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17680132 No.17680132 [Reply] [Original]

I there any place I can live a simple life, farm, fish, hunt, pray to God, marry a trad white girl, bear a bunch of kids, read a bunch, get drunk/high on what I want when I want, eat cheeseburgers, and maybe write a couple books?

>> No.17680139

That's a man.

>> No.17680148

You’re literally mentally ill. Get help.

>> No.17680154

Literally 85% of the surface area of America - what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.17680162

You think and talk like a woman, hence why you like men.

>> No.17680171

>I there any place I can live a simple life, farm, fish, hunt, pray to God, marry a trad white girl, bear a bunch of kids, read a bunch, get drunk/high on what I want when I want, eat cheeseburgers, and maybe write a couple books?

>> No.17680178

Dude you’ve literally masturbated to so much tranny porn you can’t tell men and women apart. Get help.

>> No.17680182


>> No.17680189

> bear a bunch of kids
You will never be a woman OP, sorry.

>> No.17680196

You're projecting. It's just a complex cope for your own problems. You're like a woman who prefers to bicker back and forth about trivial topics.

>> No.17680202


>> No.17680207

How dare you insult the fancy cuisine of my noble white country?

>> No.17680208

you can stay wherever you are anon

>> No.17680214


>> No.17680220

Chicago slums.

>> No.17680221

Look for a small countryside community and move there.

>> No.17680230

I could hunt niggers for meat maybe but I doubt there are any trad whites women or any arable land that hasn’t been infected with nigger piss and shit.

>> No.17680238

Like where specifically?

>> No.17680246

Maybe Montana or something if you're American.

>> No.17680254


>> No.17680267

iirc she's from a dutch far right party

>> No.17680272

It's called being rich. Are you rich?

>> No.17680276

Nigger piss is a pretty good antiseptic. I make sure to rub my face with it every night. Helps keep off the pimples. Also, nigger shit is used on industrial farms all over USA. Didn't you know? It's one of the best fertilizers. You need to cultivate tolerance and respect for niggers. They've helped so much.

>> No.17680281

Probably almost anywhere in the Midwest except for big cities. Probably also the Appalachians but not sure you really want to live there.

>> No.17680299

Why ask to be spoonfed when you're never going to act on these plans regardless?

>> No.17680301

>can live a simple life
Anywhere (except for cities I guess)

>farm, fish, hunt
You're almost certain to find what you're looking for in the American heartland. The hard part is researching exactly where you want to settle.

>pray to God
Literally anywhere

>marry a trad white girl, bear a bunch of kids
There's no shortcut in this. Date around and do your best. You'd probably have more luck after you move to a rural location.

>read a bunch, get drunk/high on what I want when I want, eat cheeseburgers, and maybe write a couple books
This is how you reward yourself once you've attained your homestead and tradwife. Godspeed to you.

>> No.17680316

pic isn't tradwife
the 50s weren't trad
you aren't trad or religious if you get high

>> No.17680392
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I’m not talking about 50s trad, I’m taking Bronze Age trad you utter faggot.

>> No.17680402

Balkan countryside

>> No.17680416

You’re a little late on that one pal.

>> No.17680420

Tennessee, most of the Western US off the coastal states.

>> No.17680435
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holy based

anyway, OP, get yourself to europe. there are lots of suitably traditional and remote areas in scandinavia (incl. iceland), baltics, spain, france (southwest-ish france), and the balkans. basically the low population density regions.

>> No.17680448

>Bronze Age
Are you aware that it means no proper toilet? I suggest you move to rural India.

>> No.17680456

>get drunk/high on what I want when I want
How trad of you.

>> No.17680465

Bronze age cheeseburger

>> No.17680474

It would be easier and more effective to adjust yourself to modern society instead of pointing the finger at everyone else

>> No.17680494
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>get drunk/high on what I want when I want, eat cheeseburgers,

>> No.17680503

oh ok you can move to africa, middle east or india
>finding tradwife in nordic countries

>> No.17680510

>You'd probably have more luck after you move to a rural location.
People say this all the time but I don't think it's true except maybe in Utah and Idaho because of the Mormons. Most of the rural US is still degenerate even if they are politically conservative. There's still rampant drug abuse, obesity, and even promiscuity. They might wave a flag around and identify as Christian but they aren't the idealized, pure peasantry that so many online nationalists imagine they are. You would have just as much luck trying to find a quality woman at a university because universities attract intelligent people. If you're a charismatic guy, it should not be a problem for you to convince her to be a tradwife. Most women adopt the beliefs of the man they are in a relationship with. Just work out and dress well. Also, present your beliefs in a non-spergy way when the topic does come up.

>> No.17680540
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The hamburger was invented from Mongolians having there beef pounded on the sides of their horses as they rode them across the Eurasian plains, eventually this made its way to Hamburg, Germany where it became a locally specialty, and these Hamburg states eventually made their way to the US through German immigrants, was put between 2 slices of bread, and this became the burger. I don’t think I’d be wrong in inferring that Yamnaya and Mongolians shared similar diets seeing as how they lived in the same environments raising the same animals.

So really there is a direct lineage from the diets of our horse tribe Yamaya horse tribe forefathers to the modern cheeseburger. It is the food of conquerors.

>> No.17680550
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Firstly, trad larp is incredibly gay. I get the inklings/catholic revival aesthetic (because it's comfy) but why not try and live a simple life before adding philosophy to it. Thousands of appalachians thrive on nothing more than a secluded trailer, tobacco, and moonshine. Just go to church and get /out/ no need to think property and long term until you're past the age where you care about using religion for your "tradwife" meme. Secondly, we don't need more writers, gluttons, or children, so calm your tits.
comfy books for those so inclined;
>a river runs through it by maclean
>a month in the country by carr
>rip van winkle by irving
>the entire corpus of wendell berry, gene logsdon, and edward abbey
>the inklings (specifically williams, everyone forgets williams)
>gk chesterton (specifically the everlasting man and the outline of sanity)
>ts eliot's poetry
>wind in the willows by grahame
>compleat angler by walton (those rackham illustrations get me every time)
t. /out/fag

>> No.17680552
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>> No.17680565

The leftist pawns of globohomo will make sure you will never be able to escape. Try to build a cabin in the woods with your wife and they will imprison you for something obscure, just because you refuse to live by their rules, you bigot

>> No.17680588

shut the fuck up retard

>> No.17680599
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In all honesty, fly into Chicago and head west or south 2 hours.

If you are concerned about taxes, head SSE into rural Indiana or head west on I-80 and go into Iowa. Illinois and Indiana have better woods. If you don't care much about taxes head about 4 hours south of Chicago into Southern Illinois. It's home to some of the biggest whitetail deer in the world and the roads get scarce and the woods get hilly and dense.

>> No.17680625

Tbh it’s the obesity that most turns me off from them. I’d be fine with most of the rest as long as they had a Christian upbringing, which is still very common among rural people, but the obesity rate is insanely high, the black population makes it even higher in southern states but it’s still extremely high among white there. This means the population of aesthetically beautiful women is much lower on average so most of the percentage of good looking women with a guy is even higher on a average, while you’re stuck with the hambeasts. I’m like 95% sure the obesity epidemic was intentionally done just to demoralize the working classes of every race in America. It’s backfiring now though because a lot of the rich chicks are starting to get fat too now.

According to the maps obesity is pretty low and religiosity high among upper Great Plains states like Wyoming, Montana, and the Dakotas so I guess that would probably be the best place to look, though I’ve never been there so I can’t speak from experience.

>> No.17680650

>get drunk/high
>eat cheeseburgers
nigger tier

>> No.17680680

this. Minus the white girl OP is describing a life in rural Nigeria. He's clearly some /pol/ nigger normalfag who saw the trad meme but didn't think that meant not being a drug using amerimutt

>> No.17680694

It's also the synthetic food of mart sharters.

>> No.17680698

Yeah those epic trad xD women (that don't exist) can't wait to marry a fucking loser like you. They're absolutely creaming themselves bro.

>> No.17680705
File: 356 KB, 2048x1376, DBF22457-65FD-4E1F-9E34-D82B1A9986DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am YAMNAYA CONQUEROR I shall live virtuous through my conquests, aesthetics, and extension of ego. All others shall bow!

>> No.17680718
File: 129 KB, 1080x1350, 116327509_872523473273734_6363017727241828197_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hardest thing on that list is finding a trad wife who is attractive. Everything else you could do today.

>> No.17680728

Why is Eva Vlaardingerbroek all over 4chan?


>> No.17680729

Move to Poland or some shithole like that.

>> No.17680741
File: 61 KB, 410x468, 1589233136860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're Cringey the Mobileposter and you shall die a virgin while larping about being trad, /lit/, and not a total faggot. All others will continue to laugh at you!

>> No.17680762

drinks raw milk once

>> No.17680772

Poland is doing better than most European countries.

>> No.17680790

Unfortunately, you are right especially if you are American. You can’t actually escape and dropping out to go off grid is largely a fantasy.

t. Moved out of one of the largest cities to live several hours driving from any major city and haven’t been able to really escape.

>> No.17680794

>wants to be "traditional"
>his sexual taste is still the byproduct of the time and space he was born
Traditionalists larpers make me laugh, they use the same logic as the people who think they can invent their own identity into whatever they want. You're irreedeemably formed in your psyche already and any attempt to live a "traditional" life will be constructed by your postmodern definitions of what "traditional" life is. This is in turn completely based on your taste, which you have acquired by living in the modern world.
Live a quiet life, hunt, fish, do whatever, no one is stopping you from literally any of this.

>> No.17680803

theres this "christian perennialist" on youtube called aarvoll who owns land in the midwest and is looking for people to build a self-sustainable community. he has contact info if ur serious

>> No.17680813

Let’s make this thread productive. For many anons who wish to eject from the “rat race” the biggest hurdle is work and finances. For most people, it’s not so simple as “buy land, start farming”. So what can they do to make their move to the countryside? What sort of jobs could they look for? What are alternatives?

Personally, I’ve worked in ranching, farming, and oil and gas as a laborer. I think ranching and farming they’re great if you don’t mind working for pennies from sun up to sun down. Unfortunately, it will never pay enough to get some land of your own. Oil and paid well but I would not recommend it and it’s probably hardly feasible anymore anyway.

>> No.17680824

based i feel the exact same way op but cringe on wanting a wh*te girl
real men crave black kweenz

>> No.17680825

I saw that guy debate Jay Dyer. He did poorly in that debate, I think, but you can tell he’s smart and genuine, at least as much as you can from YouTube. I don’t think his words in the debate did his thinking justice.

>> No.17680833

Shut up fatty

>> No.17680836

The Covid-19 pandemic has undeniably shifted everything towards remote work. I think getting a stable Internet connection on a farm is realistic if you go remote full-time.
Obviously doing this usually requires you to work in an office for a few years to gain experience and trust. We all have to put time in.

My goal is to get a government job with a pension. Invest maybe do something part-time on the side that I can invest towards some land and eventually a homestead.
When I retire it'll be setup and I can live there with my pension and investments. Maybe do some part-time consulting or remote work for some extra dough.

Ya just gotta live ya life one day at a time anon

>> No.17680846
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>marry a trad white girl

>> No.17680859

Remember Randy Weaver

>> No.17680868

>I think getting a stable Internet connection on a farm is realistic if you go remote full-time.
It might be. Finances are still an issue. Assuming you keep your remote job and it stays remote into perpetuity, does it pay enough for you to acquire land and farm it? Will you be able to outside of the 9 to 5? I don’t know. For me, I’ve not even got that far because my current 9 to 5 pays hardly enough to cover my rent so it’s a moot question. I actually have a government-adjacent job so there is the prospect of 20 years to a pension but I’m not sure I’ll continue here through another year. Additionally, I think many people will simply find keeping the 9 to 5 remote work office job, really unsatisfying. Personally, I’d like to see a return to more “hands on” styles of work and I think most similarly minded people would too.

>> No.17680880

Sounds interesting actually I’ll look into it.

>> No.17680933

What happened?

>> No.17680965

? He has videos about man evolving from apes...

>> No.17681343


>> No.17681387

good post

>> No.17681398

Not to be too much of a coomer, but she looks like she gives really good pantyshots.

>> No.17681914

You can be a Christian and believe in evolution.

>> No.17682065

Brainlet post

>> No.17682126

Wanting contradicting things is always a recipe for failure.
Your ''nuanced'' worldview is just avoidance of responsibility and commitment.

>> No.17682163

No, you can’t. A Christology which implies Jesus was some sort of ape man is heretical.

>> No.17682173

Explain why then smart guy.

>> No.17682215

Is it more heretical than implying Jesus was some sort of man?

>> No.17682261

I can’t say that I keep a heresy measuring stick to measure the spectrum of heresies against.

>> No.17682276


>> No.17682295
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>> No.17682377

I don't really care about Christianity. I just care about the survival of my people. Christianity can help with that by providing people with decent morals but once you start denying evolution, you are denying science and run the risk of denying divergent evolution in humans.

>> No.17682405

Surely you understand that no matter what stick you use, the official doctrine of the Church should be pretty close to zero on the heresy stick.
So the question is: what does the ancestors of Jesus being descended from apes change to Jesus being born from a woman and dying in the flesh? My guess is that it doesn't change anything. You can still keep the notion that man is made in the image of God if you understand it as ontological and formal, not causal and historical. The central and essential contradiction that Jesus was both god and man is entirely unaffected by this.

>> No.17682440


>> No.17682469

Rural cost of living is very cheap in the US relative to the salary of an average professional. You wouldn't need to farm the land you own intensively, maybe your "trad wife" could do some minor farming on her own (raise animals, have a garden etc).

>> No.17682585

Evolution is literally a speculative theory. There is no scientific or empirical evidence that it is real or true.

No, you can’t. The Christian church maintains that Christ was son of the Father incarnate in flesh and man was created by God in his image. The church does not affirm evolution. Do not distract from the point by shifting the question to “was Christ a man” as if we must take man as a product of evolution from ape as a priori.

>> No.17682682

>No, you can’t.
Prove it.

>The Christian church maintains that Christ was son of the Father incarnate in flesh and man was created by God in his image.
It's such a vague statement it can be read to be compatible with evolution and many other theories. What kind of relationship is involved in "created" here? What is the "image" in question? I have a nose, does that mean God also has a nose? Clearly that is absurd, and the term "image" cannot be taken absolutely. This also mean that the particulars of the formation of man's body have little definite bearing on the nature of God. Why is man being descended from apes more offensive than man being made mostly of carbon and hydrogen atoms? Do you deny the human body contains carbon atom? I doubt you do.

> The church does not affirm evolution.
It doesn't deny it either:
>36. For these reasons the Teaching Authority of the Church does not forbid that, in conformity with the present state of human sciences and sacred theology, research and discussions, on the part of men experienced in both fields, take place with regard to the doctrine of evolution, in as far as it inquires into the origin of the human body as coming from pre-existent and living matter — for the Catholic faith obliges us to hold that souls are immediately created by God.
The rest of the paragraph even says there should be place to both sides of the argument -meaning evolution is not a priori excluded.

>Do not distract from the point by shifting the question to “was Christ a man”
You're the one shifting here. I'm asking "what difference does it makes whether man comes from ape or not as long as it is acknowledged that Christ was born from a woman?". I don't see why the former would be more shocking than the latter. Surely the difference between man and ape is infinitely less significant than the different between man and God. And since, borrowing from the papal encyclical quoted above, evolution concerns itself with the human body and its living matter, and not with souls, there's no contradiction in holding that the fleshly matter of men descend from that of apes.

>> No.17682794

Stop trying to trope yourself into a meaningful life. You're as conditioned by (you)s as the people that live this life are conditioned by scripture. Simply acknowledge this, stick on some catchy music and appreciate modern convenience.

>> No.17682941

You can do all of this in any rural area in the united states, but it's not going to look like instagram every day like you want it to.

Because you are too stupid to do this yourself, I booted up google maps and picked you a nice rural area in northern Idaho. Perpare to start your new life in Westmond, an unincorporated community in Bonner County, Idaho, United States. Have fun idiot.

Also, by "get high" i hope you meant meth.