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/lit/ - Literature

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17644483 No.17644483[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

salutations and fuck kikes,

i've decided to write a comprehensive expose detailing all the crimes and lies of the jew. i want this to be as thorough as possible so i would appreciate some suggestions for content to research, also if anyone has some infographs they could dump, that would be great. i'm not going to use them as sources, but i would like to have as many claims to research in depth as possible. and so any suggestions for topics to be included are appreciated.

>> No.17644554

Gustav Mahler
Isaac Rosenberg
Woody Allen
Marcel Proust
Henri Bergson
Lauren Bacall
Mel Brooks
Baruch Spinoza
Leonard Cohen
Jim Croce
Martin Buber
Albert Einstein
Hermann Cohen
Heinrich Heine
Louis Zukofsky
George Gershwin
Otto Weininger
Walter Benjamin
Arnold Schoenberg
Felix Mendelssohn
Leonard Bernstein
Irving Berlin
Marc Chagall
Mark Rothko
Max Liebermann
Amedeo Modigliani
Jules Pascin
Isidor Kaufman
Boris Pasternak
Charles Reznikoff
Marcel Proust
Delmore Schwartz

>> No.17644566



>> No.17644571 [SPOILER] 
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Begone foul retard.

>> No.17644577

based, thank you. this is the type of stuff i need

>> No.17644579 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.17644600
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>> No.17644618

Not clicking that, smells like hommus.

>> No.17644633
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>> No.17644637 [SPOILER] 
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Don't forget to sage this shit. Janny is busy and Mods are watching porn.

>> No.17644645

I'm not Jewish. What's your religion?

>> No.17644650
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>> No.17644662
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>complains that all the problems he faces in the world are caused by jews
>gets told he's a dumb fag
>convinces himself it's everyone else that's a crybaby
bravo /lit/

>> No.17644668

>Thinks Jews are greedy despite following the subscription-service version of Christianity which used to ask people to pay money to get into heaven

>> No.17644671

>complains that all the problems he faces in the world are caused by jews
never claimed that, nigger

>> No.17644672

Sage isn't a downvote, newfriend

>> No.17644673

Small 'c' Catholic, eh? Be more religious and less hateful. I'll ask God to soften your heart.

>> No.17644681

fuck off lukewarm

>> No.17644682

Nobody claimed it was and only redditors know what the terminology of reddit is. So, in short you may go fuck yourself and go back. Get the fuck off my board, nigger.

>> No.17644686 [SPOILER] 
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>fuck off lukewarm

>> No.17644688

Damn Jews are based as fuck

>> No.17644694

don't you have coombait threads to be posting in?

>> No.17644706

White European nations died 80 years ago and we are dancing ontop of the coffins

>> No.17644713

Can you please stop talking in memes, and catchphrases and shit. Get a tissue and wipe the diarrhoea from your beardless weak chin.

>> No.17644717

Woody Allen? Lol, that guy adopted kids for the sole purpose of molesting them, and married one of them the day she turned 18

>> No.17644722
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>Get a tissue and wipe the diarrhoea from your beardless weak chin.

>> No.17644728

Too many semitophiles on this board.

>> No.17644811
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anon i am sorry to tell you this but you have been brainwashed
if jews were actually bad people, if jewishness was itself bad, then the people who are the MOST jewish would be worst, right? and people who are less jewish (and if you don't think a jew can be more or less jewish than another jew, then you can stop reading, because whatever you have is incurable), these people would be not so bad. this is a reasonable premise, right?
but actually, you find that the opposite is true - the worst "jews" are the least jewish, and the "best" jews are the most jewish. my argument is this: that the worst jews, the -steins and -bergs you see writing news articles about wypepo bad, nignog good and etc, those jews, have most likely never actually seen the inside of a synagogue in their lives, or perhaps once on their baxmitzvah. they are almost universally "culturally jewish", literally self-identified atheists, they are progressive, they don't eat kosher, and "jewishness" to them is basically an off-brand version of white that lets them larp as ethnics when it suits them and chastise actual whites when it doesn't. these people are clearly some of the worst of all jews, and yet, you have to even wonder the extent to which these people are actually jewish at all. their children certainly won't be
but the ones who are the most jewish, are of course the ultra-orthodox jews, and these people are unlikely to even get a job at all, much less one peddling progressive schlock to gentiles. these people are highly insular, even amongst other jews, they often don't work at all, they refuse to serve in the military (a contentious issue over in israel, the one state you'd expect them to defend). they dress their women like nuns, they are more socially conservative than probably 99% of /pol/, they are deeply religious, and in general you don't find them being soldiers in our culture war, because they're solely concerned with their own community and following their book of autistic rules to the letter
the average /pol/ user doesn't even have the standing to criticize these people - his tribe is one of godless atheists, fallen hopelessly far from grace. even if they did kill christ and are likely going to hell, i'd rather bet on some zz-top looking dude who's never had lobster getting to heaven than basically 95% of whites. i won't deny that awful people really are disproportionately "jewish" to some non-zero degree. but i contest that this is somehow an innately jewish problem - if it was, you'd expect to see something completely different than what is reflected in reality

>> No.17644848

all jews are terrible.

>> No.17644916

You didn't have to humiliate him like that.

>> No.17644932

You sound like a stupid person. Are you stupid?

>> No.17644946


>> No.17644953

sounds like something a stupid person would say

>> No.17644994

Didn't read all that, but it sucks talking to jews. Almost without exception. No other group is as boring and loud as jews. Dont think they are uniquely evil or whatever. Don't think they are oppressing me. But holy shit do they suck. I think its because you can extrapolate their entire personality based on their opinion on Isreal and their opinion on diversity. Once you have those two data points you know everything else about them.
t. Surrounded by jews.

>> No.17644998

>Didn't read all that
But could you, if you tried really hard. You could do it, like the little engine.

>> No.17645003

I could but won't.

>> No.17645022

Why not though. I think you ought to read it purely out of respect for the writer. It's actually pretty good.

>> No.17645024

>I can't

>> No.17645030

If that's true then he has arrived at the right place. I'll help anyone with learning to read.

>> No.17645098

>literature board
>"hey guise I have a writing project I'm gonna do"

>> No.17645175

I never even considered Jews as any different until I came on here. I’ve been around Jews my entire life and never thought anything about it.

>> No.17645233

This is not /homework/ you fucking retard nigger faggot.

If he writes the thing and wants some critique sure I might deign to help him, but that's not the case at all and you're being disingenuous to imply so.

>> No.17645340

Do you consider Jews to be any different now?

>> No.17645342


>> No.17645479


>> No.17645658

something to be said about the fact that grifters in general are just the worst. I would rather have a man with conviction than one that wanes and waxes between idealogies like the moon. Nothing wrong with changing, but there are unironic christians, muslims, and jews who are pro-trans, pro-gay, pro-casual sex, it's like, man, didn't you read the fucking bible? And it's not even that they tolerate it, because they don't just tolerate it, they actively engage in it and feel no shame. God should be pissed.

>> No.17645695

There's nothing in the Talmud which explicitly states anything against casual sex, transgenderism or gay sex to my knowledge. I know for a fact that actually the Talmud asserts there are six genders. The Talmud also forbids celibacy.

>> No.17645701

why will no one address my point

>> No.17645732
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Seethe more

>> No.17645741

>complains that all the problems he faces in the world are caused by jews
He literally never said that

>> No.17645765
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seethe more, anti-semite

>> No.17645806
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The Orthodox are the bedrock of the Jewish community. Where as Jews would normally mix out or simply disappear from low fertility, the Orthodox sustain their existence.

Now the actual problem with the Orthodox community is that they are just as racist(if not more) and hateful of white people as the processive types, they just don't become journalists.

"To eat at the same table as a Goyim is to share a bowl with a dog"
"If you find Goyim's property you do not have to return it"
"If a Goyim were to slap a Jew, he shall be put to death"
"If you happen upon some Goyim's property, and he is not present, help yourself to his stock; If you are caught, tell them you intended to pay for it, but you could not find them, and you were going to leave the shekels"

Last but not least:
"You can still sell your daughter as a virgin as long she was only raped before 3 years and 1 day of age; Vaginal penetration is as to poke one in the eye, it hurts, but no damage is done"

>> No.17645821
File: 2.43 MB, 1445x1717, Davidster_Dick_Stins_The_Hague[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I forgot to mention that the quotations are from the Talmud

I should also mention that Jews think whites are Amalek, the eternal enemy of Whites, which the Bible commands must be exterminated.


>"Davidster" (Star of David) by Dick Stins is a Holocaust memorial in The Hague. The text at the side (in Dutch and Hebrew) is from Deuteronomy 25:17, 19 – "Remember what Amalek has done to you ... do not forget."

>> No.17645830
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Deut. 25:19 – Wipe out the descendants of Amalek

>> No.17645848

>whites are Amalek, the eternal enemy of Whites

>> No.17645865

no matter what you think of their rules, the fact that they have any at all separates them so far from the typical liberal atheist that it doesn't make sense to consider them part of the same species. the jew who says "To eat at the same table as a Goyim is to share a bowl with a dog" will get canceled by the cosmopolitan "cultural jew" the moment it becomes profitable for him (if not because of white gentiles, than because of nonwhite gentiles). and for you, why do you care what jews think of you? isn't your enemy the one who actually attacks you and wants to rule you, rather than one who minds his own business?
this entire antisemitism thing doesn't make any sense - the most jewish jews are just a bunch of insular autists who don't care about white people at all, while the worst jews are about as jewish as "irish americans" are irish

>> No.17645866

It's called pilpul for a reason and that post you're responding to is the most clear cut case of pilpul

>> No.17645887

my point was quite succinct: how do you reconcile your antisemitism with the fact that the worst jews are the least jewish?

>> No.17646121

holy shit...

>> No.17646577
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>> No.17646602
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>> No.17646656

can you really blame the jewish revolts on the jews? serious question