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17671178 No.17671178 [Reply] [Original]

why are there platonist christians? to be a platonist you have to ignore the bible which is the foundation text of christianity so what's the point?

>> No.17671198

Catholicism opened the door for universal Christianity and Protestants rendered it totally subjective, individual. Anyone call themselves an X Christian now. It doesn’t mean they keep the authentic Christian faith.

>> No.17671212

the whole point of Christianity is
>dude, what if the God posited by Plato was Yahweh of the Jews.
and there we go.

>> No.17671218

Christianity is not platonist to my understanding

>> No.17671225

Correct but Platonism and Neoplatonism is relevant to Christianity, even if the poster you’re replying to is just a baiting idiot.

>> No.17671329

yeah of course, I'm talking about contemporary christian platonists

>> No.17671354

Yeah, they’re mistaken like I said. Anyone can call themselves an X Christian and say they believe in X but are still Christians. That’s the result of our hyper-tolerant society that prefers atheism or religious relativism over everything else. The authentic Christian view would be that they can still be saved but it doesn’t mean they’re authentic Christians by any means. They just call themselves as such.

>> No.17671385

It is relevant to an aspect of Christianity, that is, its rational aspect. Christianity vouches for a combination of both Faith and Reason. Platonism is employed by christian theologians as hermeneutical tool of its own theosophy. This is why Philo was of so great importance to Christianity. And Platonism is not rationalistic completely, it directs reason to the Good/One which is above reason itself, thus having a similar combination of Reason and Faith (that is why Faith is not merely a belief, opinion, but true gnosis, since it ends up in apophatic knowledge).

>> No.17671422

Postmodern commodified spirituality, anything goes as long as it looks cool on your Twitter bio

>> No.17671443

This was never believed by any Christian thinker, at least the Scholastics never believed this. I'm not sure about Origen. Christian thinkers merely used platonic points and arguments but with Christian revelation being involved it took on a completely different meaning. i.e Ego sum qui sum and exodus theology

>> No.17671797

all christians are platonists you braindead desert demon worshipping faggot

>> No.17671993

Christianity is not platonist to my understanding

>> No.17672028

its literally neoplatonism for idiots kys

>> No.17672041

Because the Bible isn't believable but they also want to larp as trads.

>> No.17672060

Christianity is not platonist to my understanding

>> No.17672243
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>its literally neoplatonism for idiots
Your simplistic and naive view on philosophy is what causes you to have false assumptions, leaving nothing capable of nuance or differentiation.

>> No.17672596

ego sum qui sum is a pretty good reason to take some platonist influence

>> No.17672694

Christianity grew out of the hellenic cultural zone, it's essentially greek. Judaic influence is obviously large, but was over-emphasized by the early church for mostly political reasons. In regards to metaphysics, they are essentially identical.

One could, and I do, argue that the ancestry of platonism runs down the church and not the academy. For info on this you may study the debate between Porphyry and Origen – in which Porphyry rejects central platonic dotrine, while Origen in effect defends it.

>> No.17672735

Plato didn't believe in divine simplicity though

>> No.17672743

It's in a direct confrontation with many neoplatonic ideas.
There were people who tried to reconcile the two (like Origen) but ultimately lead themselves into heresy.

>> No.17672750

the God posited by Plato would not become a part of the debased illusion that is the world and its history. Plato separated the two very clearly and consistently, always, necessarily

>> No.17672969

The Greek tragedians and Plato were influenced by the OT.

>> No.17672983

So Plato was anti-Christian?

>> No.17673004

He is critical of religion and divine command theory in Euthyphro.

>> No.17673018

Plain bullshit. No one bothered with the OT, supposing the canon was even fixed by then.

>> No.17673038

He is not critical of religion generally (religion is such a modern concept it doesn't make much sense in this context). He is more so critical of the established priesthoods of the ancient world.

Several neoplatonists (Porphyry, Iamlichus most prominently) oplenly state that Plato leared all he knew from the hebrews and the egyptians.

>> No.17673047
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>Mfw retarded Op doesn't know the intimate connection between art and religion

>> No.17673050

This. Christianity was Jews trying to marry Judaism to the Hellenized world they lived in at the time

>> No.17673066

>Several neoplatonists (Porphyry, Iamlichus most prominently) oplenly state that Plato leared all he knew from the hebrews and the egyptians.
Yeah and that's even worse bullshit given the fact Porphyry and Iamblichus were antichristians.
You must have got your knowledge from rabbinic bullshit, only them are stupid enough to claim Plato (and Aristotle) were influenced by hebraic mythological crap.

>> No.17673104

I don't follow. Porphyry and Iamblichus had a bias against christianity (or given the period we rather should be talking about revelatory sects). Wouldn't them placing Plato adjacent to the mosaic tradition be even more telling, considering they have an incentive to claim the opposite?

I don't get my knowledge from "rabbinic bullshit", I got iftfrom the neoplatonists directly. Your post doesn't make sense.

The hebrews had an intellectual precence in Greece since before Plato. By any reasonable account they also had a particular influence on him as a philosopher.

>> No.17673114

cope, the post

>> No.17673134

Neither of them does that, they're fully on line with emperor Julian roasting of hebraic mythology in Contra Galileos.
And Hebrews never had any influence whatsoever on classical Greece, they were isolated goat herders no one cared about . All claims they did matter somehow are fabrications to reduce greek philosophy to some offspring of the hebraic mythology, for purely childish reasons.

>> No.17673514

Not him but, Herodotus says that Greek religion was influenced by Egyptians. The fact that you have multiple sources claiming this may give credence to the Hebrew influence historical hypothesis put forth by the other anon and Porphyry and Iamblichus.

>> No.17673579

Can't find the Iamblichus quote but whatever.

"Pythagoras drew his knowledge when he visited the Egyptians, the Arabs, the Chaldeans, and the Hebrews, from whom he obtained accurate knowledge about dreams.
– Porphyry Vita Pythagorae
(consider that Porphyry considered Plato wholly in the pythagorean tradition)
"Pythagoras and Anaxagoras received the sacred seeds of truth from the Egyptians and the Hebrews; on the travels of Greeks to Egypt. Anaxagoras and Pythagoras first, and then Plato, received lessons from the Egyptian sages"
– Gennadius Scholarius (citing lost work of Xenophon)

Origen says similar things. Psuedo-justin claims "Plato drew on Egyptian lore, as well as the Jewish writings". Theodoret says Plato, Anaxagoras, and Pythagoras "Picked up certain doctrines about Being from the Egyptians and the Jews". There are many more sources (mostly byzantine) claiming similar things.

We can also find textual evidence in Plato. The myth of Er is undoubtebly hebrew; and the myth in the symposium told by Aristofanes is quite obviously a retelling of the biblical creation story (in extant gnostic texts the myth even appears in very similar form, as what is told in the Symposium).

>> No.17673619

Yeah Egyptians but Egyptians were way more relevant than Hebrews to begin with, and that's nevertheless bullshit to inflate their credentials, though bullshit claimed by the Greeks themselves. While no one bothered to claim heritage of hebraic mythology for the good reason no one knew about it. "Judaism" was an irrelevant sect.
You can't find it because it doesn't exist and your Porphyry quote relates not to Plato but Pythagoreas and to interpretation of dreams. Needless to say it's as serious as gymnosophists.
>He sent the boy to a lute-player, a wrestler and a painter. Later he sent him to Anaximander at Miletus, to learn geometry and astronomy. Then Pythagoras visited the Egyptians, the Arabians, the Chaldeans and the Hebrews, from whom he acquired expertery in the interpretation of dreams, and he was the first to use frankincense in the worship of divinities.
The rest is late christian cope to pretend people cared about hebraic BS in Plato's time.
And Er myth is as opposed to hebraic soteriology as you can get, it's a reincarnation myth.