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1765826 No.1765826 [Reply] [Original]


ITT: Your most hated author

>> No.1765835
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>> No.1765832

whoever wrote vanishing point

got it for $4 and still felt ripped off

>> No.1765843

Nicholas Sparks.

>> No.1765840
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>> No.1765846

inb4 obvious and wealthy authors

>> No.1765858

Dostoevsky! So PRETENTIOUS!

>> No.1765870

That bitch Maya Angelou.

>> No.1765872

OP is my most hated author.

>> No.1765879

Dean Koontz

>> No.1765884


>> No.1765886


>> No.1765887

Tom Robbins.

>> No.1765890
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Hey, she came to my college a few weeks ago for a reading.
>mfw someone wanted me to attend

>> No.1765892

George R. R. Martin

Hate is a strong word though OP

>> No.1765894

Jonathan Safran Foer

>> No.1765902

Ayn Rand.

>> No.1765906

that bitch that wrote like 100 romance books that were later adapted into shitty movies, series, telenovellas and crap like that.

>> No.1765909
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Your opinion is bad and you should feel bad

>> No.1765913

I'm afraid you'll have to be more specific.

>> No.1765916

Weren't there quite a few bitches like that?

>> No.1765919

Get out /tv/

>> No.1765921

Nathaniel Hawthorne. I've never read anyone else as proficient at barfing out a story.

>> No.1765923

Danielle Steele? Or Jackie Collins? Both are extremely bad.

>> No.1765925


>> No.1765926

Marg-rat atwood is a feminist cow

>> No.1765931


She might not be my most hated writer, but The Handmaid's Tale was one of the dumbest books I ever read.

>> No.1765934

Tom Wolfe

>> No.1765937


lol, my 2 fav authors. You suck, guys!

>> No.1765940

No, Corin Tellado, she's worse than any other writer, just look at this:

>> No.1765947

Gregory Maguire. Some of his stuff is alright, but for some reason I always get an angry twitch in my eyebrow whenever I read his women characters.

>> No.1765948 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.1765964

Jane Austen

>> No.1765969

klosterman, or augusten burroughs

>> No.1765966

I've only ever hated one author, Dan Brown. I avoid shit that I know I won't like, stuff like Twilight and Song of Fire and Ice or whatever the fuck it's called. Life's too short to read stuff I'm iffy about. Why take a chance, when I'll never be able to read everything? So I'm extremely picky and deliberate about what I read. Except for Dan Brown. I read Angels and Demons and I almost puked. There were two syntax errors in the first two pages. Also, nobody could jump from a helicopter, while it's exploding, and survive without being showered in shrapnel.

>> No.1765973

Toni Morrison

>> No.1765997

Shit that's tough. Dan Brown or Stephanie Meyer. The former for being a trite faggot that does virtually no research when making his works; the latter writes masturbation fanfics of a setting she designed solely for masturbation fanfics.

Oh wait, Stephanie Meyer doesn't do shit for research either.

So, I guess the answer is Stephanie Meyer.

>> No.1766018

Ayn Rand.

>> No.1766020
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Neal Stephenson.
And not hate, so much as 'resent, for making me feel like a crazy person'. Cryptonomicon is so obviously complete shit, but people won't shut up about how good it is.

>> No.1766023

Angela Carter

>> No.1766029

that's cause it is that good. say what you will about his other stuff, but cryptonomicon and the baroque cycle are fucking amazing

>> No.1766034

I can live with him not doing the research or not including it. It's much easier to write something with just a cursory glance over the real-life equivalent. What I can't stand is him not going back to check later. If you're going to write a historical fiction piece, at least try to make it superficially accurate. Hell, I'll settle for "it's an alternate universe," just give me something that shows you actually give a damn.

>> No.1766038

I also hated Cryptonomicon, thank god someone else did too. (I was also annoyed because it struck me as being sexist as hell but it was mostly just tedious.)

>> No.1766043


>> No.1766045


>> No.1766048


Not OP, but you're way off there son. His books are interesting in an I'ma-pretend-to-be-a-techhead kind of way. But they're simple, and the plots are all driven the same way, and the tech stuff, when you look into it, isn't. (sic)

I mean, "there are no on ramps to the information superhighway." C'mon, dude.

He's ok, and he does present a certain facade, but just because Assange liked it doesn't make it everything.

>> No.1766052

Dave Eggers
Sarah Ruhl
Rabbi Jonathan Safran Foer
Sapphire (author of "Push: A Novel soon to be a major motion picture entitled Precious Based on the Novel Push by Sapphire").

>> No.1766057

Holy shit, I agree with all of these.

I didn't think anyone else hated Ruhl as much as I did. Everyone else sucks her dick (you know she has one.)

>> No.1766062

Mark Twain.

I hate that fucker

>> No.1766064

Gaiman. I picked up Stardust not knowing who he was and stopped reading because GENERIC FANTASY TROPES ERRYWHERE then later tried to read The Graveyard Book and was disgusted that all of it was stolen from other authors and there was absolutely no character development. Inb4 IT WAS FOR KIDS because there is plenty of excellent writing for the same level it was targeting.

>> No.1766065
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>> No.1766067

>Dan Brown

He's an absolute hack. The literary equivalent of Jack-in-the-Box.

>> No.1766070

Tom Clancy. Made it the part in Rainbow Six with the Environmentalist hardliners with AK-47's and decided, naw. I will go read Desperation by Stephen King instead.

>> No.1766073

You goddamn troll.

>> No.1766074

racis fuk

>> No.1766076


R. A. Salvatore. When your books aren't as well-plotted as an average D&D game....

>> No.1766105

That feel when you sit on a toilet taking a massive shit knowing there could very well be a spider under the seat.

>> No.1766239


>> No.1766245

Thomas Hardy.

He's good, he just bores me.

>> No.1766273

I understand not liking King, but what drives you to vehement dislike?

I read The Stand in High School and remember liking it.

>> No.1766304

OP here, I was half-joking as I dislike half his work.

Mostly I put his face up because he ruined an incredible series. It's not the first time I've hated an author for running a series into a ground, but I was really attached to the first four book of the Dark Tower...
I'm still going to pick up The Wind Through The Keyhole despite my frustration.

There are actually quite a few authors posted here I would put beneath King. He's got talent but also some very obvious flaws.

>> No.1766977


Stephen King has never been good at making sequels. The Dark Tower series was getting progressively worse as the books came out… though admittedly I didn't think he was going to have such a severe drop in quality with the final book.

>> No.1766988

chuck palahniuk

>> No.1767003

Stephen King, Dan Brown, Mark Z. Danielewski, and Neil Gaiman.

>> No.1767008

A friend of my mom's gave me 10 or so of his paperbacks. I started and stopped 4 of em before deciding I shouldn't be hating the author and myself for reading this shit and just threw the rest away.
I see why she gave em away.
Here is one of a thousand examples of Kootie's horrible horrible metaphors:

"If you reported having seen a ghost, you were a regular guy who'd had an uncanny experience. If you reported seeing another ghost at another place and time, you were at best an eccentric whose every statement would thereafter be taken with enough salt to crust the rims of a million margarita glasses."

>> No.1767016
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Jackoff London

So obnoxious he makes you want to punch him in the face. Textbook case of "the guy who makes us look bad", whoever "us" might be.

>> No.1767025

Haruki Murakami