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1767254 No.1767254 [Reply] [Original]

Alan Moore is overrated

>> No.1767452


Possible homosexual, must investigate further.

>> No.1767463
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not only is op correct - i think we have a celebrity posting among us

>> No.1767478

No, he is not.

>> No.1767547

He totally is.

>> No.1767561

He's not. At least not as bad as Neil Gaiman.

>> No.1767573

he's getting there

who cares about shit being "overrated," though. unless it's hateful or influential in a really negative way...like i can kinda see getting pissy over people jizzing over watchmen when it was spawning really, really stupid grim and gritty shit en masse, but at this point who cares. is it really worth sneering at someone who likes tom strong more than you do? it's kind of annoying when people tout his stuff as the peak of the comic book form but on the other hand...who cares

>> No.1767574
File: 80 KB, 474x434, flashwatchmen ripoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1767578

Chris Ware is the deepest deep guy to ever be deep in the history of comics and also coincidentally a bit like a grown-up Charlie Brown

>> No.1767609

Chris Ware is incredibly, incredibly talented but I have a very hard time getting into his style/mindset. Charlie Brown would probably grow up to be a better-than-average middlebrow literary novelist.

>> No.1767660

Holy shit people ripping on Alan Moore because he's super popular! Who do you like instead, OP? Mark Millar?

Explain how he's overrated and then I'll decide if you aren't a huge faggot

>> No.1767676


Pretty much this.

Also, shouldn't this be on /co/?

>> No.1768047

In fairness, he's written at least one novel and a lot of his comics have short stories at the end.

>> No.1768064

Sorry, Moore wrote an amazing H.P. Lovecraft/P.G. Wodehouse crossover fanfic in The Black Dossier, 'What Ho, Gods of the Abyss!'

Moore is a pretty cool guy.

>> No.1768070

Is the previous line DO IT FAGGOT?

>> No.1769732

OP is mad because he can't do magic like Moore.

>> No.1769745
File: 105 KB, 500x349, SOON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you read Acme Novelty Library #20? I found it to be much more accessible than Jimmy Corrigan and it's still fucking amazing.

Also, OP. Read something beside Watchmen before you shittalk about Alan Moore.

>> No.1769766

V For Vendetta > Watchmen > Lost Girls > From Hell > Most other comics/graphic novels > Watchmen movie > Dog shit > V For Vendetta movie

>> No.1769808

From Hell > V for Vendetta > Watchmen > League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

Watchmen Ultimate Cut > V for Vendetta > Everything else is shit