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17639352 No.17639352 [Reply] [Original]

Honestly, I was intimidated by this book to begin with because this man is an intellectual powerhouse. Once I finally started reading I couldn't put it down.

>> No.17639357

(((Ben Shapiro)))
Reminder that he was against Trump.

>> No.17639361
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>> No.17639362

Shitty bait
Even worse

>> No.17639505

>"I've never known him back down from a fight"

How about that time when Spic Fuentes confronted him on the street after he had railed agains Fuentes in a 45 minute monologue, and he scurried off quickly without saying a word, and then cried to media that he felt his life was threatened and he thought big bad stronk Nick was gonna murder his children right there on the pavement? Truely the mark of a "warrior" right there, am I right.

>> No.17639528

this thread is clearly a joke you fucking mouthbreather

>> No.17639541
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>Nooo don't speak the truth in my unfunny "joke" thread

>> No.17639564

Damn, as cringe as I find her exaggerated expressions on her videos, I can't deny she knows how to look hot.

>> No.17639578

Ben Shapiro is a fucking moron who cherry picks information to support his own religious and political ideologies.

>> No.17639582

Yes and what's worse: He's a Jew.

>> No.17639601
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>le echoes
>pro trump
I know this is bait, but I I've seen it unironically and don't understand it. Trump has a Jewish son in law. There are pictures of him at the Western Wall. Any self-respecting stormweenie wouldn't be caught dead supporting Trump.
And that's the other thing. Why do the people on the right all hate each other. You could post mspaint comics with the best of them, but the left will never see them. Meanwhile the left are blowing out their collective sphincters over Ben. Isn't that what everyone wants? Them to be mad? The problem is that those types refuse to make alliances of convenience. Never gonna make any headway like that.

>> No.17639647

Ben was initially against Trump because they (Jews) saw him as a threat. He got softer on them after he got in power, so shills like Ben warmed up to him. In the end they wanted him out, though, so anti-semites like Trump in the capacity that he posed a real threat to the Jews. Simple enough to understand. The part where his family is married to Jews is a sign of deep Jewish subversion, the fact you need to wed your offspring into that particular in order tribe to have any real power, it means they are the societal elite, and maybe Orange Man was just playing the game as well as he could.

>> No.17639657

>so anti-semites like trump
* "like" in sense of "condone", or "endorse".
>wed your offspring into that particular in order tribe to have any real power
* wed your offspring into that particular tribe in order to have any real power

>> No.17639664

You must be 16.

>> No.17639682

Ben was against Trump because he thought Trump would deal irreparable damage to the GOP. If you hadn't noticed, the vast majority of American Jews are leftwing. So it doesn't quite make sense for a rightwing figure like Ben to take orders from a leftwing cabal. Or do you think that it's all theater?

>> No.17639692

>Or do you think that it's all theater?
Yes, I believe so, in a nutshell. I believe that at a certain level, high-up in the hierarchy, the left-right distinction vanishes and becomes un-important. I think this has become more and more obvious to us observers, over the past few years. Didn't he say he came to "Drain the swamp"? And look at him now, but the "Swamp" remains, and stands triumphant even.

>> No.17639706

I dunno. How would all the right information be disseminated? During prayer? A secret Jew server?
>the left-right distinction vanishes
Well you're right on that as far as DC goes. They're all buddy buddy and treat politics like a sport while America REEEs over pointless shit.

>> No.17639728

Lol yeah, well if you're asking how the higher-ups communicate and co-ordinate, I think it's not a very tough question to answer, because the modern society offers un-precedented communications technology, just like we are chatting now even though we could be on literal opposite ends of the earth with regard to each other, just imagine what tech the ruling class have access to, not to mention of course they have physical meetings and dinners all the time. It is perhaps a given, that if there are any secret conspiracies they must meet in person, to make sure there's no surveillance technology present that might give them away.