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17672011 No.17672011 [Reply] [Original]

What historical figure embodied the concept of the philosopher-king the most?

>> No.17672029

plebs will say aurelius even when what he wrote barely constitutes a coherent philosophy and not just vapid self-help.

>> No.17672082

Well meditations is an influential work in the genre of self help and philosophy, and his reign as emperor was pretty decent.

>> No.17672187

Adolf Hitler
If you don't get why, then you're a newfag

>> No.17672211
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Charlemagne. On top of being a successful leader in war, he cultivated education and knowledge by bringing together the best scholars in Europe and creating a scribe factory to preserve the writings of antiquity.

>> No.17672220

Cant exist externally. The Philosopher-king is a purely internal phenomenon of the Will. To be a philosopher-king is to reign over oneself, the empire of the soul, and live life virtuously.

>> No.17672269
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>> No.17672274


>> No.17672277
File: 71 KB, 770x462, Aachen_Cathedral_Charlemagne_Mystery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based Carolingian Renaissance poster

>> No.17672302

>“Philosopher, orator, apostle, legislator, warrior, conqueror of ideas, restorer of rational dogmas, of a cult without images, the founder of twenty terrestrial empires and of one spiritual empire: that is MUHAMMAD. As regards all the standards by which human greatness may be measured, we may well ask IS THERE ANY MAN GREATER THAN HE?”
― Alphonse de Lamartine
Muhammad pbuh, of course

>> No.17672339

>had one ball
>started a war he couldn’t win
>took the cowards way out

>> No.17672394
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But I would also add some later absolutists like Al Ma'mun, Al-Rashid, Timur, Suleiman the Magnificent etc

In Europe: there is no greater Philosopher King than Der Alte Fritz

>> No.17672404

Dionysius of Syracuse even if Plato himself disagreed.

>> No.17672443

Meditations were never meant to be read by anyone else other than Aurelius, it was just his personal journal. And Plato's concept of the philosopher king wasn't necessarily a guy who wrote philosophy in his free time, but a wise king who was capable of making sound moral judgements, applying philosophy to his rule in a practical manner.

>> No.17672469

you don't know how to die

>> No.17672550

How? Killing yourself in a bunker after leading your country to a humiliating defeat ?

>> No.17672706

Friedrich II Der Große

>> No.17672713


>> No.17672769
File: 224 KB, 755x1169, 712IsTeUpOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an ingenious military strategist, a wise but ruthless leader, a cunning politician, and a devout believer who ensured the survival of Christianity in the West.
>also believed himself above the rules of the church, siring bastards across Europe and coldly ordering the execution of 4,500 prisoners.

>> No.17672778

This but unironically. He created his own philosophy (Trumpism).

>> No.17672931
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Obviously Hitler.

You can disagree with and dislike him, but no leader has held such an intimate relation to the thought of his people before.

>> No.17672953
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Only one correct answer

>> No.17672954

Mao Zedong or Lenin unironically

>> No.17672991

he was barely literate lmao

>> No.17673268


>> No.17673311

Right. Killing off your own citizens based on the religion their practice is really 'in touch'. Please explain further I need a laugh.

>> No.17673327
File: 598 KB, 690x982, obama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically Barack Obama

>> No.17673347

Based. I heard that the people of Libya liked him more than the MSM, especially because of his generous welfare schemes.

>> No.17673447


>> No.17673468

LOL. Didn't happen anyway.

>> No.17673470

Louis XIV

>> No.17673478

Hitler was a brainlet though. He made several bad decisions that cost him the war and Mein Kampf isn't particularly well written.

>> No.17673499

He didn't intend it to be read though

>> No.17673529

He was just being a tsundere

>> No.17673577

>AcSCHUALLY, I would have won WW2!

>and Mein Kampf isn't particularly well written.
That's because its value is in fact defined by it being his real life. It is his story, and that is where its value comes from, it's not meant to be a great literary work.

>> No.17673595

This guy

>> No.17673664

Frederick the Great

>> No.17673668


>> No.17673739


>> No.17673744


>> No.17673761


>> No.17673810

Do people still unironically idolise Hitler in the year of our Lord Two Thousand and Twenty One?