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17644808 No.17644808 [Reply] [Original]

English majors please gtfo of Philosophy classes. Your contributions to class discussions are hot faggy garbage.

>> No.17644819

>undergraduate woes
youre still a role playing dilettante until you publish an article

>> No.17644825

Film scorers please shut the fuck up when the composers are talking. Your contributions to music are redundant.

>> No.17645173

Philosophy students are way more annoying desu. In every philosophy class theres at least one guy who won't shut the fuck up during lectures, and believe you me, everybody fucking hates him. And yes its always a guy.
Side note, when philosophy majors discuss literature they make asses of themselves

>> No.17645184

Oh, come on. Women are far more insufferable in Philosophy classes. Depends on the course though. Their "feminist" interpretations are hardly compelling. I do agree that Phil majors need more practice interpreting and engaging with works of fiction

>> No.17645210

>Their "feminist" interpretations are hardly compelling.
Doesn't matter, most girls are to self-conscious/shy to intervene in class. There's always a guy that takes it as an opportunity to show how great of a philosopher he is though. you kind of sound like one of those guys desu

>> No.17645230

It just sounds like you are coping because you aren't a very good philosophy student participation wise. What is wrong with doing that if it helps you remember or understand the material and helps facilitate discussion? I am one of those guys desu.

>> No.17645271

>I am one of those guys desu.
I could tell, you sound insufferable.
>It just sounds like you are coping because you aren't a very good philosophy student participation wise.
I do participate, but I am able to tell when it's appropriate to do so and I do so in a moderate amount as I do not see the class as my personnal playground nor as a place to show off.
>What is wrong with doing that if it helps you remember or understand the material and helps facilitate discussion?
Nothing. I think you may be misunderstanding what the type of guy we are talking about does even if you are one.

>> No.17645273

dont worry you probably have a very cursory knowledge of philosophy and/or go to a public university

>> No.17645287
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>he went to college
May as well just chop your cock off now.

>> No.17645306

>and/or go to a public university
You're either a trust fund baby or a midwit who deluded himself into believing there's an intrinsically greater prestige in attending Oxbridge compared to a State University.

>> No.17645313

What did (you) do instead of going to university? Yes, university, because I can tell that you come from the third-world uneducated trashland that is the us (all lowercase for fake countries). You know, in the real western world, higher education isn't a commercial scam. I doubt that you can imagine how that is however, I even doubt that you know if there's anything beyond your "borders".

>> No.17645348

Not him, but I live in Australia and it's just as much of a scam here (a public scandal actually).

>> No.17645388

>What did (you) do instead of going to university?
Learn a trade.
>Yes, university, because I can tell that you come from the third-world uneducated trashland that is the us (all lowercase for fake countries).
It's quite funny you merely LARP as "the european" when we all know for a fact you're from the uk.
>You know, in the real western world, higher education isn't a commercial scam.
"Higher education" in of itself is largely worthless, they are merely pseudo-aristocratic institutes built upon socialization rather than offering anything meaningful to an individual besides being "in" with the "elite".
>I doubt that you can imagine how that is however, I even doubt that you know if there's anything beyond your "borders".
Well yes, if I was in your shoes I would want to ignore my country too, my anglo friend.

>> No.17645390

That's probably also the only guy who read the assigned reading for the class or discussion section, lmao. I remember a class where we had to read a book where in the conclusion of the novel some lady kills an abusive boyfriend, chops him up, and feeds him to chickens. At discussion section the TA asked students what they thought about the ending. Lots of dead silence, and then some non-committal, vague, and nonsense responses when people were individually called on. It was hilarious. I finally made a comment like 'conclusion was fine but I don't think that chopping people up into chicken feed is a particularly universal solution for these things' and the other students looked at me like I was from another planet while the TA was laughing.

>> No.17645424

>It's quite funny you merely LARP as "the european" when we all know for a fact you're from the uk.
Je ne suis pas anglais.

>> No.17645443

I will say you'd have to have a lot of courage to admit to being French.

>> No.17645457

Not him, but outside of Paris being taken over by Muslims, why would that require courage? Great food, wine, and culture once you get into the countryside.

>> No.17645472

I'm not french and I don't know why the trade guy assumed I was european. There's other places in the world where higher education is (or is almost) free and of great quality.

>> No.17645475

I have not read a single worthwhile French intellectual in my entire life.

>> No.17645483

>and I don't know why the trade guy assumed I was european.
I only said you were LARPing as one (and I was clearly right).

>> No.17645484

Didn't see your post. I'm not french. If you didn't suffer from the shit education offered on the us, maybe you would be more aware of the world. I even think that Africa is less of a shithole than your failed colony.

>> No.17645500

It's called a university and not a college on the majority of the world.

>> No.17645511
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>> No.17645524

Yeah you nailed it. The dude who sits in the front row and challenges the prof in the hegel lecture while the rest of the class gives eachother the "get a load of this guy" looks.
I'd expect those people to know their places and take social cues to not bog shit down. If you are one of those guys leave that shit for the seminar or approach the prof after the lecture.
In my experience it is always guys too

>> No.17645526

Poor little academicuck reaching for relevance in the guise of making a point he doesn't have.

>> No.17645527

I didn't called him an anglo. He's worse, he's an american.

>> No.17645534

No one tell him.

>> No.17645543

>ESL schizo literally cannot account posts into context and follow a thread of discussion

>> No.17645544

Anyway, enjoy hitting nails and paying 15k$ to give an abortion to your wife.

>> No.17645566

Bro i pounded your wifes poussi

>> No.17645573

>enjoy being self-employed and having your own business while I slave away to the corporation I'll inevitably have to join after I graduate because I don't realize academia doesn't care about me unless I was groomed into the lifestyle
Thanks, I will!

>> No.17645725
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Wow these universities are really pumping out their best with posts like this. Will you put this much effort in my order at the Mcdonalds drive through? fucking loser lmao.

>> No.17646131

>philosophy majors

Would you like fries with that?

>> No.17646149

To all the undeclared anons out there: remember, this "witty retort" is your brain on STEM.

>> No.17646158

This cope is your brain comprehending a lifetime of fast food careers lmfao

>> No.17646186

Majored in Political Science with a concentration in theory (so essentially political philosophy). I'm making six figures for a job that takes 1-2 hours a day. But that's because I'm not an autist and I get along well with people. For you maybe STEM really is the only way to avoid flipping burgers. For functional adults though, it isn't.

>> No.17646352


>> No.17646361

lmao what reason would I have to lie on an anonymous cambodian cross-stitching image board? seethe more, anon.

>> No.17646373

I don't know, you tell me.

>> No.17646375

the highest income zip codes in america are in virginia not silicon valley or manhattan. granted manhattan probably has more wealth, but in yearly income those zip codes outside dc absolutely dwarf everywhere else from oily cities in texas to tech meccas like sf and seattle

>> No.17646398

those people are based


>> No.17646447

>I didn't go to university
>here's why university is worthless
I can taste those grapes through the internet. Fact is, you're spewing more bullshit than a busted main

>> No.17646456

Do you guys ever just tune out based on the voice?
I can't stand the nasally mouth breathers or the monotone droners.
In my experience, the more annoying the voice the less useful the comment. Is it a lack of self-awareness?
Like if you're not even self-aware of what you sound like you're probably not aware of what you're saying.

>> No.17646468

I thought autistic classrooms full of amateurs arguing bunkum was a meme. Turns out it is reality.

>> No.17646481
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Nobody is less qualified a philosopher than a Philosophy major

>> No.17646485


>> No.17646652

Not gonna lie, I do enjoy participating in open discussions during zoom meetings with my Phil classes. People often develop their own ideas after my contribution, either in the chat or in voicing their criticisms against whatever arguments are being presented in the text. There aren't many others who are willing to put themselves out there, and given that I give people something to either think about or disagree with, I think I'm an overall benefit. Furthermore, in breakout rooms there's more anxiety among my fellow students to speak up, and I've noticed that upon breaking the ice people become more comfortable. I sometimes get ahead of myself with tangents but then I become self-aware and make sure I'm not preventing others from speaking up. Your concerns may be warranted for some types of students, but I think that in large part you're projecting, nigger.

>> No.17646687

this lol, they make the class fun instead of being a fucking borefest

>> No.17646701
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>Arts majors
STEM degrees are the only ones worth getting (and even some of STEM is shit too), everything else is for brainlets and/or pretentious rich kids.
Imagine needing a degree to read philosophy or white a book. Fucking lmao.

>> No.17646708

New copypasta?

>> No.17646709

Ha, you should have sui-'d. Now you'll never be like socrates.

Real genius chads type from the grave to laugh at living flesh smooth brains like you.

>> No.17646913

philosophy majors and english retards gtfo. Unless youre going to law school philosophy majors are just smug debt cows.

>> No.17646947
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Anyone else used to be a STEM major that switched to the humanities?

I flunked out of enginiggering and chose english and I feel like i'm using my mind in way more ways and learned way more things than I would've learned if I stayed in enginiggering.
Nothing pisses me off more than some fucking worthless STEMlord in one of my classes constantly talk down about the material taught.

>> No.17647720

Yeah, to history/polsci. Tbh I feel the opposite. I'm learning way more just reading and discussing with myself or my internet frens than in class. Feels like a joke but atleast i'm getting good grades with very little effort. Engineering wasn't for me but I sorta wish I studied maths or languages or something. Would've atleast been challenging.

>> No.17647879

Most profs will gladly take someone who always participates. Even low iq brainlets generate discussion of they participate a lot.

>> No.17647937
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>tfw doing an English Lit course at a 500 rank University
What am I fucking doing? I need life advice

>> No.17647956

You guys are lucky. If I wanted to switch to neuroscience or something I can't because all my A-Levels are in humanity courses like history. You need at least a science to do any STEM.

>> No.17648027

can't you just take a new A-level or do a prep course or something? UK seems super flexible to me in general with conversion courses and postgrad entry degrees

>> No.17648586

Cope. Lectures arent the time for over participation, try the seminars and approaching the prof after the lecture. I feel bad that everyone makes fun of you for talking too much

>> No.17648596

It depends on the class (size, professor, approach, etc). There is no hard rule against participating during a lecture in all cases.

>> No.17648612

Of course there isnt to somebody who cant read the room. Next time you ralk in a lecture just go to the bathroom and cut your balls off. Everybody hates that guy

>> No.17648633

Time to do research: https://dailynous.com/value-of-philosophy/
Remember: people who say philosophy degrees are useless never have statistics to back them up.

>> No.17649318

Fuck off.

>> No.17649394

>woman in anthropology classes

>> No.17649405

All uni attendees fuck off. This high school dropout board.

>> No.17649418

do the readings early

>> No.17649609
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You two NIGGERS should stop it with the reductionism and atheism in religious studies classes.

>> No.17649642

>faggot pissypussy nigga who never got a look at a vajeen in real life say ">woman in anthropology classes" to fit in with faggot 4chan culture

>> No.17649658

>tfw chose to be an english major so I could graduate early

Do I have a chance of getting a decent job fellas? I'm too stupid for STEM and only have a year left anyways.

>> No.17649670

Well if you graduate, but from your presence on 4chan its easy to see you wont if were keeping it a buck

>> No.17649705

English majors actually read continental philosophy while philtards go around in circles "debating" what analyticity is for 30 years

>> No.17649727

You still need a graduate degree for a STEM job except for CS. Where do you think the "PhD in Maths, 300k," meme comes from?

>> No.17649756

>There's other places in the world where higher education is (or is almost) free and of great quality.
Name one.