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/lit/ - Literature

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17650766 No.17650766 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have an interest in meeting up with fellow /lit/ posters to discuss literature and philosophy in person? Do you live in or near Washington D.C.? If so, then you may want to attend the next DC /lit/ meetup, on March 27th.

If you would like to attend, send an email to this address below to receive the location and time of the meetup.


If you have gotten in contact with the above email address before then you should have already received an email announcing where and when the meetup is.

>> No.17650938


>> No.17650948

Reddit as fuck.

>> No.17650951

>Do you have an interest in meeting up with fellow /lit/ posters

Absolutely not.

>> No.17650953

I can't attend because I live too far away but please share pics and what happened with us on the board fren.

>> No.17650982

May I see your badge first, officer?

>> No.17651106

We have a ‘no photo’ policy but I can share what happened afterwards

>> No.17651137

You mean to tell me actual people live in DC? I thought it was just for politicans, what a silly country

>> No.17651214

More people live in DC than Wyoming and Vermont.

Is anything even open in DC?

>> No.17651266

Yes, the city-wide ban on indoor dining has been lifted. The restaurants, cafes and bars which managed to stay in business are now all open.

>> No.17651284

can you drop a telegram handle instead?

>> No.17651298
File: 175 KB, 791x636, IMG_0462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are their any litizens in south florida? (Tricounty area)

>> No.17651307

Please storm the Library of Congress

>> No.17651372

OP here

my telegram handle is @dclitmeetup

>> No.17651508

you gotta start your own thread to find that out

>> No.17651657

i wish i could i attend. alas, i'm from europe.
i hope you'll have a good time anons.

>> No.17651677

Dc /lit/ meetup, color, March 27th, 2021

>> No.17651685
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>> No.17651750

thank you, we usually do

>> No.17651885

isnt this another board?
the digits dont line up with ours
the lit boston meet looked cute.

>> No.17651904

im a woman, will you behave nicely if i attend?

>> No.17651994

4chan meetups appear to be massive mistakes

>> No.17652025

I would go if someone like rapture were definitely to show up

>> No.17652080
File: 56 KB, 498x700, head01_ima_char_hicks_01_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, people not connected to the giant Federal bureaucracy do live in DC. They are almost all black and none of them poast on lit

>> No.17652179

i went to a /fit/ meetup once
I was the second guy to show up. The first one was a neo-nazi skinhead. Surprised but not very surprised.
Then, the third guy to show up (who didn't know the first guy at all) was ALSO a neo-nazi skinhead. They hit it off immediately.
The fourth guy was more of a college normie and we hung out a few more times after that.

>> No.17652187
File: 85 KB, 394x604, 1614033473752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw didn't receive a reply from the email I sent

>> No.17652400
File: 224 KB, 1024x683, gettyimages-1185615975-1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"hey you guys wanna meet up in dc??"

>> No.17652430

I went to one of these in New York and it was actually very fun, though this was about 4 years ago when this board was far less stupid. There was only one person that I thought might engage in domestic terrorism at some time in the future and the rest were well-read and pretty funny. There was even a woman.

>> No.17652479

>tfw live in nz
I'm from auckland but would go down to welly for a meet

>> No.17652518

Why does she have bruises on her knees?

>> No.17652523

>they are all black

Chocolate city died in the 90’s. We vanilla swirl now.

>> No.17652528

maybe she was replacing and grouting tiles in her bathroom

>> No.17652574


She was praying very intensely after adhan in pious salah

>> No.17652699


We all know that this is going to end up like The Man Who Was Thursday. At least half the attendees will be at least glowie adjacent. I mean we might technically work for the National Endowment for Democracy or the Carnegie Endowment, but everybody knows where the money actually comes from.

I'm actually fine with this provided that there is a moratorium on talking about contemporary politics or work. I'm not letting you retards fuck up my clearance.

>> No.17653060


>> No.17653078

I’m attending George Washington in the fall if anyone else here will be there?

>> No.17653079

>his handle is dick-clit meetup
Anon I...

>> No.17653088

Post that

>> No.17653477

If i ever go back to Minecraft i will shoot every fucking yuppie shit stain while yelling “black lives matter!” Fuck minecraft!

>> No.17654067


>> No.17654538

I live in southern california. Does any /lit/izen want to meet up with me and talk?

>> No.17655441

Would anyone be interested in a Bay area meetup? I'm a Berkeley student and it would be nice to talk to someone who won't flip their shit if they find out I'm not progressive.

>> No.17656580

im gonna be in San Diego in a few weeks if you wanna hang out and get some lunch or something

>> No.17656975

no, we're pushing them to the corners (NE and Anacostia) as we enact urban reclamation on most everything else. There are still spots in the core of the city because you can't dislodge the project housing even when all the row homes surrounding it have been flipped to multi-unit 700k condos. But that just yields package theft.

>> No.17656979

Nice try glowie

>> No.17657886


>> No.17657947


>> No.17657972

Can you offer oxen at the Lincoln or Jefferson temples? Sorry I'm new and haven't done the holy pilgrimage yet.

>> No.17658016

which were you? I was the woman lol

>> No.17658039

>4chan meetups


>> No.17658840

This is true. However, any aspiring fed should remember that elderly black ladies are in fact the most powerful people in the government. If you wish to succeed befriend them, scorn them at your peril. Your office manager may seem sweet, but remember if you cross her she will make your life an unending bureaucratic hell until you transfer to another bureau. Furthermore, she has 50 years of experience and her seniority + accumulated pension mean that the moment she leaves she will be able to retire in the lap of luxury. Her decades of service have given her the ability to arrive late and leave early without any reprimand. She has contacts among politicians and career bureaucrats who despite technically being her superiors all defer to her authority on certain matters. The entire federal government is run by these black women. They are in fact the only people who still understand how the edifice functions, as the paperwork is inscrutable to anyone who doesn't have at least a decade of experience. If there is a deep state in the US it is composed not of Freemasons, but of mid level bureaucrats jealously guarding their baffling amount of accumulated power. God help us should they ever unite against the political appointees.

>> No.17659625


I was one of the NYU students, black hair, green eyes - I was coming off a very bad flu when I went and was slightly delirious when I went so my memory of that night is not too clear desu. You were attending Columbia, I think? This was at the Czech(?)/Slavic restaurant.

>> No.17659658

>There was even a woman.
Was she hot?

>I was the woman lol
Were you hot?

>> No.17659683


I seem to remember her being good-looking, pretty witty, and lively - it was a genuinely good night all-around. I regret not trying to get the most interesting people to agree to meet again, but I didn't stay that long after I realized how ill I still was. Besides - at that time in my life I was much more shy and would have felt embarrassed to ask.

>> No.17660900

yup, that was me. I definitely remember meeting an NYU student with black hair but I think there might have been a few NYU students present. Do you have discord? I'd like to add you if so; I still keep up with a few people I met that night.

>> No.17660903

Boston Meetup was good. Went to a bar with a bunch of Catholic PHD students afterwards.

>> No.17661031

Why would I ever want to go to that shithole of a city? Why not come around to my neck of the woods in Virginia? I know of a nice cozy tea house in Fauquier county that serves some bombing ass tea and scones. The roads in the area are also very scenic.

>> No.17663366


>> No.17663462



Would be cool to talk with you all again!

>> No.17664624

Serious question - is there anyone planning to attend this who is not a student/does not work for the federal government?

>> No.17664736

I will be attending and I most certainly do not work for the federal government. Especially not the Department of Justice or the Federal Bureau of Investigation, let alone on a Joint Task Force on Online Extremism. I couldn't even confirm or deny the existence of such an organization, as I do not, as I said before, work for the United States Federal Government. I'm looking forward to discussing "alternative right" literature, internet subculture, and my dissatisfaction with the state of affairs in our country. Shadilay, my fellow Groypers!

>> No.17665014

I dead ass live close to you anon. What's that teahouse you go to? I might start going.

>> No.17665813

Kek. Is this pasta?

>> No.17666251

Just, my personal observations. Feel free to reuse.

>> No.17666300

>dead ass
i would advise you against meeting this person, as i can tell he is statistically likely to assault you for the purposes of dispossessing you of whatever valuables you happen to have on your person

>> No.17666426

kek I'm not black anon

>> No.17667613
