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17678476 No.17678476 [Reply] [Original]

Why are the dialogs so reddit-ish?

>> No.17678560

you having no life is reddit-ish

>> No.17679986

what do you expect from some washed up hippie 'scientists'

>> No.17680002

I read because I'm not that good at piano. Honestly. I'll probably end up like Nietzsche.

>> No.17680014

i thought they were fun. from the perspective of a classical musician i was impressed with the idea of doing all the canons and shit in dialogue form, it worked surprisingly well.

>> No.17680033

Because it was written by an Autistic stoner living with his parents. It also succeeded with terrible dialogues.
Both of which should give you hope.

>> No.17680115

This whole book is shit. I can understand why people liked it before the internet but for decades now it reads like the know-it-all son in white noise
>heh did you know *tired fedora factoid #933*

>> No.17680145

theyre more like alice in wonderland, not that you would know

i don't think you understood the point of the book

>> No.17680302

I understood the book is for people who don't actually have curious minds and might force them open.

>> No.17680967

an empty statement to prove you didn't understand the book, gg

>> No.17682372

I'll admit I don't really get what the whole deal of the book was, but I thought it was entertaining anyway. Especially that whole bit with the lanterns and djinns.

>> No.17682908

STEMtards are shit at writing. The whole "Reddit" style of writing is what happens when your average Joe gets exposed to too much pop science.

>> No.17682913

>everything mildly entertaining is "reddit-ish"
please kys

>> No.17683015

did... did you actually not understand what the book was about?

>> No.17683330

>Why are the dialogs so reddit-ish?
Every original thought in this book is cringe (dialogues) or retarded (the main thesis).

>> No.17683332

>Why are the dialogs so reddit-ish?
Hofstadter came first...Why is reddit so GEB-ish

>> No.17683370

Why is Seinfeld unfunny?

>> No.17683390

Define this term please.

>> No.17683402


>> No.17683416

Elaborate, please

>> No.17683429

what do you disagree with about the main thesis?
not that anon, but plato wrote outlandish setups and idiotic strawmen to make his dialogue "come together" with the point he was trying to shove down the reader's throat. I'd guess that's what they're referring to

>> No.17683434

Seinfeld is hilarious.

>> No.17683441


>> No.17683445

Plato's strawmanning was obvious, and overtly done, all parties were aware. There's strawmanning and then there's strawmanning.