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17650790 No.17650790 [Reply] [Original]

Literature that captures 1980's Miami culture....

>> No.17651195

Really? Nothing?

>> No.17651203

>united states

>> No.17651215


>> No.17651220

>not having it
you can have shite culture, but you cant have no culture. stop trying to be witty.

>> No.17651224


>> No.17651230

wow, that butt/mouth sounded real tight.
would love to fuck it.

>> No.17651231

Idk . Watch scar face

>> No.17651301

The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra II: Miami

>> No.17651362
File: 14 KB, 259x383, Glitz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17651371

La Brava - totally decent elmore leonard

>> No.17651704

It is a based movie, but this is /lit/.

>> No.17651734

Tom Wolfe's Back to Blood is about Miami. idk if its set in the 80s though.

>> No.17652057

Miami Blues by Willeford
It’s more grimey than glitzy though

>> No.17652346

There is nothing based about the movie. Tony Morano was an asshole to everyone he knew, including his wife, friends, and business partners. It's a steaming pile of degeneracy that glorifies drug abuse and trafficking, adultery, brutal violence, and materialism that is only loved, praised, and has an open cult following by niggers, rappers, and high schoolers who don't know any better.

>> No.17652358

>an asshole to everyone he knew, including his wife, friends, and business partners. It's a steaming pile of degeneracy that glorifies drug abuse and trafficking, adultery, brutal violence, and materialism that is only loved, praised, and has an open cult following by niggers, rappers, and high schoolers who don't know any better.
So, Miami then.

>> No.17652362
File: 48 KB, 550x535, 1442369336499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Violence began to become endemic in Miami. In 1980 the city had 573 murders in the year, and the next year had 621 murders. By 1981 the city morgue had an overload of dead bodies and had to rent out a refrigerated truck to keep the bodies, keeping it until 1988.

>> No.17652374

Agreed. I was one of those high schoolers. Pop culture decided that criminality was intergral to masculinity for a while there. Now it's capeshit.

>> No.17652428

The worst thing about the movie is Tony is idolized by a lot of youth. I remember classmates discussing the movie and how cool Tony was in high school, but I haven't seen the movie then until much later, which was fairly recently. I could only be shocked at the revelation that children can idolize someone so horrible with zero redeeming qualities.

>> No.17652442

McInerney's "Bright Lights Big City" comes to mind, largely because of the cocaine use, but it takes place in New York.

>> No.17652480 [DELETED] 

Ironically his downfall was due to his morality stopping him from blowing up that diplomats kid. Also, it's interesting how his legal troubles start when his brother switches from the anglo banker to that other bank. Interesting movie if you pay attention.

>> No.17652505

Good point about the bank.

>> No.17652506 [DELETED] 

Sounds like you're just mad that he didn't stop committing crimes for a second to suck off the pope like in all the Italian crime movies.

>> No.17652639

Tony did have some redeeming qualities

He would kill a communist for fun but for a green card he gonna carve him up real nice