because I don't think I can live so shamelessly, I know my parents pity me and even though I work as hard as I can daily my history with myself tells me I heading towards greater failure. There were so many plans made for me that I couldn't satisfy "Hey Anon why aren't you doing law anymore, your grandma wanted you to become a judge" "Anon, I spoke with that lawyer and he wanted to know if you're still going to work for them". I feel like if I stop for even a moment I'll be swallowed up by my regrets, I just have to keep charging into certain failure. They want all these things and I can't even send an email without procrastinating it for weeks. All this bullshit remedies like meditation and going on runs have done noting, I'm still a do-nothing failure and I have no excuses to tell myself. If I'm still the same man in 3 years I will walk into the woods, cover myself in gasoline and light myself on fire. At least that would take an impressive amount of resolve and I can die with some pride

>> No.17680936

You need to down regulate your catecholamines or whatever. Once you reach a complete state of anhedonia, it’ll be easier to modify your behaviors as youll no longer receive pleasure from absolutely anything. So the majority of your addictive behaviors will just gradually fade and it’ll be easier to start healthier habits. Personally I do this with 200mg of 5htp and 400mg of SAMe in the morning, and 1g of l-tryptophan before bed. Now I’m not saying this will work for you, but it has definitely worked for me.

>> No.17680944

I'm not the guy you're responding to but thank you. It helps and means a lot.

>> No.17681011
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Alright longposter and similarbros, I'll do what you suggest but damn it's gonna be difficult quitting this. Thankyou for the advice.

Farewell for now.

>> No.17681038

Enjoy, and welcome to reality

>> No.17681156

these are bots

>> No.17681202

You're a bot

>> No.17681244
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>> No.17681636


>> No.17681645

Wendy’s menu

>> No.17682198

Good luck anon. Also stop blaming yourself for everything in your life. Yes be aware if your mistakes and so on of course, but don't carry that cross around you everywhere. Everyday is a new chance to try some small change, and if you keep doing that for some time, your life will change dramatically over the course of a year.

>> No.17682225

everything. you might just be unable to create your own works that strike extremely deep. but even that is uncertain. iq is a bad measure of intelligence.