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17666926 No.17666926 [Reply] [Original]

It's not like they're going anywhere.
>A married Japanese woman ignored by her husband starts a sordid affair with the white foreigner renting the apartment next doors to hers and gets pregnant is plans on keeping the child and raising it.

Planning on writing it in epistolary

>> No.17667606

OP are these your personal fantasies?

>> No.17667629

I have one really good idea which I actually don’t want to write but nonetheless don’t want to share because I think it’s a really good idea.

>> No.17667753

No one is stealing your shitty idea, anon.

>> No.17667909

Obviously, they’re not. I haven’t told anyone about it yet.

>> No.17668128


A lonely professor (M) meets up with his highschool sweetheart (J). Having spent nearly two decades apart the two rekindle their relationship, and during a brief holiday together, they decide to elope. Not long after, however, J begins to exhibit strange behavior and bouts of fatigue and M begins to have doubts about their marriage. J's mental and physical health both deteriorate quickly due to an un-diagnosable illness which - on bad days - leaves J too feeble to walk. M struggles to manage his work load and his stricken wife's faltering health, slipping slowly in a depression fueled by conflicting thoughts of regret and duty. M's inner turmoil compounds when one of his young male students offers to buy him a drink, and a burgeoning relationship throws even his own sexuality into question.
Basically examining themes of duty and commitment by torturing this poor lonely professor with twink ass. And the inner conflict explored would be whether or not M is actually a repressed gay man, or if his marriage is just so desperate that he would try anything and think anything about himself just to save himself from the moral scrutiny of divorcing his sick wife.

>> No.17668171


>> No.17668187


are you stupid

Health, romance, duty and commitment with some homo vibes on there

new york times best seller list and normie loser soys would eat this shit up

>> No.17668731

I had an idea for a fantasy setting where the sky is a purple swirling thing, what looks like an eye is the sun, and the civilized world exists inside the open maw of a giant wormlike beast. The various inhabitants of this world live in cities carved in the worms teeth, under it's tongue, etc, and outsiders travel into the mouth from other parts of the worm the "city" dwellers don't know about. The people in the cities, since each tooth is basically a separate city state and there are vast tracts of "land" between the teeth, aren't sure what the sun/eye thing is exactly. Some think it's the eye of a god looking into their world, others think it's just some kind of inanimate magical object like a sun, without feeling or will. The most radical sects believe it is a portal that leads to another world. The worm's life cycle is so slow and long that nobody for the entire history of their world can remember a time when the worm moved or ate or breathed. Essentially the worm is so massive as to be near infinite to the population that inhabits it. I hadn't decided what kind of beings live there, or even exactly what their cultures might be like. I just had a vision one day of a giant worm in this hellish dimension with its mouth wide open and a society in the worms mouth and I think the phrase and faith no more song title "as the worm turns" stuck in my head even though it has nothing to do with the concept.

>> No.17669889

It follows the protagonist going about her everyday life normally, however, she slowly starts to become aware of the reader. She thinks you are a stalker at first and confides in her friends and family but they think she is crazy as they are not aware of you. Eventually, she is shunned by them. As the story progresses it becomes an unrequited love story between the reader and the protag and you are all she has left. After some time she can feel the end of the book approaching and tells you that although she will forget you, she hopes you will always remember her. She asks that you one day read her story one more time so that she can fall in love with you all over again.

>> No.17669909

A boy falls in love with a girl.
Unable to confess, he is gifted with by a deus ex machina with the girl's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.
But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day's confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same girl he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn't exist in this universe at all. She is the girl's alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC's own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.
Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of LOVE.

>> No.17669981

Wasn't this turned into an anime movie?

>> No.17670625

>new york times best seller list
Such a meme.

>> No.17671824

I would unironically read that. At first, I thought it was a Your Name/that one webtoon with the ghost boy and girl ripoff, but the unique twist makes it better.

Seems familiar, I wouldn't be surprised if this exact plot was already done somewhere.

based faggot

>> No.17671919

A girl goes to a party somewhen in the 1920s with her fiance. As story progresses weird things start to happen and reality gradually loses coherence, until the place looks like some nightmarish backrooms. It is revealed that she's in fact a memory of a dying person. A man appears. He tells her it's time to go. They leave the building and walk into the darkness.

>> No.17671980

Do it anon. Looks like some shit Mori Ōgai would write.

>> No.17672015

I like it. I hope you're able to write people well; otherwise it would just be fapbait and that's no fun.

>> No.17672019

>I would unironically read that. At first, I thought it was a Your Name/that one webtoon with the ghost boy and girl ripoff, but the unique twist makes it better.
Anon, I...

>> No.17672036

Don't start with that. Everyone's got guilty pleasures.

>> No.17672088

>he doesn't know...

>> No.17672422

First half of this is The Comforters by Spark

>> No.17672686
File: 82 KB, 239x229, distressedpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... w-what is it that I don't know?

>> No.17672880

I don’t know what that is nor do I want to know.

>> No.17672911
File: 16 KB, 159x172, arent ye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on a story where a small village protagonist goes on an adventure to find a cure for his little brother after a vodnik told him he would find it in a faraway mountain. The village has a lot of people who were impacted by a war that happened years ago and just as the adventure begins so too does another war start between kingdoms. Over the course of the story, the village maestros get together to build a DIY aircraft to go and bring the protagonist back.

The protagonist takes obedience and discipline after his father (died from last war) and resolves to find a cure at all costs.
His mother is a wild beast that tries stopping him from leaving and even fights off officials as they come to conscript him. She ends up flying the aircraft to save him.
The old officer was his father's best friend and promised his wife he would never leave but this time flies the aircraft with the protagonist's mother to make up for not having come back with his best friend in the last war. (he never returns)
There are a lot of other characters whose stories are part of a greater conflict but i'm still working on it.

>> No.17673360


Main character is immortal and is constantly going on talk shows because his immortality is well known and a huge tourism draw for whatever country he is staying in because people want to catch a glimpse of him. He's also pumping out new biographies every month due to having lived so long that are constantly changing or rewriting history or religion which makes him not favourable in certain people's eyes. His story ends with him discovering he has graying hair and is slowly aging, growing concerned over his future.

>> No.17673436

A Spanish loony and early follower of Freud's ideas visits Trabzon during the last years of the ottoman empire in order to inspect its psychoanalytic significance in Don Quixote (yes Freudian analysis of literature came later but fuck you) and its residents who were still distant from Western influence
His misadventures with the people there are the gist of the story

>> No.17674534

It's an anime.

>> No.17674866
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>> No.17674906

What’s this meme implying? AI is reproducing?

>> No.17674992
File: 118 KB, 1200x1200, rat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A body horror in which a man believes he is inside the wrong body and is in fact a rat. He begins adopting the rat lifestyle walking on all fours, digging in dumpsters, rolling around in his own piss and shit, wearing a fake tail and ears, and becoming extremely obese by stealing all of his girlfriends food. He makes his gf, friends, and family only refer to as being a rat. Anyone that appears disgusted by this lifestyle is first shown as being ratophobic in the media, and then shunned by mainstream society. The protagonist undergoes a dangerous surgery wherein he has real rat fur grafted onto his skin, he acquires whiskers from his ass hair being grafted onto his cheeks, has his ears clipped to look like a rat, and acquires a tale from various skin and bones from cadavers being grafted and attached to his backside. The novel ends with the protagonist happily remarking that everyone in society is more and more is transforming into a rat and all of those who try to resist are cast out of mainstream society and portrayed as villains, declaring that love and acceptance will win out.

>> No.17675077

Very kafkaesque

>> No.17675163
File: 193 KB, 917x1200, 1613831613018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been working on this one for a few years anons
Basically a parody of college greek life set in Ancient Greece
Has plenty of references to greek myth and philosophy
Deals with person vs. persona, youthful dissonance, nihilism and self-destruction, the constant feeling that your "youth" is the only thing that matters
Ultimate answer is of course honest love in the face of "putting on a mask and pretending you love something"

Its stupid I know but I thought I should start my writing career with the Greeks since that is how I started my reading one as a child.

>> No.17675294

Cool idea Anon.

>> No.17675388

In the near future, a giant asteroid is on a collision course with the Earth. Most of humanity focuses on trying to stop it, but there are other, small plans.
One involves sending a ship with lots of frozen embroys to a distant exoplanet that has a human-friendly atmoshpere. The ship is operated by the friendliest AI that existed on Earth.
Two decades before arriving, it unfreezes eight embryos so they could make help with with colonising the planet and raising the rest.
Growing up while having virtual access to all of human culture, they realize that this unique situation made them completely different from the rest of humanity. One half (including the girl protagonist) accepts it, while the other (with her boyfriend) considers it a failure.
Tensions rise and finally the second half temporatily cuts off AI from a part of the ship and destroys a machine keeping the embryos frozen. A fight ensues. AI recovers control and releases a sleeping gas, but it's too late.
Our protagonist falls asleep with her dead boyfriend in her arms, her last thoughts being that she and the AI are the last two alive and that her boyfriend was right.

>> No.17675666

Jesus do I really need to spell it out for you knuckleheads, a quick google search of the copypasta will answer.

>> No.17675687

sounds cute g

>> No.17675741
File: 263 KB, 800x800, 761E5E54-9CE3-4F80-A7F3-0366832F677D.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a quick google search
Nice try, satan

>> No.17675917

A money making meme. i'm not writing for my heath

>> No.17676057

Nevada's drainage system is occupied by not only the dregs of society but is also used in the transportation of illegal immigrants out of Mexico.

Once or twice a year, massive storms come and clear out everything that one existed within the drainage system.

It's called 'Th e Wash' and apparently only people from Nevada know about it.

>> No.17676076

Do you use the same trip on [s4s]?

>> No.17676090

Haven’t been there since before the chan/nel split... but The yellow boards wipe the name off even before.
It used to be cute, but it’s trash now

>> No.17677427

Seems cool.

>> No.17677436

some c0da sounding shit

>> No.17677506

A collection of essays centered around "The Times". The essays detail a multitude of subjects from organization, jews, learning a language, and lifestyle.

>> No.17678840

Sounds boring

>> No.17679156

not everything has to be interesting

>> No.17679363

Does if it wants to be not boring

>> No.17679606

boring is good.

>> No.17679917
File: 30 KB, 500x667, 007c1d2d9baa5e4747c6311e0c2a3694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just came up with this now and I'm unsure which way to go. Years back lobotomies were seen as miracle cures for certain mental illnesses:
>reference to Rosemary Kennedy's lobotomy
>woman keeping journal who suffers from seizures
>historical setting
>her father hears about how lobotomies can cure seizures
>story follows her leading up to her surgery
>final entry is gibberish
>story about an insane asylums patient in the same time period
>one of his few privilege is being allowed to have a journal and a pencil
>story just follows his life there and the happens of the asylum and his afflicted thoughts
>his mental illness gets worse and they schedule a lobotomy
>final chapter is gibberish
I think the former would work better as a short story where as the latter would work better as a novel. I think an asylum setting would be interesting and I having the last entry be gibberish or clearly display the cognitive decline would be fun.

>> No.17679927

it's a copypasta

>> No.17680032


>> No.17680473
File: 275 KB, 1800x1800, 1596759231905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Young detective begins hunting a serial arsonist who specifically burns down endangered plant life. The detective is good at figuring shit out but awful in the field, and his superiors do not believe him so he gets his ass kicked for a long time. This is because the serial arsonist is the son of a serial killer who is a massively successful politician who has already been the president of the United States for two terms. Detective man has to decide if this is even worth trying to get involved in and whether he even cares about the serial arsonist son in the face of a serial killer.

>> No.17680672




>> No.17682014

Try writing both.