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/lit/ - Literature

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17670157 No.17670157 [Reply] [Original]

Any progress on your novels?

previous thread:>>17660864

For Prose:
>The Art of Fiction
>Story Genius: How to Use Brain Science to Go Beyond Outlining and Write a Riveting Novel (Before You Waste Three Years Writing 327 Pages That Go Nowhere)
>On Becoming A Novelist
>Writing Fiction: A Guide to Narrative Craft
>How Fiction Works
>The Rhetoric of Fiction
>Steering the Craft

For Poetry:
>The Poetry Home Repair Manual
>Western Wind: An Introduction to Poetry

Related Material:
>What Editors Do
>A Student's Introduction to English Grammar
>Garner's Modern English Usage

Suggested books on storytelling:
>The Weekend Novelist
>Aristotle's Poetics
>Hero With a Thousand Faces
>Romance the Beat

Suggested books on getting your fucking work done you lazy piece of shit:
>Deep Work
>Atomic Habits

Traditional publishing
> Formatting manuscript
> Write a query
> Track your query

Other Resources
>General grammar/syntax/editing help
> When/where/how should I write?
> What software should I write with?
> Amazon Publishing to make that KDP monie
> Be like Charles Dickens and write serially
> Basic overview of the Screenplay format

>> No.17670175
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Any thoughts on my Substack guys? Not sure how to go about doing this, and it doesn't look like anyone has fucked with Substack here. You don't have to input your email to read my stuff, but you can choose to subscribe if you like it. I plan on dropping a 2-3k words per week about my experiences while travelling:


>> No.17670186
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>> No.17670250

And? Are you writing for recognition or for the passion.
>For Prose:
The books listed under are they a meme like On Writing or do they actually give you advice on sentence structure, rhythm etc

>> No.17670300

>hack capitalising on old book
>hack continuing cash cow series
>hack serving new Hollywood masters
>hack cashing in on black women Booker bait
>hack continuing cash cow series

who's surprised, honestly?

>> No.17670303
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If you spend more hours writing than reading, you’re never gonna make it.

>> No.17670336

Nah, you can spend a bit more. It is important to read and write everyday though.

>> No.17670339
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I made it soulless. Now critique me.

>> No.17670342

>prioritizes study over practice

>> No.17670347

How can you practice the art of writing without having studied it deeply and judiciously? The fact that writing has always been about paying homage to what mastery preceded it makes it stand out to painting or music.

>> No.17670384

I remember an Anon once said read your favourite writers and rewrite their texts. I want to do this. But is it just mindlessly copying their works or doing other things.

>> No.17670395

Don't rewrite the author word-for-word. Do like what I did here >>17662108 This was a rewrite of the first couple hundred words of A Game of Thrones.

>> No.17670396

of course not you silly little boy. rewrite their stories in your own words. like when a band covers someone else's song. The point isn't to copy them, it's a way to teach yourself why authors do the things that they do.

>> No.17670424

I take the opposite view of the other anons. Copy the wording used by good authors, but write original stories.

>> No.17670453
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hello /wg/, I jokingly told my friend that writing a light novel/web novel in japanese would be an easy way to make some cash a few days ago, but now when I come to think of it writing a story sounds really fun even though I've never written one before. so, what would you recommend to a complete beginner like me? should I just say fuck it and start writing? read the recommended books in the op? outline a story and then start writing? or a mix of everything?
thanks in advance

>> No.17670470

Watch Sanderson's lectures on YouTube. He teaches to people who haven't ever thought of becoming a writer. He's good enough as a starter, especially when his works are always compared to anime.

>> No.17670554

there is nothing to do but wait for a response from the magazine editor. what do?

>> No.17670562

>just write

>> No.17670580

>John Grisham is still alive
Shocking desu

>> No.17670593

Read what you like

>> No.17670633

Decided to fuck around and write a Notes from Underground parody about a seething college socialists/anarchist. I'm 2k words in and I'm trying to strike a balance where it's obviously a pisstake but actual seething college anarchists would believe it. What do you think?


>> No.17670635

I know the answer, but may as well throw it out and ask;

>MC is searching for the 'Hands of God', tools that God used at creation to make everything
This is anime-level cliché cringe, right?
I like the idea, and want to expand on it, but I think I'm a little embarrassed to have something like it in my portfolio, as though I'm some sort of amazing already established writer

>> No.17670660

Not at all.

Besides. There's anime and anime. Nobody will shit on you for being the brains behind Attack on Titan, or Your Name, or most of Studio Ghibli stuff. It might be a meme here but what isn't lol

>> No.17670665

>confident enough to consider themselves an established writer
>gives a fuck about reader perception
What are you worried about? Just write
And so long as you have a loved series to fall back on you can't really go wrong

>> No.17670834
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This is 3195 words. It's fantasy. Critiques needed.

>> No.17670953

>Attack on Titan, or Your Name
terrible examples

>> No.17670959

Your narrative is very good but your main character's dialogue is not very good. Unfortunately, critique on dialogue is hard to give beyond "I don't believe it." It's close, but not quite there for me.

>> No.17671006
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I'm struggling with maintaining my main stories voice and it's burning me out . I'm gonna try and do flashes whenever I don't feel like battling my main story

>> No.17671038

Very entertaining. You need to review some grammar, though. There were nouns that weren't capitalised. Full stops should have been used in place of a comma in quite a few lines.

>> No.17671042

Writing is just so fucking hard, I never finish anything and when I write everything ends up being complete and utter shit with no real structure, coming up with an ending is also hard, the stories always end up clunky and terrible, why is it so fucking hard. I swear I could write once. I might give up, and try to read more.

>> No.17671083

When you say dialogue, do you mean like this (another thing I wrote) >>17662108 or like this anon's? >>17669451

Or do you just literally mean wherever is in the speech marks?

>> No.17671146


>> No.17671192

Did you practice for 10,000 hours yet?

>> No.17671238

If I put so much effort into lore and worldbuilding into a society descended from pre-Collapse Dionysus worshippers who wandered onto another planet in a drunken stupor, and just plopped them into a shared universe with another god that I just made up, will people accept it?

>> No.17671279
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>Any progress on your novels?

Chugging away on third book for 'After Megiddo', a post (Biblical) Armageddon in a universe populated by ascended Humans and Anforms (sentient robots), Angels and Demons, science and magic, and many many strange things in between. I can link to Royal road if anyone is curious. Pic related is a recently commissioned illustration of one of the main characters.

>> No.17671287

good choice of artist
has a very soulful early sci-fi aesthetic

>> No.17671304

I’m reading Anna Karenina right now and I am constantly awestruck by his prose. Yesterday I had an emotionally charged interaction with a Russian woman and I was pleased with myself when I attempted to write our conversation in his style.

>> No.17671342
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Seven chapters of Wish Mountain are out. A full arc is complete. Next arc gets underway sometime next week (it's with the editor).

To the anon that said my writing improved in the previous thread, thank ye kindly.

>> No.17671380
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Thank you. An author friend had worked with him in the past and recommended him to me. I'm blown away by how he can somehow see inside my head based on vague descriptions.

>> No.17671392
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>He forgot his link

>> No.17671394

That's great!

>> No.17671400
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Nah I mindtricked you. You see by leaving it you ask for it, thus I deliver it and get to post more in the thread about my story.

True story.


>> No.17671442
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>> No.17671460

How long did you spend on your drafts before you started writing?

>> No.17671475

You can't "draft" without writing though

>> No.17671510
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Do you mean outlines? Drafting is part of writing. I don't do physical outlines; I have an objective in my head and I write towards it. I sometimes spend over an hour to get out 250 words.

>> No.17671522

Structure is definitely hard for me, but the best way I deal with it is coming up with an ending before hand. Write down how the story starts and how it ends, and then figure out how to get from point A to point B. It helps with the structure. Then go back and iron it out with a good edit.

>> No.17671529
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>chapter is 3,000 words
>too short
>write an additional scene
>it's now 6,000 words
>too fucking long

>> No.17671536

How is 3k too short? That's how long my chapters are

>> No.17671547

How is 6k too long? The chapter should be as long as the scenes within it demand. Unless this is like a novelette or something?

>> No.17671548

Are novelletes supposed to have chapters? Oh, shit...

>> No.17671557

Dude are you okay

>> No.17671584

My bad, I mean an outline. It used to be that I could write for hours, but now I'm stuck just figuring out an ending to complement my opening.

>> No.17671585

I don't understand substack. It lacks and identity as a platform. Some use it like medium but with more control and a different content delivery mechanism. But it's billed as a newsletter platform, a means of communicating news and updates. Tying it to an email address also asks the reader for a level of commitment to your posts that not everyone will assent to. Presumably however if you have no subscribers, your substack won't be promoted by the algorithms and will sink to the bottom of the pile invisible.

>> No.17671586

Depends on your goals. I don't particularly like arbitrary chapter divides but 6k is quite long. I used to write 6k chapters and it felt right in the moment but in editing they definitely needed cutting in half or taking a lot out. It's something that you need to think about if you want to get traditionally published but doesn't really matter otherwise.

>> No.17671616

3000 isn't too short. My chapters aim for ~2300, which is about a 10 minute reading session. The shorter they are, the more manageable they make your book for the reader. People usually don't stop reading in the middle of a chapter.

>> No.17671651

I’ve written five novellas/novelletes and I didn’t put any chapters in them, I thought you weren’t supposed to

>> No.17671655

You don't have to if you don't want to.

>> No.17671669

Sounds like you get 2x chapters if you split it right.

>> No.17671674

My novel has chapters as long as 10k and it flows at a pretty easy pace. But then again, I'm writing more at a traditional length of 80k+ for a full novel, which is usually considered a minimum.

In my view, having a glut of chapters in a shorter overall word-count often makes scenes feel rushed and choppy. Extend scenes to the necessary length to fully flesh them out and forget word-counts. I have very short chapters as well, maybe only 4-5k words because the scene within it is self-contained and demands special attention.

6k is not long at all, it's relatively average in terms of length. Unless, like I said before, you're writing some kind of novelette.

>> No.17671756

>go to the library
>pick up a book about John Williams called "The Man Who Wrote the Perfect Novel"
Will reading this make me more excited and inspired to write or will I lose heart because I'll never be John Williams?

>> No.17671759

You don't need to if the story doesn't demand it.

>> No.17671768

You'll also never be Stephen King or Brandon Sanderson. So there's an upside to it.

>> No.17671777

I certainly don't do enough drugs to ever be Stephen King

>> No.17671818

Probably not the right thread but I didn't want to open a new one for this and you guys probably know. I'm programming a dialogue tree parser and I'm trying to come up with a name for something.
Let's say that a character speaks, but his speech is split into three paragraphs. As an optimization I want to condense the paragraphs into one single segment, while keeping a piece of metadata showing that they are three different blocks of text, just compressed.

The problem is that I don't know how to name this structure. Is there any name used in linguists to describe either
>a number of paragraphs sharing a common topic
>a character's speech, split into paragraphs

I was thinking of paragraph block, paragraph section, dialogue sequence but maybe there's a better name that already exists.

>> No.17671876

Really, I'm still not sure about it. I used to post my writing on my website and would check the metadata the day after and notice I got like 100 downloads. Now, I go into Substack's backend and it's like...2 people clicked the link. It definitely doesn't lend itself well as a medium for discovery.

That being said, it's a good platform for building a real audience. One that actually follows what you write, because it pops up in their inbox every time you post. I moved there after I saw Scott Alexander (Slate Star Codex) turn to Substack last month and now I read his stuff a lot more frequently since I get that crucial notification every couple of days.

There needs to be trust, you're right. That's a barrier with, say, anons on 4chan. But I haven't had much of a problem with family and friends signing up. I think the idea is that you're supposed to migrate your readership there from other places... but I don't really have one. Most of the people who read my stuff are from /lit/. So, Substack might necessitate a big directional shift for me. About time, anyway. I've been posting for almost a decade now.

>> No.17671888

Hard to recommend a good name when we don't know the rest of your object structure. (Not an invitation for you to explain that.) In my own code, I've always referred to stuff like that as "scenes," though, even though the meaning isn't quite the same as it is in writing.

>> No.17671976

Tolstoy did this. His chapters are the perfect length in Anna Karenina and make the story extra fine-tuned.

>> No.17671992


Scene. Essay. Section. Chapter. Monologue.

>> No.17672024

I forgot to mention that I have aphantasia. is that a major problem while writing? I know that sapkowski and asimov are aphantasic as well but I don't know how they deal with it since I haven't read their works
I'm going to check that but why are they compared to anime?

>> No.17672025

I liked that anon. I suppose if you're hoping to actually do something with it, you might think about cleaning it up a little. As an exercise, I thought it was good though.

>> No.17672055

You need to focus on showing rather than telling. This is someone telling me what he sees around him in very non-descript detail intermingled with an occasional line of prose.
I get that you were going for minimalism, but its all tell, no show.

>> No.17672057

The problem is that a scene is already well defined, at least in the screenplay industry, and it refers to something else.
I think just a plain 'section' should work well.

>> No.17672105

Depends on the style and the author. It just feels to me like nothing really happens in just 3k words. The chapter doesn't have the room to go its own journey.

Then again, I've seen lots of complaints online about chapters that go over 5k. Readers start zoning out and skim over paragraphs. So 4-5k is the ideal compromise.

Also, my autism demands that all chapters must be roughly the same length. If there's a 6k+ chapter followed by a barely 4k chapter, it just makes it look like I suddenly got lazy.

>> No.17672119

>One that actually follows what you write, because it pops up in their inbox every time you post.
Unless someone is like me and it gets lost among the garbage swirling around in there. The biggest challenge associated with online publishing is competing for readers' attention. Not even competing against other writers but with all the infinite distractions of the internet.

For this reason specificity is all important. You need to find precisely the type of audience with an interest in what you write about. I haven't come across a platform that allows readers to discover your writing using filters more specific than tags. There's just so much out there, breaking through is not easy. Especially if you're someone like you or I who are comparative nobodies and not established names which would pre-filter your audience for you.

>> No.17672193

>comparative nobodies
Nor an attractive woman

>> No.17672267

Outlines-wise on a by-chapter basis, anywhere from a couple of minutes to a few hours/days, to subconsciously dropping it if it has served its purpose/deviated too far to bother updating it.

>> No.17672652

Most people aren't so autistic as to only stop reading at chapter breaks.

Like I said, it depends on your goals. 10,000 is usually considered too long. It just is. Usually. I've heard 3-6k most often as a good range. My novel was also a traditional 80k+ and there was definite need to shorten the chapters that were over 6,000.

>> No.17672709

can we post poetry?

>> No.17672718

You can but likely won't get much useful feedback.

>> No.17672827

No, there’s a poetry thread you can go for feedback.

>> No.17672861

Sure you can, but if you post it without specifically asking for crit then, personally, I'd just gloss over it. And even if you did want it critqued then I'll still gloss over it regardless. Seems like the crit thread did die again, though.

>> No.17673023

Post it in this thread >>17672851 and not in this one.

>> No.17673440

Anyone know of a good alternative to Royal Road? Someplace that isn't infested with anime-shit?

>> No.17673453

No, and no, get used to it, since your writing is no different than theirs perhaps even worse.

>> No.17673505
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>> No.17673512
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>> No.17673548

What about it?

>> No.17673614

Tell me what works and what doesn’t

>> No.17673627
File: 283 KB, 360x450, sYxbBtNaat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charge your goddamn battery. Why is it almost obligatory for any screenshot to have low battery?

>> No.17673642

How about you just stop writing completely?

>> No.17673645

because even the best smart phone batteries are shit. go drink bleach, anime cretin. nobody needs to cater to your ocd.

>> No.17673682

Idk, out of habit I guess. This phone is also old and doesn’t have a great battery life

>> No.17673696

Change the battery then.

>> No.17673767

>anime cretin
Where do you think you are?

>> No.17673798

The first /lit/ flash fiction anthology was published today. The stories went way above expectations. There are strong and entertaining writers on this board. >>17673730

>> No.17673848

Flash fiction is a meme.

>> No.17674054

How do i get my writing to be as great as JK-sama? Saga of the Cosmic Heroes could honestly be the modern day equivalent of Crime and Punishment.

>> No.17674181

>in a parade of damp sucking noises
>scattered buckshot
doesn't fit in with the style of the other lines

As prose, it's fine; as a story, it doesn't make any sense.

>> No.17674389

Eh. I feel like JK-sama overwrites.

My prose ranking for RR shillers.
>Wish Mountain
>Saga of the Cosmic Heroes

Anyone else write on RR?

>> No.17674418

>Eh. I feel like JK-sama overwrites
no, I honestly, feel likes he underwrites at times. As if to appeal to /lit/fags. It hinders his story.

>> No.17674451

Most of it is fine. I don't have a problem with "scattered buckshot" since guns seem to exist. "Damp sucking noises" could be "squelching stomps."

Like that other anon said, there's no real story here.

>> No.17674500

I say overwrite because there's a line in the latest chapter that had MC wake up with a splitting headache. The sentence after reminisces about the pain of a scar and compares it to the headache. The former sentence feels like it's "in the moment" and the latter sentence "suspends the moment."

I checked out Crime and Punishment. I don't get the same feeling there, but maybe I haven't read enough of it.

>> No.17674524

Lots of big words that simpler words could take their place.

>> No.17674529

It’s an excerpt from the beginning of a story I’m writing, just trying to set the stage. I appreciate the thoughts— I’m a bit attached to ‘sucking noises’ but I’ll see if I can incorporate the phrase in a smoother way.

>> No.17674558
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meanwhile, I struggle at times to get the words out. I do my best but I'm not pandering to anyone in particular I think.

>> No.17674570

>I do my best but I'm not pandering to anyone in particular I think.
You are pandering if you're here.

>> No.17674647

>I don't have a problem with "scattered buckshot" since guns seem to exist
The simile of buckshot doesn't jive with the similes used in the rest of the paragraph, anon

>> No.17674649

You don't really believe that, do you?

>> No.17674687

Pretty much,

>> No.17674878

>Saga of the Cosmic Heroes
Set in approximately the 29th century AD (or 3rd century UC) in a setting where humanity is united under an interstellar Federation past its zenith. The story follows a young Victoria Happ-Schwarzenberger through a first-person narrative as she follows in her father's footsteps and enlists in the Metropolitan Space Navy in events that will change her course forever.

Joining the narrative is Li Chou, known as the Madame Scarface. She serves as a lieutenant under a pirate republic ruled by her ruthless adoptive father nestled in the outer hinges of Federation authority. And Alexandra Descartes-Dolz, a colonial spacenoid with the aspirations of changing the decadent Federation's injustices. This saga tells of their intertwining destinies and the struggles they face along the way.

>> No.17674901
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yes anon that is the blurb

>> No.17674910

Who tells a space opera in first person?

>> No.17674923

It was originally omnipotent but it didn't work out too well. There is the occasional chapter with povs other than the MCs and those are in limited third-person though.

>> No.17674935

Are you JK-sama?

>> No.17674940

well, yes

>> No.17674952

Tell me more about your rise to fame and how you manage to do what no other anons here have managed to do and actually published something.

>> No.17674972

If you really are him, I like your story and it inspired me to write my own story. And don’t let what other anons say about you get you down.

>> No.17675003

Very slow and very steady, a lot of blood and sweat and some tears with a touch of perpetual anxiety.

Thanks. I'm glad I managed to help inspire others.

>> No.17675032

>Very slow and very steady, a lot of blood and sweat and some tears with a touch of perpetual anxiety.
Was there a time where you thought it was pointless to write? I hear the Royal Road is hard to get noticed

>> No.17675064

/wg/, I think I've reached the end of my rope. I gave it everything I had, I wrote 156k words of dogshit, but without the spark of hypomania I just don't have what it takes to be a writer

maybe suicide really is the only way out

>> No.17675071

Why are you telling us this? We aren't your therapist.

>> No.17675095

I'm shouting it out into the void, desperately combing every possible corner of the internet that might have a solution for me that I missed.

I don't want to die. I want to LIVE.

>> No.17675101

Well stop, it's annoying and not worth our time.

>> No.17675106

>doesn't do things that are shitty because they have to be done
Chronic ngmi
Life is a nonstop stream of shit you do but don't want to. Just write
Anon is right. No acknowledgement is gonna make you feel better and we both know this is just another form of procrastination

>> No.17675110

At the very beginning when I started publishing it and wounded up doing a hasty rewrite starting from ch9 onward. There was some criticism by a few readers who were put off by the abrupt narrative reboot and I had nervous self-destructive doubts of deleting it all, but I didn't. I just pressed on until I eventually did remedy the glaring old omnipotent narrative with proper rewrites.

It can be kinda difficult to get traction if you don't have a backlog(I didn't after restarting the story) and thus can't hog front-page recent tab with daily uploads., It can be difficult if you writing a rather niche genre. There are lots of other variables as well, though.

>> No.17675114

The general rule, from what I've heard, is to post consistently and you'll eventually make it onto trending. The only problem with RR is that it leans way too heavily towards LitRPG/Fantasy/Wuxia/Xianxia.

I remember seeing Saga on trending months ago, and looking at the current follower count still being in the hundreds is a let down. As much as I criticise it for being overwritten, it doesn't deserve to be as unnoticed as it is. Not when Wondering Inn gets by with prose worse than Sanderson.

>> No.17675140

ive suffered enough because of this place that annoying the people here and wasting their time is a goal in and of itself

what part of 156k words didn't you understand? I've been doing that "just write" shit for two years and it's only gotten harder. i'm not looking for acknowledgement. i'm looking for anything I can try that might alleviate my suffering

>> No.17675151

>stops because it's tiring
Your options are to quit or keep going. You know this
Just write some more or get out

>> No.17675160


>> No.17675169

it's not just tiring. i am literally going through a mental breakdown right now

>> No.17675170

Yes, anon, JK-sama is published, something no other anon here can laid claim to.

>> No.17675182

Then quit? Why are you being dense

>> No.17675183

Nobody cares, shut up and bottle it up inside, we ain’t your therapist.

>> No.17675194

quit and do what? Kill myself? If I lose this I have nothing left in my life.

>> No.17675226

>nding months ago, and looking at the current follower count still being in the hundreds is a let down. As much as I criticise it for being overwritten, it doesn't deserve to be as unnoticed as it is. Not when Wondering Inn gets by with prose worse than Sanderson
I saw it on the front page like five days ago, is it really that bad?

>> No.17675237

I'm published on furaffinity and literotica in the same way that they're "published."

>> No.17675238
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I'm writing a short fantasy story. If anyone has any feedback on this passage I'd love to hear it.

>> No.17675259

I would drop "hard" from the first line, and switch "again human" in the last line to just "back" or something more snappy.
Also that first bit of dialogue reads like it's addressing Frejdla rather than about her.
I don't know if Wiglaff is supposed to be a funny name but it made me laff.

>> No.17675302
File: 627 KB, 1556x2426, the wandering inn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. The author's prose is like Sanderson's but on steroids. There's very little exposition, and the exposition that does exist is very surface level. But obviously people like it or it wouldn't have the following it does.

>> No.17675428

Did anything help you in your gradual rise? Did you advertise your work in anyway?

>> No.17675505

I can't comment on the talking. You can add more dialogue tags & actions, but it's not required. Some of the narrative can use tightening up.

>Wiglaff had slunk back in his throne.
Wiglaff slunk in his throne.
>Wiglaff's unfinished glass of wine was still in place at the throne's side table, and with the speed of a younger man threw it towards the visitor.
Wiglaff flung his glass of wine at the visitor.
>It hit the fire pit in an explosion of blue flame as the alcohol combusted.
I don't know if the visitor dodged or if he got hit or if the wine completely missed.
>When the alcohol was burnt away, though, the features were again human.
When the flame died, his human were again human.

A key thing to remember is: Why use many words when few words do trick.

>> No.17675514

>When the flame died, his human was again human.
Derp. I meant "When the flame died, his features were again human."

>> No.17675556

It was a bit tricky for the first few months because /wg/ wasn't until ~June, and I was slightly cautious about promoting in /wg/ after some bad vibes posting updates in the /a/ homebrew writing community that existed for a while. People back then at /wg/'s first few months were still incredibly hostile to web serials, so I tried linking only when people asked what I wrote and such.

Aside from that, I was mostly limited to being active on the RR forums; post signatures. I got slightly lucky with some networking to give me a small boost in reviews and readership (by now ~August-Septmeber) which helped boost me to top trending for a while. I like to think that particular boost coincided with me snagging the first posts of RR's monthly-promo threads for those months. I also shilled in some non-writing communities I'm in, and some writing ones that were either cool with it or only allowed it if you weren't just purposely being active for the sake of promoting. But it's hard to tell if people read them at all since RR lacks analytics on discord referrals.

>> No.17675577

I'll elaborate more on dialogue. Some people like JK-sama love expository dialogue where there's always an action when something is said. It can be engaging for the reader to become more emotionally attached to the character.

I'm one of those people on the opposite side. I think too much dialogue tag action can be distracting. And sometimes I want to hide certain information from the reader like what I did here >>17670834
I prefer reactions from other characters.

Both sides of the spectrum have been very successful.

>> No.17675595
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I also use my Twitter to upload chapters with appropriate tags, and although impressions can be good for those the actual tweet interactions(like clicking on the damn links/going to my profile) are largely negligible. Pic related is the pinned tweet linking to the story itself. I've been dipping my toes on reddit but I have to see any meaningful impressions from there.

I've been deliberating on cross-posting on Scribblehub and Quotev for the longest timing, in the hopes that people might read more on RR itself. I was mainly interested in the former since it's considerably big as RR and has a more vocal reader-base, but it keeps getting rid of formatting and there's no way to do chapter imports like on RR, so I've been putting it off until I can figure something out for that.

>> No.17675622

>It was a bit tricky for the first few months because /wg/ wasn't until ~June, and I was slightly cautious about promoting in /wg/ after some bad vibes posting updates in the /a/ homebrew writing community that existed for a while. People back then at /wg/'s first few months were still incredibly hostile to web serials, so I tried linking only when people asked what I wrote and such.
Those were dark times, I’m glad the stigma of web serials is fading away.

>Aside from that, I was mostly limited to being active on the RR forums; post signatures. I got slightly lucky with some networking to give me a small boost in reviews and readership (by now ~August-Septmeber) which helped boost me to top trending for a while. I like to think that particular boost coincided with me snagging the first posts of RR's monthly-promo threads for those months. I also shilled in some non-writing communities I'm in, and some writing ones that were either cool with it or only allowed it if you weren't just purposely being active for the sake of promoting. But it's hard to tell if people read them at all since RR lacks analytics on discord referrals.
So, it was the combination of luck, networking, promoting, expanding and over all determination?

>> No.17675711

I assume you faggots meant "main character"(?).

Why did you choose to make an acronym out of a phrase, a syntagm, which contains only two words, none of which even containing more than three syllables. Why?
Why do Americans, assuming you are American because I have mainly seen Americans use acronyms for literally fucking everything, do this? Why do you belittle and dumb down your own language which later only results (look around if you want proof) in a nation of literal worm-brain, slobbering retards? What the hell is wrong with you?

You probably think low brow garbage like bakemonogatari is good literature because there is "nothing better than writing lowbrow novels with high school girls and *A MAIN CHARACTER* that is definitely not (You)".

No wonder that character is never even going to be you you absolute disgusting mouth breathing, shit stain blockhead McMutt™ filthy little protestant retard, die in pain and misery fuckwit assholes.

Kill yourself and eat a dick, retarded faggot bitches.

Go fuck yourself.

Happy Easter.

>> No.17675738
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Some anons here have traditional publishing on a pedestal and they won't take it off. Wandering Inn gets a minimum $3900 per month on Patreon and the prose is trash. MoL still has 600+ patrons and that story has already wrapped up.


>> No.17675773

>Some anons here have traditional publishing
Not just traditional publishing, but being a writer itself is put on a pedestal. Most writers can’t live on just writing alone, save for, a select few.

>> No.17675804

>Wandering Inn gets a minimum $3900 per month on Patreon and the prose is trash
Yeah, because the author does literally nothing but write. Day in and day out. Twice a week, 20k words. 40k words a week. Would you commit to that for $3900 a month? $3900 a month is honestly pretty measly - less than $50000 a month, and taxes on self-employed income are heavy. Even if they were making double that, I'm still making more than them at an office job that requires almost nothing from me most days. Even if they were making quadruple that, $200k a year, I wouldn't envy them. 40k words a week? No matter how I feel? Are you fucking kidding me?

Traditional publishing is put on a pedestal because you just write a fucking book and get paid for it if you're good enough. People over the age of 16 might actually read your work from time to time. You can get a bit of money from a Netflix adaptation, if you're real lucky.

>> No.17675809

*less than $50000 a year

>> No.17675810

Watch Terrible Writing Advice on Youtube. There are writers who agree that the anime-knockoff mary sue crap is, well, crap. Unfortunately there is a market for self-insert poorly written weeaboo trash so people keep writing it.

>> No.17675811

Nice cope.

>> No.17675825

If you think I have to cope over someone making 50 grand or some shit, I don't even want to know what your life must be like.

>> No.17675864

It’s okay, anon, get it out of your system.

>> No.17675870

What order is that ranking?

>> No.17675893

Saga of the Cosmic Heroes is definitely first. He really turned it around.

>> No.17675897


>> No.17675947

You laugh, buts true.

>> No.17675948
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Drunk as hell on a Monday night writing an apocalyptic conclusion to my weeaboo fantasy that is only perhaps a third complete in a radically different, and likely cringy (purple;incoherent) style to everything that came before.

Having a blast not making it lads.

>> No.17675988
File: 209 KB, 680x817, fd0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>opening yourself up to criticism and taking the hits so you can improve as a writer

pic related

>> No.17676015

Top to bottom, best to worst. On that note, Erased's prose is unconventional and I don't like it.

>> No.17676018

her ears ring and she babbles "B-b-but," shielding herself, "But then I'll throw up! Please don't. Let me... let me just..." she peels Kirsten's thick foreskin back to lap tenderly at the swollen red glans enveloped therein, stopping to gag in revulsion.

"What did you think the tarp was for, shithead? And you better not fucking barf, or you'll be eating it. Got that?"

She begins crying miserably, sobbing like a lost child, a flow of tortured tears carrying black pools of mascara down her face in Gothic tribute to the Lady of Sorrows. "But I can't—I don't!—I..." Briefly looking up, she notices an ID card suspended from a lanyard on the rear-view mirror.

Kirsten Birk, who will apparently turn thirty-six in one week, sets the stun gun on the dashboard and reaches into her captive's oral cavity. Prying Summer's tongue out and pinching it between her fat fingers, she speaks loudly over the retching that results, "Don't what? Don't have a throat?" She closes one of her eyes and peeks around Summer's tongue, "Sure fuckin' looks like you do... all nice and pink, too—soft as velvet. Nice dental plan you got there."

Taking her cock in hand, she leans forward to push past soft lips and pleas of mercy, throwing her head back when she feels her pulse at last race against her captive's hot mouth. The youthful breath washing her supercharged body makes her moan in delight. Her voluptuous figure is the result of millions of years of genetic engineering, and it has been primed to experience unimaginable pleasures. Through the clouded windshield, a mother and her young son hold hands as they merrily cross the street under cover of an umbrella. She looks up smiling, humming to herself at the sight of them. "Fuck. This really gehts me off," she whispers, grabbing fistfuls of Summer's hair, her breath growing shallow and rapid, "you know thatt? You're sucha pretty liddle bitch." Summer's piteous sobs vibrate her cockhead, filling the cramped cabin with the auditory bliss of exquisite suffering. The sound heard is that of teen angst being exploited by adult pragmatism.

"You know, Summer," hisses she, cruelly, "all those times you were talking to me about your stupid friends, how your day went at school... that new song you were working on, or what your daddy thought of your work on his campaign..." The desperate bucking of her big, bad hips bounces Summer's head off the knocked-open console. "I was never listening. The only thing I was thinking about... when you were wearing that slutty clothing of yours, as you are now... and when your big fucking mouth was running, was this." Her cock scrapes Summer's uvula, inducing whimpers and gags. "We were never buddies." Summer turns blue, her arms flailing wildly and tearing at the wool-upholstered reverses of the carseats. The tool of ravishment is mercifully pulled out, six and a half inches of throbbing moxie cleaving upward to form a syrupy bridge of precum between itself and her angelic cheekbone.

>> No.17676062

On the dialogue: it's to-the-point and unpretentious. I believe you intend for most communication to occur non-verbally. Your dialogue does the work that you intend for it to do: characters express thoughts. The vibe I get is the opening scene of a fantasy rom-com, with suitably cliche dialogue.
The narrative could use a bit of tightening. Like the opening line: "had now awoken a once sleeping tiger." The reader will assume that if something has been woken, it must have been asleep. "rushed its way to the front of her mind" What would it be rushing, if not its way?
This line is confusing:
>The dread of going days without food, of sneaking around the Orphanage and stealing what she could. Forcibly from the other kids when she needed to.
Is this something she had to do before she came to Yuerriesaf, or something she is willing to do in exchange for the presumed safety which Yeurriesaf offered her?
And finally, just a personal opinion. Oftentimes location names in Fantasy seem like random fliggrgyts of letters, but upon closer inspection reveal themselves to be based on real locations or foreign languages. The name Yurriesaf seems random to me, and you could probably come up with something which would add depth and richness to the world of your story. Unless it's based on some internal mechanism of your story, like a language you invented, in which case you should consider that you're biting off more than you can chew.
On the whole, I see a story with minor issues but a solid foundation. Unfortunately for you, perfection is the only goal worthy of humanity's efforts and so these minor mistakes force me to rate your story 0/10 and to heartily recommend that you refrain from any further writing.

>> No.17676110

>How's your novel going?
An unnamed man (implied to have a special forces background) is hired by a local university to search out a rogue scientist in the wilds of the Florida panhandle. As he hacks his way through the bush, the man encounters increasingly hostile locals, who all live in fear of the scientist and his acolytes, as well as bizarre phenomenon which seem to contradict the very nature of reality. As the man draws in on his target, he finds himself ensnared in a deadly game of survival when he learns that the scientist has turned the forest and its inhabitants into a reflection of his own cracked psychosis from which he is intent that no one should escape. Will we ever conquer the insanity which festers in our own backyards and perhaps our own souls? Or are we doomed to spend our lives as mere playthings of self-proclaimed gods? There is only one way to find out: by taking a journey "Into The Savage Green."

I know what you're thinking, and yes, it was inspired by Apocalypse Now, but I'm doing Dante's Inferno instead of Heart of Darkness.

>> No.17676146 [SPOILER] 
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>On the opening lines
I agree. There was actually a lot more like it that I got rid of. This was one that just stuck.
>Tightening the narrative
I focused a lot on this. It was originally 3300+ words. Some things slip through. Thanks for pointing this out.
>Is this something she had to do before she came to Yuerriesaf, or something she is willing to do in exchange for the presumed safety which Yeurriesaf offered her?
That's a good question. I tried to keep some aspects of the narrative ambiguous/open-ended, so if you're asking this then I think I hit the mark.
>Naming Yuerriesaf
lol, you're right. I hit my keyboard randomly and stuck with what I got. There's no basis or meaning. If I continue (which I don't), then I might change it to something simple.
>minor issues but a solid foundation
>refrain from any further writing
Fuck you.

>> No.17676176

Godspeed, anon. I don't know enough about pornographic literature to comment, but it makes my peepee hard, I guess.

>> No.17676182
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Thanks, bro.

>talking to yourself this hard
[autistic joker laughter]

>> No.17676220
File: 103 KB, 486x302, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might as well become the entire thread. We're slow as heck anyway, so might as well put my opinions out there to try to broaden my horizons, and maybe become a better writer.

>> No.17676255

It’s because we don’t have an anime pic in the OP.

>> No.17676288

>have an unusual amount of dayjob work
>think i'm not going to write anything today
>an hour before bed a scene appears out of nowhere in my brain
Easy 1200 word day today lads. Write an extra sentence before bed for me.

>> No.17676358

>unusual amount of work at dayjob
>come home, smoke weed and get ready for bed
>just as I'm drifting off, reading an article on Wikipedia, my mind is flooded with brilliance
>force myself to keep typing even though my eyes are drooping, don't want to lose this momentum
>wake up the next morning with my a crick in my neck because i passed out over my laptop again
>re-read my work from the night before
>"Well captain there;s walways gonna be the right way and the wrong way on the map, but life aint a map and at the end of the day its you, anfd you alone, and that needs to be on the deck to answer the call of justice, to chart a course of expeirnece through the waters of truuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu(cont.)"
>make a note to myself
>"fucking nailed it, brah. keep doing this"

>> No.17676522

Have a hobo with a cast on his leg say this while pointing at a wall and it's profound

>> No.17676547

>On that note, Erased's prose is unconventional and I don't like it.
As the author I'm taking this as a huge compliment. Maybe you didn't mean it that way, I don't give a shit. Obviously the story isn't for everyone. Appreciate you took the time to read some of it, though.

>> No.17676700

>feels pride in being unconventional
not like the other girls mentality
gl with your writing though

>> No.17676707

>finish short story
>lose it or forgot to save the final draft.


>> No.17676764

What's a good site to help me check my grammar?

>> No.17676835

I need lightning to strike my brain's cock and light my mind up once again

>> No.17676865


Would appreciate some input for my next project. What would read from these option?

>> No.17676871


>> No.17676889

Thank you lad, yeah the editing will be tedious lol.

>> No.17676900
File: 73 KB, 900x598, black cat oo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use the grammar check function in your office suite's document editor (ex: Word, Writer). Don't have an office suite? Download and use Open Office. From there hit Critique Circle. They'll point out grammar errors most of the time as part of the critique. As part of the site you will end up critiquing others' work. This is good: reading and helping others will sharpen your skills.

>> No.17677201

Is it cheap to leave mysteries unexplained/to the reader's imagination, with the only clues being very open to interpretation? Mysteries never seem to have satisfying answers, but leaving too much unexplained might leave readers feeling cheated.

>> No.17677290

What is it called when you write about what's happening in the story first, but then the characters come in?

Like for example, you start with this:
>The building was destroyed by a fire
Then the character comes in
>"What's happened here?"

Is there a name for it? Instead of introducing the fire through the character, you just write it out yourself.

>> No.17677310

Depends. The default setting is that if you present the reader a mystery, then you also owe it to them to answer it.

BUT if you have many mysteries in your story, it's fine to leave the less important ones open. There's a line after which spoonfeeding every little detail gets obnoxious and mystery writers often cross it.

>> No.17677315

>Is there a name for it?

"Bad writing".

>> No.17677316

Telling instead of showing.

>> No.17677405

I'll start editing once I've dealt with my insomnia.

>> No.17677410

A bit of a short story here, what's good or bad

'Here he comes' Jasper thought to himself, as Colin shuffled into the den.
"I've got some more Bitumen here Jass, lovely stuff."
Unimpressed, Jasper stirred a pot of soup and chopped sausage. Colin tipped out a plastic bag full of road fragments into a drum he had cooking on the other side of the den. It was already half full of molten gunk, and it was thickening due to the small unattended fire beneath it dying down to embers.
"Ohh I'll just get this going again and the rest of it will melt down."
"You know if you didn't keep melting tarmac you'd have a bit more wood for making dinner, then you wouldn't have to rush about so much."
"Well it isn't tarmac, it's asphalt, that's why... that's err, the asphalt's made from bitumen, and..and..err...'
Colin busied himself with the drum and pretended he couldn't hear him. Jasper had tried to ask Colin why he was obsessed with cultivating a drum of molten bitumen, and every time he did Colin would ignore him, or change the subject. He never did anything with it. Sometimes after watching the same pot of bitumen for a while he'd say it was no good. Usually after a few weeks of melting and stirring and adding road flakes to the same bloody thing. Then he'd scrape the drum out and start again. The fire would go out overnight, and before he thought about boiling some water or making some toast in the morning he'd be over to the bitumen, relighting it as if it was going to do something special. He would always say it with a special emphasis, Bitumen, Bitumen, never just bitumen, but Bitumen, BIT-chew min.
Jasper thought it was odd, didn't really mind too much. They were both homeless, it's just that being homeless due to being on the browny brown was more common than just being homeless for no apparent reason and constantly melting bitumen. Sorry, Bitumen, Bit-chew min. Colin was obviously just a little bit extra mental, and hadn't abandoned real life for a daily drug habit like the rest of us. But saying that, his Bitumen habit was quite reminiscent of someone constantly melting down a lump of brown for a needle.
"Did you get yourself some dinner while you were out Colin?"
"Hmn no, I erm, I was a bit waylaid, err...I'll just have some toast."
I suppose I'd have more stuff for cooking if I didn't buy heroin. I quite often have to coast on having toast for a dinner. Peanut butter does get boring. But so does life. Heroin makes you sleepy, and if you don't have it you feel ill. Right now I'm avoiding life by smoking on my sleepy bitumen. Tea and toast you men, bit of tea, bit you men, big chew men, with tea and toast.
"Oh fuck."
Jasper had nodded forward until the heat from his soup was burning his forehead. He put the suacepan down on the floor to cool down some.

>> No.17677428
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>3 & half stars
woo. let's go

>> No.17677431

Double line breaks would make it a lot easier to read.

>> No.17677438

>4 chapters in
For some reason I've been a lot more motivated to write in pen/paper than typing. I feel like I can finish something big this year

>> No.17677440

Been writing on and off ever since I started it in an /a/ writing thread, almost exactly two years ago.

>> No.17677489

Yeah. I'll be going back once I'm done with the entire story and then rewriting most of it and editing it down.
For now though it's just something to keep me writing daily.

>> No.17677505

His body hung limp between the two lesser wolves as they held his arms. Blood from the cut above his left eye had obscured his vision but from his right he could see the alpha approaching. He watched in confusion as the beast began furiously licking its paw. Then as it gripped its erection and began slathering the whole thing in a thick coating of drool he understood. Thank God for small mercies.

>> No.17677528
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Would you keep reading?

>> No.17677539

Did you plagiarise my concept

>> No.17677548

I take inspiration from my own life experiences. Lemme see your shit.

>> No.17677563

>that shit hook
>"an inquiring face"
>Chemical X

>> No.17677573

>Dr is called by is assistant to examine a sample
>"Come look at this"

You don't need both.
Either have him say it, or have it described.

>> No.17677590
File: 38 KB, 245x261, elipses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God help you, anon. If you've got snippets of your edits, then it might be better to post those because what you've got on RR is atrocious.

(You)'ing myself >>17670339
I feel like you have a similar problem that I set out to fix here. You have dialogue, you have a narrative, and you have the character's emotional states. You cycle through each of them but they all fall flat. Your prose and adjectives are weak.

This reads too similar to a screenplay. I wouldn't keep reading this. Keep trying though.

>> No.17677619

"They called me crazy," said Dr. Decker. "They said I was wasting Washington region's research budget with my Far East region research. Well they can cram into their anal Ass region. As a scientist I am obligated to do anything I think can help mankind, regardless of any pedestrian concerns like 'safety' and 'money.' Soon tomorrow everyone will have their blood replaced by Material W."

Dr Decker's boss entered the room.

"Decker!" he said, shouting Decker's name with his voice. "You can't seriously plan on replacing everyone's blood with Material W. If this goes wrong we might get sued."

"I will do what I please. And right now I am pleased to make you... MY FIRST PATIENT."

"No," said the Director, having his blood replaced. "I can't believe you're replacing my blood with Material W. This hurts so bad. I want my blood back."

"Get used to it," Decker said to his boss. "This process takes several days of painful pain."

He turned on Ride of the Valkyries and laughed maniacally as lightning crashed far in the distance.

>> No.17677623


>> No.17677636

Uh, it's Material W mate.

Yeah, I have a problem with overwriting, I cut that out in my second draft. Thanks for reading.

>This reads too similar to a screenplay. I wouldn't keep reading this. Keep trying though.
Thanks, too much dialogue? I'll have to write stuff in between. Thanks for reading.

nice rewrite.


>> No.17677638

excerpt from my novel
faithlesswonderment begets the zip zapity zoo down the hoillside watch mr fudder go rolling down hes a haha habetter holy man would only become the rounder roller mr fudder let the watch out mr fudder watch him roll down the hill akinder jolly watch outer mr fudder and he spins up and down the grave down down down to the mockingjays nest up up up to the tadpoles pond let the joys of vicissitude push push push on the holly tress into the meadow and lay evermore.

>> No.17677650

Nice. I'm probably just gonna dump ass all over a piece of paper and mail it to the publisher.

>> No.17677666

if you had a character named something ridiculous yes bewilderingly kinaesthetically pleasing as a placeholder like say Pokemon Jones what would you change it to

>> No.17677668

Rewrite the text exactly as it appears or use typelit.io. Only after do you try to implement their style and structures in your writing. Other than that, there’s no way to understand what they are doing unless you have a keen eye and have already written a lot. And even then it won’t be ingrained in the way it is by writing it out.

>> No.17677674
File: 5 KB, 522x54, wc1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got to 1.5k for Monday. Want to make it 2K for the rest of the week. Looking to get to 10k by Sunday night and posting chapter one. Keep writing /wg/.

>> No.17677680

What should you do if you suddenly dislike your entire story and and its tone and arent really interested in it anymore

>> No.17677685

how do i write a protagonist i want to be unlikable yet interesting enough in the early sections that it doesnt fall into
>why should i care about this dipshit again

>> No.17677690

the same thing you'd do with any other protagonist

>> No.17677693

I usually just describe the character masturbating and his habits surrounding that for a chapter because i just think its the most direct way to make a relatable character

>> No.17677696

>Uh, it's Material W
I don't care, and that's the problem

>> No.17677697

Join the flash fiction thread

I heard that advice so much when I was younger. But there are so many great books that mostly tell. Kim Stanley Robinson says it’s horrible advice, along with most generic writing advice. I think it’s meant for very new writers.

>> No.17677705

>Thanks, too much dialogue? I'll have to write stuff in between. Thanks for reading.
No. It's your narrative. The way you've set the scene. Your dialogue is stilted. I can't imagine real people talking like that.

This is okay. Maybe work on the dialogue tags.

Rewrite it if you really like your ideas. Abandon otherwise and start something new.

Prose Rankings. Top to bottom, best to worst.
>Wish Mountain
>Saga of the Cosmic Heroes
>A Super Robot Story
>King of Beasts

>> No.17677712

>it’s horrible advice, along with most generic writing advice

As with most advice on anything in the world, you need to learn it before you break it. Because the genius lies in knowing just where and when to break it, and by how much. But most of the rest of the time you need to follow it.

>> No.17677719
File: 98 KB, 210x273, 1607589703763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone got a higher grade than me on a writing assignment.

>> No.17677751

what does showing rather than telling even mean in books? i mean technically everything you do is telling because you cant actually show anything
how would you re write that anons excerpt to be showing and not telling>>17671006

>> No.17677817

It seems there's a misunderstanding between showing & telling. Ice cream anon is all show. He shows the POV's thoughts, he shows the interactions.

Telling is most obvious when the reader feels like they're always following behind the narration, rather than alongside.

Excerpt from anon's King of Beasts is telling.
>Then they continued to march as Armal continued to call for the arrows to fire, pausing between each words to allow the archers to do as they commanded. This continued as the soldiers marched towards the small gap, and it was then that the arrows began to truly hit their mark. They had to shift their shields in such a way that it allowed some arrows to fall in through the cracks, but by then the hundred soldiers behind began to march in.

Excerpt from JK-sama's Saga of the Cosmic Heroes is showing.
>I stop for a moment and wonder if I should procure a bottle or two for myself. But upon closer inspection of the bottles in question, I realize those are the same brand as the one Brutus has. I would think that trying to take one would be too difficult and require effort in prying one from the cold intense embrace that some of these men seemingly have of their bottles. To effectively steal a man’s best friend from his very grasp is not something I would look forward to, and I imagine in their irrational stupor they would stubbornly resist without realizing who their ‘assailer’ is.

>> No.17677849

let's start simple and then work up.
>John was angry
>John scowled
Both communicate the same information but the second one is more interesting because it lets the reader figure out how John feels on their own. Sure you could tell your audience all sorts of things, but that's boring. You need to get them thinking about what they're reading or their attention will drift somewhere else.
So for anon's excerpt it's shit right off the bat.
>I'm happy.
Delete. Why is your protagonist happy? Once you've figured that out, write a sentence where the character preforms an action that demonstrates his happiness.

>> No.17677875

>what does showing rather than telling even mean in books?

>She was extremely hot and had great perky tits and Anon wanted to fuck her on sight.

>As she walked towards Anon, more than a few heads swivelled round. One chap couldn't keep his eyes off her and got a none-too-friendly cuff on the head from his date. Anon had always declared himself an avowed leg man, but thought on reflection that he could make exceptions in her case. Anon wondered if, after the case was over, he could ask her out for a nice Italian somewhere.

>> No.17677890

Dude is pandering for patreon bucks.

I stoppped reading at volume 4, guy vomits words without a second thought.

>> No.17677897


Post your favourite Sanderson excerpts.

>> No.17677933

What color is your skin?

>> No.17677942

>Delete. Why is your protagonist happy? Once you've figured that out, write a sentence where the character preforms an action that demonstrates his happiness.
You may not like it, but this is prose. The narrative is heavily focused on the POV's current state of mind. The mood shifts erratically and without a moment's notice. This is all show. Your example of "was angry" and "scowled" is correct.

>> No.17677972

Threads in a pretty good state today. Glad my post could inspire some discussion
Thanks. Let me know what you think is rough, I'm not great at editing and any practice identifying spotty writing would probably do me good
That thread actually inspired me to start doing these. Nice to see /lit/ doing something productive for a change
This is some peak /wg/. Not only did you use anon examples but you picked some appropriate ones

See you guys tomorrow morning

>> No.17677976
File: 67 KB, 879x401, chrome_2021-03-02_07-16-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forgets to attach the flash
Flash a day keeps the rust away

>> No.17678038

Going to break this down to emphasize why it's all show.

>I'm happy.
This is the perceived state of mood. MC is attempting to reinforce positivity.
>The warmth of the sun on my skin.
Mood has shifted. It's becoming negative.
>The satisfaction of a hard day's work. Sweat sticks to my skin and my ragged breath scratches my burning lungs and-
MC caught himself being negative and interrupts himself.
>I worked hard. I deserve something nice.
Reinforcing positive thoughts again.

>The line is long. The teens behind my are whispering harshly. I stink. A small dog barks in a shrill tone. The line hasn't moved. The sun beats on my back.
MC is now perceiving negative emotions from his surroundings.

>The sky is nice. It's blue- a beautiful kind. A beautiful day. The clouds are soft and... and...
He caught himself being negative again and shifts his focus to positive thoughts.

>"What would you like?"
>The old man behind the cart speaks in a dry, dead voice. He stares at me. Like a fish out of water. how long has he been doing this job? He can't even manage a smile. He's stuck in this dead end life. There's no helping it. Just smile. The least you can do is smile.
This is the MC projecting his negative state on an external source.

>The icecream is cold. The cold is nice. And sweet. It should be sweet. It should be helping.
Ice cream isn't making MC any happier.

>It hits the bottom of my trash can with a wet shlop. I'm home. I made it another day.
This line shows relief. MC is depressed.

Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

>> No.17678052

terrrible example lol

>> No.17678107
File: 955 KB, 400x282, stop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Folks, I've been trying to pump out a short story in the past two days. My work style is that I'm a pantser, but at the very end I go back and I'm a very good editor. I fix up the syntax and add in flowery language and symbolism, but the first draft is very spartan and efficient.

I do this to discover the story I want to write myself! And unfortunately what I've written so far is basically Harry Potter but slightly different. Firstly, all the aesthetics come from Power Metal, and the magic university has a gender divide. Used to be a woman's college, now men are accepted and there's hatred between the genders. My plot will be that the men are slowly picked off a killed by the men, but the main characters themselves will be saved by the school principle, who is a mighty and strong woman, both sexy but also ripped.

Thoughts on what I have so far? How terrible of a cliche it is to have the plot of a magical school. I'm thinking maybe I'll change it up a bit. Making it a hermetically school with monks and nuns, I think that will add another layer of depth to all the sexy murders.
>spider queen descends down from the ceiling and pinches the head of a boy between her thighs. She ropes him back up to her web where she crushes his head, pressing his face into her crotch until his skulls cracks and bursts like a grape.


>> No.17678113

this post is like a fine wine

>> No.17678116

*are slowly picked off a killed by the women

>> No.17678126

His lower intestine was practically screaming by the time he finished the last few bites of the rejection letter. For the last 5 days he had eaten nothing but takeout from the cheapest, greasiest Chinese and Indian places he could find and drank nothing but energy drinks. 15 minutes ago he had downed half a bottle of laxative and his digestive system was at its breaking point. He dabbed at his lips with a napkin, grabbed the manuscript and staggered over to the blue tarp in the living room. He threw his life’s work down, squatted over it and erupted.

It took all he had not to pass out from the stench as he emptied what seemed like half his body weight onto the paper. The noise sent his parrot into a squawking frenzy and activated the smart device in the other room. When it was finally over his ass, legs and feet were coated in a thick layer of shit. It was nothing compared to his manuscript which was no longer visible. Would they publish it now, he wondered to himself as he waddled to the kitchen to fetch the envelope he had prepared.

>> No.17678174

Thanks for reading anon, I think what you're saying is spot on.
Kek, it's from Beowulf. I guess I've read it so much it doesn't sound as silly to me but I see your point.
Thanks so much for taking the time for all that great feedback anon, it's extremely helpful. I'm experimenting with a more dialogue heavy story, so I have a lot to learn. Ordinarily I am on the side of show don't tell, though.
If you're still interested, I'll take a look at that story of your since you were so helpful with mine.

>> No.17678283

Finally. A reason to (You) myself again.

And the 3195 word >>17670834

>> No.17678336

Not interested in your thinly-veiled femdom fantasy

>> No.17678356

im very interested in your thinly-veiled femdom fantasy

>> No.17678484
File: 262 KB, 1216x1600, 2486ca0b178dfe92a6a1ccaa7b0cca9f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>spider queen descends down from the ceiling and pinches the head of a boy between her thighs. She ropes him back up to her web where she crushes his head, pressing his face into her crotch until his skulls cracks and bursts like a grape.
>descends down
>crushes his head, pressing...cracks...bursts
bad, but good enough for your unimaginative erotic fantasy

>> No.17678518
File: 77 KB, 398x599, 398px-49_parallel_waterton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would love any feedback on the 3-chapter teaser to my upcoming second book:


It's the second in the series to this one:


But you don't have to have read that to read this one. They're same-universe but standalone.


>> No.17678550

Still haven't figured out commas, eh?

>> No.17678567

>...stealing what she could. Forcibly from the other kids when she needed to.
...stealing what she could; forcibly when needed.
It was a little difficult, for me, to tell that Erica was being physically dragged by the ground at first. You might want to add some more description to that scene to clarify it.
>The spoon flew true
>A realization of futility washed over her
These lines seem to contradict your otherwise straightforward language. I might try re-working them to be a little simpler.
>She'd seen a wizard demolish boulders by looking at it, as this man had done with the spoon.
She'd seen a wizard demolish a boulder by looking at it, the same as this one had done with the spoon.
>he said, his eyes drilling deep
he said, eyes drilling deep
>He strode past her with footfalls resembling that of the men she once knew: dark, quiet and light.
He strode past her and his pace reminded her of the men she once knew; dark and quiet.
Could just be an American thing, but I've never heard "footfalls" used to describe footsteps and it read a little awkward to me.
I thought the dialogue was well done. It felt pretty natural and you do a good job at communicating who's speaking without it getting repetitive.
>Shot the wizard a glare
Glared at the wizard.
>...save for a few pieces of equipment meant for travel but abandoned.
...save for a few abandoned pieces of travel equipment.
>...she had been on unknown roads before. And like other unknown roads she had been on, she would find her way.
...she had been on unknown roads before and would find her way.
Overall, I think you should work on trying to condense some of your sentences and work on cleaning up the more awkward phrases like the ones I mentioned above.
I liked what I read so far, though. Slimy survivalists like Erica are some of my favorite characters in fiction.

>> No.17678571
File: 263 KB, 800x554, 800PX-~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you need commas for, you got italics don't ya?

>> No.17678660

Time for me to sleep. I'll share some parting thoughts on prose.

>What makes good first-person prose?
Good prose is when the reader is put in the midst of the story. Depressed ice cream anon did this beautifully. Lolita does the exact same thing. You get a feel of the MC even though you know they're not real. This is why I can't put JK-sama as good prose; he's doing the same things a third-person voice can do but in first-person.

>What makes good third-person prose?
A lot of this depends on scope. This is why it's popular; there's no hard rules. Just make a good narrative.

Similar to first-person. The reader should feel that they're part of the story.

And no, using flowery language for the sake of flowers doesn't make for good modern prose. There aren't all that many people alive who can understand such prose.

Feel free to disagree.

>> No.17678698

shelf it for now, come back to it later, hopefully with a new perspective

>> No.17678706

Thanks for the great feedback, anon. I agree with everything.

>> No.17678707
File: 68 KB, 999x850, 8PPvChL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons, please help a brainlet out. I want to be a webnovel writer.

So I have this cape punk story idea that i've essentially fleshed out for half a year. I would prefer it if it somehow became my magnum opus. And therefore, I feel im inadequate to write it.

So multiple times, I came across various sources typically saying that a writer finds his voice at around a million words. I have thought about and have taken it in mind.

Thing is, i don't know what to write in its place that would gain enough traction to become a successful writer overtime.

I really don't want to write regurgitated fantasy isekai litrpg harem slave novel, but also want to have Some financial success.

What do I write?

>> No.17678734

Write about an orphan kid who finds a wishing [insert object here] that grants him his wish of becoming a gigachad (one wish only)
As gigachad with a child's mind he goes on to lead a life of debauchery and gets suckered by holes, Happy Merchants and other deceptive people into doing things that are not in his best interest
Add vampires for variety and sex appeal

>> No.17678775

I'd read another Wizard Knight desu

Your best work won't necessarily be your magnum opus. Speaking of Gene Wolfe, I think - and he thought - that his best work was Peace. Everyone says that Book of the New Sun was his magnum opus, though. In webnovel terms, Worm is the first one Wildbow wrote, and though it's not his best writing, it will absolutely be his magnum opus in the eyes of others. The trick is that it's the story that makes a novel good, not your ability to write it. If you have a compelling idea for a story that drives you to write it, start writing it. Don't waste your time dithering over some idea you're less attached to because someone told you to write a million words first.

>> No.17678783

So what? Maybe he spent twice as much time as you did. Maybe he just pandered to the teacher. If it really bothers you try to befriend this person, competition often makes you better.

>> No.17678782

Wolfe liked Peace that much? Why?

>> No.17678803

Anyone know where I can find good ideas for things to write about just to practice? I like the act of writing, but I feel like I don't have anything to say.

>> No.17678818

He said that it was the most successful at doing what it was trying to do - that is, tell a story which simultaneously obscures and reveals the nature of the protagonist.

>> No.17678827

I guess he'd know best.

>> No.17678858

Slice of life stuff is pretty easy. Write about an interesting story from your own life.

>> No.17678904

Alternatively, everyone has something to say. If you feel like you don't have anything to say, you probably feel like you're missing something important that would allow you to have something to say if you had it. If you feel that way, there's something that you feel is important. If there's something that you feel is important, there's something worth writing about. It just takes some introspection to figure out what you think you're lacking.

>> No.17678914

Because I've had an unbreakable combo up until now, stretching all the way back to the beginning of Fall semester. I've received the highest grade on all my writing assignments since then. Now it's all ruined. I'm doomed to shit myself and cry myself to sleep like a baby boy.

>> No.17678964

You're never going to learn unless you experience this also.

>> No.17679053

>got around 700 words done today
>just wanna talk about Bionicles and watch youtube videos instead of writing
So much for 2k words a day...

>> No.17679068

That sounds like a literal wish-fulfillment fantasy. Funny enough, I've actually considered writing a novel filled with self-indulgent witches, magic, debauchery and vampires.

I will keep these words of yours in mind over the next few of days of ruminating.

I only fear my own incompetence in unintentionally fucking it up. But Perhaps this is just an excuse not to write it.

I've always found it sad when people object to reading Ward simple because it doesn't carry the same mantle as Worm.

Thanks for the unintended recommendation, I've never read any of gene wolf's work, so i've put both peace and book of the new sun on my reading list.

>> No.17679079

Glad it was useful fren. Thanks again for all your feedback.
I'm not a fan of scatological humor, but I actually thought this was pretty well written. Hope it's not auto-biographical.

>> No.17679092

>That sounds like a literal wish-fulfillment fantasy.
Yes, in the fine tradition of Captain Marvel (the original) and Gene Wolfe's Wizard Knight

>> No.17679106

Write freely. Your first novel is going to end like 40-50k long and as good as a first draft. But instead of editing, look at what you did wrong, because over the course of writing you'll get better, and write the second one. Then maybe third, or go back and edit the first into shape, or rewrite it.

>> No.17679112

Realistically, you can use a comma whenever you want for pause in your writing, as long it's not a comma splice, correct? Or am I wrong?

>> No.17679173

>>just wanna talk about Bionicles
Strangely based.

>> No.17679203

Thank you for advice friend, I've only recently learned that people actually write multiple drafts.

I always thought simply line editing turned it into a second draft, and heavily editing again became a third, and so and so forth.

(which is kind of stupid, at least I can attribute it to my secondhand english).

>> No.17679212

But anon, people write digitally now so there's no need for the kind of drafting people used to do, you can just do all your editing in a single file

>> No.17679271

By second I meant try a different approach to the story. Like, try 1st person instead of 3rd and make it make sense, make another character the protagonist, etc. Or just write a different story..

>> No.17679277

Thanks, I'll give it a try

>> No.17679352
File: 1.89 MB, 1200x800, Scaredy cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have reached 40 thousand words. Everything I write is increasingly zany and humorous, unless it's talking about something that touched my heart.
I'm having a good time but I'm worried my sense of humor doesn't appeal to others. My mom laughed at an excerpt but motherly love disqualifies her opinions.

>> No.17679400

>I'm having a good time
Sounds like you're doing it right
>but I'm worried my sense of humor doesn't appeal to others
don't worry about that shit
>My mom laughed at an excerpt but motherly love disqualifies her opinions
yeah, basically. just focus on getting your story down before seeking approval. you're never going to make everybody happy, its a complete waste of effort to try

>> No.17679416

Would be nice to make someone happy, and it might as well be me.

>> No.17679426


>> No.17679438

Good. if you were writing for any other reason you'd need to reevaluate your priorities

>> No.17679507
File: 39 KB, 1280x720, You wouldn't get it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll keep on keeping on, then.

>> No.17679589
File: 36 KB, 540x960, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Art of Fiction
>Story Genius: How to Use Brain Science to Go Beyond Outlining and Write a Riveting Novel (Before You Waste Three Years Writing 327 Pages That Go Nowhere)
>On Becoming A Novelist
>Writing Fiction: A Guide to Narrative Craft
>How Fiction Works
>The Rhetoric of Fiction
>Steering the Craft
>The Weekend Novelist
>Aristotle's Poetics
>Hero With a Thousand Faces
>Romance the Beat

which one of these is the best bros?

>> No.17679726

None of them.

>> No.17679787

All of them.

>> No.17679839

You got too cocky, bro.

>> No.17679883

Any tips on marketing books? I feel like I'm doing everything to market my book, without spending money. But I don't have any preorders yet.

>> No.17679961

Could do it the indie way, print a bunch of copies of some short stories or something and leave them around in bookshops, art gallery's and shit while growing a small core audience (colleges are great for this shit there's usually some sort of writing club or society) and build from there.

>> No.17679965

Personally, I like Story Genius. It's the most immediately useful. There's also Hemingway's lecture on writing, which is more about short stories but I think in its delivery is instructive about style.

I was going to give you advice, but why the fuck would you expect preorders if you're so new that you have to ask about shit like that here?

>> No.17679978

Who the fuck would preorder some literally who's book?

>> No.17680106

Would you preorder F Gardner's new book?

>> No.17680124


>> No.17680136

goddamn it grrdner

>> No.17680152

F Gardner Is the most successful writer on /lit/, it’s how it is.

>> No.17680197

Where is Gardnee on the literally who <------------> legit author scale?

>> No.17680219

Near Faulkner, Tolkien, Shakespeare, etc.

>> No.17680324

Buy them and find out.

>> No.17680362

Write 1300 words about your favorite Bionicle anon.

>> No.17680378

Isn’t that FanFiction?

>> No.17680399

Just change the names.

>> No.17680405

Isn’t that plagiarism?

>> No.17680415

Just change your name when done.

>> No.17680430

Seems like a lot of trouble. Just write something original.

>> No.17680437

Thumbs up, unironically. Good pace and description.

>> No.17680481

Yeah, develop a following before becoming an indie writer.

>> No.17680515

Just write.

>> No.17680539

Never going to make it.

>> No.17680598

Just write.

>> No.17680612

keep seething.

>> No.17680624

how do i write in a way that encapsulates the tone or feeling that pic related gives? can anyone help

>> No.17680627

Why are you hating on him? He actually writes.

>> No.17680638

Just write, how hard is it to understand?

>> No.17680652

For many? Difficult.

>> No.17680656


pic didnt post
i tried but i didnt like my voice so scrapped the entire thing i hate you so much man

>> No.17680658

It’s a smart advertisement

>> No.17680661

Just keep writing until you find it. You're finding excuses to not write.

>> No.17680667

Many such cases.

>> No.17680677

i would start by not writing at all

>> No.17680697

why are you guys acting like i dont write you are being cruel
why arent my pictures posting doe sthis work hello??

>> No.17680700

But my dream of becoming like Thomas Pynchon.

>> No.17680714

>why are you guys acting like i dont write you are being cruel
Well, if you actually write, you wouldn't be having this problem.

>> No.17680724

I do write ok its just that i dont read all the smart books on /lit/ because im busy writing and i work as a gas station attendant and fear for my life every night
does /lit/ not allow images outside of OP
pic related im gonna quit if this doesnt post

>> No.17680734

Sounds like an excuse.

>> No.17680753

listen these posts would make more since if i could post the pic that captures the tone and prose i want to aim for

>> No.17680908
File: 97 KB, 550x376, 1614715449979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17680973

This is the tone and prose and feel and voice I want to capture

>> No.17680995

So shit?

>> No.17681013


>> No.17681838

BookFunnel for marketing. Have to pay though.

>> No.17682228

Navy blue with pink polka dots.