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/lit/ - Literature

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17666810 No.17666810[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The national bestseller.
Nigger. Now that's literature.

>> No.17666832

fuck off back to /pol

>> No.17666844

It’s “the nuclear bomb of racial epithets,” a word that whites have employed to wound and degrade African Americans for three centuries. Paradoxically, among many black people it has become a term of affection and even empowerment.

>> No.17666853


Unlike /lit/, it looks like /pol/ got published.

>> No.17666856

Being a 'victim' is not powerful, it puts you in the power of your benefactor and steels your enemy in righteous fury

>> No.17667193

The niggers stole nigger from the white man. The white man HATES having things taken away because he assumes everything belongs to him. That's what all this boils down to. The white man can't stand that the thought that something isn't his.

>> No.17667258

blacks call each other "nigger" not "nigga", and the reason whites don't call blacks nigger publicly to their face is that they'd get beat up if they did.

>> No.17667263

we've published several books. all shit.

>> No.17667271

fuck off back to redd*t. you messed up the format and exposed yourself

>> No.17667289

that the thought that that the thought the white man thought that learn how to type a sentence you fucking mutant.

>> No.17667301
File: 172 KB, 796x1024, Wanderer above the sea and fog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>n. The white man HATES having things taken away because he assumes everything belongs to him.
The innate desire for freedom in Whites means that nothing is off limits, not even "nigger."

>> No.17667303

>muh reddit
>muh asterisk
Fuck off fag.

>> No.17667311

Whites aren't even real


>> No.17667653
File: 462 KB, 774x671, i read it twice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17667670
File: 1.05 MB, 1242x1626, 8265D73D-07FD-4A84-A9CC-EC893D345C70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I often find myself saying “nigger” and sometimes “nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger”, sometimes to an imaginary rhythm in my head to myself quite often. I have also started calling my dogs Goy and Goyim lately. “Lets go outside goyim!” “Yes, yes, eat your food goy” “time for bed goyim, let’s go!”

>> No.17667690


>> No.17667805

imagine a word so hurtful you chimp out when you hear it

>> No.17667855
File: 50 KB, 720x530, 1596116793189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gee it’s almost like blacks are all violent savages or something

>> No.17668874


>> No.17668889

H-hello... I'd like one copy of... uhhhh... one copy of...

>> No.17668912

should i get this for my coffee table?
i don't actually have a coffee table i'm a poor piece of shit

>> No.17668955
File: 70 KB, 380x349, boomer wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember the Boston Public episode where the English teacher makes his students read the book and they have a big conversation about the n-word.

>> No.17669148

>Now that's literature.

>> No.17669159

Wanting to say the n-word is such a stupid hill to die on desu.

>> No.17669312

bro this shit is fuckin hilarious


>> No.17669321

ya i looked it up it's real. i'm fuckin dying right now

this would be a great joke gift

>> No.17669342

it's literally the most powerful word in the english language and the reason they HATE it when white people say it is because it implies a full and complete rejection of every single facet of leftist multiracialism. to say the word nigger is to dissent so completely against the dominant political ideology that it is literally illegal in some contexts (like at work). i would go as far as to say that you can't even actually dissent against the present order in any meaningful way at all if you won't say the word nigger, it's the simplest litmus test there is - if you won't say it, it's because you're really a leftist at heart, and care about the same things leftists care about (like niggers)

>> No.17669409

it's not just leftist multiracialism, it's the entire status quo of braindead consumerism, it's a rejection of judaism itself

that's what makes it so attractive
with one word you can separate friend from foe, you can separate human from degenerate slave

>> No.17669418

>it's a rejection of judaism itself

>> No.17669478

pull back the curtains. who owns the theatre

>> No.17669481


>> No.17669497

Personally, I think it's the Muslims (by which I mean the House of Saud and associated Gulf royal houses). Jews are attacked and threatened everywhere outside of America and Israel. Meanwhile, Muslims will conquer Europe within our lifetimes and the House of Saud has amassed one of the world's greatest stockpiles of wealth. They push Wahhabi ideologies all over the world with impunity, and got away with terrorism and murder all over the world, even in Amerca. They run the show, not an endangered group of people in decline and surrounded.

>> No.17669507
File: 46 KB, 800x450, 3256466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You type like a sodomite and your shit's all retarded

>> No.17669575


>> No.17669594


>> No.17669600

Yes OP, you can say it on the internet without repercussions.
How is high school going?

>> No.17669616

t. nigger

>> No.17669682
