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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 222 KB, 446x418, pewdieeye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17650120 No.17650120 [Reply] [Original]

He made a book review video on Epictetus
What do you think?

His next review will be on schopie's Wisdom of life - how is he going to dodge the laser beam of "on women"?

>> No.17650137

I feel bad for Pewds because he probably has very radical views when it comes to philosophy but due to his enormous position in the industry he would immediately be killed by Twitter

>> No.17650145

Judith Butler addressed on women, he could read that???

>> No.17650220

on women is in the parerga

>> No.17650300

>His next review will be on schopie's Wisdom of life - how is he going to dodge the laser beam of "on women"?
That's why he's reading Kant's Critique first.

>> No.17650308


>> No.17650312

can single man destroy the joy of literature?

>> No.17650371

start printing schop(and other writers) before he gets banned/cancelled

>> No.17650383

fuck off with your shitty thread about a shitty e-celeb faggot
this is in no way about literature but about a youtuber who doesn't deserve your attention
shut off your screen and read, /lit/ is becoming worse by the day because of pixel-addicted hyperactive kid like yourself

>> No.17650456

well yes, but so has 100,000 sex studies undergrads.

>> No.17650531

Felix is a pretty great dude despite being e-famous. You probably hate on everything you don't understand to feel better about yourself.

>> No.17650544

I truth I hate on everything I don't understand to feel worse about myself.

>> No.17650573

I don't care about the guy himself. I care about you wasting your time with mindless entertainment. I hate your behaviour because I love you anon.

>> No.17650602

Mindless entertainment is good for you once in a while, you'll burn out otherwise. Also him trying to get his audience to try out different stuff isn't that bad.

>> No.17650704

When will he review story of the eye

>> No.17650714

I want his penis in my mouth who’s with me?

>> No.17650732

I never got stoics. Passion and a desire to controll nature is exactly what brought most great chances in the world. But nah bruh just accept nature and don't get mad lul.

>> No.17650733

yes, but only for himself

>> No.17650739

>a grown-ass man calling himself pewdiepie
>sells a useless PWO
>blathers on stupidly
>films him self laughing

No reason to watch this trash.

>> No.17650761

just because other people are spergs doesn't mean you have to be

>> No.17650794

>Passion and a desire to controll nature is exactly what brought most great chances in the world. But nah bruh just accept nature and don't get mad lul.

You don't know anything about stoicism.

>> No.17650866

Or you know when for example your house gets flooded instead of accepting it and not let it bother you. Get as angry as possible and use that passion to build a dyke and tell the sea to go fuck itself. Most great people and great inventions in history are driven by and endless passion which included anger and sadness and the desire to control everything about nature.
But you just go and tell a doctor he is childish for trying to stop death

>> No.17650983

Pretty good review, funnily enough goes far more into the heart of the matter philosophically than any other book reviewer would with such a book.

He connotes the gravity of its importance very well.

>> No.17651073

Why did he buy that shitty edition lmfao he is rich, he could get a nice one

>> No.17651141

Can't take him seriously even if he gave deep reviews, because at the end of the day his habits are not those of a wise mind.

>> No.17651158

>somebody mentions the ecelebs this nigga likes

>> No.17651163

Laughings for girls and gays

>> No.17651182

he's fairly grounded if you consider the fact how rich and popular he is, he's miles better than other douchetubers

>> No.17651185

>because at the end of the day his habits are not those of a wise mind.
And what habits are those?

>> No.17651198

Great, we really need more retards reading classics only because some celebrity made a video about them.

>> No.17651370

most doctors don't stop death, they stop symptoms,

and almost all inventions are created via the opposite of anger, love

>> No.17652094

Holy shit, he really is going to do Schopenhauer next

>> No.17652140

Should I read Wisdom of Life rn?
>t. hasn't started with the greeks

>> No.17652163

Yes, it's very short and the most important parts are the first two. The third is less important and should still be read

>> No.17652176

>he's fit
>he's lit
>he's married
>he's rich
how is he not wise?

>> No.17652186
File: 438 KB, 544x560, vibe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon, I'm excited!

>> No.17652220

It's a really good read, both for the ideas and how he writes.

Good luck with it anon. Also what's the drawing from?

>> No.17652427

it's one of the most extraordinary and profound experiments ever to have been undertaken with the flexible medium of youtube

>> No.17652748

Gaming/videos could be considered his profession... And considering how much money he gets per video...he's getting paid to read as well. Pretty based imo

>> No.17652818


>> No.17652820
File: 71 KB, 800x765, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is acting

>> No.17652841

you don't have to get angry to build a dyke lol. you just think, "what is in my control that I can do to prevent this happening again?" and the answer would be to calmly build a dyke. Anger is not the only motivating factor in the world, contrary to what your 4chan-addled brain thinks

>> No.17652842

>another board ruined by zoomers

>> No.17652856

honestly, no clue. I found it on a /wsg/ thread a while ago.

>> No.17652859

Ahh, old sauce-elusive /wsg/.

>> No.17652975


looks like the grinch

>> No.17653045

>Anger is not the only motivating factor in the world
No but such emotions as anger and sadness and greed are the primary motivations. Old peasants didn't sit down and think about the best way of protecting themselfs withoud letting emotions get in the way they saw what was wrong rememberd what they felt when they got flooded and fixed it. Stoicism is just for people who are to childish to regulate their emotions and people who want to act special

>> No.17653063

That's what I thought.

>> No.17653068

ebpb why are these faggots so obsessed with him

>> No.17653230

>stoicism is for people too childish to regulate their emotion
literally the opposite, stoics are some of the few who are capable of it

>> No.17653270

God damn will y'all shut the fuck up about this nigga

>> No.17653302

He's a pretty big minimalist. He doesn't like to spend much of his exorbitant amounts of cash. He goes into this idea a good bit on his video about Diogenes.

>> No.17653304

Just gonna double-post from the other thread:

So, beside the meme part, I want to read "epictetus discourses and selected writings" as kind of a preparation for my latin courses next semester but I'd like for it to be one of those bilingual books where you have the original on one side and the translated version on the other side. I know these types of books are available if you want to read the bible but are there any types of it for latin?

>> No.17653313

Epic Titties.

>> No.17653323

No most funtioning adults are capable of it. Why do you think man children like pewdiepie need these books to act normal. Anyone who is not autistic can keep his emotions in check and still use their passion to achive things. You don't need te be told by a book not be muh slave to emotions.

>> No.17653382

>anyway, back to our regular schedule of playing minecraft for children

>> No.17653401
File: 103 KB, 777x960, behold the lamb of god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to get into the kingdom of heaven, one must make themselves as a little child.

>> No.17653405

Jerking off to porn

>> No.17653419

Literally married, rich, and will have beautiful white children unlike all the LARPers on this board.

>> No.17653438

Hasn't his wife entered her thirties by now?

>> No.17653663

Epic tits lmao

>> No.17653673


>> No.17653674

Y-you love me?
Anon, I...

>> No.17653796

you must live in a very different world than I do, anon, where people behave very differently than in my upper-middle class educated social circle