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File: 46 KB, 582x900, thejockowillinkway_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17663722 No.17663722 [Reply] [Original]

>The problem for those who wait .- For a higher man in whom the solution to a problem lies asleep, strokes of luck and all sorts of unpredictable things are necessary for him to swing into action at just the right time -"for an eruption," as we could say. Ordinarily it does not happen, and in all the corners of the earth sit people waiting, who hardly know to what extent they are waiting, but even less that they are waiting in vain. From time to time the call to wake up, that chance which provides the "permission" for action comes too late - at a time when the best youth and power for action have already been used up in sitting still. And many a man, in the very moment he "sprang up," has found to his horror that his limbs have gone to sleep and his spirit is already too heavy! "It is too late," he says to himself, having lost faith in himself, and is now forever useless. - In the realm of the genius, could "Raphael without hands," taking that phrase in the widest sense, perhaps not be the exception but the rule?2 - Genius is perhaps not really so rare, but the five hundred hands needed to tyrannize the kairos, "the right time," to seize chance by the forelock!
>Beyond Good and Evil Aphorism 274

Nietzsche bros... I think Jocko might be more important than what we first made him out to be

>> No.17663730

I don't think a military drone who wouldn't let himself fart without an authorizing order is a good example of a higher man who springs up to action.

>> No.17663742

trusting an atheist, nihilist, postmodernist like Nietzsche is a huge a mistake.

>> No.17663744
File: 28 KB, 499x481, 3slkto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17663745

Nietzsche lived in his mom's basement and only ever went outside to have gay sex. He only became popular because of his sister's actions.I
And stop shilling this ugly retard.

>> No.17663765

Ever thought that maybe Neetch's philosophy was a way of redeeming his own terrible life choices? Dostoevsky was a gambling and sex addict with anger issues who beat women, so he wrote books in praise of saintly individuals who would forgive murderers and fall in love with whores, and made mockery of characters who resembled himself. It takes a coomer to understand the evils of porn.

>> No.17663843

>And stop shilling this ugly retard.
never. JOCKO is life

>> No.17663876


>> No.17664229

What does this have to do with jocko? It seems like a criticism of qtards (trust the plan) and accelerationtards (just wait for the normies to erupt).

>> No.17664253

this is the worst reply I´ve ever seen on this board wow

>> No.17664285

Yes, because nietzsche lived in a vacuum and didn’t intend for his philosophy to be applied to the world, right?
And you still can’t explain how this is related to jocko. Maybe the best thing to do is kill yourself,

>> No.17664293

You´re so american it hurts

>> No.17664337

>the Internet is american

>> No.17664365

JOIN THE /J/ENERAL: >>17663373

>> No.17664372

I made this thread, you´re a nigger faggot because you made me make this thread twice due to replicable image, fuck you

>> No.17664891

but trusting a militarist, positivist, race realist like Nietzsche is not a mistake.

>> No.17665072

He's right, through procrastination I have ruined my life.

>> No.17665191

>through procrastination I have ruined my life

>> No.17665259
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The postbox is right.

>> No.17666504


>> No.17666587

I love how Jocko mogs the average 4chan autist entire existence so they have to call him a drone just to feel like they have any leg up against him.

And these are the same people calling themsleves "Kshatriya" lmao

>> No.17667128


>> No.17667241
File: 45 KB, 640x475, pulitzer_prize_winners_are_the_strongest_photographs_in_history_640_20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a good goy isn't acting. It's pure cucked.