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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 53 KB, 800x768, 140A7900-A960-4ACF-9194-BD118FBCA530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17674140 No.17674140 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17674167

thank you frater for explaining gypsies to us

>> No.17674171
File: 19 KB, 600x450, sos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT make up a new highbrow /lit/ related word

I'll start
when you blow a solid booger from your nose onto something by accident
>I snurted on my book

>> No.17674180

Everybody remembers, thanks mike for the webcam. Magizmo13. Everybody has seen it. She had such fat luscious tits fat luscious tits fat luscious tits thanks Mike for the webcam, I love it. Bambi Sleep Drop for Cock Thanks Mike δδδ

>> No.17674189

Holliecakes Holliecakes sex video Holliecakes orgasm in the bath If only magizmo knew hn

>> No.17674190 [DELETED] 

your meds, anon?

>> No.17674196
File: 12 KB, 400x274, Wieland's Parsifal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"The sketch of Parsifal which Wagner read to us recently is filled and permeated with the essence of Christianity . . . I am willing to confess that most of our poets who are regarded as Christian-Catholic stand far behind Wagner in their religious sentiments."
- Franz Liszt

>Wein und Brot des letzten Mahles
>wandelt' einst der Herr des Grales
>durch des Mitleids Liebesmacht
>in das Blut, das er vergoss,
>in den Leib, den dar er bracht'.

>Blut und Leib der heil'gen Gabe
>wandelt heut zu eurer Labe
>sel'ger Tröstung Liebesgeist
>in den Wein, der euch nun floss,
>in das Brot, das heut ihr speist.

>Nehmet vom Briot,
>wandelt es kühn
>zu Leibes Kraft und Stärke;
>treu bis zum Tod;
>fest jedem Mühn,
>zu wirken des Heilands Werke!

>Nehmet vom Wein,
>wandelt ihn neu
>zu Lebens-feurigem Blute,

>froh im Verein,
>zu kämpfen mit seligem Mute!

>Selig im Galuben!
>Selig in Liebe!

>Selig im Liebe!

>Selig im Glauben!



>> No.17674203
File: 154 KB, 699x461, BFF69B09-CAA0-4A07-9CED-6BB8F430E147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17674212

Holliecakes orgasm. What a skinny pussy. Greatest pornstar Huge Tits. Where is She. Drink Wine in the Barh Drink Wine in the Barh.

>> No.17674236


>> No.17674296
File: 48 KB, 460x602, 6lHQNjm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally reach the practical portion of fichte's science of knowledge
>now he is rambling about how the self needs to posit itself as self-positing in order to open itself to the possibility of being externally influenced by the not-self
>tfw argument just doesn't make any sense
>tfw there are no secondary sources on him because no one actually reads people beyond memes like hegel and schopenhauer
filtered so soon, huh... and i only had 40 pages left of this book

>> No.17674437
File: 2.67 MB, 1920x1080, 1613136279722.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*goes towards you*

>> No.17674447

I can't tell if this image is cursed or weirdly charming. What is it of, OP?

>> No.17674551
File: 8 KB, 250x202, cigarette.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17674552
File: 388 KB, 832x624, c6d8fd42021bc04aae596db3386043ea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I entered a country-wide essay contest for philosophy students. I know I'm not good enough to even make the shortlist, though I'm gonna try. I'm excited to write something substantial as opposed to the dry shit my school has me doing. Wish me luck, /lit/.

>> No.17674557

uh I can see that. no need to explain it.

>> No.17674625
File: 49 KB, 500x522, govt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

words or feelings cannot express how much I hate the us government

>> No.17674679

why the fuck can't the IRS just tell you what they owe them?

>> No.17675059
File: 688 KB, 1140x639, sanjisanrunning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When you run so much that sometimes you dream of running in idealized spaces, and/or with ultrarapidity, on pure spirit.

>> No.17675080

Where can I find reliable information about climate change? Not a denier but the alarmists make me skeptical that it's as bad as people say. I know the truth is in the middle (as always) but I can't find a trustworthy outlet. Maybe I'll check /sci/ but they seem too Reddit

>> No.17675150

good luck buddy

>> No.17675275

Thanks man

>> No.17675359

>Maybe I'll check /sci/ but they seem too Reddit
They are. They really are.

>> No.17675391

Hey man even if you don't make the shortlist you can still make the snurtlist.

>> No.17675392

"Pleb" and "patrician"
seem completely gone from 4chan

>> No.17675407

What new dichotomy does the new generation care about?

>> No.17675414

I'm sick of going about living my life and waiting to be happy again. I'm sick of trying out new methods to trigger it. Just give me happiness or give me an aneurism, I don't care which

>> No.17675433

Finally a good picture that is not an azn girl or frog.

>> No.17675441

This is so fake it makes me cringe. Plastic culture.

>> No.17675454

>hating Asian girls and the French
Okay we get it, you're queer and into lederhosen.

>> No.17675457
File: 20 KB, 528x288, wejustdontknow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny, I had the same thought process. The last year made me extremely skeptical and I have asked myself why I never applied this skepticism to climate change.

>> No.17675465
File: 97 KB, 193x197, bavariansadness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually am.

>> No.17675517

You can make the thread with Tom of Finland pics as the image on Tuesdays if you let the Asian feet people have Wed-Fri. The French won't put up a fight.

>> No.17675522

I can't even get catharsis. what the hell did I do to deserve this?

>> No.17675535

Try ipecac

>> No.17675661
File: 78 KB, 1200x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm dead.

>> No.17675770
File: 285 KB, 1500x2400, C740B238-8604-4712-A70B-3ED7986EC532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I imagine that I’ll end up killing myself eventually. I’m not feeling suicidal at the moment, although I’ve felt that way in the past. However, I am nonetheless certain that I will die by my own hand. Probably a few decades down the line, in early middle age. I will accomplish little as a scholar. My works will, at best, be respected by the few whose interests are niche enough to have discovered my name. If anything like /lit/ still exists, I will be the kind of thinker who’s books are only brought up as additional readings for obscure schools of thought. I will probably never have a family. Not because I don’t want one- there is little in this life I want more- but because I don’t deserve one. I may marry, but any woman fool enough to do so will sooner or later realize her mistake and leave. I will be lost to time. Neither remembered by those close to me (there will be no such people by the end) nor remembered for my work by anyone except a few specialized scholars. My death will grieve no one but the lord. Why couldn’t I have been born a better man?

>> No.17675835 [DELETED] 

if you really want to get the almonds activated read that article in the nytimes about how a cia agent coordinates american funded climate science research after the end of the cold war because they needed something for the old spy satellites that used to watch russia to do. i'm not sayin' global warming is a psy op but...

>> No.17675838


>> No.17675847

the pleb and patrish days were the high point of /lit/, there was an implied commitment to high culture, now we just have plebby culture war shit of the basest sort

>> No.17675855

what is the alternative to the culture war? i suspect that most of the people complaining about it are just salty that there is some opposition to their side being the undisputed victor in it, but if you have some insight beyond this i would love to hear it

>> No.17675890

being patrish and not plebeian isn't about any specific thing, it's about the dankness of the shit, and to a lesser extent obscurity and inaccessibility. maybe it's like some nietzsche shit where it's not good or bad but excellence. like even if u glad trotsky took an icepick to the dome, if some anon came on here talmbout reading some collection of untranslated correspondence by chen duxiu, i'd have to say "patrish af" to that. idk, why i thought of that prob cuz the thread below this is marx, but it could apply to any kind of shit, modernist novels, antique poems, gay memoirs, whatever.

>> No.17675891

Do people actually want a gf primarily or in large part because they want to have sex? I want a gf so I can have a live best friend. Sex doesn’t really figure into it at all.

>> No.17675924

i was unable to read this due to your incessant usage of negroisms. please clean up your language before you talk to me about "patrician" taste

>> No.17675930

>a live best friend
What happened to the dead one?

>> No.17675941

i literally never want to speak to another woman again as long as i live
if one of them touched my hand, i'd cut it off

>> No.17675946

the truly patrish have the common touch

>> No.17675965

Meh, everyone is a random academic nobody who only served as a footnote for a footnote until some day divine inspiration strikes them like a lightning and they shit out a new novel to add to the canon, just wait for it.

>> No.17676043

Thank you. I hope that’s in the card for me.

>> No.17676044

What are some discrete means of self harming.

>> No.17676050

"What if I told you that in the future men will have tits!" he cried. "'Gyno' they call it, literal man-boobies!" He stood slightly bent over making grabbing motions with his hands near his chest, simulating the action of aggressively groping his own imaginary breasts. He stood there imaginably groping himself and staring blankly into space for a long time.

>> No.17676060


>> No.17676065

Don't even worry about it. Life is shit and trials and suffering until the end, but in hindsight, it's the heroic battle against ennui and logistics, of the enlightened creative man, that we all admire.

>> No.17676073


>> No.17676078

physically chortled

>> No.17676085


Getting married

>> No.17676106

You might be right. Thanks for the encouragement.

>> No.17676126

No luck with that

>> No.17676130

Sounds like a cope desu

>> No.17676133

I'm at the point where I feel too old to have no sexual experience. I've not pursued things in the past because I was afraid of being terrible and being outed as a virgin. I don't want to pay for a hooker, so my best shot at getting good is to have a loving gf who doesn't mind me going through a learning curve. After that, I can do what I want.

>> No.17676137
File: 108 KB, 610x457, america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frozen burgers are underrated. People like frozen burgers from fast food restaurants, but if they do it at home they perceive it as lesser.

>> No.17676163

Disgusting. Miserable. Get some dignity. Learn to cook.

>> No.17676170

I made lamb burgers today from real food. I don't understand your life.

>> No.17676174

I'm trying to get into metal. It' alright, the riffs are cool and there's some badass stuff, I just can't take the lyrical grandiosity seriously.

>> No.17676195
File: 122 KB, 828x658, kHTUJTw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a civilized society pedos, of which there appears to be an endless supply in the US, would be given psychological therapy not prison sentences, assuming they never actually physically touched a child nor directly took indecent images of one.

>> No.17676213

actually, there is already a working model of this. it's afghanistan, and the solution is child brides. i am being 100% absolutely dead serious about this.

>> No.17676228

Sissy hypno

>> No.17676230

This but the same goes for homo's and trans.

>> No.17676232

Okay i'll just find another way to cope

>> No.17676241
File: 133 KB, 808x637, 1602482121236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it normal to paint a picture that comes together well, hit a fitness benchmark, or make a scholarly breakthrough and think immediately that you shouldn't deserve to have done something successfully?

>> No.17676284

Go to the local garbage dump, or walk down the street, and take a look at all the plastic that lay there. And then go to the beach and look at the rubbish and know that there was more before that the tides have taken and eroded and the fish have eaten. And check out how almost every person drives a car and if you dare put your nose up to the exhaust. So, yes. The thing is, if it is urgent like they say, there is almost nothing we can do. And if it isn't, it WILL happen eventually, and it will get worse as we go on. Climate change is hardly the worst aspect. You're gonna have to start worrying about everyone you know not being able to have healthy kids.

>> No.17676299

It is my friend

>> No.17676505
File: 125 KB, 1289x1320, 2lvdaz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kpop needs a containment board

>> No.17676546 [DELETED] 
File: 138 KB, 900x1200, 1614660335298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start licking, whiteboy.

>> No.17676556

i want to tell you to kys but i’m being nice for lent so i will compromise by telling you to kys by choking on a foot

>> No.17676562

i hope the kpop fags get thrown in jail without parole

>> No.17676579

id prefer them to simply recieve a swift bullet to the head

>> No.17676658

thanks bud i hope to see you in future kpop hate threads annihilating the gookfeet fag

>> No.17676673

How do you deal with fear of death?

>> No.17676679

the best cure is getting smarter.

>> No.17676680
File: 133 KB, 267x400, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let it drive you to improve and live life

>> No.17676689

but stupid people dont even think about it

>> No.17676714

People often forget that romance is a need in and of itself, I know this to be true.

>> No.17676718

Falling asleep without someone cute to hold sucks :(

>> No.17676742

Looks like jannies came and cleaned the tripfag thread while keeping all the frog threads.

>> No.17676745

Death is not the end, only a transition.
It's also good, because the material world is shit and boring.

>> No.17676757

A greater force than all of us has decided that we must be punished in the material plane so that our spirit can be refined.
This world is basic and linear, and there is more beyond it.

>> No.17676773

I pray my flesh sloughs off its bone.

>> No.17676783

>seethe at all my friends getting comfy jobs from personal connections
>cope by telling myself I'll get where I do based on merit
>find job through personal connection from distant uncle
>immediately take it
>company removes job right after hiring me despite receiving 30+ applications

"It's not what you know, it's who you know" is not a meme. Thought I cared about my pride but I folded and gave into the game like everyone else.

>> No.17676790
File: 17 KB, 320x105, 1613442465616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have to fix it

This age of rootless cynicism must end

>> No.17676792
File: 14 KB, 182x277, the denial of death 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like everyone else, cope

>> No.17676807

Think about this.
Elon Musk said that IF all new car production turned electric right now, it would still take 20 years or more to make all cars electric, because a car can last 20 years so the old gas models would be floating around for a while. And we are nowhere near doing that. So theer will be major carbon output for another 50-60 years or more.
All the shrill climate people were saying we only have ten years to turn it around etc, giving way too specific timeframes and making wild claims. If we only have 10 years then it's already over isn't it? They have no idea what they are doing or saying.

When I was at school 25 years ago we were shown textbooks with half of London underwater in 50 years due to sea level rise. We're now halfway there and there isn't a square mile of London underwater.
These people have been claiming the sea level would rise by like two feet per year but now it's changed to 1cm in 100 years. Even that is questionable because how in the fuck would people measure the depth of the sea that accurately 100+ years ago? This shit is all over the place.
Yes, pollution is bad because we breathe it in and it pollutes rivers and things.

>> No.17676814



Is cum-in-fo-da triiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiibe

You sli-meeee jew, you’ll git yo’s too.

>> No.17676825

Yep, I'm no different. After this pandemic I will never trust "the experts" or "science" ever again. I don't care if people think I'm a reactionary they're all hacks with an agenda and anyone who publicly criticizes them will be vilified.

>> No.17676828


‘jewgina’: the horrendous curiosity between weinstein’s chafing, sweaty and poxed thighs.

‘Epstegg’: the amusing little circumcised, mutilated and keratinised trifle between epstein’s pasty, short and feeble little legs.

>> No.17676831

Rigorous Intuition

>> No.17676836


Definitely the jewish Talmud, anon. Also reference the Talmud’s teachings on three year old gentile girls, etc.

>> No.17676842


Definitely the jewish Talmud, anon. Also reference the Talmud’s teachings on three year old gentile girls, etc.

(For you, sorry)

>> No.17676846


Circumcision... Especially auto-circumcision.

>> No.17676848

>for a long time

Becoming exceedingly lazy towards the end there, bruh.

>> No.17676853

I've thought that i been having a depression for a longest time but its always been a neurosis with depressive tendencies. Is it possible to even fix it in the first place when you're fighting against the world and yourself?

>> No.17676854

Jumping down a set of stairs that only have a 10 degree incline

>> No.17676857

No, the world is fucked and people are stupid. It will never change until there is a great cataclysm extinction event.

>> No.17676899
File: 3.47 MB, 4032x3024, 20200724_181130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The eternal recurring sandwich. There will come a time in one's life when they will eat the best sandwich they will ever eat. The only way one can insure that one eats a really really damn good sandwich is if he goes out of his way to only eat good sandwiches and passes up on mediocre sandwiches.

>> No.17676916
File: 23 KB, 594x485, Tiresome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a mentally retarded manchild. it's time to blow myself up in the forest

>> No.17676934

>American cheese and bacon

>> No.17676936

Looks don't guarantee whether the sandwich will be great to you. There's many mental variables you must also consider, more so than the sandwich itself, maybe you eating while drunk or delirious from lack of sleep will be when you eat the greatest sandwich. The only way to make sure you have greater and greater sandwiches is to eat many, many at different times, different states of mind, etc.

>> No.17676946

they got ligaments and bones in em chew slowly

>> No.17676963

I already eat ligaments and bones after they get softened enough in stews.

>> No.17676965

learn about nuclear energy and the scam will all become clear. you can start with this boomer if you don't know anything https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKH_iLhhkTyt8Dk4dmeCQ9w/playlists

>> No.17677175

Thats the eternal question of human nature

>> No.17677183
File: 255 KB, 2880x1800, 5905203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does chrétien sound so similar to cretin?

>> No.17677195

this is exactly what i think but saying stuff like
>I know the truth is in the middle (as always)
is pure faggotry (and 10x times so on philosophy board)

>> No.17677229

Every thread on page 1 tonight is low effort trash

>> No.17677235

what do normal people do on their birthday? I got no friends or family

>> No.17677312

I just hangout with parents, we eat cake, drink wine or champagne and thats pretty much it.

>> No.17677314

this desu senpai

Frater I have a concrete question. I'm swedish. What I've heard from my dad is that gypsies used to live in some form of symbiosis with local communities when he was a kid, in that they actually provided services (I believe it was mainly to do with re-tinning pots, or something like this). So they went to a town, did the pots, then went to the next and rotated like that. Now with the EU we have very large amounts of bulgarians and romanians. I don't mind them to be honest, I haven't heard anything convincingly raised against them (of course there are people with a clear racism, but I have yet to encounter a single concrete case of any real wrongdoing, really). What is often said though is that what looks like stray ladies begging at grocery store-entries are in fact organized gangs, so that the individual beggars are aggregated upwards and are really, in a way, on the clock. So it is said that these women are abused in a kind of slavery, or something like it. Do you think this is likely? Some people don't want to give anything because they feel they are getting scammed. I usually think that no one would choose to sit on their ass and say "hej hej" 9 hours a day for the rest of their life if they had literally any option, so I reckon it's fair to give to those women. But are they pawns do you think? Are they being used?

>> No.17677421

You have every reason to be neurotic anon, but also every reason to transcend neurosis. You must decide what kind of person you want to be: somebody weak unable to withstand the terrors of the world, or somebody who finds somehow the strength to mould themselves into a man of action regardless. You must decide whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them etc.

Is it possible to actually transcend neurosis? Yes it is, but the path is different for everybody. And transformation is impossible without anxiety. But it is possible.

Also read Kierkegaard

>> No.17677447

Sometimes in my dreams, I'm being hunted by sadistic murderers, and I just beg to die. I know I'm going to be tortured horrifically, and I just beg to die. I can't escape. I run, and I know that it's a dream, but I can't wake up. What if it isn't really a dream? So I run, and I'm begging, please, please just kill me, please. I think last night I tried to bash my head in on a rock. I definitely jumped into a lake to escape, only to find that the entire lake was filled with sea-mines, like jelly-fish. Wake up, wake up, just wake up. God, I hate it so much. I want to die just to make it stop.

>> No.17677451
File: 70 KB, 500x856, w9aw7m7jlh161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have become better and better at catching my own tenseness. Like I'll be in the middle of something random and then catch how shallow my breath is and then realise that I've been keeping my entire body tense for no reason. I'll take some proper deep breaths and I'll feel my entire body relax and my mind relax too. I think that I've been incredibly tense my entire life and that it has had some effect on my general stress and negativity levels. Strangely I didn't realise this was a problem for me until I visited a physio for something unrelated and he commented on how tense my body was. He taught me how to breathe deeply from my diaphragm and I realised that I don't think I'd ever actually breathed from my diaphragm ever in my entire life. I immediately felt all the muscles in my body loosen and I felt instantly a little bit happier. I wonder how many other anons could benefit in some small way from paying more attention to their breathing? I don't mean that in a condescending way, I'm genuinely amazed at how big of a difference it makes to day to day life.

>> No.17677466

men know absolutely fuck all about what women want.

>> No.17677470

Shinji, you can't keep running

>> No.17677476

oh anon, my personality has a very strong decision-doubt dynamic where i cant decide on a important, meaningful things because im extremely afraid of making the wrong decision and losing the potential of other choice. Even now i cannot decide what i want to do with my life.

Any particular book or just read him chronologically?

>> No.17677487

I’m in a serious rut.

>> No.17677534

What do you think of the idea that writers, and artists generally, are bound by fate to the nation of their birth to a greater degree than normal people? It’s pretty obvious that it’s difficult for normal people even to integrate and be accepted into a new culture and that seems doubly so for artists. It’s hard to imagine an eccentric artist who is taken seriously as a cultural contributor in a country where they didn’t grow up (outside of the US and maybe UK).

>> No.17677621

Same thing happened to me. I'm dead inside.

>> No.17677679

are you a woman? we know that we don't know. what the hell do women want? is a common question. and the best answer is, who cares?

>> No.17677687

nepotism is great. stop being pussies. your ideals are misplaced. you should be grateful to be in the position you're in. most people aren't.

>> No.17677708

>to a greater degree than normal people?
>doubly so for artists.
Artists never fit in. It's usually easier for them than normal people because they're already used to bring treated like shit. Big in Japan doesn't mean appreciated at home.

>> No.17677727

of course companies would rather hire people recommended to them by people they trust. put yourself in the position of the business. do you really want to risk hiring some rando crumb bum off the internet that spammed you with a fake resume? firing people is not that easy and quite unpleasant. if one of your top coders recommend some dude he was in the linux club with back in college, wouldn't you rather hire that guy? accept it, networking is part of your career and part of life in general.

>> No.17677731

I dont have relatives in high places so nepotism is not for me

>> No.17677740

that's because artists become "great" by the backing of their state cultural institutions aka schools, museums, and nationalist/patriotic high net worth individuals.

>> No.17677748

Yes, Leonardo was remarkably loyal to Italy considering the era.

>> No.17677762

you think great renaissance artists weren't all backed by wealthy patrons up to and including the vatican?

>> No.17677767

That’s partly true. There are exceptions I think like the expat writers and characters like Ezra Pound, but all of them still wrote in their native language despite being cultural transplants.

The only example I know of which really doesn’t fit this criteria at all is Joseph Conrad.

>> No.17677771

People should stop believing in the meritocracy myth then. Nobody deserves to get a job just because they know someone. And not everybody has the access to high quality connected networks.

>> No.17677775


>> No.17677776

But what I mean is look at a writer like, I don’t know, Cormac McCarthy. Let’s say he moved to Germany before he wrote his first book and tried to publish in German. Somehow, I’m not sure his book would’ve even been well received regardless of the content.

>> No.17677777 [DELETED] 

Someone's about to get nice quintuples

>> No.17677779

>nepotism is great
Great when it works for you, terrible when it doesn't. It's an inefficiency in any organization and actively undermines the sense of fairness vital to any group of people with an established hierarchy. When you let nepotism run wild you get a middle management class of ineffectual bureaucrats who are more concerned with establishing and maintaining a social structure than doing any actual work. When you promote your friends you're sending the message that your main function at work is to make friends, because friends are what get you promoted. It's really just another way unqualified extr*verts maintain their indefensible stranglehold on their introverted superiors. The world would be a 10000x better place if we subjugated the extroverted, gladhanding little social climbers. The fact of the matter is that extroversion is no longer biologically useful. Extroverts' dominance is predicated upon—essentially—an anachronistic "backdoor" into the human mind; namely, our vulnerability to charisma and social status. These things have no use anymore, and without them we would be a calmer, more rational, and ultimately more peaceful species. People who disagree are extr*verts who have literally only themselves in mind.

>> No.17677782 [DELETED] 

I am a god.

>> No.17677795

>not everybody has the access to high quality connected networks.
why do you think there are a million self-help books on how to network? why does your alma mater spam you with networking events every month? why do people move to centers of excellence like sf, nyc, and la to advance their career? it's life dude. part of growing up is learning that it's easier to change yourself than the world. "grant me the wisdom" and all that.

>> No.17677811

Nepotism is the counterpart of inherited wealth. Most people who benefit from it inherit the social stratum and reputation of their parents, are exposed to the same circles that the children of the wealthy were born into and therefore their networks, and it all feeds back into itself. Does anybody think Jared Kushner is objectively worth $800 million? That he would have that if he wasn't born into the elite?

So classism is an inextricable predictor of life outcomes. Social mobility is in the all time gutter, if anything you can expect to do worse than your parents. And networking is reciprocal. Nobody will network with you unless they can expect to receive something in return, which means unless you have extraordinary charms and social skills or the people you network with find you physically attractive, you're out of luck.

>> No.17677816

>part of growing up is learning that it's easier to change yourself than the world.
What you actually mean is that it's easier to make a personal profit when you take advantage of how fucked up the world is. Trying to turn it into some kind of """"coming of age"""" dynamic related to maturity is just an intellectually bankrupt position to take. If you like the way things are and are in a position to take advantage of it, that's on you. It's none of my business. But when you twist it into some kind of vague moral superiority insinuation, that's slimy as shit. This is a mechanism by which the spectacle reinforces itself.

>> No.17677827

>Nobody will network with you unless they can expect to receive something in return
no wonder you suck at networking.

>> No.17677830

>self help books
A bunch of bullshit. A book is not going to correct inevitable social realities and forces
>why does your alma mater spam you with networking events every month?
Not everybody has an equally viable alma mater, or is college adjacent in this stage of their life.
>why do people move to centers of excellence like sf, nyc, and la to advance their career?
Extremely expensive areas, living their presumes you already have an established career more or less. Also, the same principles hold. There are strata with more impactful connections in these areas who you are either excluded or included from.
>It's life dude
So is cancer. Doesn't make it wise or good or fairl.
>part of growing up is learning that it's easier to change yourself than the world
Don't need to change myself, if that were the case I wouldn't have to worry about networking, only my own skills and merits as an individual . It's literally about changing the world--i.e changing how other people in the world in the world value the fact of your existence, networking.

>> No.17677832

who said anything about morality? a caveman can rant and rave about the injustice of having to eat or he get on with hunting and gathering.

>> No.17677835

Lol do you seriously think that is not true? You're trolling right?

>> No.17677841

Yep, and then you've got the little footsoldiers like this guy >>17677795 who employ sophistry and appeals to groupthink in order to maintain the illusion that everything is fine, your iPhone 27 is incontrovertible, physical evidence that you're way better off than Pablo across the border who only has an iPhone 26, etc. Everything is fucked and there's no solution.

>> No.17677847

What I'm getting from this conversation is that life is shit, and that this Schopenhauer quote is true.

>"Society is in this respect like a fire-the wise man warming himself at a proper distance from it; not coming too close, like the fool, who, on getting scorched, runs away and shivers in solitude, loud in his complaint that the fire burns."

>> No.17677848

so basically you put no effort into your self or your career but think you should have access to the same opportunities as someone who did well at a good school and then sacrificed to move to silicon valley? prepare for a life of seething, kid.

>> No.17677856 [DELETED] 

ironic, since shopenhauer only became a known entity due to his famous author mom

>> No.17677857

>grow up
The insinuation is that disagreeing with your worldview is immature, correct? That's the only reasonable interpretation. This establishes maturity as the Good and immaturity as the Bad, which is the moralism shining through. I get that you probably aren't even aware of this, but that's not an excuse.

>> No.17677869

What do you gain from squabbling

>> No.17677880

People like being angry with each other.

>> No.17677882

It's a basic outcome of social inequality. The more pyramidal the pecking order, the less the networking value of the majority of people the more fewer individuals are impactful to be connected to and the more disproportionate the benefit of being connected to them.

I don't deny it's the way of the world, but not everyone has equal opportunity to network and the degree to which you do is not strongly correlated with merit.

>> No.17677891

I literally went to actual war on behalf of this system in my youth and it makes me sick to my fucking stomach.

>> No.17677893 [DELETED] 

actually i thinking of stirner's writing on the development of children.


>> No.17677902 [DELETED] 

you can't get any networking opportunities through being a vet? jesus how much of a chud are you

>> No.17677925

> The man is distinguished from the youth by the fact that he takes the world as it is, instead of everywhere fancying it amiss and wanting to improve it, model it after his ideal; in him the view that one must deal with the world according to his interest, not according to his ideals, becomes confirmed.

>> No.17677926

I'm not concerned with my own personal wealth. I can live happily and comfortably on very little and do, but that's in no small part because I'm a marginal person with marginal experiences—and even then, I've put a lot of work into myself in therapy and otherwise. What I am concerned with is a fucked up system purely on its own merits. I don't have much and want for little more for myself. I want more for others who are less marginal than I am and have a much more difficult time with it all.

>> No.17677934

oh how nice of you to care for "others", you're such a nice guy when you're not seething on the internet

>> No.17677935

So you're basically telling me "yes that's what I'm saying," but that you want me to argue with Stirner instead of you?

>> No.17677945

I don't understand what you're trying to say. Try saying what you mean, like a man, since you're so concerned with that.

>> No.17677947

vets get preference in government contracts and often hiring as well. how can someone who was in the military be so whiny.

>> No.17677955

All you've got are character attacks and appeals to authority. You're a sophist.

>> No.17677962

stay seething if that makes you happy, it's your life

>> No.17677968

I'll take that as a concession. Cheers.

>> No.17677984

>Marx is hated in Russia because he's German
>Conrad would do much better in Poland than England
>Hearn only had legal trouble in the US because he should have lived half in Greece half in Ireland and Japan was his best guess at a compromise without bisection
>Nabokov's Russian novels are his best known
>Saint Augustine is a bigger influence on Africa than Europe
It's pretty common. Prophets are never understood in their own time, and writers rarely in their own country. Beckett goes to France and Houellebecq goes to Ireland. Kerouac goes to the US, and Eliot and Pound fucked off to LARP as English. Ovid's exile is considered his best period. Aristotle was from Macedon.

>> No.17678001

it's a joke about the idea of a singular Italian state and Leonardo working for everyone from the Sforza and Medici to France.

>> No.17678030

>Houellebecq goes to Ireland
? He wrote in Ireland?

Anyway, besides Beckett I don’t think any of these people wrote the language of their new country did they? Houllebecq wrote in French.

>> No.17678062

no shit, but it was a stupid joke since the italian peninsula was filled with economically powerful city states as well as home to the vatican so the point still stands

>> No.17678160

>Marx: founder of state religion of USSR
>Nabokov: refugee from Bolshevism becomes a star in the state diametrically opposed to Bolshevism
>Augustine: ambitious immigrant rides the wave of new state religion in Rome

not sure about Conrad but being an anti-Russian Polish nationalist probably aligned with British interests in some way, don't care enough to skim wikipedia all morning

>> No.17678180

Conrad, I think, was a product of “right place, right time” in a literary sense. This was a guy who just happened to be a Merchant Mariner and just happened to be sailing into Africa with the British Navy at the peak of the British Empire.

Regardless, for all of these figures there’s a sort of dynamism either to their own lives or things going on in the world which lend themselves to their contributing literature to a place, and often not even in that place’s language. It’s hard for me to imagine today like some, I don’t know, Italian moving to Korea and becoming a well-received in Korean.

>> No.17678200

>People should stop believing in the meritocracy myth then
yes, they should.

what it comes down to is this: life is a team game, like it or not. I think there is far more value in supporting "your own" than upholding some kind of meritocratic ideal for society as a whole. the merchant guild is based

>> No.17678328

It's almost like it picked up on the ridiculousness of claiming those forces to be state cultural institutions with a nationalistic/patriotic bent.

>> No.17678401

Nabokov wrote in English in America. Conrad wrote in English too. They're both best known for their English works, with their original language being "literally who?" tier. Augustine had to write in classical languages or he just wouldn't have been a scholar. Hearn sells mostly in English, but he started life in Greek and ended it full weeb. Marx wrote English language articles for the US, but he's also probably more available in translations due to the Russians than any other market because where else required reading him. Houellebecq is called France's biggest literary export for a reason, being the French version of the "in my country this man is nothing" meme.

>> No.17678430

had a realistic dream of being in love again. This is simultaneously the worst and the best thing everytime it happens

>> No.17678461 [DELETED] 

you really think "great" artists just become canonical based on merit? wew read a book dude

>> No.17678499 [DELETED] 

gee you don't think leonardo's relationship with the medici had something to do with him becoming a star?

>> No.17678515

>economy of italian city states at absolute peak
>catholic power at absolute peak
>also just coincidentally happens to be a bunch of "great" canonical artists around at exactly the same time

wow weird, good luck i guess!

>> No.17678548

>here's what I think
>no argument follows

>> No.17678801

I just cant get rid of doubts and fear. Too much for me. I cant live without them nor with them.

>> No.17678828

what argument? are you fucking retarded? this isn't your debate club, I'm just having a conversation

>> No.17679132

>Frater I have a concrete question. I'm swedish. What I've heard from my dad is that gypsies used to live in some form of symbiosis with local communities when he was a kid, in that they actually provided services (I believe it was mainly to do with re-tinning pots, or something like this).

Gypsy depending on Zagono/local customs usually have a primary job which everyone usually has the same of. In Germany it’s often related to carpets these days, russian Gypsy are usually related to the automotive industry in some regard, a decent chunk of Gypsy do metal refinishing and the like. This isn’t as innocent as It seems because this is usually a decent way to get in, have the woman do a psychic scam and perhaps steal or scam in some regard. Usually this is where we’d befriend the people and just keep raising prices and make the folks there require more and more work. It’s really not as nice as it sounds.

>What is often said though is that what looks like stray ladies begging at grocery store-entries are in fact organized gangs,

Certain groups of Gypsy do beg on the streets as a manner of scamming, having decent to high amounts of wealth but making themselves and their children look poor as a means of gathering money.

>so that the individual beggars are aggregated upwards and are really, in a way, on the clock.

On a family to family level basically along with some regulations on where they can do it but the specifics of these regulations are pretty local a matter.

>So it is said that these women are abused in a kind of slavery, or something like it. Do you think this is likely?

Nah, not abused in slavery, more like they’re not that poor and they have worked out a system of begging and this is just a common thing done for these groups. My Group of Gypsy would never be caught dead begging due to pride but others just use it as a business.

>Some people don't want to give anything because they feel they are getting scammed.

A good deal of them probably are getting scammed, not to say there’s no one actually needing to beg but a lot of it is done on purpose. In fact making sure the bride you get for your son isn’t a beggar in the streets and actually does something more respectable like a psychic scam or the like is pretty important since no one would want the shame of doing begging in our group. But again, other Gypsy groups organize that stuff.

> I usually think that no one would choose to sit on their ass and say "hej hej" 9 hours a day for the rest of their life if they had literally any option,

I mean in a way they don’t because Gypsy by and large only do a handful of job options as their law states or they’ll basically be shamed/mocked, there’s also the lack of education. So yeah they don’t really have any more choice than say some of the Gypsy groups which solely break and enter into homes.

>But are they pawns do you think? Are they being used?

Nah they’re bad themselves

>> No.17679198

I didn’t know that about Houllebecq. I thought he always lived in France and wrote in French.

For those who wrote in English or were in the US or England, don’t you think that’s kind of anomalous and almost shouldn’t count? If I drafted an exhaustive list of every expat/immigrant/expohonic writer in history, I’m willing to bet 80% of them wrote in English and lived in either of the two. Not quite the same as the Italian-Korean, you know?

>> No.17679387

Is "Feeling Good" CBT legit thing or it just a scam?

>> No.17680082

Fuck prose. It's all about ideas.

>> No.17680134

How do writers even come up with ideas to write about something? I could understand the idea behind autobiography but is it like "im going to sit here and think about the next 3 books i'm going to write"?

>> No.17680233

I am developing an almost pathological racial inferiority complex. Being a second-generation immigrant in America I feel completely detached from the wider white culture here. It's no consolation saying "but America is a nation of immigrants! You're welcome here", because those immigrants were of a Germanic, Anglo-Saxon origin, whereas my race is Uralic. My feelings of alienation might be similar to what Italian immigrants felt when they came to America, but at least they had large numbers, a strong culture, and a homeland with a history to be proud of. My nation on the other hand is tiny and has produced nothing of note in history or culture.
I don't know why I keep obsessing over this instead of living my life as an individual. It's getting to the point now where I'm having thoughts of worthlessness. Today I was looking up Nazi Racial Theory to see if I would be considered untermenschen by the Nazis, as if that fucking matters for my life. Every time I look in the mirror I'm analysing my face for "noble racial characteristics". I hate this so much.

>> No.17680234

Reading helps a lot, especially if you read from all kinds of era. I've been balls deep in Greek tragedy lately, made me want to write my own take on the myths whose corresponding tragedies didn't survive to this day. For instance Aeschylus wrote a play about Niobe, I'm sure it was glorious, but not a word of it has reached us, so I kind of want to mend that gap.

>> No.17680237

Human existence is made up of innumerable tactical and strategic phases that some plebeians lacking in knowledge due to a birth and training at the lowest levels of society think they can override in the search for knowledge and in the definition of reality.
How can one one have "opinions"? Why the existence of conspiracy theories is such a scary thought to the plebeian mind?
we march alone, someone draws the operations on a desk,everything you do and use depends on a suffocating and very extensive logistics of which you represent only the dry throat at the tap.

>> No.17680243

What matters is whether it works for you, doesn't it? Have you tried it?

>> No.17680260

Anti-natalism=masochistic Humanism.

>> No.17680279
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Quality over quantity. Plus base experiential reality without the trappings of drugs and mood. Hunger and desire for a good sandwich should be the bar that the experience should be judged, no need to fall down some Foucaultian rabbit hole that parses everything into oblivion.

>> No.17680296

You sit down at your desk and close your eyes, waiting, waiting for an idea to come to you, like the light at the end of a tunnel ... there ... I can see something: It was a stormy night when the world traveler Rinaldo Canzone, his face pale with terror, tore open the shutters of his rented dormitory and ejaculated onto the dirty cobblestone street below, the Rue de la Croix, where a masquerading crowd was drunkenly feasting in the light of innumerable flambeaus.

>> No.17680311

Nietzsche was refuted by Codreanu. Romanian Christian fascism was precisely will to power. Even now there are militant Christians who show much more will to power than any modern atheist groups I've seen (even neo-marxist groups today are much closer to slave morality than to master morality)

>> No.17680450

Will christianity return to it's former power?

>> No.17680492

just woke up from another weird and pathetic dream. I was back in school which I've been out of for 9 years and haven't done anything with my life since. I was walking down the hall in monks robes for some reason, and I ran into a older religious relative and she took me aside and was saying how happy she was that I found religion, then a woman who I was very close with and very fond of walked up in obvious distress saying she needed to talk to me so I walked off with her down the loud crowded hall and shes saying in my ear that she wants to be my wife for the rest of her life and Im obviously caught off guard by this and unsure because its so sudden but how could I refuse, so we are talking and then an acquaintance comes up to me and gives me a fancy zippo as a wedding present or something and congratulates me and im kind of confused because this came out of nowhere, then I woke up and realized Ive been alone for like 9 years and im not getting married to a cute girl i really liked who really liked me lol

>> No.17680523
File: 411 KB, 850x1160, Foucault1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Christianity as a control mechanism has become too expensive. It is why corporatism is tending toward critical theory as a less expensive replacement that is easier to steer and the priest class can be annointed and deposed at the behest of your twotter horde.

>> No.17680528

isnt twitter just too powerful in the hands of common people?

>> No.17680534

The will to power always reconnects with the will to truth and goodness. I hope Nietzsche found the peace he was missing in life and his soul continues to fight the good fight for truth, which he fought in his own way in a time that wasn't yet ready for him.

>> No.17680544

No, because times changed, but not due to an inherent inferiority of Christianity like Nietzsche thought

>> No.17680564

Pussy. Everything you said applies to everyone here, but most will even be in worse positions. Suck it up. You aren’t special and your self-pity is nauseating. Instead of navel gazing about how unfair it is go outside. Maybe you are in highschool, you probably are. I remember what that was like, I was the same way. If that is the case, the sooner you quit with all that misery bullshit the happier you will be. Good luck, Anon.

>> No.17680571

alright, thanks mate

>> No.17680591

>isn’t a beggar in the streets and actually does something more respectable like a psychic scam

>> No.17680646

I have a deep need to create something. I'm not sure what, writing, art, music. Whatever I make is shit and leaves me feeling more and more confused and lost. Don't know what to do

>> No.17680669

just keep doing it until you mature. it's normal to want to do things cause it forces you to explore. one day you'll stop feeling it and you want to make sure you made the most of it while you could

>> No.17680707

Reset your social media (or get off it) and read new books. you've clearly gone down a path but realize there are other paths.

>> No.17680761

For sure..but it is not. The twitter priests control who is valid and who is not. It iseasy enough censor anything that does not align with the narrative. And one of their priests get out of line they can just ban them, deplatform. It is much easier to control than Christianity, and the floating structure of truth can be twisted into anything they please because they can rewrite and problemitise anything that gets put up.

>> No.17680766

>tfw someone on the internet said i look like a ftm and i'm a regular guy but short

god damn it people think i look like a lesbian wtf

>> No.17680778

Fuck ideas, fuck story, fuck characters, fuck reason, fuck sense, fuck you, fuck niggers and fuck jannies.

>> No.17680791

just get the haircut critikal

>> No.17680800

youre probably a cute twink

>> No.17680832

popcorn is good eating.

>> No.17680847

king of the hill is solid television, some of the best I've seen.

>> No.17680849

good luck anon

>> No.17680879

>I have a deep need to create something.
> Don’t know what to do.
You keep creating obviously.

>> No.17680884

i used to think the office was some lame normie sitcom but it's actually pretty good until like season 6

>> No.17680895

If you imbibe in the Anglo-European Scientism that gave us racialism (see the full title of Darwin’s books) then naturally you’re going to deep and sharp divisions which can’t be transcended everywhere but the thing you don’t have to participate in that paradigm. If the entire world says “see things this way” you simply respond “no”.

>> No.17680906

if the ball didn't come from the left then why did the trobone come from the right it is within that is why the wind flows trough "my" hair

>> No.17680910

Iterate. Analyze your turd and lacquer it. Try again, see if it's any less shitty and you improved. Polish your slightly nicer turd. Learn from mistakes. Squeeze one out again. Repeat.

People who aren't geniuses get discouraged early on, but you've got to give yourself that time of apprenticeship. Don't be critical of yourself, be critical of what you produce.

>> No.17680925

gonna buy pretty expensive wireless earbuds soon, feels goodman

>> No.17680975

what does /lit/ think of katawa shoujo? that is what's on my mind right now.

rin best girl

>> No.17680981

i tried to play it once but got bored. i guess VN's arent for me.

>> No.17680993

I woke up from a wierd one a little while ago.
My family home was next door to house where the Rothschilds lived, over the wall. For some reason they just had a normal house that was extra big, not a giant fancy mansion.
We decided to go to a theme park, and my mother drove us there in a Ferrari/Lambo type sports car. My mother paid for our entry at a toll booth at the entrance, and I got out just as the booth guy was giving my mother her change. She sped off suddenly before he could give it to her, the front wheel hit a kerb and the car flipped over dramatically. I ran over and flipped it back with my bare hands like superman, and it wieghed about as much as a frisbee.
My mother was passed out in the front seat, and my grandfather was pretending to be passed out in the front passenger side. I tried to turn off the engine but I couldn't reach the key as the car was crumpled, and for some reason the steering wheel was a big rapidly spinning circular saw blade. My mother eventually woke up, reached under the spinning blade and turned off the engine.
After the accident other customers of the park gathered round as we waited for the emergency services, and were talking to us about the accident. People were impressed at how I saved the day, but for some reason there were more people trying to talk to my brother despite him not doing anything. Some womans little kid said I was a great hero.

>> No.17681009

What is your main discipline?

>> No.17681019

Any authors you like that touch on violence and brutality? I’m thinking like Cormac McCarthy.

>> No.17681142

I used to love my life, the people I shared it with and that beautiful ambition woven in between the various larger than life celebrations, the endless joy and the everlasting feeling of belonging. But eventually, as seasons went past, people perished against time, the celebrations stagnated, the seasons of joy turned to ever darker melancholy and I found myself alone, the connections that had previously woven me in with the rest had vanished. Now I am rotting away in a place where I once belonged, not able to connect in times of celebrations, unable to share in the joy, unable to hold the line against my last true ambition.

>> No.17681164

Mo Yan

>> No.17681206

I want to stop coping and start living

>> No.17681258

>start living
this is a spook my friend, it doesn't exist. That cope is as good you are going to get

>> No.17681290

holy fucking shit lads how the fuck do i cope with having a full time job i'm like a week or two in and it's already fucking unbearable

>> No.17681309

If any of you are writers also working a day job, how do you balance your writing with your job and any other creative pursuits? Personally, I play guitar and I also draw and paint. I’d like to put more into those but writing and work come first so it’s hard.

>> No.17681312

do you think we'll still be here in 20 years? I could see it happen for me

>> No.17681330


stimulant abuse. it just makes things worse tho

>> No.17681351


No it doesn't. Anti-natalism by definition reduces total volume of human suffering integrated over time.

>> No.17681420

What kind of job?

>> No.17681426

A lot of weeb discussion on this board lately.

What’s your favorite manga?

>> No.17681459

It will come back as everything is a cycle.

>> No.17681462


>> No.17681466
File: 72 KB, 960x1280, A2DE759E-2274-489A-873B-5F59669558E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will be the kind of thinker who’s books
it’s whose anon, WHOSE.
Who’s is Who is. Thinker who is books. That doesn’t make any fucking sense. Do people really can’t tell the difference?

>> No.17681482

it's possible I made progress today

>> No.17681874 [DELETED] 

Their inability to grasp the seriousness of what is going on is killing me inside, the stories are collapsing, their narratives imploding on themselves. There is a truth out there now, coddled together by leaks and whistleblowers, a story about incompetence and arrogance.

We will not survive unless the machine acknowledges its failures and decides to rebuild what was once there, dignity, honour and the rest once associated with democratic leadership. The propaganda is intensifying, the narratives weaker than ever and yet they feel emboldened by the chaos, emboldened by the confused state of the individuals that make up our society. People are consumed by the weakest of narratives, the poorest understandings. It's killing us, one narrative at a time, we need to face reality or we will spiral into absolute chaos. If only the machine would stop to realize, realize the truth will outweigh the sins of the past, realize we are with them, realize we will fight alongside them, realize we are not the enemy in this godforsaken information war.

One day, one day they will realize and it will be too late.

>> No.17682071

I sinned and I feel bad.

>> No.17682170

I wish all weeaboos would evaporate from the face of this fucking planet. I don't even want it to be cruel even though it should be, I just want them gone quickly. I hate a lot of people in a variety of different ways, yet I hate weeaboos more than any other. They embody the worst of the worst I can imagine in a human being. The intensity of my disgust when I see a weeb or a weeb's worship of a shitty drawing by a retarded gook affects me in bodily ways. Deep below the seas of my hatred I can find mercy for the hated, all except the weeaboos. Without any doubt I would remove them for the sole sake of sparing myself the grievance of seeing their digital byproducts on the internet, because no qualities if any could ever compensate for being this loathsome. I actually think they are the combination of all the inhumanities that are corrupting our species, all condensed into this utterly shittiest archetype.

>> No.17682218
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I am even a STEM PhD and I know how the process works. I am also fairly good at playing it. Most of it is political and strategic decisions using papers and trendy topics as currency. So it is hard to take all of this seriously any more because I know how easy it is to suppress uncomfortable information. I have completely lost faith.

>> No.17682234

>mad at some faggot on the internet for wasting my time
>i'm also mad some faggot on the internet made me mad

>> No.17682243 [DELETED] 


>> No.17682262

You have to realize that this is just the condition of growing up in the US. There some deep sickness in this country and there is something really strange about its people. There are invisible barriers everywhere. It is easy to feel alienated. I say that as someone "white" from Europe, who is currently living in America.

>> No.17682783

Second gen immigrant from Ireland here. My community is either chinese or Mexican. I can often go days without seeing white people. Go fuck yourself with your sob story bullshit

>> No.17682866

Why would you feel alienated by this? That doesn't make any sense. If you step outside and try to make friends no one will care what your ethnic background is, if you're white looking it will have zero effect

>> No.17682870

Being the only non-homeless white guy in an entirely Korean neighbourhood is an interesting experience but after 5 years I'm completely used to it. Nothing feels out of place about it at all. Not commenting on whether thats a good or a bad thing or not, but it's weird being functionally a minority in your own country (even though you still supposedly benefit from the 'white' structures of privilege yadda yadda etc. bleh)

>> No.17682875

just took a 20 minute nap in the office bathroom cubicle.

>> No.17682910

Well, you could be white in a worse situation. Being surrounded by Koreans can't be that bad compared to certain neighborhoods.

>> No.17682959
File: 71 KB, 600x553, winnie the pooh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for context wrote this 3 years ago what do you think(still believe this way)

Hello, I am a eighteen year-old white nationalist. 1488. I am writing this to explain to myself and anyone interested what has lead me to this path. In order to understand where I am now, and to allow others to question and understand it. In my mind, white nationalism and white superiority have been so heavily cemented into my psyche that any other point of view seems preposterous and delusional. It all seems so simple and obvious that I question how could anyone have missed such obvious facts?

It’s suffice to say that I wasn’t raised to be racist, certainly the complete opposite. Adult figures and schools always pushed the idea that everyone is equal, the church pushes the idea that everyone is equal under God, the idea that everyone should be judged upon their own merits. This is of course a good idea, but it doesn’t serve us well in this multicultural society. We have problems that must be solved, we have no time for mercy and grace. The self-hatred and guilt that has been bred among my people, the ever-present threat of the rampant crime of “minorities”, and the slow replacement of native whites in their home countries in the name of equality and tolerance.

Tolerance, this word has become a buzzword for ignoring self-inflicted problems. Tolerate the illegal mexican gangs, tolerate the criminal blacks, tolerate the corrupt politicians and lying media. How long must we tolerate these injustices forced upon us by our government and our own self-delusions? Tolerate is a good word to describe it I think, meaning to put up with, not to accept. But I think it is time we accepted the facts and stop putting up with it and dispel our fantasies.

I got a little off topic, but back to trying to simplify that enormous amount of information and experiences that have formed my world-view. I will attempt to do this by pinpointing certain facts that are the core of my beliefs, and then providing evidence for these.

The inherent differences between the races, the fact that we will never truly trust those different from us, that we are most comfortable with those who are like us in skin color, ideology, and culture.

The rampant idea that whites are “privileged” and should feel sorry for it. Yes, our people built this country for us, their descendents. It’s crazy that “minorities” try to trick white people into feeling sorry for their blessings. We should be proud of our past and rebuke those who would try to profit from our greatness. Yes, they feel like they don’t belong in this country, they feel like we profit from the systems of this country, like we are holding them down, however untrue this is, that’s how it should be.

>> No.17682967

The destruction of the family and everything sacred. The morally bankrupt society that we live in disgusts and angers me to no end. They wish to tear down the foundations of my society, my way of life, we are not blind. They seek to destroy white people. They hate white people. EVERYTHING sacred has been corrupted, subverted, and made to be evil or boring. The family has been torn apart with the ease of no-fault divorce, the rampant fornication, vote given to women mean that politicians no longer support the family but the individual. The traditional roles of men and women have been destroyed, and men and women are reasonably confused. All of this leads to a poorer quality of society, where marriage is no longer binding, and kids do not have a stable and loving home. Men and women no longer maintain their purity and do not respect themselves, their bodies, and no longer respect the consequences of such a lifestyle. Fornication is a grave sin that corrupts the mind and the body.

Writing all of this down makes me realize the truly grave state that we are in. Very saddening.
Essentially the modern state of religion, family, relationships, how we view our history, our country, our values, every single thing that is holy, good, and sacred has been corrupted.

What do I want? I want a country, a world, filled with good intelligent people. Filled with those with a love for life, their family, and their country. In order for this to be achieved we must be ethnically homogenous, multiculturalism will never bring about good things. The only thing that it brings about is money. Disgusting greed drives this nation, it drives the people who control it all. The ones who control the population, the media, and the colleges. They control the people who push these awful ideas. The Jews. Who knows why they do it? I certainly haven’t figured it out. Why do they own the media, the government, the institutions? To brainwash us with their subversive and corrupting ideas.

>> No.17682986

Whenever I hear people talk about Neon Genesis Evangelion, it’s always about the characters, the plot points, are the crosses incidental or aren’t they? What nobody ever seems to talk about is it’s prescience, it’s masterful setting and ambience, and it’s scope. Moving chronologically, Evangelion came on the scene at the mid-to-tail end of era still in awe of the mechanization deployed during the 20th century. The shock and awe that followed the world wars, the atomic bombing of Japan, and the rapid advancement of industrial technology, space exploration, and warfare brought with it a fascination and dystopian optimism that was perfect for the mecha genre, back before mankind got sucked into the the abyss of online information technology and back when giant biomechanical humanoid robots was a science fiction concept seemingly not so farfetched. The Gundam series encapsulated the aesthetic perfectly with its focus on human war efforts, global, post-national war, and the merging to man and machine into a new Faustian myth which brought the sheer terror and might of this total mobilization into the stars. Yet, in Evangelion we see the celestial myth totally removed. Japan was riding an economic high at the end of the 20th century just before the economic ceiling caved in between 1989 and 1992. Just a few years later, the religious cult Shoko Asahara had unleashed their bioterrorist campaign which included deadly sarin gas attacks, culminating in the attack on the Tokyo subway. Of note here is is the religious aspect and the first notable instance of biological terrorism in Japan using weapons which could create mass casualties. Then in 1995, a series of yearly earthquakes ended with the Great Hanshin Earthquake, killing over 6,000 people. Underneath the face of public sentiment at the time, was a sense that Japan had fallen into a perceived state of despair. The ceiling has fallen, the sky was falling after it.

>> No.17682994

This is pretty good, but I don't really understand how the last paragraph fits in.

>> No.17683042

It isn't very coherent or very well expounded upon because I just wrote it in a fit of creative confusion. If I wanted to explain myself better it would require a manifesto, lol.

>> No.17683046

It was then that Evangelion was released to public audiences in 1995. The world still coming to terms with the mass deployment of the 20th century, Neon Genesis Evangelion evangelized the existential struggle of the Japanese people and depicted a world in apocalyptic disorder, after the second impact. Using the old, the very old, as old as the Old Testament to tie back current and future questions, Neon Genesis Evangelion created a world of immense silence, unpopulated by once human inhabitants and gave the impression that truly something had happened. Here we are picking up the pieces, or rather, just trying to survive. In this sense Evangelion is like snapshot of the mind and spirit of the world at large of the time, but especially the Japanese - people feeling like the world was ending, things making less and less sense, still struggling with existential questions but now on a global scale. The series answers the question “what do you do when the world, the real world, is fractured and broken and escape into imagination no longer a possibility” and offers a vision of an apocalyptic world where the world narrative is bright down to the level of interpersonal relationships. The fate of the story in Evangelion is the fate of Shinji Ikari, and the fate of the world at large is also the fate of Shinji Ikari. The people around him and relationships he has with them are the world. It brings the horizons of the narrative down to the personal and interpersonal. All of this coupled with a soundtrack that is still memorable several decades later and which lent itself to a degree of immersion not otherwise seen in the medium to that point, Evangelion created a work of art which rose far above the medium it canvas it was painted on. Almost as if everything came together just right, Evangelion is one of those works that whether by purpose or circumstance is more than mere entertainment and is instead truly a post-modern work of art.

>> No.17683050 [DELETED] 

I finished my thoughts here

This impostor is not me

>> No.17683058

I wish I had the willpower to stop talking to people. I thought I had a friend and I presupposed closeness that didn’t exist. Tried to make plans, got rejected. So embarrassing.

>> No.17683069

Pretty fuckin good for an 18 year old.

>> No.17683076

>Tried to make plans, got rejected. So embarrassing.
Want to tell about it? Could it be a misunderstanding?

>> No.17683086
File: 178 KB, 1429x1349, apu_straightjacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might go back to the mental hospital again soon.

>> No.17683090

You still a white nationalist? If so, I’d implore to reconsider the racialist position as I see it as essentially part of the same paradigm that you’re basically against.

>> No.17683111

Oh yeah I didn't post the Evangelion btw...that is another poster

>> No.17683169

This. Stop obsessing about race.

>> No.17683184

I know, that was supposed to be a joke.

>> No.17683386
File: 7 KB, 250x250, 1592837479736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another day, another sleeping in till 1pm and browsing 4chan for 7 hours and now its night time and i haven't read anything yet

>> No.17683510

my brain is not able to form thoughts right now. I'm not tired, I'm not drunk or high. My skull is just under vaccum.

how the fuck do normies live like this? This feels horrible!

>> No.17683559

maybe normies live functional lives because they are actually better than you and dont suffer from these weird ailments

>> No.17683604

Break the habit

>> No.17683639

maybe? my mom seemed to think it was weird that I'm normally thinking every waking moment. i guess I just rationalized that normies don't do that.

whatever this is, it's hellish. If i'm having thoughts, I can't hear or see them. I don't even know how I'm writing like this

>> No.17683925

Scratching your skin until it's pink and tender and then spraying lysol on the whole area. I used to slice the bottoms of my feet but that can be inconvenient, this method leaves basically no visible damage after a day

>> No.17684174

If someone can be misinterpreted as much as Nietzsche supposedly is, would he not consider that a 'virtue' on his behalf? He has mentioned that he is misunderstood by many and that there is also a 'we' that is misunderstood along with him. In a passage in the Gay science he talks about vanity has a substance of artists, and I thought, is it the vanity and the contradiction that lets them create in the first place? The discordance that makes art? And, in the epilogue in my version of the Gay Science he finishes with the sentiment that the listener/reader may still enjoy, even without understanding the words, his songs. Is it in the contradiction of Nietzsche that we find him? He does talk about how he changes his opinions and how he grows and we can see also his coming into madness. Even the process of 'understanding' follows the same contradictory (or maybe not) unfolding of back and forth between page and note and supplementary work and posting here. But where does it become a desperate search and not just the free flowing hand? And he claims that Plato was physically better constituted than us yet we can now 'enjoy' the Dionysian music - is this a reference to the potentially cyclical unfolding as well? The eternal recurrence is also evidence of this. And his mentions of the seasonal artist. The understanding is in the beginning as it is in the end? Take from Nietzsche what your ears would take from music?

>> No.17684205 [DELETED] 
File: 261 KB, 1225x1364, graphic_32_research_area_time_horizon_key_challenge1.7eacea2df39a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you dudes read the NSCAI report yet? Last time the US went all in on defense research we got the internet. It's 756 pages, but worth a skim.

>> No.17684235

I can't live like this anymore

>> No.17684415

Im a coward and my knowledge is just a compensation for the lack of courage

>> No.17684535

>don’t you think that’s kind of anomalous and almost shouldn’t count? I
>Lolita shouldn't count
>Kwaidan shouldn't count
>Heart of Darkness shouldn't count
No, that's retarded. Their English works are back translated into their native languages those works are so highly rated. Their stuff in their native tongue is usually either nonexistent, or so low on the radar of canon that it might as well be nonexistent.

>> No.17684586

I think you're missing his point and therefore the joke. It's not nationalism or state cultural institutions that is driving the wave of art then. Sforza is not loyal to Milan, Milan is loyal to Sforza. It's a very personal aggrandisement, because Sforza, not Milan, is the embodiment of the Duchy. States survive in their patron at the time, so calling the patronage a state cultural institution or calling the patron patriotic or nationalist is a fundamental misunderstanding of the body of the state, in the same way that referring to a unified Italy before the modern era is an absurdity.

>> No.17684836

You both sound like actual inferior human being, so you might be on to something.

>> No.17684847

this is my experience.

>> No.17684871
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I have barely read anything in months.

On the other hand, I started my newest book recently, a swath of my big story. Since January 1st I have written more than 35,000 words. And even more in some other projects of mine.

I got a Great Texts degree for my undergrad. I am currently getting an MA in English Literature. I LOVE literature. I love books, I love stories and poems. But I increasingly think that I have read what needs to be read and I don't have time for more. I'm a writer and a poet. I've had multiple short stories and poems published. I am currently working on a story cycle that, if I pull it off properly, will be my greatest work, and which has already been praised by absolute strangers when I have shown them samples of it.

I feel like I don't have the capacity to read long books anymore because I am SO consumed with this big story of mine. Because I am so consumed with writing in general. Do you know what occupies my waking thoughts? My story. I think of plotlines, of characters, of themes. Of snippets of dialogue. Of the long-term fates of every character I am planning to write, and my cast of characters is greater than a dozen. And I want to portray every single one of them intimately, in a way where you feel that you know them like a real person. And I must tell such a grand tale, and such a long tale, too. Spread across multiple works. AND I have to write both prose and verse.

My brain is just working too hard. I am increasingly coming to that conclusion. I am so driven towards, and devoted to, my big story that I do not have the mindpower to devote to reading. I read a lot, once upon a time. I cannot read now. I have too much writing to do. My task calls me forward and I must answer its call, relentlessly.

>> No.17685159

if it is indeed as the feminists say and preferences are culturally acquired, wouldn't that mean that it is the right of each parent to culturally condition their daughter any way they want? like if it's all just conditioning, then condition away by all means.

So if you consistently find geneder differences, generation after generation, day after day, and conditioning is inherently either equal on all sides and/or playing God, then why not just let people raise their daughters as daughters? The real problem here is that human societies can only have so many norms. There can only be one mainstream, and it will shame the others. So if you have a mainstream that claims that all of the results that keep occuring generation after generation are ah fuck it I can't write this shit anymore why go through life angry

>> No.17685163


>> No.17685215

>Our findings imply that aims of gender equity across the board may be difficult to achieve
Do they really want to make men and women completely identical in every single aspect?

>> No.17685252

i used to work at the place where that painting is exhibited

>> No.17685346

>ah fuck it I can't write this shit anymore why go through life angry

Lmao, been there brother

>> No.17685770

Im gonna be Olympian one day

>> No.17685779

My only means of finding motivation is chemical. I can't bring myself to want anything in life so badly to pursue it besides my own writing. And this is in the presence of the knowlege that my life could be significantly improved disproportionately the amount of effort I would have to put in to improve it.

>> No.17685788

>disproportionately the amount of effort
Sort of like this sentence could be improved disproportionately by including the appropriate prepositions i.e "to". I've been leaving out prepositions a lot while typing lately.

>> No.17685799

>Waking up at 1pm

Terrible way to live. You're still thinking the day is over at sunset, so you'll never feel like you did anything that day.

>> No.17685939

I can’t stop thinking about the time I once mispronounced banal in my English class and everyone laughed at me

>> No.17685949

They probably didn’t even know the word let alone the pronunciation.

>> No.17685962

We all have those moments, thanks to the brain being too good at trying to prevent us from repeating mistakes. Maybe try reading some action-packed fiction to keep your thoughts focused on something else.

>> No.17686001

Any recommendations?

>> No.17686018

I wish i'd be someone else but me. I just want the eternal doubting and second guessing go away. It would be nice to know what i want and where im going. Im so sick of the illusion of walking somewhere but actually standing in one place. I just dont anymore. There was a time where i could say "i'll think of something in the future" but im the future and theres no clarity. Im so sick of this that i look towards suicide as the only meaningful choice. The first act of true courage.

>> No.17686027

I'm afraid I don't read much in the action-packed category. Try Arsene Lupin by Maurice Leblanc, a play novelized by Edgar Jepson.

>> No.17686054

To my Muse: An invocation

oh thou Daimon of delusive delight
careening in your silent mental flight
fill my mind’s night with thy delusive Light
and my words with Divinized David’s Might!

give thou me the Red of the apple tree
hid deep in the orchards of En Gedi!
give thou me the White which adorns the free
as they dwell ever in eternity!

Illumine thou the dreaded Tartaros
filled with laments of oblivion’s ghosts
weeping for their now-forgotten sorrows

Illumine thou the Purgatorial Coasts
where the soul’s purple robes are paled of Shame
and are made the same as the Starry hosts

illumine thou the Firmament of Flame
where dwell seraphim and spirits of light
who ever worship the Christ’s secret name

reveal to me the mysteries of Rust,
and the long lost verses of Orpheus.
the ancient city which dwells in the Dust
seen only in the eye of Morpheus.

imbue my heart with Dawn’s own innocence,
with shining eyes lit until the evening.
in the night invite the Glowworm’s image
to enlighten the face of Erebus
which holds every star above the earth.
make my words as delicate as the dove
but ever drunken on divinity.

envelop my flesh with experience,
face and form transformed as in my dreaming
develop with deep darkness my visage,
my voice made the sounds of storms roaring thus
I may rejoice as they who know not birth.
then I may sing to the king whom I love,
Of Virgin womb, Bridegroom and Trinity.

come then! Daimon of delusive delight
with a strangeness seen not by human sight
of fiendish flowers infected with blight
fill my mind’s night with thy delusive Light
shining brighter than the empyrean height
of ultimate rewards of the Upright
fill my words with Divinized David’s Might!
fill my words with thy daimonic insight!
for then will be sacrificed as I write

>> No.17686085

What are your hobbies?

>> No.17686087

nothing, I forgot how to think, my thoughts are now faster than me

>> No.17686189

They have overlap during the time periods tho

>> No.17686190

Just by engaging in politics and political thinking whatever, you have already lost. Achilles was not concerned about politics.

>> No.17686401

It’s probably bad to jerkoff to porn every single day.

>> No.17686423

You must be 18 to post here

>> No.17686558

I wonder what piss drink bile ribcage chair drink devour morning robe bräss kidney for breakfast something something February Tuesday 5:30 am bottom level apartment no wife no kids 33 years old in Swedish rural shit town

Dublin, Dubliners, indians rip baby apart betrayal titanic

>> No.17686705
File: 19 KB, 425x425, 41TNG7++bcL._AC_SX425_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never delete anything on my phone.
I just discovered that WhatsApp stores all the voice audio files you've received. For fun I wanted to listen to old audio files, they are stored by date, I expected to hear my friends.
I just heard my two previous girlfriends speak to me, it felt as if I was hearing a ghost.
That was really odd and I don't know what to think of it, I had forgotten their voices, yet I immediatly recognized them when I heard them.

>> No.17686724

yeah, it rewrites your dopamine paths and causes the deathgrip

>> No.17686873

Reading Spengler and listening to Perturbator is surprisingly comfy.

>> No.17686968

I am the NEET guy who needs some beer just to finish editing his resume and send it a few threads back. Finally bit the bullet and done so today. Wagie lifestyle here I come!

>> No.17686986

Good job, anon. I believe in you. Whatever you gotta do to get by.

>> No.17687001

I’ve been thinking of getting finasteride or dutasteride to help control my hair loss but I’m really suspicious about that pills. If it’s as simple as stopping to reverse bad side effects then whatever but I’ve read that in some people side effects never go away.

>> No.17687025

>Do people really can’t tell the difference?
anon, I..

>> No.17687080

how did you say it?

>> No.17687086

what do you smoke, cocks? haha

>> No.17687145

haha, I wish.

>> No.17687149

Finally someone with culture on this degenerate site

>> No.17687174

I love my twin brother but I hate having a twin brother.

>> No.17687321

what does it feel to have a twin brother

>> No.17687395

It’s like constantly having someone who is both a mirror of yourself and window to someone else. No matter how much you want to be a certain way or simply are a certain you implicitly feel yourself trapped to be like you are specifically in relation to them. You’re grateful to have them but also feel chained down by them. He’s the only person who gets me though like a brother and extremely close friend combined. I don’t know what it’s like to not have a twin brother so I can’t give you the answer you want I think.

>> No.17687528
File: 14 KB, 280x280, brian-wilson-in-bed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having a mental regression into my NEET years. I was one for almost a decade but then I decided to fix myself: got my countries' equivalent to GED, a fitness routine and into college. Tried my hardest my first three years (they take five here), doing almost nothing but studying, reading about related stuff, coding my own little projects. But now, I don't care about my degree at all, the problems they solve, work or anything. While in zoom lectures I just want to read, watch a movie, play bass or some videogame (I gave up both since I got in).
I can't stand teachers again, just like before quitting high school. My brain is again filled with immature voices saying stuff like "jesus, this is boring as fuck", "this teacher is a fucking fraud", "why are all the students pretending this is interesting?".
Maybe I don't actually like CS, it is soulless or I'm just tired, the point is I feel I have no energy to finish this thing. Maybe I just need a gf like you guys said.

>> No.17687532

I said Bane-uhl
They thought it was funny because it sounded like anal

>> No.17687551

is it true that you will feel each other's pain?

>> No.17687559

of courshe

>> No.17687564

Just had words with an old couple on the sidewalk. They saw me coming in their direction and felt the need to jump off the sidewalk into the mud so I could pass through while keeping 6 feet of distance. How rude it was of me to not jump into the mud to give them distance!

Honestly, fuck these people, fuck this town, fuck this country, fuck this whole Western civ madhouse. I’m done with these people and this whole damn thing.

>> No.17687608

Which way was the traffic flowing?

>> No.17687628

There was no traffic. We live in a college town out in the country. There’s a single sidewalk on the street surrounded by 3 feet of ice and mud on either side. We hardly even have any cases of the stupid coof here.

>> No.17687647

Which way would traffic flow?

>> No.17687672

Either way. The question doesn’t make sense in this context. I don’t know why you’re even asking as if these peoples aren’t clearly just paranoid nutters like everyone else in this town.

>> No.17687706

There's a polite way to pass people. If there is no way to tell which way traffic will flow, or there is no traffic, you are impolite for not taking their age into account. If you would have had to walk in the street with your back to traffic, they would have been impolite. The only impolite thing they did was pointing out you were rude.

>> No.17687763

Of for fuck’s sake. You need your head examined honestly you stupid sheep. I’m a fully grown adult. I think I know how to pass someone “respectfully”. This was a wide sidewalk, wide enough that 3 people could easily walk single file. They were just upset it wasn’t 6ft per person and double masked. These are the same people that plaster their yards in “We believe...” signs and snitch on their neighbors for having Christmas dinner. You people have lost your goddamn minds in all honesty. I could really give a shit about the whole lot of you anymore to be honest. If the coof actually ripped through this place like wildfire, putting the Black Plague to shame, I now believe that would be a positive development.

>> No.17687839

isn't that a perfectly acceptable pronunciation, even if it's the less common one?

>> No.17687851

I've always wished I had a twin brother. as a kid, I used to imagine I was talking to him

>> No.17687960

It’s one of those things where you’re grateful to have them but you also feel like you suffer a personal blow because they’re there, if that makes any sense. It’s like how part of what your defines you is how your relationships see you, but even more so the closer the relationship. Now, imagine as close as possible, I would think. It’s like this gift of having someone like you who gets you on one hand and having your identity very controlled by something else on the other. I feel like I won’t ever get to be how I actually am let alone how I want to be.

>> No.17688049

I can see why you had difficulty being polite.

>> No.17688104
File: 13 KB, 238x267, film_frame_352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 people could easily walk single file

>> No.17688129

Identical or fraternal?

>> No.17688441

I was perfectly polite until after they decided to act like idiots. Fuck off with your nonsense already.

You know what I meant.

>> No.17688464


>> No.17688659

Genuinely think I'm in love with a friend of mine. And now because of a random argument we barely talk.

Communication is key and I see that. But why do I fear it so much? :(