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17676264 No.17676264 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17676417

cheers for that mate

>> No.17676431

inb4 warrior poet fitlit circlejerking from posters that have never touched a barbell

>> No.17676890

only book that matters in terms of making it

>> No.17676906

Bad diet advice and 5x5 is better for beg gains, but great book for form explanation with pictures.

>> No.17676910

Jocko images are less than 10 minutes away. It's all so tiresome.

>> No.17677261

It's not ideal but I spent so much time learning how it can be improved, that if I didn't I would already be swollen by now. So don't overthink this things, friends and start throwing

>> No.17677282
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>> No.17677297

I miss lifting so damn much. Open the fucking gyms you stupid boomers

>> No.17677473

I'm doing keto right now. It hurts bros.

>> No.17677490

That isn't the worst mate, I just want to go meet some bitches

>> No.17677939

Stop doing a meme diet you fucking retard

>> No.17677953

You shouldn’t squat if your femurs are long and if you lack ankle mobility. You could destroy your back. Form isn’t gonna improve anything, your skeleton simply isn’t made for it.

>> No.17677959

>he hasn’t read the Wild Physique

>> No.17677973

Cardio lowerbody, anaerobic upperbody, not like the size difference gonna be to insane if you're natty

>> No.17677982

Download tinder or bumble and be above 7/10 in the looks department with no bio. Mold your personality and replies to each bird who matches. Wait at least a week before replying to matches, by the end of the conversation invite them round yours to weed out the non slags and save yourself the time.

>> No.17677995
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Also no selfies, only photos with friends or that other people have took of you. Outside! Not in your house. For how intelligent people are on this board it’s funny how brain dead the average anon is with shagging slags.

>> No.17678005

I didn’t bring my copy of the third edition when I relocated for covid for I ordered a copy of the second edition a week or so ago and am waiting on it. I’m between deadlift sets right now.

>> No.17678018

What's wrong with the diet advice and what is preferable to 5x5?

>> No.17678023

Right, tell me when you get someone twice your age to masterbate in front of everyone for you, then well talk.

Butterfly wants my cock :3

>> No.17678053

Move to a free state/country.

>> No.17678106

give low bar a chance. also high bar squatting with sub maximum weight will improve ankle mobility over time

>> No.17678131
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>> No.17678514

The diet advice is a gallon of milk a day. And 5x5 just has more volume for a noob. When starting it’s better to go through the action and form of the lifts more than the warm up plus 3x5 that’s suggested in this book.

>> No.17678700

>The diet advice is a gallon of milk a day
what is wrong with this?

>> No.17678722
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>> No.17678733
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*blocks your path*

>> No.17678746

Dumbells > Barbell

>> No.17678749

>4L of milk
good fucking luck. 1L is sensible, 2L is pushing it

>> No.17678759

Why not both? Compound lifts with barbell and Accessory exercises with dumbbells.

>> No.17678793

>be above 7/10

>> No.17678796

>with friends
I don't think you understand the problem people on this board have, anon

>> No.17678798

A gallon of whole milk (I think I remember the book suggesting whole milk instead of 2%) is basically 2,400 calories. As a 6' 200lb dude, that would be my entire sedentary TDEE. That doesn't include all the other micro nutrients one would need from other foods or supplements. If I were lifting again regularly, as the book suggests 3-4 times a week, I'm still only adding 700-1000 calories to my tdee, still not enough to fill in an actual normal and healthy set of meals. Not to mention the effects on the body a liquid diet like that would have. Its opulent excess that would lead to the shits and extra weight put on, and not the type of weight a lifter would want to put on. I saw dudes in the gym that took the T-rex SS thing to it's extreme and they were obese. Chasing the dragon of lifting heavy without care for their health or looks. GOMAD is not only dangerous, it's expensive and unaesthetic and all around a dumb idea.

>> No.17678799

Yeah I liked this way more when I was starting out.

>> No.17678812

you better be joking

>> No.17678849

I´ve been told numerous times I´m always at least an 8/10 or 9/10 but never get bitches just because I´m shy and insecure lmao
Looks literally get you nowhere if you don´t have confidence

>> No.17678857

Why aren't you confident, anon?

>> No.17678901

I´m very vain (probably because of how I was brought up in my family), most of my self-esteem is tied to my vanity which is obviously bad, but I´m working on it for over a year and have made improvements.
I mostly got a hold of my problem with confidence when I read Nietzsche and realized I need to be able to be more assertive about what I value

>> No.17678903

Anyone who takes GOMAD to be anything other than a challenge to skinny kunt "hardgainer" skeletons is full of shit.

>> No.17678919
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I personally prefer GZCL

>> No.17678932
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The Chad Muller vs The Virgin Rippletits

>> No.17678943

>GOMADposting in 2021
read the fucking stic-Oh wait wrong board

>> No.17678983

I believe in you anon, keep working at it.
I swear, I saw a few dudes at the gym literally carrying around gallons of milk while also being incredibly overweight. I agree that a variation of GOMAD is good for skinnyfags, but apparently there are just dumb people that don't understand context or health and safety.

>> No.17679059

Somewhere on his website Jujimufu wrote about how he did GOMAD with standard milk for shits and giggles and gained something like 25 lbs of mostly fat I think. I think this may have been before he was on gear too.

>> No.17679066


>> No.17679364

LOL, found the lanklet

>> No.17679384
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Is there something like this, but for looking good as opposed to becoming stronger?
I understand the book's aim and it's not for me, I really don't care how much I can squat. But I want to look better

>> No.17679409

So the reason to read this book is for it's very detailed and articulated explanations on how to safely and properly do the major compound lifts. Being able to do these movements and lift heavy weight is one of the things one should do to 'look better'. Gaining muscle and loosing fat will make you look better. But just as the /fit/ sticky and the reddit sticky and every other digital document that goes over the basics of working out, it's all calories in calories out. Eat less, move more. You aren't going to magically become Adonis when you get under a barbell, but it's a step in the right direction. Aesthetically speaking, even body builders, who aren't in it for the strength, have a base amount of strength from a program like SS before they move on to more targeted exercises. I'd suggest you read some stickies and some blogs about it, change your diet, and just go outside.

>> No.17679427

I don't have space for both

>> No.17679448

idk i just look at the people who did his program and follow his advice and they are ugly
strong, sure, but ugly.

>> No.17679460

I didn't say to follow his program, I said to follow his advice on how to do the actions.

>> No.17679480

well what program do i follow then pal

>> No.17679495

Rips advice is to never do cardio or any other sports, lift only 3 days a week and gain 50+lbs doing the novice linear progression. Rip thinks the only thing that matters is getting your squat up ASAP. He's a dogmatic retard.
You don't need a book.

>> No.17679506

>following a program
Get to the gym and decide which lift you'll do seconds beforehand for maximum muscle confusion.

>> No.17679526

I’ve seen grey skull LP or 5x5 do wonders for people just starting out. But you should do more research and set out your goals in a finely detailed way. Any given program isn’t going to fit perfectly to what you want by the end of it. Literally go lurk /fit/ and read the sticky.
Yup, seeing the trex kids in person was wild.

>> No.17679537

>not doing free fall press for maximum muscle confusion

>> No.17679541

Just buy a Nintendo Switch with ringfit adventure

>> No.17679544

ah, so you haven't actually read the book, got it.

>> No.17679599

This is what guys don't understand. You either need abs/muscles or present yourself doing social shit. I'm OK in the looks department and well with women in person. Tinder/bumble? if I don't have pics of me doing social things I don't even get swipes from the fatties.

>> No.17679785

I did it 8 years ago and it was great.

>> No.17679793
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But I have.

>> No.17679797

you're not supposed to only drink milk when doing GOMAD though

>> No.17679815

Oops, didn't finish the last 4. Damn. Ruined my post.
Right, but a gallon of milk basically maxes out your calories for the day so besides maybe an aditional 2-500, you should be eating more than that, it'll all turn into fat.

>> No.17679935

We’re all gonna make it bros.

>> No.17680185

SS is dyel central, rippled toe is a fat fuck and anyone who follows his teachings deserves everything they get (no gains except in gut and glutereal area)
Do yourself a favor and just do a chadsplit like a true bro.

>> No.17680187

That makes it even worse.

>> No.17680211

What do I say? I match with hot girls, but don't know what to do at that point.

>> No.17680239

Say a dumb funny intro and pick up a convo from there, its not that hard

>> No.17680606


>> No.17680956
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You may not believe it, but this is what peak performance looks like

>> No.17680964

/fitlit/ - A board that neither lifts nor reads.

>> No.17681195
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If it’s an emo girl go with- why do the call it the circle of life - because there’s no point
If it’s a ski hiking girl, why did the blind man fall down the well, because he couldn’t see that well

Then ask how long they been in your city and if you can show them round (you both know you won’t but it’s apart of the dance) ask for their socials, then the most important part, Ghost them for days or longer, not weeks.

Just don’t pop up to them after matching them immediately you oook like a desperate retard and I know most are but use your brain and natural gifts of deception. Cheetahs and tigers have their beautiful stripes and spots to camouflage and deceive. Deception is beautiful and natural and women respond to that, do not be ashamed or feel guilty for using your spots and stripes.

>> No.17681283

based sex-haver

>> No.17681388

good to know. What do I do instead?

>> No.17681401

Ignore any fatass telling you to power-lift to look good. get any bodybuilding related book or just watch youtube videos for form ideas. basically it comes down to you learning how to properly target each of your muscle groups. all you need for this is some dumbbells, time, sensitivity, and effort. you can even start just by doing crunches and pushups and learning to feel all your muscles if you have no access to equipment.

>> No.17681868

Wholesome thread. Everyone on /lit/ should lift.

>> No.17682250

in that case you know that he does not recommend GOMAD for everyone

>> No.17682374

Anon, you are both there to fuck. Each user implicitly treats one another as objects. You could probably just ask them if they want sex but I suppose the flirting and build up is just a mirror of foreplay in the bedroom, and it displays dominance on your behalf - which they like. It's more or less like a casual game which is actually quite unappealing if you are looking for real connection. Not to say that you can't find real connection but that you as a person are going in with so much weight that others just shrug off. Maybe in the end it's better just to be yourself and try many different earnest methods if you seek an honest partner.

>> No.17682503

Nobody should be doing power cleans as a beginner. In fact most beginners doing this would have fucked themselves up due to impaired mobility and flexibility to begin with.

>> No.17682740

What worked for me is I just started essentially shitposting. I would just make casual, nonsensical jokes or even playfully insult the girl I was messaging. Most of the time this went nowhere but it worked often enough. The important part is to have no investment in the outcome of your shitposts. The girl must know you’re willing to sacrifice the possibility of having sex for a dumb joke. This piques the interest of some women. It worked for me at least.

>> No.17682761

>talking to women

>> No.17682768

This is me. This man speaks truth.

>> No.17682769

>ask for their socials
what is the purpose of this? i don't use social media.
honest question.

>> No.17682962
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Anyone notice that the second edition of Starting Strength has what looks like a quotation from Statship Troopers in it? (Don’t remember it being in the third edition but I don’t have that one handy right now.)

>> No.17683099

5x5 is retarded. Try actually doing the program for a few months and see if you think you need more 'volume.' GOMAD works fine.

>> No.17683211

how are your kidney stones

>> No.17683488

I mean, the whole point is to just get into the gym at the beginning. Noob gains come as long as you are putting in the work for a few months and by that time the person should be interested enough in working out to figure out the right plan for themselves.

>> No.17683560

It’s just part of the kabuki theater act that goes along with wooing women. Women love social media more than anything in the whole world, so the thought that you don’t use it would be as baffling to them as if you woke up tomorrow and your dog started speaking to you in English. Asking for someone’s social media handle is the contemporary version of asking for their phone number because that’s effectively what you’re doing.

>> No.17683615

why do they prefer speaking to you on another platform? i've noticed a lot of women say "i don't check this often" but ostensibley they're there to talk to people who they're interested in fucking.
what use is it to draw you into another social networking site which is used for narcissism or messaging close friends? is it just a vetting process? sometimes i think i might look like a potential murderer to them because of my aversion to the facebook conglomerate but it's purely for mental health reasons.

>> No.17683644

No, its so they know youre a real person and see your social worth. Also the messaging platforms of the dating apps are clunky, people generally prefer to message on social media platforms simply because it's better. It's in the middle of the gradient of doxing yourself. It's not like, your phone number and address please come murder me, but it's also not anonymous posting on 4chan. It's a middle ground and just part of the process. Just download snapchat or some shit.

>> No.17683656


>> No.17684300


>> No.17685539
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From uncle teds manifesto you can see that the system will use psychological techniques to make people want this new techno future. Women will be a driving psychological weapon against men, if you want to shag women you will have to assimilate into the tech culture.

>> No.17685844
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Here's my deadlift

>> No.17685873
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books gymfags will never understand?

>> No.17686013

>narcissism or messaging close friends?

For women that’s what they’re there for. As for the mental health aspects I feel you. The days where I have more internet screen time (mainly the days I work, because I work remote now) I feel more annoyed and depressed. You could avoid using the apps for other than messaging women though.