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/lit/ - Literature

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17664385 No.17664385[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who do you think is the best artist to ever walk on earth across all mediums?

>> No.17664391

Either Goethe or the Band The Mars Volta

>> No.17664454


>> No.17664468


William Blake

>> No.17664480
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Probably Wagner.

>> No.17664500
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>> No.17664509
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>> No.17664512

some cumbrain

>> No.17664513

On a technical level, this, but as far as a poetic vision, "how far one sees," it would go to any number of the more typical names. Goethe as the other anon said, Shakespeare, Dante, Homer, Aeschylus, Cervantes, etc.

>> No.17664528
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>across all mediums
only one answer

>> No.17664555


>> No.17664559

Who dis

>> No.17664561


>> No.17664594

Answer will present itself, if you reveal to us what properties does your concept of "best artist" have. And then clarifying, from which premise those properties were chosen, over all others? Really interested in getting an answer to this >>17664385

>> No.17664622


>> No.17664628

It’s like asking what is the best culture to ever walk across earth, or who was the best warrior to ever walk across earth, which are kind of absurd questions and I don’t think they can be answered definitively.

>> No.17664636

Explain your choice

>> No.17664639

Moggd neetsczzz hard into a mental breakdown

>> No.17664640

>I don’t think they can be answered definitively.
We already got a lot of answers here

>> No.17664645

Saw his interviews, he doesn't seem too deep

>> No.17664655

Liam Gallagher

>> No.17664663

>so random lol
That summarizes his work. inb4 LYNCHED, go back to /tv/ faggot

>> No.17664680
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Sorry bro but

>> No.17664705

Doesn’t mean they’re right.

>> No.17664721

this anon

>> No.17664759

>da Vinci attributes:
>one of the greatest painters ever (arguably the greatest)
>brilliant inventor, engineer, scientist and mathematician

>Wagner attributes:
>one of the greatest composers ever (arguably the greatest)
>brilliant poet, dramatist, scene-painter and philosopher of art and society

Any other competitors?

>> No.17664779

>William Blake attributes
>one of the most fascinating painters ever
>one of the best verse and prose writers in existence, even inventing free verse
>creator of a self coherent religious and philosophical system

>> No.17664786

bertrand russel

>> No.17664787

Bach, Big Willie or Homer.

>> No.17664800

the one true polymath. please feel free to dive into his work.

>> No.17664835

Except Wagner used it all towards his Total Work of Art architectonically across his life, while Da Vinci could quickly captures the figurative of an idea (first as sketch, then as painting), though sometimes with a mathematical unity, it was quickly moving from one project to another. That is to say, Da Vinci's polymathy was more disconnected from just art itself. So Op's question depend on what he means by "all mediums".

>> No.17664841

Maybe OP doesn’t even mean using multiple fields but just, who’s the best of the best of all time, ignoring the medium they used? At that point we could bring in people like Shakespeare and Bach into the question

>> No.17664892

She's got that dreamy look because I'm just under the surface with her, servicing her nether works, injecting my kaviar into her spice jar. Not long after she'll start to spawn at the turn of dawn.

>> No.17664902

I don't think being a polymath reduces one's ability to be an artist, but what you say does broaden the question to pretty much any great artist.

>> No.17664904

>the Band The Mars Volta
I mean I think Deloused is a pretty good album but they were drug addled degenerates who never did anything comparable after that

>> No.17664917


>> No.17664932
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I agree with Bach and Shakespeare. I have to add Rubens.

>> No.17664947


>> No.17664959

Rembrandt > Rubens

>> No.17664961

Kanye West, musician, fashion designer, painter, architect.

>> No.17664965

Deloused is my favorite album of all time and Frances was also god tier. Only after Octahedron did they fall off imo

>> No.17664975

>Too talentless to compose a proper symphony

>> No.17664984


>> No.17664985

stinky san fran hipsters

>> No.17664996

Imagine lacking this much musical education.

>> No.17665020

Are we still looking for the most retarded question on /lit/ ever?

>> No.17665028

Im portuguese

>> No.17665033
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All true men have a muse which they can't refuse, she is the origin of the world and the greatest artist that mankind has ever or will ever come across till cyborg voices wake us and one drowns in a sea of zeros.

>> No.17665044


>> No.17665051 [DELETED] 

Opera is a lowbrow medium and Wagner is a lowbrow composer. His progressive tonality was half-baked when compared against Mahler, and Brahms was the better late romantic composer generally. All of them were inferior Mozart, Bach, and Schubert, and not just in a relative sense. I won't shit on leitmotif because I'm not some mamby-pamby queer like Adorno.

>> No.17665082

Emin is shit tho

>> No.17665088

Opera (except for Dido and Aeneas) is a lowbrow medium and Wagner is a lowbrow composer. His progressive tonality was half-baked when compared against Mahler, and Brahms was the better late romantic composer generally. All of them were inferior to Mozart, Bach, and Schubert, and not just in a relative sense. I won't shit on leitmotif because I'm not some mamby-pamby queer like Adorno.

>> No.17665114
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>> No.17665159

>across all mediums
That’s retarded anon
But as someone born 27 years ago:
the best musicians are stravinsky and beefheart
the best filmmaker is unanimously bresson

>> No.17665169
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>> No.17665203

>Opera (except for Dido and Aeneas) is a lowbrow medium and Wagner is a lowbrow composer.
Crappy and inexplicable logic.

>His progressive tonality was half-baked
Meaningless words.

Pretty much every important musical figure of the Romantic era (everyone you named to be sure) would disagree with you. And without Wagner we would understand Mozart far less, because he is the closest composer to him.

>> No.17665226

Lel, Brahms would hold Wagner in higher regard than himself?

>> No.17665237

As he did.

>> No.17665276 [DELETED] 

If not posessing a Wagnerian indignation of Wagner himself was a prerequisite for not sucking him off, then the perhaps Nietzsche was correct in his assessment.

>> No.17665364

If not posessing a Wagnerian indignation for Wagner himself were a prerequisite for not sucking him off, then perhaps Nietzsche was correct in his assessment.

>> No.17665367

/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

>> No.17665401

>Brahms, a collector of historic music scores and first editions, owned the Wagner's handwritten score of the "Venusberg" music from Tannhäuser and the concert ending for the prelude of Tristan and Isolde, given to him by friend and pianist Karl Tausig in 1864 (Bozarth, New Grove (2001), 4:188; Swafford, 269-70) When Wagner learned what Tausig had done, he was outraged. Brahms finally agreed to give back it back—in 1875—in exchange for a deluxe printed score of Das Rheingold (Swafford, 400-401).

Wtf was Brahms so greedy?

>> No.17665464
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This guy is in the top 10 at least and so are Flight of the Conchords
Also JS Bach, Monet, and Proust

>> No.17665473

I have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.17665493
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And ah throw in a filmmaker ... Terrence Malick

>> No.17665504


>> No.17665515

unironically high IQ answer

>> No.17665518


And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:

And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

>> No.17665522

Frances the Mute pretty dang good, but I prefer ATDI

>> No.17665546

Powerful words

>> No.17665547

During Steve Martin younger age, there were already color pohotagrphs phototakers. Whys this one black and white ? Not questioning his artistry tho

>> No.17665747
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Are all great artists damned for their vision, their pride?

Also Fra Angelico and Hieronymous Bosch

>> No.17665814

>Are all great artists damned for their vision, their pride?
A first interesting question, but one which itself turns into pridefulness when it supposes so much good in the world is bad, and it itself better.

>> No.17665829

What's so great about Goethe? Could you describe his work to me?

>> No.17665833
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>> No.17665845

Problem? It's not that bad, it's just something he wrote on the side for a woman.

>> No.17665878

Hilarious b8. Zero (0) people like Goethe.

The answer>>17664385 is Shakespeare

>> No.17666011

Read Faust and you'll understand

Filtered beyond comprehension

>> No.17666187

Leonade del vincho and if you don’t agree you are a midwit brainless Reddit fag

>> No.17666199

Eat a dick

>> No.17666206

I'm not disagreeing with your choice, but da Vinci is the go to "genius" for reddit.

>> No.17666645

Michelangelo and if you don't agree you are a midwit brainless Reddit fag

>> No.17666785

Don't know, but Hemingway, Robert Smith, Wong Kar-wai, Terrance Mallick, Ian Curtis, Cocteau Twins, Salinger, Kubrick, Henry James, Lynch, and Joyce are all top notch

>> No.17666789

John von Neumann or Avey Tare

>> No.17666793

Michelangelo is pretty much entirely an artistic genius though, and for the plastic arts at that. He's probably the greatest purely plastic artist there ever was, but there are others equally as far reaching in the non-plastic arts.

>> No.17667384


>> No.17667390

good taste minus salinger

>> No.17667396


>> No.17667405

>sistine chapel
>last judgement
yeah it's not even close. 5 of the all time greatest masterpieces, all by the same man

>> No.17667410

I don’t understand what you’re trying to say here

>> No.17667413

You don't think da Vinci or Wagner compare?

>> No.17667437

Interesting prose

>> No.17667445


>> No.17667450

This is quite good (in a skitzo way). You should write a novel anon.

>> No.17667453

we're really splitting hairs when comparing men of this caliber. simply if I had to give one name I would select Michelangelo.

>> No.17667461


>> No.17667463

What Nietzsche says about Christianity becomes true (in the modern context), when one thinks any kind of pridefulness of great men isn't wholly excused in people like Michelangelo, wherein it's hardly a Biblical pridefulness. Even in great men like Goethe, who were not Christians, I find it hard to think because they did not say with words what every Christian does, that he is less than any of us because of sin. What sin has he destroyed, or even stopped! By his historical presence.

>> No.17667470

Fair another, there is a kind of all-important theological revelation in Michelangelo's art, which could easily make him the greatest.

>> No.17667476

Da Vinci also worked in theatre creating innovative moving elements in the stage and scenery. Also he did interior design for the wealthy family he worked for. We'll never get to see some of his missing work.

>> No.17667484

yes that is true. I also think that if any other man created one of his five masterpieces, they would be immortalized in history for it, yet here is Michelangelo who created all five. perhaps I am biased because I have seen these masterpieces on person, and as you say, they are almost divine in their beauty.

>> No.17667494


>> No.17667495
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My man! Ultimate shameful pleasure.

>> No.17667500
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Mark E Smith, maybe Leonard Cohen
some days Ian Curtis

>> No.17667506
File: 1.38 MB, 2195x3311, Jason with the Golden Fleece.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think about Thorvaldsen? I don't know enough about sculpture myself but I've heard many say that he's the greatest sculptor to ever live, including Stoddart. Here's a lecture by him which talks about it, even though I'm not a Schopenhauerian, it's well worth a watch on its own:


>> No.17667519
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>> No.17667530
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a master

>> No.17667542
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>> No.17667563

I'd argue that Plato in two mediums is more significant (and better) than many polymathic candidates ITT.

>> No.17667567
File: 500 KB, 1800x2253, 50948EED-E950-45A9-8788-DDC1F9D2AE6D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artist, anon.

>> No.17667574

You're a retard if you don't think poetry is art.

>> No.17667591

Plato wrote in hexenmeter?

>> No.17667632

You hold Gorgias' df. of poetry? Plato didn't.

>> No.17667666

what is your count butterfly

>> No.17667689
File: 30 KB, 720x480, 92DCD748-B18C-4279-A0F2-DE41C759EF7C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m sorry, the signal garbled that a bit. What did you say?

My sheets thread count?

>> No.17667698

anyone who answered with Goethe is not a serious person, just repeating a received opinion

>> No.17667704

Better than Michelangelo?

>> No.17667717

Some of us read his books, anon.

>> No.17667752
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>> No.17667767

Lmao, fuck off pseud. You would be hard pressed to find any serious scholar that didn't think Plato was a poet, for reasons including (but not limited to): the dialogues' formal debt to Old Comedy and the Sicilian mimes (esp. Sophron); his conflation of poetry and myth-telling in Rep. III, coupled with the fact that he's both a teller of myths and an imitative poet by his own definition; theia mania; the literary impact of his most famous myths and allegories. Either Plato was a poet by his own contemporary standard, or else by modern standards. It holds in both cases. IDGAF whatever sing-songy shit Gorgias thinks, who was — by his own admission — not a poet himself. Shut the fuck up before you needlessly interject again.

>> No.17667770

what is this