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/lit/ - Literature

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17675083 No.17675083 [Reply] [Original]

Prove to you fucks are not all just Anglos


>> No.17675099

I am Greek American. I think the majority of 4chan is Hispanic.

>> No.17675112

>US and Canada - 50%
>UK & Anglosphere, Ireland - 50%
proof isn't going quite as planned anon

although I do appreciate you recognize that the US isn't anglo

>> No.17675129

I mean it's more of a national survey, so ethnicity doesn't matter. I want to know where lit is from not what lit looks like.

>> No.17675141

>I do appreciate you recognize that the US isn't anglo
Not anymore. They're all mutts now.

>> No.17675154

Also Anglosphere would just be Kiwiland and Australia because all other Commonwealth countries are listed elsewhere.
This is really just to filter out Anglos.

>> No.17675155

yes... that's what I said

>> No.17675164

>what lit looks like
you realize ethnicity isn't just "skin deep", right? As a Black man, the color of my skin has made me who I am.

>> No.17675171

neo-nazi false flag

>> No.17675187

Prove to me you fucks aren't all Anglos*

>> No.17675201

Judging by your knowledge of geography you are an Anglo yourself

>> No.17675215

only americans vote

>> No.17675265 [DELETED] 

I knew I would forget a few, and I did. I forgot quite a few. the survey however was only to show whether or not there are people posting on this board who are not from the US and how large a part they make up. I could've just chosen the options for US, UK and Neither and it would have still worked fine enough for me, but more are always better. They don't need to be perfect.
Maybe separate Balkan, yeah, probably should have seperated South America also, adding in the Caucasus would have been nice as well, so would have been adding Syria, Iraq and such to Arabian Peninsula, putting in Israel would have also been good, but I doubt there are people post from the latter two regions at all so yeah. Why bother?

>> No.17675550

there is no option for my country

>> No.17675638

Where the fuck is India or the subcontinent???

>> No.17675669

I don’t feel comfortable with this amount (4) South Americans on this board...

>> No.17675717

Why not just group Europeans together?

Should be more later.

>> No.17675744

Shitty B8

>> No.17675755

>>mfw my country isn't in the poll

>> No.17675807

I don't think you know what the word "proof" means.

>> No.17675821

You mispelled Philippines

>> No.17675927


>> No.17675983

still collected my (You)

>> No.17676124

I dunno I also wanted to not do ethnicities and then I did Kurds and Iranians, and misspelled Phipilines even though I looked it up.
Eh it worked for me.

>> No.17676152

no frenchmen, thank allah.

>> No.17676407

>UK & Anglosphere, Ireland
I'm very not ok with this grouping but whatever. It'd make more sense to have a British Commonwealth group.

>> No.17677112

I’m middle eastern but from Australia so I’m from an Anglo country but not ethnically Anglo.

>> No.17677122

We wuz anglos n shieeet
God save Ronald Mcdonald and Cardi B

>> No.17677135

Που 'σαι, παίκτη μου.

>> No.17677231
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Jesus Christ, absolutely disgusting.

>> No.17677242

No option for Australasia or Oceania so I chose China.

>> No.17677253

that's because it was night in Europe retard

>> No.17677258

Why? To keep Brits and Irish separated?

>> No.17677263

Yes. They are enemies.

>> No.17677264

what's your country?

>> No.17677266
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>no option for poos

>> No.17677274

>makes poll at *real burger hours*
>wonders why most results are americans

>> No.17677278

Isn’t India part of the anglosphere?

>> No.17677285

>Denmark + Iceland

>> No.17677301

South Americans master race, UNITE!

>> No.17677307

what do the dutch vote?

>> No.17677311

>Greece and Turkey
>Iranian and kurd
kek these as one option are gonna cause some anger
also, how is
>Poland and Czechia
one option? they are radically different you mongloid.

>> No.17677317

du weißt ganz genau mit wem du in die gleiche Kategorie gehörst.

>> No.17677320


>> No.17677330
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>> No.17677332

Seriously, why Poland and Czechia are together? You couldn't afford more options or are we just seen as the same thing?

>> No.17677338



>> No.17677339

>spanitards probably still sleeping

>> No.17677482

Benelux kankermongool

>> No.17677521

Do nordics just stay on their containment chan?

>> No.17677608

>so many germans
So that's why /lit/ is so autistic during European hours

>> No.17677756

We were sleeping and blue we are at work

>> No.17677769


Also 40% US and Canada, it's disgusting

>> No.17677788

Board is just anglos so you'll only be exposed to anglo and english texts and nothing more. Move out of lit if you want to explore literature

>> No.17677819

>no portugal
eat a dick op, I'm not clicking on spain

>> No.17677842

let's wait for 24h first. thread was made during american hours and europeans are at work

>> No.17677865

>11 Deutsch-Sprecher
Mehr als erwartet

>> No.17677923

Explains the large quantity of retarded posts.

>> No.17677961
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I always assume everyone online is American, so it's always a happy surprise to see people from other countries.

>> No.17678139

or your country's literature is just not that good

>> No.17678251

hello sir, where is India???

>> No.17678267

We've all been to /int/ or /pol/, none of the countries you think are better actually are even remotely

>> No.17678280

pajeets need to get out of my board asap

>> No.17678307

Why do Spaniards not read?

>> No.17678333

>I am Greek American.

I think you mean to say American.

>> No.17678335
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Argie reporting in. I don't even live there anymore

>> No.17678339

rich slavs in central europe.

>> No.17678347


>> No.17678386

That's right. Tolstoy was a Volga Anglo; Homer and Dante were expats.

>> No.17678475
File: 158 KB, 2007x1510, balkans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do Balkans read so much? Also what's the difference between them? Seems like a hodgepodge of peoples.

>> No.17678805

nothing else to do in third world countries

>> No.17679073
File: 50 KB, 291x324, Screenshot 2021-03-02 at 17.28.48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're pretty diverse :)

>> No.17679182

no wonder why this board is so shit

>> No.17679253

Anglos + muh Russians, le Greeks, and Camoos. Big fuckin deal

>> No.17679353
File: 335 KB, 1349x4419, strawpoll.com_2021-03-02_12-00-10 - _lit_ board broad national and regional survey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17679372

it's actually the entire western canon discussed

>> No.17680031


>> No.17680052

What a disgrace

>> No.17680065

We all know this board is like 80% spic. Even in your poll you have to complain about anglos.

>> No.17680080

The only people who say "anglos" are spics and krauts. Krauts hate the UK with a passion so it's no surprise they have a big presence here

>> No.17680085

>us & Canada
You know that there's such a thing as french-canadians?

>> No.17680150

nah frogs hate anglos even more

>> No.17680990

last bump

>> No.17681113

Ireland is still part of the same island group as Britain.
And they speak English.

>> No.17681135

so what if they're part of the same island group lol. also they speak irish

>> No.17681465

where tf is the indian subcontinent option you fucking retard. the list has options for kurds, philippines, indonesia and malayasi but no india.
anglo hating retard, do you hate them because the rule the world with their influence over commerce and media, do you hate them because they actually went ahead and started the industrial revolution while the rest of europe was busy being completely retarded and wasting time, germany and france were both filled with retards who were all talk no walk, do you hate the anglos because of the same reason.
shove your stupid survey up your arse mate.

>> No.17681793
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go back to tamil nadu, stupid indian dog

>> No.17681828


>> No.17682156

you shouldve removed canada and america