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/lit/ - Literature

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17660729 No.17660729 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck did he do it? Why did Oedipus tear out his eyes, and why did Sophocles write this into the play? Also who is your favorite Greek playwright?

>> No.17660797

A thread died for this.

>> No.17660841
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Which thread? All the threads about gay bullshit? This is literally a literature board and the topic in OP is a literature topic. If you don't think Oedipus tore out his eyes for much greater reasons than he just did it because he's a greek homo than you are a retard. Fuck this gay shit.

>> No.17661032

He saw his mums pussy

>> No.17661091

yea i guess that's pretty fucked up

>> No.17661117

He stated that whoever killed the former king would meet that fate as vengeance for angering Apollo. When he found out that he did it he then took his own eyes out.
He was appalled by what he had done. He also said he wanted to cut his ears off so he wouldn't see or hear anything but live in silence.

>> No.17661129

He was being gaslighted by the FBI & getting to many spam phone calls & oh so many other things. In other words tragicomedy

>> No.17661139

Still tho, I don't see why you would permanently maim yourself. Why not admit to yourself the mistake and get over it? Stupid bitch should have read the Stoics and spent time making the situation better instead of becoming a useless fucking hermit.

FUCK Oedipus. He's nothing but an Oedipussy for being unable to face his problems. Guess what faggot, just cause you can't see, doesn't mean what you did is "forgotten".


>> No.17661140

Watch this version of Oedipus if you don't get it. Theater is visual. You should watch productions of the plays if you want the real experience.


>> No.17661149

His entire world was destroyed and he was nearly suicidal with guilt. You should try murdering your own father and then fucking your mom and see how you feel.

>> No.17661215

He left his parents in Corinth after meeting with the Oracle after he was advised not to. Had he had the maturity to face fate and a belief in the strength his own desire to not kill Polybus and fuck Merope he would have been spared. As it stands he gouged out his eyes in a fit of hysteria and immediately regretted doing so when brought back to his senses by recountering his daughters and his affection for them.

>> No.17661221

I was just asking the questions to get a thread going on greek drama, but yea visual aspects of theater is so important, especially for this trilogy. I like the visual aspect of Oedipus being led around as a blind man.

>> No.17661240

The play should have probably ended with him killing himself instead of only destined to roam the Earth maimed. He clearly wanted death.

>> No.17661296

That's silly. If he dies we aren't able to see the regret of is rash decision for symbolic self mutilation as an attempt to relieve temporary anguish.

>> No.17661300

In Nashville they produced the play with Apollo as one of the characters. He was just some jacked dude painted gold, which may sound ridiculous, but I think it works. He didn't speak or move in the play, except when he hails the the messenger from Corinth. I think it works well as a constant reminder of the pressure of Apollo in Oedipus' fate through the play.

>> No.17661319

Riddle me this, /lit/. In Antigone, nobody saw the first burial of Polyneices, and when Antigone was caught in the second burial, she was seen performing rites. Rites, typically, only need to be performed once for a soul to receive peaceful passage to the afterlife, no? And so, if Antigone buried her brother at first, would she not have already performed these rites? Why again? Is it possible that it was the gods at first, which is implied by the chorus? Do I misunderstand Greek burial rites? Is this supposed to be obvious?

>> No.17661321
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Virgin slave morality. If he were a Chad, he would have prevented Jocasta from hanging herself and inseminated her while staring her in the eye.