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17677579 No.17677579[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So let me get this straight. Successful """communist""" countries were successful because they were actually capitalist countries pretending to be communist?

>China implements free market policies through the 70s
>Per capita income triples over next 20 years
>GDP quadruples in the same period
>Exports see a ten fold increase
>Government declares free market consistent with Marxism


>> No.17677583

>Government declares free market consistent with Marxism
yeah, this is common knowledge

>> No.17677584
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>> No.17677585
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Funny how they declared consistent only the policies that worked. When they failed they called it capitalism.

>> No.17677592

you have to be fucking brain dead to think socialism and markets are contradictory

>> No.17677599

>free market is consistent with no private property

>> No.17677605

controlled economy and free market are *precisely* contradictory lmao

>> No.17677609

read how mao died, there was a lot of infighting and the capitalist roaders won

>> No.17677615

But you're wrong. China is decidedly socialist. You have to have literally zero knowledge of chinese economy to think it is capitalist. It's effectively a contract between China and a given western company.

>> No.17677620

The concept of a free market might be contradictory to a controlled one, but in practice a free market requires a ton of market intervention and government investment.

Do you think a private company would ever build a power grid? Lol.

>> No.17677624

Marxism is an analytical science and is completely consistent with market economics. “Communism” and “socialism” were always just political aesthetics or secular religions that technically don’t even exist or have never really been implemented according to actual Marxism. China was smart to move on from experimenting with dogma and just functioning as a normal country albeit with a Marxist view of political economy and development

>> No.17677629

> you have to be fucking brain dead to think socialism and markets are contradictory
>oh actually they are contradictory h-haha but western social democracies don't actually have free markets therefore um privace companies would never build a power grid!

>> No.17677634

Posts like this are the purest cope. I am a Marxist and there's literally no way to justify what China is doing as consistent with Marxism, even Lenin's NEP, which is the origin of Dengism, he acknowledged was a reactionary and capitalist policy.

If Lenin can acknowledge that the NEP was a step back, then the CCP should aswell, if they can't they are deliberately engaging in propaganda or self-deception, I don't care which.

>> No.17677639

ITT: Marxist cope

>> No.17677653

Anon you should try reading a book one day

>> No.17677660

How many millions need to die before you stop hating your parents and get the fuck over Marxism?

>> No.17677664

It’s Marxist, I didn’t say it was socialist or anything. Marxist as in China believes it needs to meet the prerequisites of capitalist development in order to transition to socialism using Marxist dogma as its justification. Does this mean China is actually going to be socialist by 2050? No, I don’t think anyone is even expecting that to happen, but that’s what the country claims and it still clearly uses Marxism as its basis albeit where they likely won’t deliver what they promise. Not like it matters since again most of this boils town to political aesthetics and branding

>> No.17677670
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>How many millions need to die
If you really think about it......

>> No.17677675

>Marxism is an analytical science

>> No.17677677

ITT: flumpflets and midwits
Xi is hardcore socialist.

>> No.17677683

The Chinese economic model more closely resembles NatSoc Germany than the Soviet Union.

>> No.17677684

>Xi is hardcore socialist.
Show me some evidence

>> No.17677688
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>Marxism is an analytical science

>> No.17677695
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>> No.17677714
