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File: 1.75 MB, 2178x930, left vs right.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17644903 No.17644903[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The great debate. Left wing philosophers vs Right wing philosophers. Who wins?

>> No.17644914

>no Guenon

>> No.17644935

Reducing those philosophers in that way is incredibly arbitrary and reductionistic.

>> No.17644944

Was Whitehead a leftist? Also can we trade someone to get Heidegger on our side?

>> No.17644952
File: 50 KB, 364x480, B2CC4985-5093-4E32-9944-C010557CEB6E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left? Right? Their paths bend toward the same destination...

>> No.17644965

Who is he? Google reverse image search has been nuked ever since the ai detected black people as gorillas.

>> No.17644966

None of those niggers are philosophers.

>> No.17644967

Not him but Alexandre Kojève

>> No.17644971
File: 52 KB, 480x477, trump philosopher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17644972

thanks anon

>> No.17644977


>> No.17644988
File: 1.53 MB, 2178x930, easyfix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fixed it for you, not need to thank me.

>> No.17644999

What is it about 2021 where literally everything that exists needs to be demarcated as left or right?

>> No.17645001

>henry james
These were broadly liberal, pluralistic, open-society types.

>> No.17645002

There's only two actual philosophers on the right, left wins by default.

>> No.17645007


>> No.17645010

*william james

>> No.17645015

>your only notable idea is literally just regurgitating parts of Capital most normies will never ever reach

>> No.17645019

that's william james you retard

>> No.17645026


>> No.17645035

based and schizopilled

>> No.17645043


>> No.17645057
File: 1.54 MB, 2176x1256, doublefixedit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, sorry, forgot one, thank you for reminding me.

>> No.17645069

What a terrible selection of right wing thinkers. These lists are ostensibly made by self-identified rightists, yet betray an embarrassing lack of familiarity with their own tradition. Where, for instance, is Oakeshotte? He is much more important than shitty Scruton. Evola and Hitler don’t really belong. Also, is Wittgenstein really a left-wing philosopher?

>> No.17645072

He synthesized the left-right dialectic. He was influenced by Marx but also Heidegger and Spengler. He was a key influence on the French postmodernists but also on his friends Strauss and Schmitt. He even exchanged letters with Evola

>> No.17645147

Marx already correctly identified the capitalist as a revolutionary class in Capital, there is nothing new to discover.

>> No.17645224

Kojeve doesn’t claim to be discovering anything new, he’s updating Marx and Hegel after the world wars.

>> No.17645402

these people wouldn't disagree with eachother, they'd all just nod their heads in silent agreement and leave casually

>> No.17645594

I'm so stumped as to how to deal with the terms "right wing" and "left wing".
There's been so many different definitions that people use that no matter how some authority figure says "THIS is the real definition", it's never strictly followed by other people so it's completely useless.
Are right-wingers traditionalists, conservatives, hierarchists, racists, libertarians, anarchists, corporatists, anti-socialists, republicans, or monarchists? What about left-wingers?
I guess I just have to figure out which of the hundred different things it could mean every time people use the term from the context? Why can't people just say what they mean instead of using an umbrella term that can be interpreted in so many ways?
It's so stupid, I wish people would stop using the terms.

>> No.17645606

Hitler was leftwing.

>> No.17645626

If you want niggers, Jews and trannies in your society, you're left wing. If you don't want them, you're right wing. Simple as.

>> No.17645646


>> No.17645653

>traditionalists, conservatives, hierarchists, racists, libertarians, anarchists, corporatists, anti-socialists, republicans, or monarchists
these are all the same things in essence just different costumes

>> No.17645661


>> No.17645793

Use yandex

>> No.17645881

Strauss, Spengler, Heidegger, and Wittgenstein are the only ones worth reading from that entire picture so it's 3:1 for right wingers.

>> No.17645893

>the same

>> No.17645913

I know that Witt was autistic, which is based, but how do you know he was right wing? He was a homosexual (though at the end of his life he regretted those activities). He also associated with the Vienna Circle (which included the one and only cuck, Bertrand Russell, EWWWW).

>> No.17645921

I'm using OP's picture where Strauss, Spengler and Heidegger are right wing and Wittgenstein left wing. So 3:1.

>> No.17645922

>Google reverse image search has been nuked ever since the ai detected black people as gorillas.
fucking hell that's funny, they really will be the death of us

>> No.17645929

let's hope more chatbots will be made in the future as they will inevitably be radicalized.

>> No.17645948

>right wing

>> No.17646082

terrible bait

>> No.17646927

Because debating is cringe

>> No.17646942

yes :^(

>> No.17646980
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>> No.17646992

Was Spengler right wing?

>> No.17647020

Try actually reading them, you fucking pleb.

>> No.17647035

Why is hitler a philosopher lol

>> No.17647118

oh boy, to understand that you need to educate yourself about neo-Hyperborean thought

>> No.17647158

The final reduction is good vs evil

>> No.17647198

yes, everyone vs the Jews (with the exception of those who renounce their Judaism)

>> No.17647199

>left wing
>right wing
No such thing. Stop being a niggercattle.

>> No.17648660

Adorno was influenced by Spengler, and he found value in Schmitt iirc. Don't really need to flock to Kojève for that.

>> No.17648678

Evola and de Maistre aren't philosophers whereas everyone on the left side is a philosopher so the left wins I guess.

>> No.17648696

Mein Kampf counts as philosophy IMO. Not good philosophy but it's definitely influential - much like Rand's stuff.

>> No.17649853


>> No.17649878


>> No.17649884

Hitler is to the right what Marx is to the left

>> No.17649893

>right wing

>right wing

fascism has more in common with socialism than with right wing

>> No.17649941

No it doesn't

>> No.17649945


that's kind of the biggest problem with all attempts at categorizing beliefs. no one agrees on what goes where and everyone's ideas exclude some subset included in someone else's definition.

>> No.17649970

Based fascist identifier

>> No.17650056

source on Kojève-Evola correspondence?

>> No.17650064

At this point in the definitions all liberal humanists are 'right wing' so you'll have to include Jung and Locke and all the rest on the right.

>> No.17650080

Wittgenstein disliked the Wiener-Kreis and Russell. And being gay is leftist? Plenty of fagcists around desu

>> No.17650222


based gay fascism

>> No.17650235

Contradiction in terms.

>> No.17651422

holy based

>> No.17651746

No, it is friend and enemy.

>> No.17651757

Yeah Evola was a socialist...

>> No.17651833

Right is overpower the weak, left is disempower the strong.

>> No.17652329

I read Kojeve because he maps the dialectic of left and right thought.
Oops my mistake, I was thinking of the unpublished Junger-Evola letters.

>> No.17652987


>> No.17652998

you are stupid

>> No.17653004

the left bodies the right so hard it's not even funny

>> No.17653186

Ok Calicles.

>> No.17653707


>> No.17653906
File: 67 KB, 720x665, AD14D777-4CB8-4C2C-A65D-8B93AB70AC93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left wing and right wing ideologies are all a product of Judaism. “Right wing philosophies” are nothing more than people wanting to preserve their land and blood while “left wing” are all anti “right wing” policies so I believe that even the labels are misleading. Traditionalists vs Kikes would be a better label. I hate the term right wing it doesn’t mean anything it’s just meant to discourage people, just like the term “Nazi.” Half of the “left wing” people are jews so you go fucking figure.

>> No.17653950

>rebel against government
>not left wing

>> No.17653962

>“Right wing philosophies” are nothing more than people wanting to preserve their land and blood
The fuck are you talking about. 1950s America is not traditional in any sense of the world. Delusional incel.

>> No.17654032

Yup totalitarianism. Are you quoting that Marxist though?

>> No.17654132

Worked just fine for me

>> No.17654143

>preserve their land and blood
American land is not yours.
Your "blood" is mutt-tier
Kill yourself.

>> No.17654173

did hitler really write enough to be considered a philospoher? i cant recognise any on the left as political leaders

>> No.17654175

well, its not the least traditional thing senpai. not agreeing with him, but people tend to be polemic about it. family focus and a focus on community. Who cares if you nitpick about it being nuclear or whatever, the intentionality is still at some level authentic.

>> No.17654402

This is a bad take. Hitler was not a philosopher, he may have theorized and wrote, but Joseph Goebbels is much more likely to be a nazi philosopher

>> No.17654541

take your meds

>> No.17654558

Yeah agreed, reducing everything down into right versus left is an extremely reductionist idea. In fact, if you don't know any better then you would say that the idea is essentially making sure you stay in a cage, your mind is only thinking of left and right, binary options.

>> No.17654562

i wish i could kill adorno so bad bros

>> No.17654568

>traditionalists and libertarians are the same thing
>monarchists and libertarians are the same thing

>> No.17654572

Well when I read those words they make my brain feel the same :/

>> No.17654575

ah, understandable.

>> No.17654582

Why? He's literally a crypto-fascist, chuds like you would like him if you actually read him

>> No.17654584

> left
GOAT 19-20th century philosophers
> right
Dictators, schizos and a bunch of literal whos

>> No.17654613

The rightist elite will promote libertarianism when there is no perceived threat and everything is going well for them. When there is a perceived thread and/or perceived decline is when all the rhetoric of "tradition," "degeneracy," and "moral decay" will come out and they will turn fascist within the snap of a finger. Libertarians of the rightist variety are just crypto-fascists.

>> No.17654621

This with the exception of Heidegger.

>> No.17654622

This. I stopped being a libertarian when I realized 99% of them were just conservatives/fascists that liked to smoke weed and say nigger without consequences.

>> No.17654675

...so anyone who believed or believes in absolutely freedom of act as long as it doesnt despoil a contract is a fascist? I think that is critically subversive of you. not your conclusion that they might be supported by moneyed interests, which very well could be the case, but that the ideology is crypto-fascist when on the basic epistemological level it is very different.
I dont think you were ever a libertarian if people doing decidedly disrelated things to libertarianism made you not one. that makes you someone obsessed with appearances.

Im not even a libertarian, but a Hegelian (believe that persons freedoms and wants are indirectly controlled by capitol in a capitalist society), almost the opposite, but damn man, that's a shitty reason ad homonym reason why.

>> No.17654697

He’s a reactionary Marxist

>> No.17654708

>...so anyone who believed or believes in absolutely freedom of act as long as it doesnt despoil a contract is a fascist?
i stated that these ideologies are more like different cloaks for the same thing. one will dress in the different cloak when the other doesn't benefit them any longer. and what does it mean to believe in "freedom" within a bourgeois state? who is really benefitting from this so called "freedom" aka bourgeois rights?

>> No.17654754


>> No.17654763

>and what does it mean to believe in "freedom" within a bourgeois state? who is really benefitting from this so called "freedom" aka bourgeois rights?
ok, but that is a conversation of praxis rather than belief in what is just.
>i stated that these ideologies are more like different cloaks for the same thing. one will dress in the different cloak when the other doesn't benefit them any longer.
againt, that is an argument from praxis rather than theory. it requires an a prioi skepticism of interest from a specific world veiw which can be said of any ideology to boot. its begging the question and makes it a question of historicity and narrative creation rather than one from a theoretical conceit, and at that point you can question anything from a purely particular historic conception and interpret it any which way you want. (of course a historical materialist would come to libertarianism from a historical materialist lense to be more specific)
Just like an anti-semite would say marxist socialism or the ussr was a priori a construct of the jewish international kabal and would disregard these ideologies off hand.

You see my point? any one of these could be correct historical interpretations if you take the conceit a priori and it just turns into a nothing word fight of who puppets who and whoes ideology is a sythetic construction.

Like I said, I do think capital does control what we believe "free" is, however, to be ideologically honest, I sould put this aside when evaluating the truth statement of another ideology.

>> No.17654897


>> No.17655749

Enough schizoposting