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File: 181 KB, 452x572, Hegel_portrait_by_Schlesinger_1831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17663031 No.17663031 [Reply] [Original]

>lived during the absolute peak period of art
>thought art was shit and in decline
What the fuck was his problem?

>> No.17663037

seems like its the same as yours

>> No.17663063

Every period thinks their art is shit, everyone thinks Millenial and Zoomer art his shit, but in 100 years it will be regarded as a pinnacle of art. This shit is cyclical and wil happen as long as we are on this planet

>> No.17663072

all the music stuff people will talk about in that time will be from 1960-1990s. That will be the pinnacle. It's a dark age for music right now ever since Zoomers decided melody is cringe for some reason

>> No.17663079

>ever since Zoomers decided melody is cringe for some reason
>t. has never listened to any 20th century classical

>> No.17663097

He knew what comes after a peak

>> No.17663113

And what art from this period do you think will be regarded as a pinnacle of art 100 years from now?

>> No.17663153
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>> No.17663188

I have listened to a lot of pieces from that time actually -- dissonant Eastern European works most of all. They still had melody. I stayed away from serialism and the other postmodernist gunk. Hate that trash and even the establishment know it alienates people hard.

>> No.17663196

Can you explain to someone who knows nothing of music, how a method of composition can alienate people? What could this serialism possibly do to you?

>> No.17663198

being gay

>> No.17663200

How do zoomers think melody is cringe? Even the rappers are using melody now

>> No.17663216

Just listen to it. It has merits, but it's hella UGLY


>> No.17663230

>peak period of art

>> No.17663480

>Every period thinks their art is shit
no fuck off shut up shut up shut up you fucking cunt

>> No.17663560

Because lots of melody often sounds lame in dance music. You listen to dance music and you try to critique it from the standpoint of classical, and it’s totally incongruous.

>> No.17663584
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>Wagner provides the only anti-thesis to Hegel's death of art thesis
What did Heidegger mean by this? I thought he liked Holderlin?

>> No.17663587

Cope. Death Grips will be considered an epoch classic

>> No.17663677

Pretentious garbage.

>> No.17663758

yes...yes....good goyim...

>> No.17663761


Retard bugman

>> No.17663835
File: 32 KB, 122x128, xd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a really big theme in infinite jest is about pretentious people spouting sarcasm and honnest people who sometimes are described as pathetic for being open to emotion like mario or the drug addicts at the AA meetings in boston. sounds like you clearly have no idea about the book and label it pretentious when that exactly is like one of the biggest themes in the story bro.

>> No.17663842

They do.

>> No.17663930
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>it cannot be pretentious because pretentiousness is a theme in the book!

>> No.17664006

what's good after the 1930s?

>> No.17664106

Big agree

>> No.17664577

Music has steadily declined ever since Wagner. no difference if it is 40's jazz, 60s rock, 90s grunge, or zoomer trash, it is all shit.
The occasional shostakovich, Mahler, Tchaikovsky didnt save music but made the fall a bit more graceful.
Techno and Deathmetal are the music genres of the contemporary spirit, no longer rock and rap.
I am sorry to tell you but all art has been in steady decline, even if its morphing seems like it is simply giving way to new, it is losing its aspect as art and instead simply becoming a direct representation of human action and being.
Read Jacques Ranciere and Spengler

>> No.17664638

>but in 100 years it will be regarded as a pinnacle of art
Oh no. Oh god no. Why does it just keep getting worse.

>> No.17664673
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>implying this will be allowed to contemplate the history of art

>> No.17664685

>Every period thinks their art is shit
Because it is.
Every age is degenerating away from the ideal.

>> No.17664699

Lolno, zoomers are already nostalgic for 2000s music.

>> No.17664763

Not him. You're not wrong. Yet, you're still the bigger pseud and you didn't finish the book.

>> No.17665002

Boulez, Norgard, Messiaen, Scelsi, Xenakis, Gubaidulina, Lachenmann, Ferrari, Penderecki, Ustvolskaya, Berio, Sorabji, Nono, Cerha, Ornstein, Kagel, Varese and more contemporary Haas, Neuwirth, Posadas, Iannotta are also good

>> No.17665190

He loved romantic and greek art, read him again.

>> No.17665365





>> No.17665745


>> No.17665768

This is such a simple fact but 4chan will seethe a the thought of calling popular and contemporary things good

>> No.17666102
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oh look, cum gargler came once again to be wrong

>> No.17666207

Do you even speak Latin, you little faggot?

>> No.17666222

He was right.

>> No.17666228

Messiaen is unironically one of the greats.

>> No.17666361

Romanticism is shit

>> No.17666475 [DELETED] 

People on lit are all trad fags, of course art has declined because muh definition of musical art is this extremely limited period I chose to uphold as the peak.
We live in the age where everything has been done and copyright, the only way to make new art is to follow pop, make something extremely abstract, or be luckily born as a genius the likes of Mozart or Wagner, but even more so, because the talents they showed then are no longer that remarkable with the enormous pool of people showing similar talents and even greater talents, playing off eachother -- look at the creme of the crop of any discipline nowadays and tell me the people aren't just unbelievable with the amount of skill they were able to develop: artists are younger, better educated than, more numerous and better connected ever before; history has been made by great people and you'll need people who are almost alien to everything we've seen before to destroy pop and post and build something new on their ashes, not from them.
All much classical greek ideal fags, all trad european classicism fags, every single fag on this faggy dusted board is simping to rotten books and rusted tunes, jerking off to fucking Wagner and Tchaikovsky, and it shows.
This is why lit is dying, these alien people are not to be found here; what is to be found here, although people are unwilling to see it - because they think they are the solution: the übermensch, the next joyce whatever writer, is the mindset that led to the decline of academia and science to a mere tool of manufacture and product, and the neo liberal monolith of western pop culture -- in all fields -- destroying all arts.

>> No.17667367

He was right, romanticism sucked and we still haven't moved on from it

>> No.17668401

no they don't. spoken by someone who doesn't know anything about history. this is just 'ok boomer' meme. in fact, for most of the modern period people were pleased with the youth and excited for the future.

>> No.17668536

>Techno and Deathmetal are the music genres of the contemporary spirit,
based, my two favorite genres. only 90s stuff though

>> No.17668552

Although there is a kernel of truth to this, I wouldn’t be so sure there hasn’t been cultural epochs that were just complete trash to live in.

>> No.17668570


>> No.17668597

good taste anon
I'd add saariaho, feldman, and grisey

>> No.17668796

You fucking bitch, man. Deathmetal's beeeen dead and irrelevant, if you want melody go listen to Polyphia and Manuel Gardner Fernandes, they're zoomers changing music now go dilate please

>> No.17668817

my side

>> No.17668842

>but in 100 years it will be regarded as a pinnacle of art
they're going to be studying what the fuck even happened to us for the next ten thousand fucking years

>> No.17668848

Yeah I forgot Grisey and Feldman, they're great as well. I don't like Saariaho that much though, what I've listened from her hasn't really grabbed me, maybe I should give her another try.

>> No.17668858

The replies prove you true

>> No.17668866

if what he said comes to pass it will only mean that the human species has devolved to the level of animals

>> No.17668916

cringe. only riffs are real

>> No.17668919

All human art will be seen as a joke in comparison to AI art

>> No.17668928

Go look at Tim Henson reinventing the riff and tell me anyone in the 90's or even the late 2000's to early 2010's has been doing that...you can't

>> No.17669025

you go read Anus.com you cunt, metal's dead as punk; get in the now. Art will sort itself out, enjoy life!

>> No.17669063


>> No.17669162

Yeah, which is why you should only care what you think. Its lonely at the top.

>> No.17669207
File: 83 KB, 768x1024, 9b2676251d5313efda01e4dbdf4059379f3c6e76061c755e6312495c029320bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything is fine this is just a totally normal and fine period of history just like all the other totally normal and fine periods of history and it's all going to be okay and in fact, in the next period of history, they're going to think wow this period of history was really great, and everything was good, and definitely they won't think everything was absolutely fucking awful
t. increasingly nervous zoomer

>> No.17669235

This period of history has barely even started, we still have a century left to see what happens. We haven't even seen anything yet.

>> No.17669258

barely started? it hasn't even ended, since it began in 1945

>> No.17669277

>When a man says, "People were as pessimistic as you are in societies which were not declining, but were even advancing," it is permissible to reply, "Yes, and people were probably as optimistic as you are in societies which really declined." For, after all, there were societies which really declined. It is true that Horace said that every generation seemed to be worse than the last, and implied that Rome was going to the dogs, at the very moment when all the external world was being brought under the eagles. But it is quite likely that the last forgotten court poet, praising the last forgotten Augustulus at the stiff court of Byzantium, contradicted all the seditious rumours of social decline, exactly as our newspapers do, by saying that, after all, Horace had said the same thing. And it is also possible that Horace was right; that it was in his time that the turn was taken which led from Horatius on the bridge to Heracleius in the palace; that if Rome was not immediately going to the dogs, the dogs were coming to Rome, and their distant howling could first be heard in that hour of the uplifted eagles; that there had begun a long advance that was also a long decline, but ended in the Dark Ages. Rome had gone back to the Wolf.

>> No.17669287

Opera. Sorrows of Yung Werther. ‘Bildung’ self-improoovment

>> No.17669533

>lived during the absolute peak period of art

It wasn't exactly. By then most artists were still kind of just rehashing the Renaissance and Baroque eras and it was getting a bit stale. There were visionaries like Goya and Turner, but most artists stuck to quite a rigid set of academic formulae.

>> No.17669557

He knew Goethe personally.

>> No.17669573

Still, the visual arts were stuck in a bit of a rut.

>> No.17669589
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wow epic midwit take
what you are mistaking for being cyclical phenomena is more like a series of declining peaks on a graph. it peaks up over and over again but each time it peaks its lower than the last time

>> No.17669679

Gotta say I'd love to see you live in commieblocks, as they're soon to be 100 years old. Shame they didn't stand the test of time.

>> No.17669747

Where does something go after a peak? If it can go upwards it wasn't a peak.

>> No.17669988

Schönberg is not serialism.

>> No.17670021

it was the same for socrates and machiavelli

>> No.17670032

wow this is literally so true

>> No.17671103

>Polyphia a
you cant convince me this shit does not replicate Dubstep but with physically playing instruments
I swear I have heard half these riffs in a Savant or Rabbit Killer songs before

>> No.17671121

so why is it that we still consider romantic composers the height of classical musical composition, despite the fact that they produced their music far more than 100 years ago? why do we consider the mona lisa the most intriguing portrait ever painted, despite it being done so in renaissance italy? you make no sense, you mouthbreathing moron. no one in the future will sit down and write about how your stupid reddit rick and morty show was the pinnacle of humor in the early 21st century

>> No.17671141

>romantic composers
>the height of classical musical composition
Stopped reading right here, kys

>> No.17671163

what would you propose otherwise?

>> No.17671230

Cringe reddit level bullshit

Mona lisa is overrated, many more captivating art made by post impressionists. Max Ernst is the true artistic genius

>> No.17671424

I'd say renaissance, baroque or classical composers are all arguable. While I do enjoy many romantic, modern and contemporary compositions, the peak has certainly been passed before already.

>> No.17671434


>> No.17671704

That is not the point. I am talking about popular opinion.

>> No.17671731

Im pretty sure during the renaissance and baroque people loved contemporary stuff.

>> No.17671998

Yeah but no one had figured out how to do it on the guitar and that's why Henson is today's Jimmy Page

>> No.17672048

He's not exactly wrong. Art in the German speaking world was pretty lousy after Mozart's death until the period after Hegel died.

>> No.17672076

>Mona lisa is overrated,
Cringe reddit level bullshit.

>> No.17672083

>t. mutt
he whitnessed the highpoint of german literature (which he was greatly influenced by) with Goethe's inception.
Stop saying such retarded horseshit.
being completely ignorant of Beethoven like this is pathetic

>> No.17672097

Every generation thought their generation was in decline, pretty sure that even in the Iliad the Greek soldiers talked about how they didnt feel they lived up to their ancestors

>> No.17672100

So do people now, he's talking about contrarian 4chan incels (basically the same people that shat on Monteverdi, Bach and Debussy in their day)

>> No.17672111

if old art is so great why does no one give a shit about it anymore

>> No.17672178

>he whitnessed the highpoint of german literature (which he was greatly influenced by) with Goethe's inception.
>Stop saying such retarded horseshit.
Goethe's best after Mozart's we're started before he died. Otherwise he did nothing great afterwards. Who else did Germany produce at that time? Heine is good entertainment, but he was nothing special.
> being completely ignorant of Beethoven like this is pathetic
Ignorant? Who do you think I was blaming this on? German music was absolutely weak from Mozart's death to the point where Wagner starts incorporating Liszt's ideas into his own.

>> No.17672197

really shitty bait or just mutt posting, I can't tell.

>> No.17672200

Nice trips. People have frustrations, grew up idolizing a band, perhaps had a relationship where they would read lines of specific books to each other, always enjoyed the idea of painting and calling something brought from their imagination their own. The problem is that art is more like working a trade than just being a cool pretentious guy and for that reason it is that some people hate the movement of their time, because it is not what they grew up with, dreaming that they would become one day. It's almost like a heartbreak...to know that you either enjoy what's on the radio right now while you commute for work or you starve because you suck and if you don't because you're an out of touch adult...Sucks to suck basically but idc, bring on the hip hop and the dancing transvestites!

>> No.17672226


Low IQ, lack of passions / interests beyond physical appetites and being motivated by fear

>> No.17672268

>Low IQ
IQ has only gotten higher with time, most people ITT probably mog Hegel in IQ. No one wants to listen to complex music, make philosophy, or write high literature because we're all subconsciously aware all of that was cope. We've unveiled all the tricks already (music theory already tells us what sounds good and what doesn't) so something like Beethoven sounds tryhard and boring now that there's no hype involved and you can stream it anytime you want instead of only being able to listen to him in a concert hall. Sadly humans are becoming more and more aware that our civilization and culture is built on lies and cope and that's exactly why society is collapsing. Good fucking riddance

>> No.17672332


People have definitely been degrading genetically over time since the advent of civilization since there's typically less harsh selective pressure except during unusually serious disasters and conflicts. This problem has accelerated dramatically due to vastly lower infant mortality and dysgenic reproductive patterns (welfare, wahmen)

Like, how much value could there possibly be in polishing a turd? It seems to me that there are auxiliary traits that come with the same genetic package as intelligence, maybe by pleiotropy, and raising the problem solving skills or giving optimal nutrition to develop the brain doesn't really salvage a genetic oaf. If you raised the intelligence of cows or chickens they would just be more cunning beasts with nothing more in common with people than before. Same is true for the normies

>> No.17672354
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>most people ITT probably mog Hegel in IQ

>> No.17672392

Lemme' jump in here and say I agree. This is a fair point, it's called "dumbing down" in more mainstream circles and it's programmed. I notice that the merit that rapper tends to have revolved more around that person's personal life and what they have the "credits" to talk about (what violence they've witnessed, poverty, personal struggles with drugs and the opposite sex) rather than a practiced skill although it does go with the skillset albeit it is not as relevant as being able to talk about things...it's like the whole "you're not black/gay/female/otherkin so u can't talk about X or Y thing adjecently relating to black/gay/female/otherkin" it has its purpose but I have yet to understand it better and I think you should look into it and re-evaluate your problematic post you deplorable!

>> No.17672395

Hegel was a literal brainlet, the thesis-antithesis-synthesis sounds like some shit a 15 y/o could come up with while taking a shower today. The only reason people think Hegel is deep is because he was deliberately obscurantist (like every other philosopher) despite not saying much. Most philosophy can be described in a few sentences today, the extremely complex way of presenting it was just the way they did it back then to sound deep. Just admit it bro civilization is a farce, were monkeys that got lucky and thought we were hot shit when the truth is we're not, and thankfully it will all be over soon

>> No.17672410
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By God I regret writing this now>>17672332
you're a goddamn cumbrain!

>> No.17672424

Speaking English as a first language is more than enough to give you a higher iq than Hegel.

>> No.17672437
File: 184 KB, 1000x667, 1000_F_113639964_kEgL8tRregcZqut9sJKqYAo4piXgLLZw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17672481

The Anglo rejection of Hegel and his non-philosophy was the greatest philosophical advancement of the modern era.

>> No.17672494

Because, in Hegels view, art was gradually moving from its true purpose, e.g. representing 'the Absolute' as defined by Hegel. It became more and more something serving a rational purpose.

Albeit I can't agree with that view, at least in terms of poetry: more modern poetry is vastly superior to Medieval/Elizabethan, which existed in Hegels period. But he meant mostly sculpture, painting and architecture, anyways.

>> No.17672498
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>Pretensious faggot
>Thinks Wagner was the cut-off point for classical music
>Hates Jazz
>Doesn't like '60s rock
>thinks Techno is good
>thinks Deathmetal is good
>thinks art is le dead
/mu/ was a mistake

>> No.17672518

cheekbuster, analytics are a bore

>> No.17672519

Anglo philosophy ceased to exist, simple as. It ended with empirism/rationalism and basically degraded into applied social science afterwards.

>> No.17672521

Philosophy is boring. Post-hegelian art projects aren't philosophy.

>> No.17672528
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>> No.17672531

I need you to elaborate on what you mean by this before I respond.

>> No.17672553

Analytic philosophy is impotent wankery with severely limited scope, little to no social consequences or impact on anyone that isn't an Analytic philosopher.

Anglos were very important in humanities (social sciences, political science, economics) and obviously natural sciences, but as philosophers, they're dead and everything relevant happened in Germany/France.

>> No.17672564

What if Germans and the French just made themselves irrelevant to the pursuit of knowledge because of their low IQ 'philosophies'?

>> No.17672617

False dichotomy. Their relevance in philosophy never prevented them from being extremely relevant for social and natural sciences as well.

>> No.17672639

>Their relevance in philosophy never prevented them from being extremely relevant for social and natural sciences as well.
It did. Anyone who uses French and German 'philosophy' to inform their social science research is considered a charlatan and their work is not taken seriously. They're usually sent to containment fields like Sociology and Anthropology. Nobody actually takes the research from those fields seriously

>> No.17672641

>he doesn't know touhou eurobeat will be preserved as the pinnacle of this generation and that's good

>> No.17672665

Marxism is one of the most relevant economic theories to this day, and he definitely was heavily informed by Hegelianism. Checkmate, mate.

>> No.17672672

philosophies cant have an IQ

>> No.17672679

>Analytic philosophy is impotent wankery with severely limited scope, little to no social consequences or impact on anyone that isn't an Analytic philosopher
What exactly do you mean by impotent? That it's trying to be philosophy rather than some sort of artistic wankery for deeply insecure people (and cultures) to latch onto. I also think it is rather telling that those find of continental thought seem to argue that its value comes from it's practicality or usefulness (it's ability to be of social consequence, as you put it) and dismiss analytic philosophy for not doing the same is reminiscent of the way STEMlords treat science and philosophy respectively. It's also telling that you place the value of philosophy on its capacity to influence society rather than its proximity to the truth. I don't know how anyone can look at this defense of continental thought and see the tradition as anything more than an intellectualized propaganda campaign.
I should also note that analytics are the only ones left doing any sort of systematic work in ethics, and that this work and their political work has had real social impact. But I guess we can always count on the supporters of the historicist tradition to be completely ignorant of philosophy's history when it's inconvenient to them.

>> No.17672687

>Marxism is one of the most relevant economic theories to this day
>Checkmate, mate
Sure it is buddy, that's why they're using Marxist theory in the ECB right now! Anyways, lets take you back to your containment department..

>> No.17672690

Hegel in particular is that philosophical son of Kant who is often misunderstood and misapplied, and I think his approach to metaphysics is what lead to weird new agers using the term incorrectly. That being said, I had an English prof. whom said he was one of his research focus

>> No.17672696

The Marxists we're chased out Germany and France, and those nations decided Heideggerian nonsense would be the new basis of their philosophical traditions. It's really not surprising that Marc ended up in England. There's a certain anglican quality to his work.

>> No.17672699

>analytics are the only ones left doing any sort of systematic work in ethics

Yeah, I think this is important, considering that there's a lot of 'murican stuff being taught right now we're almost forced to take as if it were self evident, if it weren't for analytics and logicians, we'd get FUCKED by the nonsense peddled by some profs these days

>> No.17672705

I think an approach to life that values it as having some intrinsic quality is what makes rationalist philosophers so relevant, even today. Heidegger might not be for everyone but that's the idea, and its argument is a defense for the contributing and preservation of Western ideals, even if the world collapses tomorrow, someone has to keep this stuff going...someone will understand

>> No.17672722

I don't know what kind of research your professior does but I would not classify English as a social science

>> No.17672731

Marxists were a persecuted minority anywhere in Europe, except where they ultimately came to power (outside of Western Europe).

And the attempt to deny that Marx was a product of Hegel is a stillbirth -- because, well, he is. His integration of the historical process and sociology into economics was something no English thinker before did to this degree.

>> No.17672739

I meant to say my professor is English! lol I had Epistemology with him!

>> No.17672756

Marx was a consequence of Hegel being too abstracted, the optimism that the rebirth of metaphysical inquiry gave the world led to bitter halfwits like Marx to disagree...I may not have read Marx nor have plans to do so ever in my life but he is a symptom of Hegelian errors, that's how powerful Hegel's work is

>> No.17672772

I forgot to add that agreeing with some Santa Claus face ass, wannabe thinker ass doesn't make you a "persecuted minority" fuck you, it makes you a fucktard which I can tell you are

>> No.17672786

I think a lot of foreigners to not understand that while philosophy may be taught differently in the english speaking world, continental ideas are commonplace in practically every other part of the humanities, and that most students run into them somewhere during their time at school. Just read something like Eagleton's intro to literary theory, and you'll see what I mean.

>> No.17672794

>I may not have read Marx

>> No.17672809

>Marx was a consequence of Hegel being too abstracted
That's too simplified, albeit there's a glimpse of truth to that ...

Marx wasn't inspired by Hegel *only*. But his blend of economics with sociology/subject philosophy (class consciousness) and Hegelianism (replacing "history as the manifestation of spirit" with "history as the manifestation of class struggle") is what made Marxism so urgent and effective.

>> No.17672819

The anglo world does have its rationalists, there's that British guy with the crazy hair that died last decade, going off from what it says on his wikipedia page, I'd say he's based

SO? How's it done anything better for you to read a book that's inspired so much violence? They're no better than any closet Luciferian going to church every week

>> No.17672833

Today, being a Marxist doesn't make you persecuted, but in Marx's time of monarchical and reactionist bourgeoisie, it did.

>> No.17672841

Dismissing Marx is silly. He took what was useful from Hegel and rejected most of his silliness.
>Marxists were a persecuted minority anywhere in Europe, except where they ultimately came to power (outside of Western Europe).
Until the OSS put a couple of them on their payroll. Marx may be an intellectual descendants of Hegel, but I think the way on which Marx is so rigid and systematic makes him particularly digestible to us anglos (the same is kind of true of Foucault as well).

>> No.17672842

>but in Marx's time of monarchical and reactionist bourgeoisie, it did.
Yes, that's why he died in England

>> No.17672902

I'm not dismissing him, but I think that it's over for that specific mode of thought, his attempt was less to solve Hegel and more to make of idealism a collection of spellbooks, and that's probably why you could even psychoanalyze the whole thing as today with those weird young adults wearing pins and faux military uniforms. It's a LARP that caused genocide, that it's there doesn't mean it's to be used and that is just spicy the memes get

>> No.17673700
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>> No.17673869

The average mud-eating peasant technically got smarter but we don't have people like Hegel anymore.

>> No.17673985

I think the bar has risen where the Hegels of today would hang, personally...Think tanks and the like, the Club of Rome, MI6 oh they're out there just not posting memes on 4chins that's forsure

>> No.17674024

None of them are on the level of Hegel and will all be forgotten by history.

>> No.17674043

I'm not even sure what the things we attribute to him today are, was he that important really? I mean compared to the likes of Spinoza or Kant he's a bit of a lesser idol no? Is it his seeming heterosexuality and early interest in occultism? I just don't see him as this seminal contributor to society, I think it's just people want to be like him but do not understand what he nor his work were about.

>> No.17674075

When was the ideal?

>> No.17674096

starts out good but the conclusion is retarded. Horace was just wrong lol

>> No.17674108

philosophy ended with Hegel.

>> No.17674111
File: 8 KB, 200x275, Wagner drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me about the young Hegelians.

>> No.17674145

it's just the same shit all the time man, Wagner (btw giant poof and definitely took Ludwig's wang up the pooper), deathmetal, socialism before it was hip (Hegel and his roommate) then there's edgelords pretending to be nihilists and Evola readers who think it makes them any different from Marxist bugmen. Did I miss something? You guys need to lighten up, just chill out, get laid...

>> No.17674157

Holderlin and Goethe outlived Hegel.

>> No.17674166

it's this guy >>17674145

>philosophy ended with Hegel. what do you mean? that his system was so good no one has come up with anything to refute it as of yet? It's confusing how poorly some of you manage your words, are you all in high school with ESL classes or something?

>> No.17674176
File: 95 KB, 330x357, 34c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see...Germany gets called the land of poets and thinkers and I see why, my question is why are they in their brilliance it is impossible for us to understand it? then what's the point of their work? how does this guy know Hegel ended philosophy? This is all so frustrating!

>> No.17674187

Sorry I thought you were agreeing with Hegel's death of art thesis.

>> No.17674223

No, I haven't even read into that, I think the Western world will have set some bases for knowledge if it does disappear, I think forsure someone in like Russia or fucking sub-saharan Africa will catch on and be their own great mind but I really fail to understand why so many people insist that it's "over" for art. Perhaps Hegel was simply an old soul who was born in the wrong generation; it says that his star sign is Virgo so perhaps he liked more detail and was very focused on what he's trying to convey idk man...at this point I think that it's better to enjoy what we have right now,I thought Nietzsche was another one people like talk about a lot and I guess people admire Hegel's stability as well as the fact he was a brilliant philosopher so there's a lot there that's cool, I like Hegel

>> No.17674237

>popular opinion
hiding the fact that you are a bugman larping as though he cares about art

>> No.17674346

I think that great things need money...Michelangelo's studio was financed by the Church no? I think today you need a budget to make things that stand out and money buys you the necessary people to work on it. Still, money isn't everything but I was surprised to find out Dario was developed on a budget ~25,000 dollars which is a starting factory worker's yearly wage, but even then...this was pre 2008 so even if the materials and staff to make a TV show like that happen again would probably be much more expensive...I'm not an insider by any stretch but wb Million Dollar Extreme? That wasn't animated but it still relied on editing, sound mixing, scripting, concept developing...I'm not saying you need money to make any kind of art but like, no matter how passionate you are, if you're not getting paid you're not gonna' practice your craft so much. People to go to school treating it as an investment...So yeah I don't see why bugs couldn't appreciate it as well personally, they're more likely to socialize and go to art galleries, who gives a fuck about your nerd ass beating it to classic art? Are you an artist? Are you gonna' pay an artist?

>> No.17674351

Daria* sorry you know who I'm talking about. Bitch with the glasses and the loaf of bread for hair

>> No.17674464

What is your star sign anon, and what does it say about you?

>> No.17674491

Both my moon and ascendant are Virgo but my sun is in Cancer. Idk what it means but they usually say that it molds your personality according to what foods were in stock, so for example if you were born during apple season or perhaps a holiday of fasting it does different things

>> No.17674509

>>lived during the absolute peak period of art
nope that was the 1880s-1960s

>> No.17674545


>> No.17674654

Kys rockist faggot

>> No.17674830


>> No.17674975

>during absolute peak
Things tend to go into decline right after the peak

>> No.17675042
