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17650996 No.17650996[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Isn't it funny. No matter how hard you tried it will all be over as soon as you died. Even though you know you will die you still prefer to be evil and live in such a way as if you can escape the obvious.

>> No.17651014

My soul is pure and eternal. I have practiced philosophy and moderation which has prepared me for death. My soul is not attached to my body and will freely let go when fate decides my time has come to return to the void, whence I shall return again.

>> No.17651027


>> No.17651033
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Just don't think about it.

>> No.17651052

You assume a lot. It's a completely different thing when it's time to go. If you also start believing that demons are fighting for your souls before dying and the naturally produced DMT effects can make wonders.

>> No.17651062

But then you will have to think harder when the time comes.

>> No.17651070


>> No.17651103

i don't care about dying, but why do you think I'm evil?

>> No.17651109

It's not different when it's time to go if you have practiced philosophy. Look at Socrates example you pleb.

>> No.17651111

good since i am going to heaven

>> No.17651130

Is this your first day here? Also your body will feel different, you assume you will have the same mindset and that you will overcome physical depression that comes with the time.

>> No.17651140
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>you will die
Oh thank Christ

>> No.17651153

I'm not all that concerned with my life or death as an individual. I take care of my individual needs, emotional and physical, so that I may play a part in advancing spirit. Therefore my individual needs become spirit's needs, but in that sublation worries about death lose their bite.

>> No.17651162

It feels very liberating and it gives me hope, that no matter how repulsive the social current becomes to my senses, and no matter how much baggage life will saddle me with, that one day I am allowed to give it up without the guilt of having let down anyone around me, of it not being my "fault" that I can't keep carrying a burden. I don't rush it, but I know I won't always enjoy myself as I do now. One day there will be an ache in my bones, one day I may no longer be able ever sit comfortably, I may never be able to eat with aloof disregard, I will no longer be able to feel the tips of my fingers or toes for numbness and I will be plagued by an innocuous but tormenting tingling, my hands will shake and I may drop things from impaired muscle control. And in those days I believe I would find the idea of death a relief, because it isn't fun to be in this same body anymore.

>> No.17651170

I'm kinda scared of the possibility of something like my existence to be actually happening. It raises the question of what else could be possible.

>> No.17651180


Thinking about it doesn't stop it from happening.

>> No.17651193

Never claimed it won't.

>> No.17651201


What does that mean, like hell? I'm vaguely frightened of ideas around the permanence of subjective experience or something. Like that I will relive my life for eternity, or that I will live others lives. But it is in a kind of immediate sense rather than a dread of eternity. If it were true, then I'd already be living my life right now in an eternity I'm unaware of, I don't remember "redoing" my life over and over. So I can't REALLY be afraid of eternity, I'm already in it if it is true. But the concept is frightening because it makes my actual life feel more important in an abstract way. Like I shouldn't just make the best of it because I'll die one day, I should make the best of it because it is going to keep happening.

>> No.17651211

>No matter how hard you tried it will all be over as soon as you died
Why is this a problem?

>> No.17651222


True, but I don't know if there is any amount of thinking about it that will make it less impactful as it approaches. I like to think I'm not afraid of death, or that I've reconciled myself with it, but I can't know that for sure. I figure as I age there is a good chance I start feeling more and more concerned about the general state of my life and the past. But I also know there is no possible state of my life that will make me feel entirely fulfilled. I'm always going to be limited, so I'll always have to question my choices against unattainable limitless possibility.

>> No.17651241

yadda yadda death yadda yadda everithing is pointless


>> No.17651248

>My soul is pure and eternal.
What convinced you of this?
Aren't you scared of losing your ego and identity?

>> No.17651275
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Not really bothered desu. It’s gonna happen whether or not I get worked up over it. On the matter of what happens after death I’m 50/50 on whether there’s an afterlife (my nominally orthodox upbringing pushes to towards the affirmative).

>> No.17651364

>that I will live others lives
The thing is that your identity isn't consciousness but the memories of the brain. If your consciousness wanders through different people after death or even everytime you go to sleep or even every single second you wouldn't notice it and wouldn't really experience different lives because the identification happens through memory / the brain.

If your life repeats on eternity it subjectively actually doesnt, it happens one single time.
But then the question is "I can die so whats after that?" and while it objectively continuous you really just stop experiencing after that which isn't even nothingness. You can't understand nothingness because nothingness isn't to be perceived. You won't know if and when its over

>> No.17651458


Oh yeah, I agree with all that. But even though I understand that there is still an abstracted anxiety about it, like if it is true then in a sense everyone is connected in an experience of everyone else's lives for eternity. There is no consciousness above limited subjectivity, so there is no higher subjectivity that could experience this. But it is precisely here that I ended up coming to that kind of thought a long time ago:

>You can't understand nothingness because nothingness isn't to be perceived.

The question of why I'm experiencing this subjectivity at all and what it would mean to lose it made me consider the idea that there is no such thing as losing subjectivity because you can't experience its absence, so it is inconceivable to not have subjectivity. But if that is the case what happens at death? In a crude way I thought maybe "you" just begin experiencing a new subjectivity, but of course not knowing that it is happening because there is no continuity between separate subjective experiences. So then that led me to just question whether or not separate subjective experiences are all happening simultaneously at all times on some level of reality, and just constantly occurring. But if that were the case, what would it mean anyways for "me" to actually live as "someone else" sense "me" would always exist and be playing like a tape in a loop. That was when I felt like it was possible I was living the same life over and over without realizing it, that for some unknown reason I was experiencing THIS subjectivity as opposed to another one, and unbeknownst to me I would always be this subjectivity.

>> No.17651498

I smile. I can't wait to die

>> No.17651510

dying isn't the problem, not living is

>> No.17651534


Just to add for clarity, the "you" here is supposed to be like if consciousness itself were a connected phenomenon. As in, I understand there is no sense in which "you", like a soul or identity, can be connected to another "you" in this framework. You're limited by your own memories and identity, your own subjectivity. But in the sense that you stated, that there is no experience of the absence of experience, there is no perception of perception's absence, then perception itself kind of becomes a "you". My individual perception presupposes perception itself, and if perception can't perceive its absence then maybe perception is eternal on some level of reality, has no linear temporal form. Or rather, maybe my existence is eternal on some level, not actually extinguished by time because all events are eternal and only seem extinguished from within the form of reality that my subjectivity exists on. And that is where all the other questions come in, but it seems to me like the result is a conclusion that you'd be THIS subjectivity for eternity, not for any reason like "you" were chosen for it or something but just because all subjectivity are happening simultaneously and their limitation means that "someone" has to experience them.

>> No.17651632

it'd be worse if we never died honestly, ive thought about this more than id like.

>> No.17651682

Don't project your fear of death onto me, slave. >>17651248

>> No.17651688

death is the cure to the ills of life

>> No.17651696

Is it really that convincing? Everyone says it proves the soul's existence or whatever

>> No.17651775

why don't you find out for yourself?

>> No.17651783

One thing
I don't know why
It doesn't even matter how hard you try

>> No.17651789

Because I'm reading the Symposium right now and then I need to read Phaedrus and the Apology since they're included in the same book and I don't line moving on to another book before finishing the previous one

>> No.17651806

ah, I see. You're gonna make it bro.

>> No.17651814
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Hopefully sooner

>> No.17651830

Thanks bro, we're all gonna make it

>> No.17652551

midwit tier cope

>> No.17653077

I don't think this is really what you're talking about but a little while ago I read this
>Also note the broader Gnostic implication of the world being made of inter-Subjectivity which all but is the Phenomenal itself, "Matter" being conscious not in the quaint "Hermetic" way, i.e. asleep or of reduced quality/quantity, but conscious in an awful OUTSIDE-IN way: consider a nightmare ending by waking up as the nightmare instead of the Subject, such is the consciousness of the Phenomenal.
in a thread and have been kind of thinking of it ever since. I've had an idea similar to this occur to me before but it seemed so abstract and hard to grasp that I could never really think much about what it meant, but seeing it phrased like this has made it clear enough to honestly scared me a bit. I don't know if I believe it but at the same time every possibility for what happens after death seems quite terrifying if I really think about it. Nonexistence, reincarnation, hell, eternal return, some eternal existence in another world or plane of reality, persistent subjectivity transmuted into some as of yet incomprehensible form, it's all too much for me.

>> No.17653335

Cant wait to go back to sleep someday

>> No.17653818
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Fool. How do you know you will die? Because you've experienced others die? Why is it that the necessary connexion made, the inference drawn, is that you too will die? How do you know you are not an eternal being, thrust only now onto the disorder of humanity to wrangle it from control of those who intentionally or unintentionally bring about it's downfall? Just as you cannot prove to me with certainty that the sun will rise tomorrow, there is nothing you can say to convince me that I am not a god.

>> No.17653824


>> No.17654318
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can't wait

>> No.17654866
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I feel great. I wish it happens as soon as possible.

>> No.17654875

I've been waiting to die since I was a teenager.

>> No.17654896

Ambivalent. The total mysteriousness of death, the absolute transformation entailed by it which cannot be thought or imagined, is ultimately a source of ultimate interest which prevents existence from being entirely stagnant. Life without death would not really be life etc.

>> No.17654915
File: 7 KB, 183x275, aghori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beyond my immutable biological survival instincts I have no great fear of death. Death is only so fearful to the extent to which one is attached to life. To the extent that is, you covet a perishable fact. Death is the most common fact of all life. It is trivial. Everything that has ever lived will die, and the vast majority of all living things has died. It is a trivial commonplace. It is a rite of passage. Therefore it's absurd to think your own death is some cosmic big deal.

I'm reminded of the Aghori sect of Hindu Yogis who are considered by some to be heretical. They belive that the distinction between the individual self and the Absolute is an illusion, and that the key cause of this illusion is the fear of death which bounds the finite body in fear of the "external world"
Thus they expose themselves to what the human body finds vile and disgusting, rubbing crematoria ashes on their face, wear human bones as jewelry, etc . In some rural parts of India it is customary to leave dead bodies out in the open unburied to decay naturally between sky and earth in what are called charnel grounds. Aghoris meditate there. The point is to overcome the fear of death which is ultimately what structures the ego and is the source of all fear and therefore to reach liberation.

Not saying I do any of this but I see the point. I'm not saying "fuck death bro who gives a shit I'll die right now " it's obviously encoded into the essence of human conscious to have reverence, fear and confusion before the paradoxical mystery of death. In the end, in the end, stop being a pussy and think like an Aghori and accept that you are the Absolute.

>> No.17654992

Just wait until you get older and spend all your time working. You'll be glad for the oblivion of sleep and wish you could stay there. Life is about finishing your mission and getting off the stage for well-deserved rest. I too am frightened by death but also encouraged by how little it matters when I am falling asleep.

>> No.17655009

No, it isn't very funny to me. I don't pretend I won't die - I am fully aware, consciously and un, always. I can't justify living, doing, but I can't die because of my physical instincts of hope and fear of death. So I spend all my time lying down, staring into the roof, not caring. I can't feel bad about it, because I know it ultimately doesn't matter, but I also can't feel any nihilistic hedonist happiness, for I know joy is illusory and equally pointless. So I don't feel about the fact of my eventual death at all.

>> No.17655054

The thing is that I won't die.
>16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life

>> No.17655071

That was all a metaphor for initiation, my Christian friend. The Kingdom of Heaven lies within you. If you die before you attain immortality, you'll probably have to start all over.

>> No.17655081

i am 9 and what is this

>> No.17655086

Every time my brain shifts state i die and someone else is born.
I feel not death because i am always dying and being reborn. What difference is that one time i will die, and no one will come to take my place?

>> No.17655117

I know I'm born to lose,
An' gamblin's for fools,
But that's the way I like it baby,

>> No.17655205
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honestly the thought of slowly aging and decaying scares me far more than the possibility of the absence of a soul. I want to die a good death.

>> No.17655239
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It's weird. I've known people who were practically saints in terms of how good they were. Some of the best people I've met. They always end up suffering a lot in the end. Death isn't pretty. It just convinces me little by little that there really isn't anything after all this. I guess in rebuttal one could say Jesus suffered a lot when he was at his "end."

>> No.17655254
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This world is a vapor.

>> No.17655255

The whole Earth, perpetually steeped in blood, is nothing but a vast altar, upon which all that is living must be sacrificed without end, without measure, without pause, until the consummation of all things, until evil is extinct, until the death of death

>> No.17655280

Isn't it the whole idea? That you will suffer a lot until you die but you will be saved? There are also martyrs and many other saints who were persecuted, I don't know why people see it as something that will bring you worldly peace.

>> No.17655302


>> No.17655356

I may be misinterpreting what you're saying, but I believe that is what I was saying with that last sentence. That Jesus also suffered at his end so one shouldn't worry if they suffer too. I meant it as a rebuttal to the things I said before it.

>> No.17655360

Happens to everyone and I can't prevent it. No point worrying about it.

>> No.17655482

>so one shouldn't worry if they suffer too
The problem is that even Jesus himself worried and he was here specifically to endure that.

>> No.17655496

The only thing I'll ever be able to say about it is that I don't know.

>> No.17655503

I'll never die m*terialist brainlet
I'm immortal

>> No.17655518

I believe this life is some kind of dreamlike illusion and that death is just waking up into something else. There's nothing to fear

>> No.17655525

Extreme existential dread on steroids.

>> No.17655538

Yeah, that's a good point. I would guess it helps humanize him a bit more.

>> No.17655555

i'm just waiting for it to happen as i'm too cowardly to do it myself

>> No.17655561

read thomas nagel

>> No.17655610

Sometimes it terrifies me, sometimes it calms me, it really just depends. Eternal rest sounds nice. Peace. No more suffering, or struggling. You just get to peace out forever.

>> No.17655628

My dad died of a heart attack while sleeping earlier this year. He was in his early 60's and apparently, didn't feel a thing. They found him like he was there, just sleeping. Lived a pretty chill live, no health problems.
Always drank in moderation, smoked his blunts and never opened a philosophy book his entire life.

Even so, it just feels bad that there was no opportunity to say goodbye. We had to grieve his death, which was so sudden.

>> No.17656144

>How do you feel about the fact that you're sooner or later going to die?
I don't care, I don't care how I die and I don't care when I die and I don't care that I will die. Why does everyone who is afraid of death assume that fear of death is not something that is natural or that everyone has?

>> No.17656149

oops, assume fear of death IS something that is natural*

>> No.17656210

doesn't bother me anymore; the best years of my life are already behind me and im not even 30 but I'm grateful I had that at least; my entire family is long gone, but I'm content and grateful

>> No.17656228

on my death bed I'll be getting ready to wait through the eternity of nothingness, which due to being unconscious will pass instantly, and then either wake up as the same person or be reincarnated as whatever

>> No.17656331

Death, if that is what we want to call this non-actuality, is of all things the most dreadful, and to hold fast what is dead requires the greatest strength.

>> No.17656427

I don’t know why you believe everybody enjoys life. Life has never been enjoyable for me outside of drugs.

>> No.17656456

Not afraid to die.... just afraid of how it will happen. Harsh reality is most of us go out in a painful, humiliating way. But, then again, you die and the pain and thoughts just poof go away.

>> No.17656487

Based, materialist faggots eternally coping

>> No.17656499

Thank god, at last.

>> No.17656645

“Death is nothing to us. When we exist, death is not; and when death exists, we are not. All sensation and consciousness ends with death and therefore in death there is neither pleasure nor pain. The fear of death arises from the belief that in death, there is awareness.”

― Epicurus

>> No.17656684


>> No.17656685

no use in fearing the inevitable

>> No.17656746

I find good old fashioned poly drug abuse and escapism to work wonders

>> No.17656784

Your identity is pure garbage. I've already let go of my "identity"

>> No.17656806

Reincarnation, nigga.

>> No.17656813

My life is complete mess so much so that dying wouldn't be bad. At least I wouldn't have to deal with any of this garbage ever again

>> No.17656839

Pretty good

>> No.17656874
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>he doesn't know that we relive this life again and again for all eternity

>> No.17656891

Don’t say that.

>> No.17656905
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It is funny. It's funny because you think this realization that lol we all die is something profound when you're 14. It literally doesn't matter. Dying takes like 0.0000001% of your life unless you die at infancy. The rest of that time you're alive so you'd be physically and metaphysically retarded to worry about it. It's like those nerds that think back to something awkward they said when they were in elementary school that had an impact on AT MOST a few hours and they end up staying up at night years later about it, except you're caving in to anxiety for a meaningless event in the future instead.
Also, learn to use question marks, you dumb faggot.

>> No.17658017

>implying I like being alive
I have a lot of obligations to fulfill before my time is up, but when it comes, I will welcome it.

>> No.17659014

I'm more afraid of being rebirthed on this planet when man is still dirtying everything. I wouldn't mind living as a sea creature in a primordial-like setting, even a jellyfish.

>> No.17659410

>I'm reminded of the Aghori sect of Hindu Yogis who are considered by some to be heretical.
On that note, this is a pretty rad video.

>> No.17660579

Every once of the glimpse of the future, I imagined myself to be left and die, rot to dust and never be known to anyone, forgotten by the people in my time.

For one, when the glimpse shows me every now and then, I always take a step back and start doing what I feel necessary to do. There's no escape, as you are now bound to the contract that you will eventually leave your body and left nameless.

But even then, my time will not be wasted. Knowing that one by one, people will eventually die, I set my emotions out from the topics of death, because if I think and imagined long enough about my death, I rather kill myself as it was what my proposed me to do so, to face death.

Let the death delays himself from meeting you, stop thinking about it and live as if you will never meet him.

>> No.17660835
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>> No.17660867

go back to plebbit