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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 428 KB, 779x545, 4297529489238492342414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17679320 No.17679320 [Reply] [Original]

Friendly reminder that if you live by the progressive sword you die by the progressive sword.

This is /lit/ related you dumb tranny jannies. Stop deleting my threads.

>> No.17679368

The only solution is to boycott all American and Israeli goods, but this is very, very difficult.

>> No.17679411

We're experiencing soviet tier level of cultural destruction and I'm not joking.

>> No.17679428

American are sometime outright retarded, as a black guy neither liberals or conservatives actually care about black people.

The conservatives act like they want to bring back Jim Crow. The liberals act like the white woman that call a lynch mob on a black guy that looks at her the wrong way.

>> No.17679436

My country has suddenly implemented black history month this year, all the (((media))) are talking about it. It was clearly well organised. The worst is that they have to say it in English, they can't even use our language.

>> No.17679437
File: 39 KB, 479x540, 1573688604490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is satire right? What racist images?

>> No.17679450

This isn’t a literature thread. You might think it is, but it isn’t. That’s why it’s getting deleted

>> No.17679453

stfu nigger, nobody wants to know your retarded opinion

>> No.17679471

Which books are they????? They could become collectors items in the future

>> No.17679487

Here's the list of books btw
>"And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street,"
>"If I Ran the Zoo,"
>"McElligot's Pool,"
>"On Beyond Zebra!,"
>"Scrambled Eggs Super!,"
>"The Cat's Quizzer"

>> No.17679492

It obviously is. It’s about an author and his books. I’m sorry your brain isn’t fully developed you stupid Zoomer.

The real question is why stop at canceling only a handful of his books. By progressive logic, if even a small part of his work is “racist,” then shouldn’t they cancel his oeuvre?

>> No.17679494

There's a Chinese guy in Mulberry Street eating a bowl of rice with chopsticks. That's what got their panties all ruffled.

>> No.17679505

Then you should just go back tiyour containment board.

>> No.17679510

What country lol?

>> No.17679517

Imagine caring about this as an adult. Outrage posters need to fuck off back to >>>/pol/

>> No.17679528

also known by their alternate titles
>"And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street (a nigger),"
>"If I Ran the Zoo (I would fill it with niggers),"
>"McElligot's Pool (therein drowned a nigger),"
>"On Beyond Zebra! (nigger),"
>"Scrambled Eggs Super! (cooked by my nigger slave),"
>"The Cat's Quizzer (cannot be solved by dumb niggers)"

>> No.17679532

wtf was even wrong in these books? None of the articles show the evidence.

>> No.17679533

Does anyone have any images of the supposedly racist images? I've seen this dumb news item blasted all over the place but I can't find any of the supposedly racist content.

>> No.17679540

NOOOooooooo..... Not Dr.... Seuss....

>> No.17679546
File: 261 KB, 645x770, 1E88F0F7-B887-4BD7-8A08-8845CD9B412D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr durr n word funny

>> No.17679553

laughing so hard rn bro, 'nigger' never gets old lmao

>> No.17679566
File: 50 KB, 940x464, AB5016EB-21B9-45D5-8E9A-BB05F126CE36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Hergé and Tintin next?

>> No.17679568

it gets funnier every year because it becomes more taboo every year. there are probably mild old ladies who would faint from hearing it at this point

>> No.17679569


>> No.17679572

Aren't you happy the benevolent whites are looking out for you so you don't get oppressed by picture books?

>> No.17679576

He was literally a kike who wrote a book about creatures with stars or some shit they had on top of there heads and the allegory was treat people not like you with respect it was a childrens book against racism. Has the left gone insane?

>> No.17679577

I want all the qtard boomers infesting this site exterminated

>> No.17679605
File: 34 KB, 800x450, C5418E21-D414-4A1B-B1CD-AF8BF03C13F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it gets funnier every year because it becomes more taboo every year. there are probably mild old ladies who would faint from hearing it at this point

>> No.17679632

Do you have many negroes in Belgium

>> No.17679649

Yes, that's what happens when you make money with colonies and selling slaves

>> No.17679671

I dont care about some dumb baby book my children will read Homer and complete works of Plato not Dr Poopy

>> No.17679674

I don’t know if he was actually Jewish, just a Jew in spirit, like Robert D. Putnam, or Robin Deangelo (though in her case I think she is but is hiding it).

>> No.17679675
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Is this true? Does anyone else find the n word funnier and funnier over time? I think I do. Can we do a survey, please reply to me if you love to say and hear the n word.

>> No.17679685

That’s not what this is about. They’re not canceling books with the word nigger in it they’re just canceling regular books now.

>> No.17679713

we didn't have any colonies, mongrel

>> No.17679734

You can still read the books online, who cares? It's a private company they can do whatever they want.

>> No.17679741

Is this bait?

>> No.17679745


>> No.17679752

if you're talking about the congo it was Leopold's property not Belgium, you illiterate mutt

>> No.17679758


>> No.17679761

Those were King Leopold'd personal possessions, not the Belgian state or people's.

>> No.17679772

He was not Jewish he was German and simply based by accident

>> No.17679790

>conservatives act like they want to bring back Jim Crow
Our patients has its limits. We're looking at decades of dispersed insurgency, in Minecraft.
Yahweh's unholy ZioBurger Empire is proof that he either doesn't exist or is the demiurge

>> No.17679809

This is the most pathetic splitting of hair I have ever seen

>> No.17679816

I don't do d it particularly funny, but I find responses to it kind of hilarious.

>> No.17679823

>the truth
>the most pathetic splitting of hair I have ever seen
this is your brain under American education

>> No.17679827

Honestly it seems like you just googled the history of your country or something to refute that’s anon’s question about Belgium having had colonies.

>> No.17679828

dr seuss drew war propaganda against the soviet union while they were still scraping bodies off the streets of leningrad, he's burning in hell right now beside churchill and the rest of the anglo species

>> No.17679847

You’re not dead? Now my day’s ruined.

>> No.17679880

Belgium never made money with the Congo, it spent money on infrastructure for the Congo.

>> No.17679886

Go back to your slaving country

>> No.17679903

Belgium literally saved the Congo from becoming a shithole. They've become a shithole now because there's no more Belgium control there.
It saddens me that the west is pushing the narrative about muh evil Belgians.

>> No.17679906

I hate this clown world.

Mcelligot's pool was one of my favorite books when I was a little kid. My hatred for leftists grows every day

>> No.17679907

Actually what is happening under the surface is, some woke white person say something too edgy for conservatives, then the conservatives blame black people, also the algorithms that govern the internet will literally create an alternate reality, regardless of political affiliation.

I used to be one of those social justice warriors that demanded representation, but then I actually started reading books and found out that the media is creating a mass dillusion of making people think they have no history.

This has lead to the rise in mass victim mentality across the political, racial, class and sexuality spectrum.

>> No.17679925

Silence you nigger

>> No.17679929

Huh? How do I go back if I’m already there? It’s like you mixed up an insult meant for an immigrant with one meant for a white person.

>> No.17679930

(Conservative) Congolian immigrants literally saved Belgium from becoming a more progressive dystopia. They've become progressive now because there's not enough Congolian control there. It saddens me that the west is pushing the narrative about muh evil Congolians.

>> No.17679940

congo is still a belgian/french colony desu

>> No.17679943
File: 90 KB, 800x734, flat,800x800,070,f.u1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not Sure

>> No.17680020

Jannies also deleted my Dr Seuss thread, fuck them

>> No.17680176
File: 770 KB, 1200x1671, 1200px-Jean-Jacques_Rousseau_(painted_portrait).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's right my anon. Fill up Belgium with the blackest joggers of all Africa. The most regressive tribal apes imported by thousands of thousands. Make them go over all Europe. Let's make the entire continent go back to the stone age rather than financing a single tranny surgery trough taxes.

>> No.17680184

ever1 should take a field trip to the Congo lmaooo

>> No.17680253

>Our patients has its limits. We're looking at decades of dispersed insurgency, in Minecraft.
Nobody will do anything. This has been going on for decades now and no one has done anything that changed a thing. Personally, I think this trend will die with some sort of major religious revival, but that doesn't seem like it's happening anytime soon.

>> No.17680366
File: 217 KB, 375x357, obama is dissappointed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Dr. Seuss is not canceled
No shit, he's fucking dead

>> No.17680368

Kids shouldn't be taught to admire racism
I don't get why that is such a controversial idea

>> No.17680546

God this is so stupid. It is never a good idea to hide information about the past. It must be seen for what it is, in all its imperfection. This does not just erase those books but it erases history, distorts the record. You shouldn't memory hole things. Just don't by the books snowflake!

>> No.17680673

does anyone have a link with all the books he wrote?

>> No.17680696

>prices are going up

>> No.17680723
File: 30 KB, 640x640, 1586122514199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dr. Seuss books get canceled "coincidentally" around the time of his birthday
>Dr. Seuss book prices go up
>everybody wins
Class division is more apparent than racial division. The corporations want to keep pushing the narrative that Modern day America is as racist as it was in the 1950's because it keeps retards complacent while corporations screw over Americans.

>> No.17680730

you can't even spell properly.

>> No.17680771

When do these books go out of copyright?

>> No.17680810

Tintin in the Congo has been out of print for a LONG time.

>> No.17680828

how is this difficult if you are not American yourself?
>don't consume anything made by mass media/culture industry
>don't eat fast food
>don't drive a harley
>don't buy jeans
>buy chink phone
American goods are overrated

>> No.17680829

What does that have to do with this?

>> No.17680838

i dont like blacks and fags
i do not like them sam i am

>> No.17680894

Do it yourself. You guys do have agency right?

>> No.17680913

You could make a case that Green Eggs and Ham (trying new things, openness, tolerance), Yertle the Turtle (anti authoritarian), The Lorax (enviromentalism), and 1 Fish 2 Fish (pro diversity) have progressive messaging

>> No.17680951

This board is fucking useless

>> No.17680957

Environmentalism is not progressive, why are Americans so retarded?

>> No.17680974

american conservatives are anti environment and deny climate change exists because they're paid by the oil lobby so its politicized there

>> No.17680983
File: 40 KB, 296x351, 1607819347254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He did the opposite

>> No.17680984

zero IQ take of the day

>> No.17681008

The plutocracy is gaslighting you and laughing all the way to the bank

>> No.17681017

Dr Seuss was a fucking racist klansman.

>> No.17681021


Yeah, but that all-powerful, oppressive plutocracy will have its overall composition change in favor of more BIPOC very slightly, so the struggle is not in vain comrade.

>> No.17681022

butterfly bros.. we got too cocky.

>> No.17681153

>And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street
I'd have to assume that it's due to the guy looking like he's wearing a gi with a headband, the Eskimo-knockoff, or the guy dressed as a stereotypical Indian riding an elephant. The first two items make no sense to ban a book over at all, and the last one is more of a demonstration of a historical reality. It's not "racist and insensitive" to show that people wear turbans and used to ride elephants.
>If I Ran the Zoo
This one has some stylized faux-oriental clothing (it appears to be a mixture of Chinese and Japanese, but I'm really not sure, this isn't my specialty and Seuss books have a very specific artstyle that makes it harder to tell) so I'd assume that that's the reason for this one's banning. That or that these faux-Asians are squinting. Or maybe even the camel-rider with a turban, but as above, this is a stereotype based on reality. The last two are a representation of Africa and Russia; the latter has a somewhat stereotypical Russian, it's not wholly based in reality but I doubt many Russians give a shit. The former, Africa, is probably why it's not being published anymore. It looks like there are monkeys (or a Seussian equivalent) rather than people.

>> No.17681166

The new york post at least has some evidance for 2 of the books of teh 3 images is even objectivly bad and teh other two are iffy at best but 1 is a touch up

see original vs touchup here

also a lot of his adds and war propaganda are not great but much of that was client dictated and or tainted by war sentiment

>> No.17681170

it was printed in 2016, you can still get it on bookdepository

>> No.17681172

Pluto is not even a planet anymore let alone in charge on earth

>> No.17681188

Last link was suposed to be

>> No.17681197

You done good, tap yourself.

>> No.17681265

>found out that the media is creating a mass dillusion of making people think they have no history.
That's because the most interesting parts of history such as the colonisation of the world including Africa is considered 'racist' when it is taught. Instead of them teaching the philosophical implications during the colonisation, all we get is that's whitey are monsters. Also it's spelled delusion.

>> No.17681294

there was also an attempt to cancel him in 2017 https://www.pragmaticmom.com/2017/07/dr-seuss-museum-controversy-racism-erased/

>> No.17681308
File: 226 KB, 1024x682, dr-seuss-4 And To Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17681316
File: 120 KB, 557x734, mulberry2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

correction this is the original the other is the touchup

>> No.17681324
File: 76 KB, 1024x682, dr-seuss-2 If I Ran the Zoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 2 from If I ran the Zoo

>> No.17681338

Just bought the suess set. Fuck niggers.

>> No.17681342
File: 124 KB, 1024x682, dr-seuss-3 If I Ran the Zoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17681352

Cracked had an attempt in 2016 as well