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File: 1.44 MB, 1240x1499, Hegel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17638696 No.17638696 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17638732


>> No.17638738

Social democracy?

>> No.17638746

Plato's Republic

>> No.17638754

>thesis antithesis synthesis

>> No.17638775

This. And neoliberalism.

That particular dialectic has been over for decades.

>> No.17638876

this atheism
still atheism
can only be atheism

still atheism

1005 atheism again

The great atheist fallacy is that people deeply believe there is a difference between all those atheist -isms

>> No.17638884

thesis-antithesis-synthesis is not dialectics.

>> No.17638885

Atheism is a synthesis

>> No.17638894

communism is not the antithesis to capitalism

>> No.17638896
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in your heart, you already know the answer

>> No.17638897

the Antichrist.

>> No.17638907
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>> No.17638915


>> No.17638920

By all rights it is. It is the diametrical opposite.

>> No.17638923

i love hegel because you can use him to justify anything

>> No.17638926

it's not

>> No.17638929

What is the opposite of capitalism then?

>> No.17638933


>> No.17638955

that's not how dialectics works

>> No.17638962

uhh yes it is

thesis: proposition
antithesis: anti-proposition

>> No.17638963

your mom

>> No.17638969

thesis-antithesis-synthesis isn't dialectics first of all that's a meme. dialectics is immanent critique.

>> No.17638977

>source: my ass

>> No.17639218
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Is Hegel about coming to a realization of the absolute, or is it about a radical encounter with the limits of your own subjectivity (pic related)?

>> No.17639242
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>refutes Hegel
Nothing personal kid.

>> No.17639617

Xi’s China. Also, read Kojeve.
Nah, Hegel’s philosophy accounts for Deleuze’s. Nothing escaped Hegel, you can either accept this or find ways to cope.

>> No.17639632


>> No.17639635

How is communism the antithesis of capitalism if capitalism is supposed to naturally develop into communism

>> No.17639642


>> No.17639662


>> No.17639668
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>> No.17639679


>> No.17639688


>> No.17639733

Hegel is being a piece of shit and wanting to have a career by larping as an intellectual while not being viewed as a christian scholar, so Heglel had to find a way to get people believe that his work is ''verifiable'' like a scientific work.

The best way to do this is by being an atheist, ie a guy who is obsessed with the atheist society and crams as much logic and rationalism into this atheist narcissism.

Don't forget that this piece of shit of heglel literally wanted a new religion which was popular and rational. The asshole literally said this. Like any bugman from the revolution, he was very antichristian, something necessary to have a career.

Hegel the piece shit physicists literally said there can't be any more planets that was discovered at the time. This is the power of the atheist who fucking loves science and yet suck at it.

So hegel the subhuman being an atheist, he wanted to systematize all this shallow hype of rationalisms while still wanting be idolized, and of course he completely fails for anybody with double digit IQ.

Now wonder a jew neet like marx who fucking loves science and yet can't even understand derivatives idolized this piece of shit. Hence all this narcissistic crap about dialectical materialism.

Heglel is r8ddit. He is a pure product of the french bourgeoisie and the deification of the allegedly rationalist public servants.
The dialectics is atheism turned inwards, ie narcissism, thus all the neurotic teens here shills his brain turds.

The french revolution has been a disaster for the human race.

>> No.17639786

It is dialectics, you fucking idiot.

>> No.17640518

Capitalism is synthesized by communism! Contradiction of capitalism that is solved by communism is the contradiction between worker and capitalist, which is capitalism, synthesis: Workers overthrow capitalism and collectively control the means of production.

>> No.17640536
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your mom
a lot of sex

>> No.17640687

But communism failed, so there must have been some antithesis to it, right?

>> No.17640748


>> No.17640754
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>> No.17640764

>Heglel is r8ddit
while using reddit spacing.

>> No.17640869


>> No.17640886


>> No.17640950

the antithesis is revolution, the synthesis communism.

thats just capitalism with more larping

>> No.17640986


>> No.17641020
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>> No.17641037

Do Communists actually believe that capitalism will develop into communism? I mean I understand that these people aren't that intelligent but this is just pathetic.

>> No.17641063


>> No.17641111

Communists are coping lmao.

>> No.17641127

>friendly reminder that communism has never worked in real life

>> No.17641144

Communism is ultra-capitalism. It's a complete corporate monopoly enforced via violence. I don't understand how people don't see the government as anything other than a corporation.

>> No.17641152

Anarcho primitivism.
The chinese communist model is working extremely well. So well in fact that the United States is modeling itself after china.

>> No.17641171


>> No.17641175

>le no true scottsman

>> No.17641239

>The chinese communist model is working extremely well.
No it isn't.

>> No.17641315

Their gdp just surpassed the west while destroying all other economies via a virus they accidentally leaked. They elected Biden who immediately repealed the tariffs against them via an admitted oligarchy of the rich rigging the election. They're doing quite well.

>> No.17641335

Oh I should also mention that they own the mineral mining rights to nearly all of africa and thus stand to profit most in battery manufacturing while westerners slowly ban fossil fuels.

>> No.17641378

Keynesian welfare state

>> No.17641409


>> No.17641539

thanks for the reading list Dave hope your hiatus ends soon

>> No.17641733

peepee in poopoo

>> No.17641739

Take your meds.

>> No.17641835

State capitalism as the westerners like to call it.

>> No.17641839

no it's not. see>>17638969

>> No.17641841

Communism isn’t the antithesis of capitalism lol.

>> No.17641858

>The chinese communist model
good to know that Communism allows having thousands of billionaires and a mostly private economy. If you guys were more clear about this I think people might join the commie team

>> No.17641915

You already have anon.

>> No.17641916

dictatorship of the proletariat

>> No.17641920


>> No.17641927

it's kant and fichte dialectics, not hegelian dialectics, inmanent critique is the hegelian dialectics

>> No.17641971

I have joined no team at all, and no team would accept me, I'd bring bad PR. If you would like to hire me to insult your team in a 'look how pathetic our enemies are' ploy I will work for a very reasonable fee, you can even just send me sandwiches twice a day

>> No.17642000


>> No.17642009

Social Democratic Anarcho-Capitalism

>> No.17642016

truly embarrassing thread. I thought it was good news that this board was getting around to discuss hegel more but I guess I was wrong to get my hopes up. If you think hegel or anything about dialectics involves "synthesis" you are beyond help

>> No.17642021

Threat of Communism

>> No.17642024

illiterate pseud thread

>> No.17642123

The chink flu is a myth, Chinese couldn't have foreseen that the western governments are stupid enough to close everything down because of a harmless flu anyways. However, just before the outbreak, there were the Military World Games in Wuhan, and with the US participants being exceptionally and unexpectedly bad this year, one could also suspect...

>> No.17642348

False communism, aka Statist single party vanguard of the proletariat
Libertarian Capitalism
Libertarian communism

>> No.17642537

shut up vaushite lol
everything is just capitalism with different branding

>> No.17642547


>> No.17642578

communism is the synthesis, the antithesis is the crisis of overproduction

>> No.17642593

>the crisis of overproduction
how is overproduction real, just produce less stuff lmao, like nigga walk away from the factory

>> No.17642617

Socialism didnt fail because socialism has an inherent contradiction that is synthesized by something else (especially not capitalism) but rather because the material conditions and political superstructure, political and economical mistakes led to developments that led to the fall of socialism.

Dialectal developments dont always have to move progressive and forward, you can also develop backwards, as was the case with the fall of socialism

>> No.17642664

There isn't a mention of Hegelian dialectics in >>17638884. OP posted an image of Hegel, but never stated that he's talking about Hegelian dialectics. It's still a retarded post, but now you get to be retarded with it.

>> No.17642757

Neo liberalism

>> No.17642802

I'm glad you still remember :)

>> No.17642962


>> No.17642979

Market saturation is something real.
Combined in increase in productivitiy, which reduce value, it reaches a point where products cannot be sold anymore, capital cannot accumulate anymore, and the whole system reach it's contradiction.

Even if you produce less stuff, the value of each item will still go down through time, due to the increase in mechanization.

>> No.17642985
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Capitalism is doomed to fail. Firms will cease to be profitable, the environment is already collapsing. What is made of the crisis is up to us.

>> No.17642986

To materialists ideology has no history and rather the dialect would be t-bourgeois class a-proletarian class s-negation of class struggle

>> No.17643015

Fascism is what happens when capitalists start feeling threatened, so they murder everyone they don't like.

>> No.17643026

When i said libertarian capitalism, it was used as a synonym of anarcho Capitalism. People are not ready for communism anyway. So better push anarcho Capitalism.

>> No.17643039

Shut up, sóyjak

>> No.17643054

Then that particular item won't be profitable and people will try to produce/sell other stuff

>> No.17643077

Yes obviously. But i feel people are far from being ready. They can wake up pretty quickly, meaning, in a few decades, but as for today, they cling way too much to their shiny shit.
Until they realize that they have nothing, they will continue to cling to this dream that some day they'll have more.

>> No.17643080

Prove me wrong faggot if you think you know shit about history

>> No.17643091

>Firms will cease to be profitable,

>> No.17643092

t. historically illiterate

>> No.17643094
File: 121 KB, 562x529, Wage germany national socialism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not exactly this, but obviously, fascism is not what internet right wing think it is.

>> No.17643103

Explanation (of the obvious).
Wages under Hitler stagnated.

>> No.17643108

>start feeling threatened
I wonder why Germans in the 30s would consider commies a threat lmao

>> No.17643120

this is retarded
ancap or accelerationism or whatever the fuck is for literal children
every market is was and always will be planned
>People are not ready for communism anyway
Do you mean individuals or civilization? Seriously go back to politigram or wherever the fuck you people find new lifestyle brands to cope

>> No.17643138

You cannot continuously invent and sell stuff, especially if they are useless. Capitalism gave us coverage of most of our material social needs. Now the markets are saturated, the rate of profit is low, And there isn't much more social needs to cover. Even if some new social needs are found, the production of consumption items to cover them would quickly saturate the market, due to the high level of productivity. E.g: smartphone market got saturated pretty fast, in less than a decade:

>> No.17643152

>You cannot continuously invent and sell stuff, especially if they are useless.
you absolutely can though, for one thing people will always buy stuff as a status signal if they can, that game is eternal, and you can also just psyop people into buying stuff with ads

>> No.17643154

Yes individuals. We see the mode of production, and it's obvious collapse. But they don't see shit. They just think we are through some difficulties, and that things might go better in a few years.
On the other hand, the "elites" push forward neo-feudalism (Klaus Schab, Great reaset).

>> No.17643176

See attached graph of rate of profit.
The symptom of this is the growth of monopolization and rapid speculation. No longer is it sufficient for a firm to occupy a niche, it now must be everything, and the best at it. See Disney, Alphabet, Amazon, and the trajectory of every tech unicorn in the past decade

>> No.17643180

give me a brief breakdown of that system

>> No.17643182

I don't think it'll work. As time goes, people will see time, as the real value of life. Not shiny stuff. Thus they'll stop buying the most expensive shit, Even if Apple luxury product economy was a thing, it only delays the inevitable tendency of the rate of profit to fall. Even $6000 entry level mac pro will cost only $400 in a few decades. You cannot sell your product 10 times it's value, to make artificial profit. Value diminish with time, and the rate of profit with it.

>> No.17643223

That shows it decreasing and seemingly leveling off

>> No.17643226

It's been working for decades already, people's 'basic needs' were met a long time ago. The desire to make money and buy stuff is mostly to get into a higher social class, you can always have a bigger house or whatever.

>> No.17643232

so neoliberals are fascists?

>> No.17643239

>The desire to make money and buy stuff is mostly to get into a higher social class
MOst zoomers don't give a shit about this. All they want to do is play videogames and chill. At least the zoomers i know.

>> No.17643244
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based and parenti pilled
centrists and dishonest right-wingers wouldn't get it

>> No.17643255

zoomers are 20 years old, they don't care seriously about anything, but even then it's not entirely true, they are still trying to get ahead as a whole

>> No.17643664

we've given up on everything, consciously or sub-consciously

>> No.17643684
File: 222 KB, 1200x900, DDNXdpnXgAAKq_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thesis: monarchism
Antithesis: populism (natsoc, democracy, marxism)
Synthesis: constitutional monarchy
Anything past this is an overcorrection. Hell, Kant recognized this and so did most of the enlightenment liberals

>> No.17643963

the difference between "anarcho capitalism" and great reset neofeudalism amounts to a fine imaginary line determined by fantasy writers

>> No.17643982

video games cost money

>> No.17643988


>> No.17643996

if only it was that. most popular games are f2p anyway

>> No.17643997

Synthetic technocracy

>> No.17644392

The refutation of the ontological argument did.

>> No.17644464

god not real

>> No.17644469


>> No.17644594

Open source games, unironically. Although it would be better if zoomers did things like sport, reading, outdoors activities, growing vegetables, etc...
Anarcho Capitalism, in my opinion, is possible throught decentralized finance, (DeFi), decentralized money, and decentralized services. Basically it's Capitalism without the State, because it makes the State redundant. I'm Libertarian Marxist, so i don't give a shit anarcho-Capitalism, and think it aims low, but if i'm honest, i have to accept that anarcho Capitalism might have a few decades of glory in the coming future.
Don't worry, you don't miss much. What did you give up exactly, a big car? A big house with a swimming pool? Holidays in the Caribbean?
If you want kids, it's cheap. If you want to learn, knowledge has never been so easily accessible. If you want nature, there is still quite a lot of it.

>> No.17644598


All the worthwhile aspects of capitalism:
- allows and rewards private initiative.
- that's literally the only good thing about it
All the worthwhile aspects of authoritarian socialism:
- collective action to solve social problems at the macro level (as opposed to hurrg durrg vote with ur wallet)
- No one marginalized or treated as expendable.

The dialectic, for me, goes like this: Both Cap and Com are attempts to dodge the same intractable problem: It's very hard to sit down with your peers and arrive at a consensus. We all got oversized egos. We all have our little narratives of how we want the assembly to go. But how it's actually supposed to go is that you shut up and listen for 98% of the time. That's real politics. The only real politics. Consensus government of sub-dunbar's number-sized communities.
The synthesis is humanity learning to grow up and face this reality. There are no shortcuts to this process that don't entail the dehumanization of a majority of people.

>> No.17644606


>> No.17644627

but of course metrosexual trust fund kids do.

>> No.17644753

Huterrites and Kibbutzim are sub dunbar number sized anyway.
Maybe we are going toward a longer path, but a unified humanity throught the network. Maybe sub dunbar's number is not what we really want. Capitalism is dissolving particularism, and people chosed it, and perpetually validate it, even today. Maybe, they truly want to become one. Exchange value is the bridge from primitive communist tribe, to unified communist humanity.

>> No.17644824

Like I mentioned in passing, top-down structures are dehumanizing. Global communism under a central authority is maximum dehumanization for the maximum number of people.
It's very simple. Part of being human is stepping into your responsibility as a member of the human community. Under mama state we are spoiled, we don't need to worry about those pesky responsibilities. Under Papa state we get smacked if we try anyways.
Self government is simultaneously a duty and a privilege. We need to be free, you see it everywhere nowadays.

>> No.17644926

>Like I mentioned in passing, top-down structures are dehumanizing. Global communism under a central authority.
That is not how libertarian marxists view communism. They were the first to criticize bolshevism, before, during, and after the fact. (Rosa Luxemburg, Karl Kautsky, Guy Debord...) Nobody seem to understand what it is. We don't want to force you, but to convince you. We want to push the proletarians to abolish wage labor themselves. Not to force them. We might get traction one day, but 2021 is clearly not the time.

>> No.17645040


>> No.17645371

If there is a "We" and a "them" that's already not revolutionary politics, tbqh.
Also, I'm not really drawing from any of those libertarian marxists you mention, you just kinda slapped that label on me. No one has a monopoly on anarchism.

>> No.17645986

dialectics applied to social/culturals forms or goberment was a hegelian thing
go back to redit with your wikipedia memes

>> No.17646005

the sad thing is that you think writing this fag shit makes you somewhat smart

>> No.17646018

What the fuck are you talking about? How did you manage to drag God info this?

>> No.17646190

Woke Capitalism

>> No.17647053

Yes it is

>> No.17647121

As a traditionalist who would be lumped in with fascism, I cannot understand why Marxists/communists or whatever, think that their accurate critique of capitalism has to have another form of materialism to counter it.
You know who isn’t controlled by bankers and companies and been completely subverted? People like the Amish, people who have had strict belief systems, groups that orient themselves to a higher purpose. They have full control over their lands and they maintain their own production, but they don’t need capitalism’s means of production or whatever.
The problem commies seem to have, is they have nothing to believe in (other than leftism itself) and they will not be content until they have everything that is a product of capitalism under their control - which will never happen. So reject it, and stop being controlled by materialism. Read the stoics or something, you whining pussies.

>> No.17647202

retard take, go read Hegel's lectures on religion

>> No.17647214

Foreseen? They're bribing for it to continue.

>> No.17647277

do you truly understand derivatives, anon?

>> No.17647299

It's not only about material. It's about abolishing wage labor, the society of the spectacle, alienation. commodity fetischism.
>The problem commies seem to have, is they have nothing to believe in (other than leftism itself) and they will not be content until they have everything that is a product of capitalism under their control
Why wouldn't the products of Capitalism not belong to proletarians? They built this world. These factories, made these products. These machines, weren't built by the owner of the means of production, but by the workers. The owner only "supervised" production.

>> No.17647305

(Why wouldn't the products of Capitalism belong to proletarians?)

>> No.17647309

Amish are capitalists according to commies anon. Anyone who isn't explicitly class-conscious and communist is an enemy of the revolution.

>> No.17647327

>It's about abolishing wage labor, the society of the spectacle, alienation. commodity fetischism.
It's funny how reactionary communism really is when it comes down to it. You want to abolish all of these things, and replace them with... What exactly? Just a spiritual void where everyone "improoooves" all day, every day? Do you think that is going to be mentally or spiritually healthy for anyone? Sure, maybe you got rid of commodity fetishism, but what have you got now? Meaningless hedonism at best.

>> No.17647377

Cultural Marxist Capitalism

>> No.17647390
File: 105 KB, 600x425, 990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

worst bait in a long time

>> No.17647406

>You want to abolish all of these things, and replace them with... What exactly? Just a spiritual void where everyone "improoooves" all day, every day? Do you think that is going to be mentally or spiritually healthy for anyone?
How can there true spirituality in Capitalism?
How can we be spiritual beings, if we are not even able to have production relationships based on equality.
Improving the social relation is indirectly improving spirituality.

>> No.17647471

You're coming at this from the wrong angle, because your belief is that a meaningful life is impossible unless everyone is made the same, ie equal. In reality, it is the exact opposite. Meaning can only really exist by the quest of finding, or better yet distinguishing, one's place in a "hierarchy", not by chance or luck, but by the strength and determination of one's own character and individuality. Egalitarianism strips all of this potential away, and results in arbitrary social relationships based on nothing. People just share in resources, have sex, or whatnot, and voila, that is the extent of life. In my opinion, there are probably some people who would delight in this type of life, but I am not one of them, and I think it would be the lowest type of person. Anyone with a higher level of self-respect and ambition would find it trivial and insulting.

>How can there true spirituality in Capitalism?
You're partly right here, it just depends how you're using the term. In modern capitalism, with class conflict, capital idolatry, materialism, and so forth, you can't. All higher values are replaced by capital and money. Marxists are at least right about this much. The problem is the application of these observations to inequality itself, which is that saying that inequality itself is the source of these ailments, is false. The source is fundamentally what I would call spiritual, but what a more secular person would call psychological, cultural or even philosophical. Capitalism as we know it, in the modern age, is first and foremost only possible because we allow our minds to sink to that level. This is what communists don't get: You ARE NOT passive with respect to most of the psychological problems created by modern capitalism, you CAN, on a personal level, make them ineffectual and meaningless, thereby resisting the constant psychic warfare waged by capitalism. This is exactly what I've done. I hate consumerism, materialism, etc., but none of it effects me anymore even when it's spammed in my face. I don't hate it, I just don't think about it because I have control over my own mind. Now, if the highest and most intelligent minds in our societies had been capable of this, the philosophical and political thought which led to where we are now may never have eventuated, and capitalism as we know it would not exist. Thus, it's not a matter of extinguishing inequality, but radically altering our collective spirit. Do that, and crapitalism collapses by itselfs, because it is only the spiritual sum of its constituents.

>> No.17647478

>but none of it effects

>> No.17647522
File: 58 KB, 678x960, 5D896DF1-0D36-446A-A5B3-6BDFF94A9539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO leftoids seething

>> No.17647550

capitalism and communism are not thesis and antithesis because they are both manofestations of capitalism, as such they are both fundamentally the same

>> No.17647569

Neoliberalism is the antithesis of socdem

>> No.17647580

Read Tomorrow We Live by Mosley, it'll help copers to understand.

>> No.17647760

>You're coming at this from the wrong angle, because your belief is that a meaningful life is impossible unless everyone is made the same, ie equal. In reality, it is the exact opposite. Meaning can only really exist by the quest of finding, or better yet distinguishing, one's place in a "hierarchy", not by chance or luck, but by the strength and determination of one's own character and individuality. Egalitarianism strips all of this potential away, and results in arbitrary social relationships based on nothing.
This is not Marx's view of equality. Marx didn't believe in equality. Marx literally said in Critique of the Gotha program that law should not be equal, but unequal. It is just for convenience, and practicality, that in the lower phase of communism, law should be equal. By the way, Capitalism is, for the proletarian, an equal system. You can have the best factory worker of the work, he would be paid the same as a mediocre factory worker. if you exclude salary bonuses. Also, we never said that natural hierarchy shouldn't exist. It's hierarchy based on Capital possession that we don't like. In inferior and superior communism, project leader could be elected, and manage a project. They would be elected because they have charisma, or ideas. They wouldn't be in charge because they have a lot of Capital. Capitalism is a nest of lies. Lies about wars in the middle east. Lies about the Corona virus. False flags. I grew up in this society. Who would want this? The "leaders" cannot govern throught truth, because they need to make more profit. So they govern throught lies. In a non profit based mode of production, those lies wouldn't be necessary. Because the Capitalist class wouldn't have to maintain itself into place: it would not exist anymore. They lie because they are the first to want the perpetuate this mode of production. Proletarians still want, but could be open to new suggestion. The "elite", definitively isn't open to any classless society.
>Now, if the highest and most intelligent minds in our societies had been capable of this, the philosophical and political thought which led to where we are now may never have eventuated
Almost everyone wanted productivity enhancement throught Capitalism. Those who chose not to, disappeared, or are not much talked about.
>You ARE NOT passive with respect to most of the psychological problems created by modern capitalism,
Social relations have a lot of inertia. There take decades to fade away. Some still want fascism, which is itself something grounded ideologically in medieval times, that correspond to medieval relationship of production, based on land rent. In any case, i believe the relationships of production, determines the ideology, and not the other way round. You cannot swim against the stream, if the stream keeps everybody fed, warm and "happy".

>> No.17647816

By the way, Capitalists (owners of the means of production) will, and are, trying to sabotage the natural evolution of the relationship of production. More time advance, more the mode of production should naturally morph into something more horizontal. But obviously, the owners of the means of production don't want this. So they create a false narrative, and give false solution. Great reset is about this. They want to artificially divert the natural course of history. Of course, it won't work in the long run, but they can use delaying tactics which would benefit their interests, and give us some shitty decades to come. These people don't want to work. They want to live from Capital gains, which is crystallized work, extracted from the proletarians. It's a system based on parasitism.

>> No.17647895


>> No.17647963

>You can have the best factory worker of the work, he would be paid the same as a mediocre factory worker.
I find this thing actually quite hillarious. Back then under commies there was more inequality amongst workers within the same profession, as they could become shock workers, or Stakhanovtsi based either on their hard work or coming up with novel ideas to improve production process. And those shock workers would receive extraordinary pay, get paraded as local heroes and if they desired so even political advancement.

Honestly it makes me think that the question of socialism vs. capitalism is not "should we be equal or not", but rather "Who should be the heroes of our society? The kosmonaut and the scientist or the investment banker and the marketting specialist"?

>> No.17648018

Based. Came here to post this.

>> No.17648040

bussy gang

>> No.17648049

fpbp, that was the whole idea, unfortunately you can't mix shit with chocolate to obtain edible shit only inedible chocolate, thus fascism failed and Hegel and Marx both got disproved beyond any reasonable doubt just like democracy separation of powers and checks and balances did recently.

>> No.17648090

Nah. Fascism fucking kills capitalism. It's totally a military reaction against capitalism, since it rejects its progressive dynamics of internationalization and dependence.

>> No.17648095

>I find this thing actually quite hillarious. Back then under commies there was more inequality amongst workers within the same profession, as they could become shock workers, or Stakhanovtsi based either on their hard work or coming up with novel ideas to improve production process. And those shock workers would receive extraordinary pay, get paraded as local heroes and if they desired so even political advancement.
Once of for all, get this straight: Libertarian Marxists do NOT endorse vanguardism. vanguard communism, Bolshevism, State Capitalism. Those bolsheviks weren't "commies". We have respect for the Paris commune (1871), some respect for the revolutionary Catalonia (1936-1937), the Budapest commune (1956). Personally, i have respect for the Israeli Kibbutz, or the Huterrite communities. Not for Castro or Lenin.
About what you said, of course, bolshevism wasn't communism, because the social relation, and the relation of production, were archaic, in this Russian country which only abolished serfdom in the 1860s. You do not abolish the social relation overnight with a law.
Competition, and hierarchy, in Capitalism or bolshevism (State Capitalism, vanguardism), were indeed hierarchy based on who can produce more, and/or more efficiently. It's not about wisdom, or spirituality. Today, the most real spiritual people get 10k view on youtube. Elon Musk gets millions.
It's not about the absence of hierarchy, it's about separating hierarchy relationship with money. How can you respect a Capitalist, who is high in the current social relation hierarchy, but who is a liar? The worse it gets, the worse they lie. Even some normies start to notice the lies.

>> No.17648120

You are an american, arent you? How disgusting...

>> No.17648329

everyone gets a lil plot of land to manage and make a living on, fuck the state, fuck big companies.

>> No.17648340

literally my dream

i would give up being a big brain and having the right to vote if it meant i could live a comfy life on a homestead with a wife and 8 children before i died at the age of 50 of dysentry and im not even memeing

>> No.17648345

Fascism didn't fail though, it was destroyed by outside forces(alliance of capitalists and communists in ww2 that vastly outnumbered it). You can argue that it would have failed anyway but that's not what happened.

>> No.17648488

Clearly the obvious answer. And it makes sense. Not that I buy the Hegelian dialectic

>> No.17648558

The trouble with much of current socialist discourse is that while it correctly diagnoses the authoritarian and anti-democratic elements of Capitalism, it pays insufficient attention to the progress achieved by liberalism in criticizing state power. Earlier forms of Socialism like Guild Socialism or Syndicalism have greater promise, focusing on democratically controlled local institutions as opposed to the errors of liberal individualism and communist collectivism. Overall Marxism may have been a negative overall influence on the Socialist movement, being the primary cause of its current tendency towards bureaucracy, welfarism and totalitarianism. This is not to go to the utopian and idealistic extreme of advocating for the dismantling of the state - the point is simply that state power should be limited.

>> No.17648630

There is no antithesis or synthesis to capitalism since it is an all encompassing economy of being alive. Unless you talk about communism of the spirit, however I don't see how that should be attached to our current notions of what communism is at all.

>> No.17648927

Francisco Franco?

>> No.17649058

I'm not, and some americans are okay.

>> No.17649082

fair enough, it did fail that time

>> No.17649335

Fascism is a restructuring regime. When Capitalism need it in troubled times, it use it, then dump it again.
That's what happened with Napoléon III, which was, in my opinion, a proto-fascist. That's what happened also with Mussolini, who had the back up of Capitalists.

>> No.17649338


>> No.17650505
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>> No.17650909
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>> No.17651217
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Neoreactionary feudal-cameralist anarcho-capitalism with absolute monarchist characteristics and ethnonationalist tendencies

>> No.17651988

>Commies team up with capitalists to kill fascists
>"Fascism is when capitalism feels threatened"