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17645909 No.17645909 [Reply] [Original]

I treat every /lit/ chart as a Course and it's fun.

>> No.17645912

Something to be learnt from everything. High iq habit.

>> No.17646084

that's a good way of looking at it but I also think that once you know enough about what interests you/what your goals are, making your own reading lists is very rewarding and much more fun.

>> No.17646103

I spent almost 2 hours making a chart and it got completely torn apart by an anon. He made me feel like a pseud. He wasn't even rude about it, it was actually one of the most high-quality and genuine posts someone's sent me as a reply. But my ego was crushed.

>> No.17646123

I aspire to the day I become knowledgeable enough in a topic to become a namefag and offer book recommendations and commentary to anons on this board whenever the topic arises, and to make charts

>> No.17646126

Post the chart anon

>> No.17646127

The first time always hurts, but it's necessary for growth. Eventually your ego will become so small that it will actually in effect become enormous, as you'll stop caring about whether others view you as a pseud or not, and you will welcome criticism that points out where you are wrong, because it will help you to improve.

There is no shame in being wrong, only in refusing to acknowledge that you are wrong once you have been proven to be.

>> No.17646140

Im reading creative and critical thinking from the trivium chart and it's amazing but rare.
Thank you the anon who made it for knowing that such a niche book would be of such high quality.

>> No.17646143

>to become a namefag
I wish you a slow and painful death

>> No.17646145

I've made at least a half dozen charts. Usually I've only read about 10-20% of it myself, the rest is just what I think would logically follow

>> No.17646151

Based, same. Literally prepping myself to become a tripfag, y'all will know my name soon.

>> No.17646161

> aspire to shitpost on 4chan professionally

yes queen!

>> No.17646169

You can obviously do whatever you want, but I would honestly advise against seeking out notoriety by becoming a name-fag. /lit/ is a small enough board that you can get a reputation without tripfagging, and using name very quickly becomes a distraction even if you are making quality effort-posts while doing so.

>> No.17646170

>I wish you a slow and painful death
and I wish you a long, prosperous, and fulfilling life, anon

>aspire to shitpost on 4chan professionally
yeah, pretty much

>> No.17646241

This. It is better to be an anonymous effortposter than it is to be an effortposting tripfag. The former effortposts for the board, the latter for themselves and their ego. Plus everyone hates tripfags and they should all be banned anyway˙.

>> No.17646270
File: 424 KB, 2648x1230, better evola.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was an evola chart. Deleted it out of shame and besides there were far better ones already out there. Here's the high-quality reply though. Nothing but respect for this anon.

Thanks anon. It's one of the few areas where I thought I had something exeptionally valuable to contribute here after being a lurker and learning from other charts so it felt personal. Made me feel like a fraud. Part of me was posting it to seek approval, so perhaps I deserved it. I don't take myself as seriously anymore.

>> No.17646295

Completely agree but I still enjoy everyone hating on butters. I also know she'll show up soon and draw the ire of other anons, just a matter of when and not if

>> No.17646306

I kind of agree but it's also a bit of a tired meme at this point. I feel similarly towards rapture; it was fun to hate on them but I think we would be better off as a board if they weren't still posting under their tripcodes.

>> No.17646785

Don't be so down anon, nothing on the internet is real

>> No.17646810
File: 54 KB, 680x680, 1612031671764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what order should I read Evola in
Does not warrant a chart. Why would you need a chart for a single author? Can /pol/ migrants be any more illiterate?

>> No.17646818

Based brainlet

>> No.17646826

Some people on this board in general seem unable to read any book without having it sanctioned by /lit/ first.

>> No.17646839
File: 33 KB, 443x455, 1584295271329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>needing colorful thumbnails on a smartphone-sized grid in order to commit to reading books

>> No.17646864

Do you mean the one with the picture of evola in the middle?
Honestly, it's one of most aesthetic charts I've ever seen. Great design and feels.
At least you aren't a brainlet like me who never contributed anything.

>> No.17646881

Take the humility pill anon. It's good for the soul.

>> No.17646915

I made the Burgerpunk chart as a joke because I used to use indesign for work. Everyone saved it because it’s pretty, not because the list is good lol. Just had fun with it, y’know. It’s even on the wiki.